SA SGS-THOMSON MICROELECTROMICS BTW 30 FAST SWITCHING SCR FEATURES a HIGH di/dt AND dV/dt RATINGS w tq:< 12s AND 20us FOLLOWING Vpaw/VrarAmM ws HIGH STABILITY AND RELIABILITY DESCRIPTION The BTW30 Silicon Controlled Rectifier Family uses a high performance glass passivated technol- ogy. This fast switching Silicon Controlled Rectifier Fam- To 48 ily is designed for high frequency power switching (Metal) applications. ABSOLUTE RATINGS (limiting values) Symbol Parameter Value Unit IT(RMS) | RMS on-state current Tc=80C 25 A (180 conduction angle) IT(AV) Average on-state current Te=80C 16 A (180 conduction angle,single phase circuit) ITSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current tp=8.3 ms 210 A ( Tj initial = 25C ) tp=10 ms 200 2t I2t value tp=10 ms 200 Aas di/dt Critical rate of rise of on-state current 200 A/us Gate supply :IG=1A dig/dt = 10 Aus Tstg Storage and operating junction temperature range - 40 to + 150 C Tj - 40 to + 125 C Tl Maximum lead temperature for soldenng during 10 s at 4.5 mm 230 ae} from case Symboi Parameter BTW 30- Unit 600 800 1000 1200 VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage 600 800 1000 1200 Vv VRRM Tj = 125 C July 1991 16 Me 7929237 OOS94b7? 7356 Me 139BTW 30 THERMAL RESISTANCES Symbol Parameter Value Unit Rth (c-h) |Contact (case to heatsink) 0.4 C/W Rth (j-c) DC | Junction to case for DC 1.0 C/W GATE CHARACTERISTICS (maximum values) PG (AV) = 1W) PG = 40W (tp = 20 us) IFG@M=4A (tp=20us) VEGM = 16V (tp=20us) VRGM= 5V. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Test Conditions Value Unit IGT Vp=12V) (DC) RL=33Q Tj=25C MAX 200 mA VGT Vp=12V (DC) RL=338Q Tj=25C MAX 1.5 Vad Vp=VDRM RL=3.3kQ Tj= 125C | MIN 0.2 tot Vp=VDRM_ Ig = 500mA Tj=25C TYP 1 ps dig/dt = 3A/us IL Ig= 1.2 I@T Tj=25C TYP 140 mA IH IT=500mA gate open Tj=25C TYP 70 mA VT ITM= 50A_ tp= 380us Tj=25C MAX 3 Vv IDRM VDRM_ Rated Tj=25C MAX 0.05 mA I Vv Rated FRM FRM Tj= 100C 6 dV/dt Linear slope up to Vp=67%VpRM Tj= 125C ; MIN 200 Vius gate open Tq Vp=67%VDRM VRAM=600/800V | Tj= 125C | MAX 12 BS ITM= 50A Vr= 50V ditwdt=10 A/us VRRM=1000/1200V 20 dVp/dt=50Vius 2/6 Me 792923? OO5S9468 b7e 140BTW 30 SINUSOIDAL CURRENT PULSE DATA Fig.1 : Energy per pulse for sinusoidal pulses. 103 PARAMETER : Ity (A) 400 300 200 150 100 70 40 30 20 3S Oe) ENERGY PEA PULSE, Ey (md) Qo 4 10 4 403 PULSE WIDTH, tp (us) Fig.2 : Maximum allowable peak on-state current versus pulse width for Te = 85 C. 403 PARAMETER : 2 F (Hz) 100 = 400 _ - 1000 = 2500 Ite # 5000 a 10% w p <= e ? a ~~ << # 40 1 PULSE WIDTH, ty (ps) Fig.3 : Maximum allowable peak on-state current versus pulse width for Tc = 90 C. 108 PARAMETER ; 2 F (Hz) 400 . Er 400 NOTES : . 41000 i. Vp = VR = 600 Volts. 2500 2. R.C Snubber, C = O.ipF. 5000 A 390. 3 107 BE << ip 3 = 2 10 1 PULSE WIDTH, tp {ps} MH 7929237 0059469 505 a = 141BTW 30 TRAPEZOIDAL CURRENT PULSE DATA Fig.4 : Energy per pulse for trapezoidal pulses. 408 PARAMETER : T tw fa) 400 300 200 450 100 70 40 30 20 % ENERGY PER PULSE, Ey (mJ) S PULSE WIDTH, tp (ps) Fig.5 : Maximum allowable peak on-state current versus pulse width for Tc = 85 C. 403 PARAMETER : z F (Hz) = 400 z= 400 = 1000 di/dt = 100 A/ps 5 2500 iB 402 e is di /dt & % p 2 10 4 PULSE WIDTH, tp (ys) Fig.6 : Maximum allowable peak on-state current versus pulse width for Tc = 90 C. 103 PARAMETER : z F (Hz) 400 . z 400 NOTES : 1000 1. p = Vq = 800 Volts. E 2. A.C Snubber, C = 0.1 pF, & A= 3320. 102 c 3 % # 40 PULSE WIDTH, tp {us} 4/6 we 7929237 0059470 220 142Fig.7 : Non repetitive surge peak on-state current versus number of cycles. Itgm (A) 250 ro Ty initial = 25C 200 150 q 100 peel 50 aiamcet Number of cycles | 0 Pott iii 1 10 100 1000 Fig.9 : Relative variation of gate trigger current and halding current versus junction temperature. IgtTy] thiTy] Igtt}=25C] = Thi T*25C] 2.5 2 Igt 1.5 PW 1 Ss th SECT] Pot 0.5 + an => Ty (C) 1 1 1 1 0 -40-30-20-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120130 Figt1 : On-state characteristics (maximum values). try (A) 1000 Tj initial 25C 100 Ty max 10 Vto = 1.87V Rt =0.01959 Vtm(v) 1 2 3 4 6 BTW 30 Fig.8 : Transient thermal impedance junction to ambient. Zth j-c ( C/W) 10E+00 1.0E-014 t (s) 10E-02 10E-04 10E-03 10E-02 10E-01 10E+00 10E+01 Fig.10 : Non repetitive surge peak on-state current for a sinusoidal pulse with width t < 10 ms, and corresponding value of I2t. Itgu (A). It (A's) 1000 Ty initial = 25C 'TS3M 100 - oe Hea eee ae. 5/6 me 74929237 OO59471 167 143BTW 30 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA (in millimeters) TO 48 Metal D 220.2 @ 4202 No HH _ 1 125 Ce 3 | Tt moxr 7 al | | jg 5 8 i q | Lt fal | o _ ' \.9/16" over flats 6 sided 4 3 \ = & | | Cooling method : A Marking : type number Weight : 13.5 9 Polarity : Anode (or A2) to case Stud torque : 3.5 mAN min / 3.8 MAN max 6/6 wt mm 7929237 0059472 OTS 1