|Ai5Hi ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS CD11GKseri ................. * EndurBnce: +105.C 12 ,000-20 , 000 hours * Extremely miniaturized , high ripple current * SuitBblo for output circuit Bnd input circuit of LED driving power. * RoHS Compllant * SPECIFICATIONS ltem. Characterlstlca Range OS.C(160- 450 Vdc) 160-450 Vdc (aI20.C ,120Hz) Capacitance Vdc Loakage Current 450 i *. . - - - . , Vollag (Vdc) Dissipalion Faclor (tanl5) Low Temperature Characteristics 160 200 250 350 ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ,., 400 (al 20.C aftar 2 minulas) 450 ---- ---- ---- Mn (max.) 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 Rated Voltage(Vdc) 160 200 250 350 400 450 Z(-2S. C)/Z(+20.C) 3 3 3 5 5 8 Z (-40.C)/Z(+20.C) 8 8 8 8 8 12 (al 20.C ,120Hz) i (ot 120Hz) .C after DC vollage plus raled rl pple The speclflcallons IIsled below shall be mel when Ihe capacllors are reslored cu rranl is appli.d for a spacifiad pariod of lim. al 1OS.C , Iha paak vollago shall nol axcaad Iha ralod Capacitanca Endurance initiel value ...... e ... :SThe initial D.F. of tha initiol value Iha inilial spacifiad val ua : Leakage Current ofthe 1nlllal DIMENSIONS[mm] * (OS.3-O12.S) PART NUMBERING SYSTEM E ... ...tt M Code: 'C" for PET Tarmlnal Sertes * RATED RIPPLE CURRENT MULTIP Ll ERS Fraquancy correclion factor for ripple currenl value 20.000 shall be sallsfled when Ihe capacltors are reslored 10 20.C after leavlng Ihem under no load al Change 4min. Load 8"9 10"9 ...... The followlng * i Siz. 6.3*9 | 11'1 I r!'t ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS CD11 GKseries * STANDARD RATINGS wv (Vdc) Cap (I.I F) l u s t.n& rlpple current (mArm./1 OS.C, 1OOkHz) wv C.p (Vdc) u s u 2 -S t.n& rlpple current (mArm./10S'C,100kHz) 2.2 -S -7 160(2C) -B U B -2 350(2V) 3.3 o u- 15 2 ... 3 ... 7| -5 B 21B U S u 7 ... 200(20) S -S -2 O 2 uu 2.2 400(2G) 3.3 5.6 6.8 15 z u 3 ... 7 El -5 ... a u 2 ... 8 -3 7 250(2E) -B -a u 2 u D U E 2 3 ... 7 91/92