nRF51422 Multiprotocol ANTTM/Bluetooth(R) low energy System on Chip Product Specification v3.2 Key Features * 2.4 GHz transceiver * -90 dBm sensitivity in ANT mode * -93 dBm sensitivity in Bluetooth(R) low energy mode * 250 kbps, 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps supported data rates * TX Power -20 to +4 dBm in 4 dB steps * TX Power -30 dBm Whisper mode * 13 mA peak RX, 10.5 mA peak TX (0 dBm) * 9.7 mA peak RX, 8 mA peak TX (0 dBm) with DC/DC * RSSI (1 dB resolution) * ARM(R) CortexTM-M0 32 bit processor * 275 A/MHz running from flash memory * 150 A/MHz running from RAM * Serial Wire Debug (SWD) * S200 and S300 series SoftDevice ready * Memory * 256 kB or 128 kB embedded flash program memory * 16 kB or 32 kB RAM * On-air compatibility with nRF24L series * Flexible Power Management * Supply voltage range 1.8 V to 3.6 V * 4.2 s wake-up using 16 MHz RCOSC * 0.6 A at 3 V OFF mode * 1.2 A at 3 V in OFF mode + 1 region RAM retention * 2.6 A at 3 V ON mode, all blocks IDLE * 8/9/10 bit ADC - 8 configurable channels * 31 General Purpose I/O Pins * One 32 bit and two 16 bit timers with counter mode * SPI Master/Slave * Low power comparator * Temperature sensor * Two-wire Master (I2C compatible) * UART (CTS/RTS) * CPU independent Programmable Peripheral Interconnect (PPI) * Quadrature Decoder (QDEC) * AES HW encryption * Real Timer Counter (RTC) * Package variants * QFN48 package, 6 x 6 mm * WLCSP package, 3.50 x 3.83 mm * WLCSP package, 3.83 x 3.83 mm * WLCSP package, 3.50 x 3.33 mm Applications * Personal Area Networks * Health/fitness sensor and monitor devices * Medical devices * Key-fobs + wrist watches * Remote control toys * Home/industrial automation * Environmental sensor networks * Active RFID * Logistics/goods tracking * Audience-response systems * Interactive entertainment devices * Remote control * Gaming controller Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor ASA. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Liability disclaimer Nordic Semiconductor ASA reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product to improve reliability, function or design. Nordic Semiconductor ASA does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuits described herein. Life support applications Nordic Semiconductor's products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Nordic Semiconductor ASA customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nordic Semiconductor ASA for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. Contact details For your nearest distributor, please visit Information regarding product updates, downloads, and technical support can be accessed through your My Page account on our home page. Main office: Otto Nielsens veg 12 7052 Trondheim Norway Mailing address: Nordic Semiconductor P.O. Box 2336 7004 Trondheim Norway Phone: +47 72 89 89 00 Fax: +47 72 89 89 89 RoHS and REACH statement Nordic Semiconductor's products meet the requirements of Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and the requirements of the REACH regulation (EC 1907/2006) on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. The SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) candidate list is continually being updated. Complete hazardous substance reports, material composition reports and latest version of Nordic's REACH statement can be found on our website Page 2 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Datasheet Status Status Description Objective Product Specification (OPS) This product specification contains target specifications for product development. Preliminary Product Specification (PPS) This product specification contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published from Nordic Semiconductor ASA later. Product Specification (PS) This product specification contains final product specifications. Nordic Semiconductor ASA reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. Revision History Date January 2016 Version 3.2 Description Added content: * Section 4.10.1 "Enable 4 Mbps SPIS bit rate" on page 34 Updated content: * Feature list on the front page. * Chapter 6 "Absolute maximum ratings" on page 37 * Section 8.1.2 "16 MHz crystal oscillator (16M XOSC)" on page 40 * Section 8.1.5 "32.768 kHz crystal oscillator (32k XOSC)" on page 42 * Section 8.1.6 "32.768 kHz RC oscillator (32k RCOSC)" on page 43 * Section 8.2 "Power management" on page 44 * Section 8.8 "Serial Peripheral Interface Slave (SPIS) specifications" on page 56 October 2014 3.1 Added documentation for the following versions of the chip: * nRF51422-CDAB AA0 * nRF51422-CDAB Ax0 * nRF51422-QFAC AB0 * nRF51422-QFAC Ax0 * nRF51422-CFAC AA0 * nRF51422-CFAC Ax0 (The x in the build codes can be any number between 0 and 9.) Added content: * Section 2.2.2 "CDAB WLCSP ball assignment and functions" on page 13 * Section 9.2 "CDAB WLCSP package" on page 67 * Section 9.4 "CFAC WLCSP package" on page 69 Updated content: * Feature list on the front page. * Section 2.2.3 "CEAA and CFAC WLCSP ball assignment and functions" on page 18 * Section 3.2.1 "Code organization" on page 21 * Section 3.2.2 "RAM organization" on page 21 * Section 3.3 "Memory Protection Unit (MPU)" on page 22 * Section 8.2 "Power management" on page 44 * Section 8.3 "Block resource requirements" on page 48 * Section 8.12 "Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) specifications" on page 60 * Section 10.6 "Code ranges and values" on page 73 * Section 10.7 "Product options" on page 75 * Page 3 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Date August 2014 Version 3.0 Description Update to reflect the changes in build code: * nRF51422-QFAA Fx0 * nRF51422-CEAA Cx0 * nRF51422-QFAB Bx0 (The x in the build codes can be any number between 0 and 9.) If you are working with a previous revision of the chip, read version 2.x of the document. Added content: * Section 8.5.3 "Radio current consumption with DC/DC enabled" on page 50 * Section 11.1.1 "PCB layout example" on page 77 Updated content: * Feature list on the front page. * Section 2.1 "Block diagram" on page 10 * Section 3.2.1 "Code organization" on page 21 * Section 3.2.2 "RAM organization" on page 21 * Section 3.3 "Memory Protection Unit (MPU)" on page 22 * Section 3.4 "Power management (POWER)" on page 23 * Section 3.6 "Clock management (CLOCK)" on page 27 * Section 3.8 "Debugger support" on page 30 * Section 4.2 "Timer/counters (TIMER)" on page 32 * Chapter 5 "Instance table" on page 36 * Chapter 7 "Operating conditions" on page 38 * Section 8.1.2 "16 MHz crystal oscillator (16M XOSC)" on page 40 * Section 8.1.3 "32 MHz crystal oscillator (32M XOSC)" on page 41 * Section 8.1.4 "16 MHz RC oscillator (16M RCOSC)" on page 42 * Section 8.1.6 "32.768 kHz RC oscillator (32k RCOSC)" on page 43 * Section 8.1.7 "32.768 kHz Synthesized oscillator (32k SYNT)" on page 43 * Section 8.2 "Power management" on page 44 * Section 8.3 "Block resource requirements" on page 48 * Section 8.4 "CPU" on page 48 * Section 8.5.6 "Radio timing parameters" on page 54 * Section 8.5.7 "Antenna matching network requirements" on page 54 * Section 8.7 "Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) specifications" on page 55 * Section 8.8 "Serial Peripheral Interface Slave (SPIS) specifications" on page 56 * Section 8.12 "Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) specifications" on page 60 * Section 8.13 "Timer (TIMER) specifications" on page 61 * Section 8.15 "Temperature sensor (TEMP)" on page 61 * Section 8.22 "Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVMC) specifications" on page 64 * Section 8.24 "Low Power Comparator (LPCOMP) specifications" on page 65 * Section 9.2 "CDAB WLCSP package" on page 67 * Chapter 11 "Reference circuitry" on page 76 February 2014 2.1 Added content about the nRF51422-QFAB chip variant. Updated content: * Chapter 3.2.1 "Code organization" on page 21 * Chapter 3.2.2 "RAM organization" on page 21 * Chapter 3.3 "Memory Protection Unit (MPU)" on page 22 * Chapter 10.7.1 "nRF ICs" on page 75 * Chapter "Bill of Materials" on page 80 * Chapter "Bill of Materials" on page 82 * Chapter "Bill of Materials" on page 84 Page 4 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Date December 2013 Version 2.0 Description This version of the document will target the nRF51422 QFAA E0 revision and the nRF51422 CEAA B0 revision of the chip. If you are working with a previous revision of the chip, read version 1.2 or earlier of the document. Added content: * Section 3.3 "Memory Protection Unit (MPU)" on page 22 * Section 4.5 "AES CCM Mode Encryption (CCM)" on page 33 * Section 4.6 "Accelerated Address Resolver (AAR)" on page 33 * Section 4.16 "Low Power Comparator (LPCOMP)" on page 35 * Section 8.5.7 "Antenna matching network requirements" on page 54 * Section 8.8 "Serial Peripheral Interface Slave (SPIS) specifications" on page 56 * Section 8.18 "AES CCM Mode Encryption (CCM) specifications" on page 62 * Section 8.19 "Accelerated Address Resolver (AAR) specifications" on page 62 * Section 8.24 "Low Power Comparator (LPCOMP) specifications" on page 65 Updated content: * Feature list on the Front page * Chapter 1 "Introduction" on page 9 * Section 1.1 "Required reading" on page 9 * Section 2.1 "Block diagram" on page 10 * Section 2.2 "Pin assignments and functions" on page 11 * Section 3.2 "Memory" on page 20 * Section 3.5 "Programmable Peripheral Interconnect (PPI)" on page 26 * Section 3.7 "GPIO" on page 30 * Chapter 4 "Peripheral blocks" on page 31 * Section 4.1 "2.4 GHz radio (RADIO)" on page 31 * Section 4.2 "Timer/counters (TIMER)" on page 32 * Section 4.3 "Real Time Counter (RTC)" on page 32 * Section 4.10 "Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI/SPIS)" on page 34 * Section 4.12 "Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)" on page 35 * Section 4.14 "Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)" on page 35 * Section 4.15 "GPIO Task Event blocks (GPIOTE)" on page 35 * Chapter 5 "Instance table" on page 36 * Chapter 6 "Absolute maximum ratings" on page 37 * Section 8.1.2 "16 MHz crystal oscillator (16M XOSC)" on page 40 * Section 8.1.3 "32 MHz crystal oscillator (32M XOSC)" on page 41 * Section 8.1.5 "32.768 kHz crystal oscillator (32k XOSC)" on page 42 * Section 8.2 "Power management" on page 44 * Section 8.3 "Block resource requirements" on page 48 * Section 8.5.1 "General radio characteristics" on page 49 * Section 8.5.5 "Receiver specifications" on page 52 * Section 8.5.6 "Radio timing parameters" on page 54 * Section 8.7 "Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) specifications" on page 55 * Section 8.9 "Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Master specifications" on page 57 * Section 8.11 "GPIO Tasks and Events (GPIOTE) specifications" on page 59 * Section 8.13 "Timer (TIMER) specifications" on page 61 * Section 8.16 "Random Number Generator (RNG) specifications" on page 62 * Chapter 10 "Ordering information" on page 70 * Section 11.1 "PCB guidelines" on page 76 * Section 11.3 "QFAA QFN48 package" on page 79 * Section 11.7 "CEAA WLCSP package" on page 103 Page 5 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Date Version Description April 2013 1.2 Added chip variant nRF51422-CEAA. Updated feature list on front page. Updated Section 3.2.1 on page 15, Section 3.2.2 on page 15, Chapter 6 on page 28, Section 10.4 on page 52, and Section 10.5.1 on page 53. Added Section 2.2.2 on page 10, Section 7.1 on page 29, Section 9.2 on page 50, and Section 11.3 on page 61. Removed PCB layouts in Chapter 11 on page 54. March 2013 1.1 Added 32 MHz crystal oscillator feature. Moved subsection `Calculating current when the DC/DC converter is enabled' from chapter 8 to the nRF51 Series Reference Manual. Updated Section 3.2 on page 12, Section 3.5 on page 16, Section 3.5.1 on page 17, Section 4.2 on page 21, Chapter 5 on page 24, Section 8.1 on page 27, Section 8.1.2 on page 28, Section 8.1.5 on page 30, Section 8.2 on page 32, Section 8.3 on page 34, Section 8.5.3 on page 36, Section 8.8 on page 40, Section 8.9 on page 41, Section 8.10 on page 42, and Section 8.14 on page 43. Added Section 3.5.4 on page 19, Section 8.1.3 on page 29, and Section 11.1 on page 50. December 2012 1.0 Changed from PPS to PS. Updated the feature list on the front page. Updated Section 3.5.3 on page 18, Table 10 on page 24, Table 11 on page 25, Table 12 on page 26, Table 14 on page 27, Table 15 on page 28, Table 16 on page 28, Table 17 on page 29, Table 19 on page 30, Table 20 on page 31, Table 22 on page 32, Table 23 on page 32, Table 24 on page 33, Table 25 on page 35, Table 26 on page 36, Table 28 on page 36, Table 29 on page 37, Table 30 on page 37, Table 32 on page 38, Table 33 on page 38, Table 36 on page 39, Section 8.16 on page 40, Table 39 on page 40, Table 40 on page 40, Table 56 on page 47, and the reference design in Chapter 11 on page 48. Added Section 3.5.4 on page 19 and Table 18 on page 29. Page 6 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Table of contents 1 1.1 1.2 Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 9 Required reading.............................................................................................................................................. 9 Writing conventions........................................................................................................................................ 9 2 2.1 2.2 Product overview.................................................................................................................................... 10 Block diagram .................................................................................................................................................10 Pin assignments and functions .................................................................................................................11 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 System blocks.......................................................................................................................................... 19 CPU ......................................................................................................................................................................19 Memory..............................................................................................................................................................20 Memory Protection Unit (MPU).................................................................................................................22 Power management (POWER) ...................................................................................................................23 Programmable Peripheral Interconnect (PPI) ......................................................................................26 Clock management (CLOCK)......................................................................................................................27 GPIO.....................................................................................................................................................................30 Debugger support .........................................................................................................................................30 4 Peripheral blocks .................................................................................................................................... 31 4.1 2.4 GHz radio (RADIO) ...................................................................................................................................31 4.2 Timer/counters (TIMER)................................................................................................................................32 4.3 Real Time Counter (RTC) ..............................................................................................................................32 4.4 AES Electronic Codebook Mode Encryption (ECB) .............................................................................32 4.5 AES CCM Mode Encryption (CCM)............................................................................................................33 4.6 Accelerated Address Resolver (AAR) .......................................................................................................33 4.7 Random Number Generator (RNG) ..........................................................................................................33 4.8 Watchdog Timer (WDT)................................................................................................................................33 4.9 Temperature sensor (TEMP) .......................................................................................................................34 4.10 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI/SPIS) .......................................................................................................34 4.11 Two-wire interface (TWI)..............................................................................................................................34 4.12 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) ....................................................................35 4.13 Quadrature Decoder (QDEC)......................................................................................................................35 4.14 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)...........................................................................................................35 4.15 GPIO Task Event blocks (GPIOTE)..............................................................................................................35 4.16 Low Power Comparator (LPCOMP)..........................................................................................................35 5 Instance table .......................................................................................................................................... 