Crystal unit
Specifications (characteristics)
Please contact us about available
Storage temperature range
Storage as single product.
Operating temperature range
Recommended: 1 W to 100 W
10 10-6 to 30 10-6 *1
+25 C
Please contact us for inquiries.
Frequency versus temperature
10 10-6 to 30 10-6 *1
-20 C to +75 C
Please contact us for inquiries.
Motional resistance (ESR)
1 10-6 to 3 10-6 / year Max. *1
*1 Please contact us for available frequency tolerances as they are dependent upon the nominal frequency.
Motional resistance (ESR)
12.0 MHz f_nom < 16.0 MHz
16.0 MHz f_nom 25.0 MHz
25.0 MHz < f_nom 30.0 MHz
30.0 MHz < f_nom 35.0 MHz
35.0 MHz < f_nom 54.0 MHz
Product name FA-20H 24.000000MHz 12.0 +10.0-10.0
(Standard form) ① ② ③ ④
①Model ②Frequency ③Load capacitance(pF) ④Frequency tolerance(× 10-6, +25 C)
In addition to the above mentioned specification item, please specify frequency temperature characteristics
and operating temperature range in case of inquiry.
External dimensions (Unit:mm)
Footprint (Recommended) (Unit:mm)
FA - 20H
Nominal frequency range : 12 MHz to 54 MHz
External dimensions : 2.5× 2.0×0.55 mm
Overtone order : Fundamental
Applications : Mobile phone, Bluetooth, W-LAN
: ISM band radio, Clock for MPU
Internal connection
#2 and #4 are connected to the cover.
(Please connect to ground)
Product Number (please contact us)