Catalog 82181 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000
Revised 4-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013
www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208
Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK 2 Connectors (Continued)
Soft Shell
Pin and Socket Connectors
Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK 2 Connectors
.163 [4.14] Centerline
High Density
Vertical PC Board
Pin Headers
.163 [4.14] Centerline spacing
Housing — Nylon, white
Flammability Rating— UL94V-0
Contacts — Brass
Solder tail diameter .039 [1.00]
Related Product Data
Product Specifications
108-1693 Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK 2
108-1694 Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK 2
Performance Characteristics—
pages 99-100
Recommended PC Board Hole
Layout—page 106
Technical Documents— pages 99
and 205-206
Mating Connectors
Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK 2
Plug Housings— pages 101-102
Mini-Universal MATE-N-LOK
Plug Housings— pages 87-89
2 and 3 Circuit, In-Line
9, 12 and 15 Circuit, Matrix
4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Circuit, Dual Row
[5.58] .531
[0.76] .387
Mates with Plug Housing
Vertical Pin Header Part Numbers Part Number
Number of Style A Pin With Without (Using Socket Contacts)
Circuits Dim. Finish Drain Holes Drain Holes Mini-Universal Mini-Universal
2 In-Line .387 Tin11-770166-0 1-770872-0 172165-1 794184-1
9.83 Duplex21-770166-1 1-770872-1
3 In-Line .550 Tin11-770170-0 1-770873-0 172166-1 794186-1
13.97 Duplex21-770170-1 1-770873-1
4 Dual Row .387 Tin11-770174-0 1-770874-0 172167-1 794188-1
9.83 Duplex21-770174-1 1-770874-1
6 Dual Row .550 Tin11-770178-0 1-770875-0 172168-1 794190-1
13.97 Duplex21-770178-1 1-770875-1
8 Dual Row .713 Tin11-794065-0 1-794073-0 770579-1 794192-1
18.11 Duplex21-794065-1 1-794073-1
9 Matrix .551 Tin11-770182-0 1-770876-0 172169-1 794194-1
14.00 Duplex21-770182-1 1-770876-1
10 Dual Row .877 Tin11-770743-0 1-770858-0 770580-1 794196-1
22.28 Duplex21-770743-1 1-770858-1
Dual Row 1.039 Tin11-794066-0 1-770621-0 770581-1 794198-1
26.39 Duplex21-794066-1 1-770621-1
Matrix .713 Tin11-770186-0 1-794040-0 172170-1 794200-1
18.11 Duplex21-770186-1 1-794040-1
14 Dual Row 1.202 Tin11-794067-0 1-794074-0 770582-1 794202-1
30.53 Duplex21-794067-1 1-794074-1
15 Matrix .877 Tin11-770190-0 1-770859-0 172171-1 794204-1
22.28 Duplex21-770190-1 1-770859-1
16 Dual Row 1.365 Tin11-794068-0 1-794075-0 770583-1 794206-1
34.67 Duplex21-794068-1 1-794075-1
18 Dual Row 1.528 Tin11-794069-0 1-794076-0 770584-1 794208-1
38.81 Duplex21-794069-1 1-794076-1
20 Dual Row 1.691 Tin11-794070-0 1-794077-0 770585-1 794210-1
42.95 Duplex21-794070-1 1-794077-1
22 Dual Row 1.854 Tin11-794071-0 1-794078-0 770586-1 794212-1
47.09 Duplex21-794071-1 1-794078-1
24 Dual Row 2.017 Tin11-794072-0 1-794079-0 770587-1 794214-1
51.23 Duplex21-794072-1 1-794079-1
1Tin Finish — Plated with .000150 [.00381] min. tin over .000050 [.00127] min. nickel underplate on entire contact.
2Duplex Finish — Plated with .000030 [.000762] min. gold in mating area and matte tin on solder tail end over
.000050 [.00127] min. nickel underplate on entire contact.
14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 Circuit, Dual Row
Note: All part numbers are RoHS Compliant.