36 6 Absolute maximum ratings .................................................................................................................. 37 7 7.1 Operating conditions............................................................................................................................. 38 WLCSP light sensitivity .................................................................................................................................38 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Electrical specifications ......................................................................................................................... 39 Clock sources ...................................................................................................................................................39 Power management......................................................................................................................................44 Block resource requirements .....................................................................................................................48 CPU ......................................................................................................................................................................48 Radio transceiver ............................................................................................................................................49 Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) specifications.................................................................54 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) specifications ........................................55 Serial Peripheral Interface Slave (SPIS) specifications .......................................................................56 Page 7 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Master specifications ......................................................................57 I2C compatible Two Wire Interface (TWI) specifications..................................................................58 GPIO Tasks and Events (GPIOTE) specifications...................................................................................59 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) specifications...............................................................................60 Timer (TIMER) specifications.......................................................................................................................61 Real Time Counter (RTC) ..............................................................................................................................61 Temperature sensor (TEMP) .......................................................................................................................61 Random Number Generator (RNG) specifications..............................................................................62 AES Electronic Codebook Mode Encryption (ECB)specifications..................................................62 AES CCM Mode Encryption (CCM) specifications ...............................................................................62 Accelerated Address Resolver (AAR) specifications...........................................................................62 Watchdog Timer (WDT) specifications ...................................................................................................63 Quadrature Decoder (QDEC) specifications .........................................................................................63 Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVMC) specifications..................................................................64 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) specifications ............................................................................................65 Low Power Comparator (LPCOMP) specifications..............................................................................65 Mechanical specifications ..................................................................................................................... 66 QFN48 package ...............................................................................................................................................66 CDAB WLCSP package ..................................................................................................................................67 CEAA WLCSP package...................................................................................................................................68 CFAC WLCSP package...................................................................................................................................69 10 Ordering information ............................................................................................................................ 70 10.1 Chip marking....................................................................................................................................................70 10.2 Inner box label.................................................................................................................................................70 10.3 Outer box label................................................................................................................................................71 10.4 Order code ........................................................................................................................................................71 10.5 Abbreviations...................................................................................................................................................72 10.6 Code ranges and values...............................................................................................................................73 10.7 Product options ..............................................................................................................................................75 11 Reference circuitry.................................................................................................................................. 76 11.1 PCB guidelines.................................................................................................................................................76 11.2 Reference design schematics.....................................................................................................................78 11.3 QFAA QFN48 package ..................................................................................................................................79 11.4 QFAB QFN48 package...................................................................................................................................85 11.5 QFAC QFN48 package...................................................................................................................................91 11.6 CDAB WLCSP package ..................................................................................................................................97 11.7 CEAA WLCSP package................................................................................................................................ 103 11.8 CFAC WLCSP package................................................................................................................................ 