Smart-UPS Installation Guide
750/1000/1500/2200/3000 VA 120/230 Vac
500 VA 100 Vac Tow er
Important Safety Messages
Read the instructions carefully to becom e familia r with the equipm ent before trying to instal l, opera te, se rvice
or maintain it. The following s pecial me s sages may appea r throughout this manual or on the equipment to
warn of potent ial haza rds or to call attenti on to information that clarifies or simplifi es a proc edure.
The addition of this symbol to a Caution product sa fety label indic ates tha t an el ectrical haza rd
exists which wi ll result in personal injury if the instructions ar e not f ollowed.
The following safety messages may appear throughout this manual to warn of potential hazards.
Saf ety and General Informa tion
Inspect the package contents upon receipt. Notify the carrier and dealer if there is any damage.
Read the Safety Guide supplied with this unit before installing the UPS.
Adhere to a ll nati onal and local elect rical codes.
This UPS is intended for indoor use only.
Do not operate this UPS in direct sunlig ht, in contact with fluids, or where ther e is excessive dust or
Be sure the air vents on the UPS are not blocked. Allow adequat e spac e for proper ventilation.
The battery typi cally lasts for two to five years. Envi ronmental factors im pact battery li fe. Elevate d
amb ient temper atures, poor quality uti lity powe r, and frequent short durat ion discharges will shorten
battery life.
Connect the UPS power c able directly to a wall outlet. Do not use surge protectors or extension cords.
The equipment is heavy. Always pra ctice safe lifting tec hniques ade quate for the weight of the
The model and serial numbe rs are locat ed on a small, rear pa nel label. For some models, an addit ional
label is located on the chassi s under the front bezel.
Always recycle used batteries .
Recycle the package materials or save them for reuse.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in equipm ent damage and minor or
mode rate injury.
CAUTION indicates a potentially haz ardou s situation which, if not avoide d, can result in equi pm en t dam a ge .
Smar t- UPS 750/1000/ 1500/220 0/3000 VA 120/230 Vac 500 VA 100 Vac Tower2
Rear panel features 500 VA to 1500 VA models
All models 120/230 Vac models
(1) Documentation CD (1)
120/230 Vac models
(1) PowerChute software CD (1) (1)
230 Vac models
(2) 2200/3000 VA models
(1) 2200/3000 VA models
(1) 2200/3000 VA models
500 VA 100 Vac
750 VA 100/120 Vac 750 VA 230 Vac 1000/1500 VA 100 Vac
1000/1500 VA 120 Vac 1000/1500 VA 230 Vac
1USB port
2 RJ45 connector - se rial U PS mo nitor ing port
3Chassis ground screw
4SmartSlot for optional NMC accessory card
5Circuit breaker/Overload protection
6UPS input
8Internal or external battery connector
Smart-UPS 750/ 1000/150 0/2200/ 3000 VA 120/230 Vac 500 VA 100 Vac Towe r 3
Rear panel featu res 2200 VA / 3000 VA models
2200 VA 120 Vac 2200/3000 VA 100 Vac
3000 VA 120 Vac 2200/3000 VA 230 Vac
1USB port
2 RJ45 connector - serial UPS m onitoring port
3Chassis groun d screw
4SmartS lot for optio nal NMC accessory ca rd
5Circuit breaker/Overload protection
6UPS input
8EPO connec tor
500/750/1000/1500 VA models
Connect the battery 2200/3000 VA models
Remove the bezel
Insert the battery connector into the battery jack and push firmly. A snap will be felt as the
connecto r part iall y eng aes the j ack. A second snap wil l be fel t as the c onnect or secure ly sea ts in
the battery jack.
G R O U P 1
G R O U P 1
G R O U P 1
© 2013 APC by Schneider Electric. APC, the APC logo, and Sm art -UPS are owned by Schneider
Electric Industries S.A.S., or their affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their
respecti v e ow ners.
EN 990-3535D-002
Elect r ical connections
Display panel f eatures
Controlled outlet groups
Some UPS models ha ve one bank of outle ts that can funct ion as a controll ed group. Use the dis play interface to
configure the controlled outlet features, navigate to:
M ai n Me n u > Co nt ro l > Ou t l et 1 Con t ro l .
Refer to Rear panel fe atures on pages 2 and 3 for model specific outlet gro ups.
Select models are ENERGY STAR® qualified.
Fo r mo r e in f o rm at i on go to www.ap c. co m/si te /r ecycle/ i ndex .c fm /energ y - effi ci en cy/ene rgy - star/
Adhere to all national and local electrical code s.
W iring should be pe rform ed by qualified electrician.
Always connect the UPS to a grounded outlet.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage
Plug type and connector locations may vary.
1Online LED
2UPS ON/OFF ke y
3 On Battery LED
4Fault LE D
5Repla ce Batter y LED
6Di spla y interf ace
7UP/DOWN arrow keys
8ENTER ke y
9ESC key
PC b
Mouser Electronics
Authorized Distributor
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