Electrical Characteristics (Cont’d) (TA= 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Breakdown Voltage Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
General V(BR) at IT(1) Test Stand-off Reverse Peak Pulse Clamping Temp.
JEDEC Semiconductor (V) Current Voltage Leakage Current Voltage Coefficient
Type Part ITVWM at VWM IPPM(2) at IPPM of V(BR)
Number Number Min Max (mA) (V) ID(4) (µA) (A) VC (V) (% / °C)
1N6292A +1.5KE75A 71.3 78.8 1.0 64.1 1.0 14.6 104 0.105
1N6293 +1.5KE82 73.8 90.2 1.0 66.4 1.0 12.7 118 0.105
1N6293A +1.5KE82A 77.9 86.1 1.0 70.1 1.0 13.3 113 0.105
1N6294 +1.5KE91 81.9 100.0 1.0 73.7 1.0 11.5 131 0.106
1N6294A +1.5KE91A 86.5 95.5 1.0 77.8 1.0 12.0 125 0.106
1N6295 +1.5KE100 90.0 110 1.0 81.0 1.0 10.4 144 0.106
1N6295A +1.5KE100A 95.0 105 1.0 85.5 1.0 10.9 137 0.106
1N6296 +1.5KE110 99.0 121 1.0 89.2 1.0 9.5 158 0.107
1N6296A +1.5KE 110A 105 116 1.0 94.0 1.0 9.9 152 0.107
1N6297 +1.5KE120 108 132 1.0 97.2 1.0 8.7 173 0.107
1N6297A +1.5KE120A 114 126 1.0 102 1.0 9.1 165 0.107
1N6298 +1.5KE130 117 143 1.0 105 1.0 8.0 187 0.107
1N6298A +1.5KE130A 124 137 1.0 111 1.0 8.4 179 0.107
1N6299 +1.5KE150 136 165 1.0 121 1.0 7.0 215 0.108
1N6299A +1.5KE150A 143 158 1.0 128 1.0 7.2 207 0.106
1N6300 +1.5KE160 144 176 1.0 130 1.0 6.5 230 0.106
1N6300A +1.5KE160A 152 168 1.0 136 1.0 6.8 219 0.108
1N6301 +1.5KE170 153 187 1.0 138 1.0 6.1 244 0.108
1N6301A +1.5KE170A 162 179 1.0 145 1.0 6.4 234 0.108
1N6302 1.5KE180 162 198 1.0 146 1.0 5.8 258 0.108
1N6302A 1.5KE180A 171 189 1.0 154 1.0 6.1 246 0.108
1N6303 1.5KE200 180 220 1.0 162 1.0 5.2 287 0.108
1N6303A 1.5KE200A* 190 210 1.0 171 1.0 5.5 274 0.108
1.5KE220 198 242 1.0 175 1.0 4.4 344 0.108
1.5KE220A* 209 231 1.0 185 1.0 4.6 328 0.108
1.5KE250 225 275 1.0 202 1.0 4.2 360 0.110
1.5KE250A 237 263 1.0 214 1.0 4.4 344 0.110
1.5KE300 270 330 1.0 243 1.0 3.5 430 0.110
1.5KE300A 285 315 1.0 256 1.0 3.6 414 0.110
1.5KE350 315 385 1.0 284 1.0 3.0 504 0.110
1.5KE350A 333 368 1.0 300 1.0 3.1 482 0.110
1.5KE400 360 440 1.0 324 1.0 2.6 574 0.110
1.5KE400A 380 420 1.0 342 1.0 2.7 548 0.110
1.5KE440 396 484 1.0 356 1.0 2.4 631 0.110
1.5KE440A 418 462 1.0 376 1.0 2.5 602 0.110
1.5KE480 432 528 1.0 389 1.0 2.19 686 0.110
1.5KE480A 456 504 1.0 408 1.0 2.28 658 0.110
1.5KE510 459 561 1.0 413 1.0 2.06 729 0.110
1.5KE510A 485 535 1.0 434 1.0 2.15 698 0.110
1.5KE540 486 594 1.0 437 1.0 1.94 772 0.110
1.5KE540A 513 567 1.0 459 1.0 2.03 740 0.110
Notes: (1) Pulse test: tp ≤50ms
(2) Surge current waveform per Fig. 3 and derate per Fig. 2
(3) All terms and symbols are consistent with ANSI/IEEE CA62.35
(4) For bidirectional types with VR10 volts and less the IDlimit is doubled
* Bidirectional versions are UL approved under component across the line protection, ULV1414 file number E108274 (1.5KE200CA, 1.5KE220CA)
+ Underwriters Laboratory Recognition for the classification of protectors (QVGQ2) under the UL standard for safety 497B and file number E136766
for both uni-directional and bi-directional devices
• This series of Silicon Transient Suppressors is used in applications where large voltage transients can permanently damage voltage-sensitive components.
• The TVS diode can be used in applications where induced lightning on rural or remote transmission lines presents a hazard to electronic circuitry
(ref: R.E.A. specification P.E. 60).
• This Transient Voltage Suppressor diode has a pulse power rating of 1500 watts for one millisecond. The response time of TVS diode clamping action is
effectively instantaneous (1 x 10-9 seconds bidirectional); therefore, they can protect integrated circuits, MOS devices, hybrids, and other voltage sensitive
semiconductors and components. TVS diodes can also be used in series or parallel to increase the peak power ratings.
1.5KE Series and 1N6267 thru 1N6303A
Vishay Semiconductors
formerly General Semiconductor
Document Number 88301 www.vishay.com
30-Oct-02 3