109 12 Glossary ..................................................................................................................................................115 Page 8 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 1 Introduction The nRF51422 chip is an ultra-low power 2.4 GHz wireless System on Chip (SoC) integrating the nRF51 Series 2.4 GHz transceiver, a 32 bit ARM(R) CortexTM-M0 CPU, flash memory, and analog and digital peripherals. nRF51422 supports ANT, Bluetooth(R) low energy, and a range of proprietary 2.4 GHz protocols, such as Gazell from Nordic Semiconductor. A range of fully qualified wireless protocol stacks for the nRF51422 are available as SoftDevices from our Infocenter. nRF51422 supports the following SoftDevice series: * S200 - ANT stacks * S300 - ANT/Bluetooth low energy stack Note: The S200 and S300 SoftDevices are restricted to run only on nRF51422 devices. SoftDevices can be installed on the nRF51422 independent of your own application code. 1.1 Required reading The following documentation is available for download from our Infocenter: * nRF51 Series Reference Manual * nRF51422-PAN (Product Anomaly Notification) * PCN-093 (nRF51422 Product Change Notification) 1.2 Writing conventions This product specification follows a set of typographic rules to ensure that the document is consistent and easy to read. The following writing conventions are used: Command, event names, and bit state conditions, are written in Lucida Console. Pin names and pin signal conditions are written in Consolas. File names and User Interface components are written in bold. Internal cross references are italicized and written in semi-bold. Placeholders for parameters are written in italic regular text font. For example, a syntax description of Connect will be written as: Connect(TimeOut, AdvInterval). * Fixed parameters are written in regular text font. For example, a syntax description of Connect will be written as: Connect(0x00F0, Interval). * * * * * Page 9 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 2 Product overview 2.1 Block diagram 5$0 5$0 5$0 VODYH VODYH VODYH 6:&/. 5$0 VODYH Q5) QP *3,2 VODYH 6:'3 6:',2 3 33 VODYH VODYH &38 VODYH '$3 VODYH PDVWHU $+% 0XOWL/D\HU $+%72$3% %5,'*( ),&5 8,&5 &2'( $50 &257(;0 19,& Q5(6(7 190& 51* 32:(5 57&>Q@ 7,0(5>Q@ :'7 7(03 33, (&% ;& ;& ;/ &/2&. PDVWHU (DV\'0$ PDVWHU (DV\'0$ ;/ &&0 $17 5$',2 $3% $17 (DV\'0$ $$5 PDV WHU PDVWHU PDVWHU (DV\'0$ *3,27( 7:,>Q@ 6'$ 576 /3&203 8$57>Q@ $,1$,1 $5()$5() 6&/ $'& &76 7;' 5;' &61 /(' $ 63,6>Q@ 4'(& 0,62 026, 6&. % PDVWHU (DV\'0$ 63,>Q@ 0,62 026, 6&. Figure 1 Block diagram Page 10 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 2.2 Pin assignments and functions This section describes the pin assignment and the pin functions. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1 36 2 35 3 34 4 33 5 32 N51422 nRF5102 QFVVHP QFN48 YYWWLL 6 7 8 31 30 29 9 28 10 27 exposed die pad AVDD AVDD VSS VSS ANT2 ANT1 VDD_PA DEC2 P0.20 P0.19 P0.18 P0.17 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 25 15 26 12 14 11 13 VDD DCC P0.30 P0.00 P0.01 P0.02 P0.03 P0.04 P0.05 P0.06 P0.07 VDD 47 48 P0.29 P0.28 P0.27 P0.26 P0.25 P0.24 P0.23 P0.22 P0.21 DEC1 XC2 XC1 Pin assignment QFN48 VSS P0.08 P0.09 P0.10 P0.11 P0.12 P0.13 P0.14 P0.15 P0.16 SWDIO/nRESET SWDCLK 2.2.1 Figure 2 Pin assignment - QFN48 packet Note: VV = Variant code, HP = Build code, YYWWLL = Tracking code. For more information, see Section 10.6 "Code ranges and values" on page 73. Page 11 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Pin functions QFN48 Pin Pin name Pin function Description 1 VDD Power Power supply. 2 DCC Power DC/DC output voltage to external LC filter. 3 P0.30 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin. 4 P0.00 AREF0 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin. ADC/LPCOMP reference input 0. 5 P0.01 AIN2 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin. ADC/LPCOMP input 2. 6 P0.02 AIN3 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin. ADC/LPCOMP input 3. 7 P0.03 AIN4 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin. ADC/LPCOMP input 4. 8 P0.04 AIN5 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin. ADC/LPCOMP input 5. 9 P0.05 AIN6 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O pin. ADC/LPCOMP input 6. 10 P0.06 AIN7 AREF1 Digital I/O Analog input Analog input General purpose I/O pin. ADC/LPCOMP input 7. ADC/LPCOMP reference input 1. 11 P0.07 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin. 12 VDD Power Power supply. 13 VSS Power Ground (0 V)1. P0.08 to P0.16 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin. SWDIO/nRESET Digital I/O System reset (active low). Hardware debug and flash programming I/O. 14 to 22 23 24 SWDCLK Digital input Hardware debug and flash programming I/O. P0.17 to P0.20 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin. 29 DEC2 Power Power supply decoupling. 30 VDD_PA Power output Power supply output (+1.6 V) for on-chip RF power amp. 31 ANT1 RF Differential antenna connection (TX and RX). 32 ANT2 RF Differential antenna connection (TX and RX). 33, 34 VSS Power Ground (0 V). 35, 36 AVDD Power Analog power supply (Radio). 37 XC1 Analog input Connection for 16/32 MHz crystal or external 16 MHz clock reference. 38 XC2 Analog output Connection for 16/32 MHz crystal. 39 DEC1 Power Power supply decoupling. 25 to 28 Page 12 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Pin 40 to 44 45 46 47, 48 Pin name Pin function Description P0.21 to P0.25 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin. P0.26 AIN0 XL2 Digital I/O Analog input Analog output General purpose I/O pin. ADC/LPCOMP input 0. Connection for 32.768 kHz crystal. P0.27 AIN1 XL1 Digital I/O Analog input Analog input General purpose I/O pin. ADC/LPCOMP input 1. Connection for 32.768 kHz crystal or external 32.768 kHz clock reference. P0.28 and P0.29 Digital I/O General purpose I/O pin. 1. The exposed center pad of the QFN48 package must be connected to ground for proper device operation. Table 1 Pin functions QFN48 packet 2.2.2 CDAB WLCSP ball assignment and functions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F N51422 CDABHP YYWWLL G H Figure 3 Ball assignment CDAB packet (top side view) Page 13 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Ball functions CDAB Ball Name Function Description A1 AVDD Power Analog power supply (Radio). A2 XC1 Analog input Crystal connection for 16/32 MHz crystal oscillator or external 16/32 MHz crystal reference. A3 XC2 Analog output Crystal connection for 16/32 MHz crystal. A4 DEC1 Power Power supply decoupling. A5 P0.21 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. A6 P0.24 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. A7 P0.26 AIN0 XL2 Digital I/O Analog input Analog output General purpose I/O. ADC input 0. Crystal connection for 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. P0.27 AIN1 XL1 Digital I/O Analog input Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 1. Crystal connection for 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator or external 32.768 kHz crystal reference. B1 VSS Power Ground (0 V). B4 VSS Power Ground (0 V). B5 P0.22 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. B6 P0.23 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. B7 P0.28 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. B8 VDD Power Power supply. B9 DCC Power DC/DC output voltage to external LC filter. C1 ANT2 RF Differential antenna connection (TX and RX). C5 P0.25 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. C6 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. C7 P0.29 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. C8 P0.30 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. C9 P0.00 AREF0 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC Reference voltage. D1 ANT1 RF Differential antenna connection (TX and RX). D7 VSS Power Ground (0 V). D8 P0.31 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. D9 P0.02 AIN3 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 3. E1 VDD_PA Power output Power supply output (+1.6 V) for on-chip RF power amp. E2 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. E3 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. E7 P0.01 AIN2 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 2. E8 P0.04 AIN5 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 5. A8 Page 14 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Ball Name Function Description E9 P0.03 AIN4 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 4. F1 DEC2 Power Power supply decoupling. F2 P0.19 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. F3 P0.18 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. F4 VSS Power Ground (0 V). F5 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. F6 