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GLENAIR, INC. • 1211 AIR WAY • GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 • 818-247-6000 • FAX 818-500-9912
© 2012 Glenair, Inc. U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A.
Adapters and
Table III: Shell Size/Dimensions
Shell Size Max
Dash No.
A, D, E,
F, J,K, L,S H
08 09 08 .531 (13.5) .781 (19.8) .437 (11.1) .625 (15.9)
10 11 12 .625 (15.9) .906 (23.0) .500 (12.7) .656 (16.7)
12 13 16 .688 (17.5) .906 (23.0) .500 (12.7) .719 (18.3)
14 15 20 .719 (18.3) 1.000 (25.4) .562 (14.3) .781 (19.8)
16 17 24 .906 (23.0) 1.062 (27.0) .656 (16.7) .844 (21.4)
18 19 24 .968 (24.6) 1.062 (27.0) .656 (16.7) .844 (21.4)
20 21 32 1.031 (26.2) 1.093 (27.8) .719 (18.3) .844 (21.4)
22 23 32 1.156 (29.4) 1.156 (29.4) .812 (20.6) .906 (23.0)
28 25 40 1.219 (31.0) 1.281 (32.5) .812 (20.6) .906 (23.0)
24 - 40 1.281 (32.5) 1.531 (38.9) 1.093 (27.8) .906 (23.0)
32 - 48 1.593 (40.5) 1.719 (43.7) 1.093 (27.8) 1.219 (31.0)
36 - 64 1.718 (43.6) 1.906 (48.4) 1.156 (29.4) 1.281 (32.5)
** Dimensions D-E-F-G apply to connector Shell Size and Conduit Dash No. combinations listed.
When larger Conduit Dash Numbers are selected, consult factory for dimensions.
Table IV: Conduit Size
Dash No.
Conduit Size
(Ref) H Thread
Class 2A
± .015 (.4)
06 06 06 - 7/16 - 28 UNEF .193 (4.9)
08 - - 08 1/2 - 20 UNF .255 (6.5)
09 09 09 09 9/16 - 24 UNEF .286 (7.3)
10 - 10 - 9/16 - 24 UNEF .317 (8.1)
12 12 12 12 5/8 - 24 UNEF .380 (9.7)
14 14 14 - 11/16 - 24 UNEF .442 (11.2)
16 16 16 16 3/4 - 20 UNEF .505 (12.8)
20 20 20 20 7/8 - 20 UNEF .630 (16.0)
24 24 24 24 1 - 20 UNEF .755 (19.2)
28 28 28 - 1 3/16 - 18 UNEF .880 (22.4)
32 32 32 32 1 5/16 - 18 UNEF 1.005 (25.5)
40 40 40 40 1 1/2 - 18 UNEF 1.255 (31.9)
48 48 48 48 1 3/4 - 18 UNS 1.505 (38.2)
56 - 56 56 2 - 18 UNS 1.755 (44.6)
64 - 64 64 2 1/4 - 16 UN 2.005 (50.9)
80 - - 80 2 3/4 - 16 UN 2.505 (63.6)
*** Consult factory for adapters using 3.000 inch (76.2) conduit
Table II: Finish
Sym Finish
BOlive Drab over Cadmium Plate
JGold Iridite over Cadmium Plate over Nickel
MElectroless Nickel
NOlive Drab over Cadmium Plate over Nickel
NC Zinc Cobalt, Olive Drab
NF Olive Drab over Cadmium Plate over Electroless Nickel
(1000 Hour salt Spray)
TBright Dip Cadmium over Nickel
Z1 Passivate
Metal Straight, 45°, and 90° Connector Adapters
for use with Transition Fittings