VSS Power Ground (0 V). F7 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. F8 P0.06 AIN7 AREF1 Digital I/O Analog input Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 7. ADC Reference voltage. F9 VSS Power Ground (0 V). G1 P0.20 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. G2 SWDCLK Digital input Hardware debug and flash programming I/O. G3 P0.17 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. G4 P0.14 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. G5 P0.13 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. G6 P0.10 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. G7 P0.07 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. G8 VDD Power Power supply. G9 P0.05 AIN6 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 6. H2 nRESET SWDIO Digital I/O System reset (active low). Hardware debug and flash programming I/O. H3 P0.16 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. H4 P0.15 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. H5 P0.12 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. H6 P0.11 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. H7 P0.09 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. H8 P0.08 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. Table 2 Ball functions CDAB packet Page 15 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 2.2.3 CEAA and CFAC WLCSP ball assignment and functions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 A A B B C D E F G C N51422 CEAAHP YYWWLL D E F G H H J J 2 3 4 5 6 N51422 CFACHP YYWWLL Figure 4 Ball assignment CEAA and CFACpacket (top side view) Note: HP = Buildcode, YYWWLL = Tracking code Solder balls not visible on the top side. Dot denotes A1 corner. Page 16 7 8 9 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Ball functions CEAA and CFAC Ball Name Function Description A1 AVDD Power Analog power supply (Radio). A2 XC1 Analog input Crystal connection for 16/32 MHz crystal oscillator or external 16/32 MHz crystal reference. A3 XC2 Analog output Crystal connection for 16/32 MHz crystal. A4 DEC1 Power Power supply decoupling. A5 P0.21 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. A6 P0.24 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. A7 P0.26 AIN0 XL2 Digital I/O Analog input Analog output General purpose I/O. ADC input 0. Crystal connection for 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. P0.27 AIN1 XL1 Digital I/O Analog input Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 1. Crystal connection for 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator or external 32.768 kHz crystal reference. B1 VSS Power Ground (0 V). B4 VSS Power Ground (0 V). B5 P0.22 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. B6 P0.23 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. B7 P0.28 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. B8 VDD Power Power supply. B9 DCC Power DC/DC output voltage to external LC filter. C1 ANT2 RF Differential antenna connection (TX and RX). C5 P0.25 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. C6 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. C7 P0.29 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. C8 VSS Power Ground (0 V). C9 P0.00 AREF0 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC Reference voltage. D1 ANT1 RF Differential antenna connection (TX and RX). D7 VSS Power Ground (0 V). D8 P0.30 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. D9 P0.02 AIN3 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 3. E1 VDD_PA Power output Power supply output (+1.6 V) for on-chip RF power amp. E2 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. E3 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. E7 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. E8 P0.31 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. E9 P0.01 AIN2 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 2. A8 Page 17 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Ball Name Function Description F1 DEC2 Power Power supply decoupling. F2 P0.19 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. F3 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. F7 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. F8 P0.04 AIN5 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 5. F9 P0.03 AIN4 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 4. G1 P0.20 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. G2 P0.17 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. G3 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. G4 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. G5 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. G6 VSS Power Ground (0 V). G7 N.C. No Connection Must be soldered to PCB. G8 P0.06 AIN7 AREF1 Digital I/O Analog input Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 7. ADC Reference voltage. G9 VSS Power Ground (0 V). H1 P0.18 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. H2 SWDCLK Digital input Hardware debug and flash programming I/O. H3 VSS Power Ground (0 V). H4 P0.14 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. H5 P0.13 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. H6 P0.10 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. H7 P0.07 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. H8 VDD Power Power supply. H9 P0.05 AIN6 Digital I/O Analog input General purpose I/O. ADC input 6. J2 SWDIO/ nRESET Digital I/O System reset (active low). Also Hardware debug and flash programming I/O. J3 P0.16 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. J4 P0.15 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. J5 P0.12 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. J6 P0.11 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. J7 P0.09 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. J8 P0.08 Digital I/O General purpose I/O. Table 3 Ball functions for CEAA and CFAC Page 18 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 3 System blocks The chip contains system-level features common to all nRF51 Series devices including clock control, power and reset, interrupt system, Programmable Peripheral Interconnect (PPI), watchdog, and GPIO. System blocks which have a register interface and/or interrupt vector assigned are instantiated in the device address space. The instances of system blocks, their associated ID (for those with interrupt vectors), and base addresses are found in Table 18 on page 36. Detailed functional descriptions, configuration options, and register interfaces can be found in the nRF51 Series Reference Manual. 3.1 CPU The ARM(R) CortexTM-M0 CPU has a 16 bit instruction set with 32 bit extensions (Thumb-2(R) technology) that delivers high-density code with a small-memory-footprint. By using a single-cycle 32 bit multiplier, a 3-stage pipeline, and a Nested Vector Interrupt Controller (NVIC), the ARM Cortex-M0 CPU makes program execution simple and highly efficient. The ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) hardware abstraction layer for the ARM Cortex-M processor series is implemented and available for M0 CPU. Code is forward compatible with ARM Cortex M3 based devices. Page 19 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 3.2 Memory All memory and registers are found in the same address space as shown in the Device Memory Map, see Figure 5. Devices in the nRF51 Series use flash based memory in the code, FICR, and UICR regions. The RAM region is SRAM. 0xFFFFFFFF reserved 0xE0100000 Private Peripheral Bus 0xE0000000 reserved 0x50000000 AHB peripherals 0x40080000 reserved 0x40000000 APB peripherals reserved RAM 0x20000000 reserved 0x10001000 UICR reserved FICR 0x10000000 reserved Code 0x00000000 Figure 5 Memory Map The embedded flash memory for program and static data can be programmed using In Application Programming (IAP) routines from RAM through the SWD interface, or in-system from a program executing from code area. The Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVMC) is used for program/erase operations. Regions of flash memory can be protected from read, write, and erase by the Memory Protection Unit (MPU). A User Information Configuration Register (UICR) contains the lock byte for enabling readback protection to secure the IP, while individual block protection is controlled using registers which can only be cleared on chip reset. Page 20 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 3.2.1 Code organization Chip variant Code size Page size No of pages nRF51422-QFAA nRF51422-CEAA 256 kB 1024 byte 256 nRF51422-QFAB nRF51422-CDAB 128 kB 1024 byte 128 nRF51422-QFAC nRF51422-CFAC 256 kB 1024 byte 256 Table 4 Code organization 3.2.2 RAM organization RAM is divided into blocks for separate power management which is controlled by the POWER System Block. Each block is divided into two 4 kByte RAM sections with separate RAM AHB slaves. Please see the nRF51 Series Reference Manual for more information. Chip variant RAM size Block Size nRF51422-QFAA nRF51422-CEAA 16 kB Block0 Block1 8 kB 8 kB nRF51422-QFAB nRF51422-CDAB 16 kB Block0 Block1 8 kB 8 kB 32 kB Block0 Block1 Block2 Block3 8 kB 8 kB 8 kB 8 kB nRF51422-QFAC nRF51422-CFAC Table 5 RAM organization How to organize the use of the RAM For the best performance we recommend the following use of the RAM AHB slaves (Note that the Crypto consists of CCM, ECB, and AAR modules): * If the Radio and Crypto buffers together are larger in size than one RAM section, the buffers should be separated so the memory used by the Radio is in one RAM section while the memory used by the Crypto is in another RAM section. * The sections used by CODE should not be combined with sections used by the Radio, Crypto, or SPI. * The Stack and Heap should be placed at the top section and should not be combined with sections used by the Radio, Crypto, or SPI. Page 21 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Table 6 and Table 7 shows how memory allocated to different functions can be distributed between RAM sections for parallel access. There is a table for chip variants with 16 kB or 32 kB RAM. RAM Blocks/Sections Block0 RAM0 Block1 RAM2 Radio buffers Crypto buffers x x SPIS buffers CPU Stack/Heap CODE Global variables x RAM1 x x x x RAM3 x x x CPU Stack/Heap CODE Global variables Table 6 16 kB RAM variants RAM Blocks/Sections Block0 Block1 Block2 Block3 Radio buffers Crypto buffers SPIS buffers RAM0 x (x) x RAM1 (x) x x RAM2 x x RAM3 x x RAM4 x x RAM5 x x RAM6 x x x x RAM7 x Table 7 32 kB RAM variants 3.3 Memory Protection Unit (MPU) The memory protection unit can be configured to protect all flash memory on the device from readback, or to protect blocks of flash from over-write or erase. Chip variant Flash block size Number of protectable Flash blocks nRF51422-QFAA nRF51422-CEAA 4 kB 64 nRF51422-QFAB nRF51422-CDAB 4 kB 32 nRF51422-QFAC nRF51422-CFAC 4 kB 64 Table 8 MPU flash blocks Page 22 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 3.4 3.4.1 Power management (POWER) Power supply nRF51 supports three different power supply alternatives: * Internal LDO setup * DC/DC converter setup * Low voltage mode setup See Table 20 on page 38 for the voltage range on the different alternatives. See Chapter 11 "Reference circuitry" on page 76 for details on the schematic used for the different power supply alternatives. Internal LDO setup In internal LDO mode the DC/DC converter is bypassed (disabled) and the system power is generated directly from the supply voltage VDD. This mode could be used as the only option or in combination with the DC/DC converter setup. See DC/DC converter section for more details. DC/DC converter setup The nRF51 DC/DC buck converter transforms battery voltage to lower internal voltage with minimal power loss. The converted voltage is then available for the linear regulator input. The DC/DC converter can be disabled when the supply voltage drops to the lower limit of the voltage range so the LDO can be used for low supply voltages. When enabled, the DC/DC converter operation is automatically suspended between radio events when only the low current regulator is needed internally. This feature is particularly useful for applications using battery technologies with nominal cell voltages higher than the minimum supply voltage with DC/DC enabled. The reduction in supply voltage level from a high voltage to a low voltage reduces the peak power drain from the battery. Used with a 3 V coin-cell battery, the peak current drawn from the battery is reduced by approximately 25%. Low voltage mode setup Devices can be used in low voltage mode where a steady 1.8 V supply is available externally. Page 23 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 3.4.2 Power management The power management system is highly flexible with functional blocks such as the CPU, Radio Transceiver, and peripherals having separate power state control in addition to the global System ON and OFF modes. In System OFF mode, RAM can be retained and the device state can be changed to System ON through Reset, GPIO DETECT signal, or LPCOMP ANADETECT signal. When in System ON mode, all functional blocks will independently be in IDLE or RUN mode depending on needed functionality. Power management features: * Supervisor HW to manage * Power on reset * Brownout reset * Power fail comparator * System ON/OFF modes * Pin wake-up from System OFF * Reset * GPIO DETECT signal * LPCOMP ANADETECT signal * Functional block RUN/IDLE modes * RAM retention in System OFF mode (8 kB blocks) * 16 kB version will have 2 blocks * 32 kB version will have 4 blocks System OFF mode In system OFF mode the chip is in the deepest power saving mode. The system's core functionality is powered down and all ongoing tasks are terminated. The only functionality that can be set up to be responsive is the Pin wake-up mechanism. One or more blocks of RAM can be retained while in System OFF mode. Page 24 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 System ON mode In system ON mode the system is fully operational and the CPU and selected peripherals can be brought into a state where they are functional and more or less responsive depending on the sub-power mode selected. There are two sub-power modes: * Low power * Constant latency Low Power In Low Power mode the automatic power management system is optimized to save power. This is done by keeping as much as possible of the system powered down. The cost of this is that you will have varying CPU wakeup latency and PPI task response. The CPU wakeup latency will be affected by the startup time of the 1V7 regulator. The PPI task response will vary depending on the resources required by the peripheral where the task originated. The resources that could be involved are: * 1V7 with the startup time t1V7 * 1V2 with the startup time t1V2 * One of the following clock sources * RC16 with the startup time tSTART,RC16 * XO16M/XO32M with the startup time the clock management system tXO1 Constant Latency In Constant Latency mode the system is optimized for keeping the CPU latency and the PPI task response constant and at a minimum. This is secured by forcing a set of base resources on while in sleep mode. The cost is that the system will have higher power consumption. The following resources are kept active while in sleep mode: * 1V7 regulator with the standby current of I1V7 * 1V2 regulator. Here the current consumption is specified in combination with the clock source. * One of the following clock sources: * RC16 with the standby current of I1V2RC16 * XO16M with the standby current of I1V2XO16 * XO32M with the standby current of I1V2XO32 1. For the clock source XO16M and XO32M we assume that the crystal is already running (standby). This will give an increase of the power consumption in sleep mode given by ISTBY,X16M / ISTBY,X32M. Page 25 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 3.5 Programmable Peripheral Interconnect (PPI) The Programmable Peripheral Interconnect (PPI) enables peripherals to interact autonomously with each other using tasks and events independent of the CPU. The PPI allows precise synchronization between peripherals when real-time application constraints exist and eliminates the need for CPU activity to implement behavior which can be predefined using PPI. Instance Channel Number of channels Number of groups PPI 0 - 15 16 4 Table 9 PPI properties The PPI system has in addition to the fully programmable peripheral interconnections, a set of channels where the event (EEP) and task (TEP) endpoints are set in hardware. These fixed channels can be individually enabled, disabled, or added to PPI channel groups in the same way as ordinary PPI channels. See the nRF51 Series Reference Manual for more information. Instance PPI Channel Number of channels Number of groups 20 - 31 12 4 Table 10 Pre-programmed PPI channels Page 26 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 3.6 Clock management (CLOCK) The advanced clock management system can source the system clocks from a range of internal or external high and low frequency oscillators and distribute them to modules based upon a module's individual requirements. This prevents large clock trees from being active and drawing power when system modules needing this clock reference are not active. If an application enables a module that needs a clock reference without the corresponding oscillator running, the clock management system will automatically enable the RC oscillator option and provide the clock. When the module goes back to idle, the clock management will automatically set the oscillator to idle. To avoid delays involved in starting a given oscillator, or if a specific oscillator is required, the application can override the automatic oscillator management so it keeps oscillators active when no system modules require the clock reference. Clocks are only available in System ON mode and can be generated by the sources listed in Table 11. Clock High Frequency Clock (HFCLK)1 Low Frequency Clock (LFCLK) Source Frequency options External Crystal (XOSC) 16/32 MHz2 External clock reference3 16 MHz Internal RC Oscillator (RCOSC) 16 MHz External Crystal (XOSC) 32.768 kHz External clock reference3 32.768 kHz Synthesized from HFCLK 32.768 kHz Internal RC Oscillator (RCOSC) 32.768 kHz 1. External Crystal must be used for Radio operation. 2. The HFCLK will be 16 MHz for both the 16 and 32 MHz crystal option. 3. See the nRF51 Series Reference Manual for more details on external clock reference. Table 11 Clock properties XL1 XL2 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator XC1 32.768 kHz RC oscillator 16 MHz RC oscillator LFCLKSRC LFCLKSTART LFCLKSTOP XC2 16/32 MHz crystal oscillator HFCLKSRC LFCLK clock control HFCLKSTART 32.768 kHz synthesizer HFCLKSTOP LFCLKSTARTED HFCLK clock control HFCLKSTARTED HFCLK LFCLK Figure 6 Clock management Page 27 Request from the rest of the system nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 3.6.1 16/32 MHz crystal oscillator The crystal oscillator can be controlled either by a 16 MHz or a 32 MHz external crystal. However, the system clock is always 16 MHz, see the nRF51 Series Reference Manual for more details. The crystal oscillator is designed for use with an AT-cut quartz crystal in parallel resonant mode. To achieve correct oscillation frequency, the load capacitance must match the specification in the crystal data sheet. Figure 7 shows how the crystal is connected to the 16/32 MHz crystal oscillator. XC1 XC2 C1 C2 16/32 MHz crystal Figure 7 Circuit diagram of the 16/32 MHz crystal oscillator The load capacitance (CL) is the total capacitance seen by the crystal across its terminals and is given by: C1' C2' CL = --------------------------- C1' + C2' C1' = C1 + C_pcb1 + C_pin C2' = C2 + C_pcb2 + C_pin C1 and C2 are ceramic SMD capacitors connected between each crystal terminal and ground. C_pcb1 and C_pcb2 are stray capacitances on the PCB. C_pin is the pin input capacitance on the XC1 and XC2 pins, see Table 22 on page 40 (16 MHz) and Table 23 on page 41 (32 MHz). The load capacitors C1 and C2 should have the same value. See Chapter 11 "Reference circuitry" on page 76 for the capacitance value used for C_pcb1 and C_pcb2 in reference circuitry. For reliable operation, the crystal load capacitance, shunt capacitance, equivalent series resistance (RS,X16M/ RS,X32M), and drive level must comply with the specifications in Table 22 on page 40 (16 MHz) and Table 23 on page 41 (32 MHz). It is recommended to use a crystal with lower than maximum RS,X16M/RS,X32M if the load capacitance and/or shunt capacitance is high. This will give faster startup and lower current consumption. A low load capacitance will reduce both startup time and current consumption. Page 28 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 3.6.2 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator The 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator is designed for use with a quartz crystal in parallel resonant mode. To achieve correct oscillation frequency, the load capacitance must match the specification in the crystal data sheet. Figure 8 shows how the crystal is connected to the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. XL1 XL2 C1 C2 32.768 kHz crystal Figure 8 Circuit diagram of the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator The load capacitance (CL) is the total capacitance seen by the crystal across its terminals and is given by: C1' C2' CL = --------------------------- C1' + C2' C1' = C1 + C_pcb1 + C_pin C2' = C2 + C_pcb2 + C_pin C1 and C2 are ceramic SMD capacitors connected between each crystal terminal and ground. C_pcb1 and C_pcb2 are stray capacitances on the PCB. C_pin is the pin input capacitance on the XC1 and XC2 pins, see Section 8.1.5 "32.768 kHz crystal oscillator (32k XOSC)" on page 42. The load capacitors C1 and C2 should have the same value. See Chapter 11 "Reference circuitry" on page 76 for the capacitance value used for C_pcb1 and C_pcb2 in reference circuitry. 3.6.3 32.768 kHz RC oscillator The 32.768 kHz RC low frequency oscillator may be used as an alternative to the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. It has a frequency accuracy of less than 250 ppm in a stable temperature environment or when calibration is periodically performed in changing temperature environments. The 32.768 kHz RC oscillator does not require external components. Note: The ANT protocol stack requires an accuracy of 50 ppm, thus the 32.768 kHz RC oscillator must not be used when running the ANT stack. Page 29 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 3.6.4 Synthesized 32.768 kHz clock The low frequency clock can be synthesized from the high frequency clock. This saves the cost of a crystal but increases average power consumption as the high frequency clock source will have to be active. 3.7 GPIO The general purpose I/O is organized as one port with up to 32 I/Os (dependent on package) enabling access and control of up to 32 pins through one port. Each GPIO can be accessed individually with the following user configurable features: * * * * * * Input/output direction Output drive strength Internal pull-up and pull-down resistors Wake-up from high or low level triggers on all pins Trigger interrupt on all pins All pins can be used by the PPI task/event system. The maximum number of pins that can be interfaced through the PPI at the same time is limited by the number of GPIOTE channels. * All pins can be individually configured to carry serial interface or quadrature demodulator signals. 3.8 Debugger support The two pin Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface provided as a part of the Debug Access Port (DAP) offers a flexible and powerful mechanism for non-intrusive debugging of program code. Breakpoints and single stepping are part of this support. Page 30 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 4 Peripheral blocks Peripheral blocks which have a register interface and/or interrupt vector assigned are instantiated, one or more times, in the device address space. The instances, associated ID (for those with interrupt vectors), and base address of features are found in Table 18 on page 36. Detailed functional descriptions, configuration options, and register interfaces can be found in the nRF51 Series Reference Manual. 4.1 2.4 GHz radio (RADIO) The nRF51 Series 2.4 GHz RF transceiver is designed and optimized to operate in the worldwide ISM frequency band at 2.400 to 2.4835 GHz. Radio modulation modes and configurable packet structure enable interoperability with Bluetooth(R) low energy (BLE), ANTTM, Enhanced ShockBurstTM, and other 2.4 GHz protocol implementations. The transceiver receives and transmits data directly to and from system memory for flexible and efficient packet data management. The nRF51 Series transceiver has the following features: * General modulation features * GFSK modulation * Data whitening * On-air data rates * 250 kbps * 1 Mbps * 2 Mbps * Transmitter with programmable output power of +4 dBm to -20 dBm, in 4 dB steps * Transmitter whisper mode -30 dBm * RSSI function (1 dB resolution) * Receiver with integrated channel filters achieving maximum sensitivity * -96 dBm at 250 kbps * -93 dBm at 1 Mbps BLE * -90 dBm at 1 Mbps * -85 dBm at 2 Mbps * RF Synthesizer * 1 MHz frequency programming resolution * 1 MHz non-overlapping channel spacing at 1 Mbps and 250 kbps * 2 MHz non-overlapping channel spacing at 2 Mbps * Works with low-cost 60 ppm 16 MHz crystal oscillators * Baseband controller * EasyDMA RX and TX packet transfer directly to and from RAM * Dynamic payload length * On-the-fly packet assembly/disassembly and AES CCM payload encryption * 8 bit, 16 bit, and 24 bit CRC check (programmable polynomial and initial value) Note: EasyDMA is an integrated DMA implementation requiring no configuration to take advantage of flexible data management and avoids copying operations to and from RAM. Page 31 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 4.2 Timer/counters (TIMER) The timer/counter runs on the high-frequency clock source (HFCLK) and includes a 4 bit (1/2X) prescaler that can divide the HFCLK. The TIMER will start requesting the 1 MHz mode of the HFCLK for values of the prescaler that gives fTIMER less or equal to 1 MHz. If the timer module is the only one requesting the HFCLK, the system will automatically switch to using the 1 MHz mode resulting in a decrease in the current consumption. See the parameters I1v2XO16,1M, I1v2XO32,1M, I1v2RC16,1M in Table 32 on page 47 and ITIMER0/1/2,1M in Table 52 on page 61. The task/event and interrupt features make it possible to use the PPI system for timing and counting tasks between any system peripheral including any GPIO of the device. The PPI system also enables the TIMER task/event features to generate periodic output and PWM signals to any GPIO. The number of input/outputs used at the same time is limited by the number of GPIOTE channels. Instance Bit-width Capture/Compare registers TIMER0 8/16/24/32 4 TIMER1 8/16 4 TIMER2 8/16 4 Table 12 Timer/counter properties 4.3 Real Time Counter (RTC) The Real Time Counter (RTC) module provides a generic, low power timer on the low-frequency clock source (LFCLK). The RTC features a 24 bit COUNTER, 12 bit (1/X) prescaler, capture/compare registers, and a tick event generator for low power, tickless RTOS implementation. Instance Capture/Compare registers RTC0 3 RTC1 4 Table 13 RTC properties 4.4 AES Electronic Codebook Mode Encryption (ECB) The ECB encryption block supports 128 bit AES block encryption. It can be used for a range of cryptographic functions like hash generation, digital signatures, and keystream generation for data encryption/decryption. ECB encryption uses EasyDMA to access system RAM for in-place operations on cleartext and ciphertext during encryption. Page 32 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 4.5 AES CCM Mode Encryption (CCM) Cipher Block Chaining - Message Authentication Code (CCM) Mode is an authenticated encryption algorithm designed to provide both authentication and confidentiality during data transfer. CCM combines counter mode encryption and CBC-MAC authentication. Note: The CCM terminology "Message Authentication Code (MAC)" is called the "Message Integrity Check (MIC)" in Bluetooth terminology and this document and the nRF51 Series Reference Manual are consistent with Bluetooth terminology. The CCM block generates an encrypted keystream, applies it to the input data using the XOR operation, and generates the 4 byte MIC field in one operation. The CCM and radio can be configured to work synchronously, as described in the nRF51 Series Reference Manual. The CCM will encrypt in time for transmission and decrypt after receiving bytes into memory from the Radio. All operations can complete within the packet RX or TX time. CCM on this device is implemented according to Bluetooth requirements and the algorithm as defined in IETF RFC3610, and depends on the AES-128 block cipher. A description of the CCM algorithm can also be found in the NIST Special Publication 800-38C. The Bluetooth Core Specification v4.0 describes the configuration of counter mode blocks and encryption blocks to implement compliant encryption for BLE. The CCM block uses EasyDMA to load key, counter mode blocks (including the nonce required), and to read/ write plain text and cipher text. 4.6 Accelerated Address Resolver (AAR) Accelerated Address Resolver is a cryptographic support function to implement the "Resolvable Private Address Resolution Procedure" described in the Bluetooth Core Specification v4.1. "Resolvable Private Address Generation" should be achieved using ECB and is not supported by AAR. The procedure allows two devices that share a secret key to generate and resolve a hash based on their device address. The AAR block enables real-time address resolution on incoming packets when configured according to the description in the nRF51 Series Reference Manual. This allows real-time packet filtering (whitelisting) using a list of known shared secrets (Identity Resolving Keys (IRK) in Bluetooth). The following table outlines the properties of the AAR. Instance Number of IRKs supported for simultaneous resolution AAR 8 Table 14 AAR properties 4.7 Random Number Generator (RNG) The Random Number Generator (RNG) generates true non-deterministic random numbers derived from thermal noise that are suitable for cryptographic purposes. The RNG does not require a seed value. 4.8 Watchdog Timer (WDT) A countdown watchdog timer using the low-frequency clock source (LFCLK) offers configurable and robust protection against application lock-up. The watchdog can be paused during long CPU sleep periods for low power applications and when the debugger has halted the CPU. Page 33 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 4.9 Temperature sensor (TEMP) The temperature sensor measures die temperature over the temperature range of the device with 0.25 C resolution. 4.10 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI/SPIS) The SPI interfaces enable full duplex synchronous communication between devices. They support a threewire (SCK, MISO, MOSI) bi-directional bus with fast data transfers. The SPI Master can communicate with multiple slaves using individual chip select signals for each of the slave devices attached to a bus. Control of chip select signals is left to the application through use of GPIO signals. SPI Master has double buffered I/O data. The SPI Slave includes EasyDMA for data transfer directly to and from RAM allowing Slave data transfers to occur while the CPU is IDLE. The GPIOs used for each SPI interface line can be chosen from any GPIO on the device and are independently configurable. This enables great flexibility in device pinout and efficient use of printed circuit board space and signal routing. The SPI peripheral supports SPI mode 0, 1, 2, and 3. Instance Master/Slave SPI0 Master SPI1 Master SPIS1 Slave Table 15 SPI properties 4.10.1 Enable 4 Mbps SPIS bit rate In order to utilize 4 Mbps bit rate for SPIS, the SPIS must be the only peripheral using a specific RAM section. Construction of RAM sections are described in Section 3.2.2 "RAM organization" on page 21. If other peripherals than SPIS use a specific RAM section, only 2 Mbps bit rate is possible. 4.11 Two-wire interface (TWI) The two-wire interface can communicate with a bi-directional wired-AND bus with two lines (SCL, SDA). The protocol makes it possible to interconnect up to 127 individually addressable devices. The interface is capable of clock stretching, supporting data rates of 100 kbps and 400 kbps. The GPIOs used for each two-wire interface line can be chosen from any GPIO on the device and are independently configurable. This enables great flexibility in device pinout and efficient use of board space and signal routing. Instance Master/Slave TWI0 Master TWI1 Master Table 16 Two-wire properties Page 34 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 4.12 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) The Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter offers fast, full-duplex, asynchronous serial communication with built-in flow control (CTS, RTS) support in hardware up to 1 Mbps baud. Parity checking is supported. The GPIOs used for each UART interface line can be chosen from any GPIO on the device and are independently configurable. This enables great flexibility in device pinout and efficient use of board space and signal routing. 4.13 Quadrature Decoder (QDEC) The quadrature decoder provides buffered decoding of quadrature-encoded sensor signals. It is suitable for mechanical and optical sensors with an optional LED output signal and input debounce filters. The sample period and accumulation are configurable to match application requirements. 4.14 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) The 10 bit incremental Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) enables sampling of up to 8 external signals through a front-end multiplexer. The ADC has configurable input, reference prescaling, and sample resolution (8, 9, and 10 bit). Note: The ADC module uses the same analog inputs as the LPCOMP module (AIN0 - AIN7 and AREF0 - AREF1). Only one of the modules can be enabled at the same time. 4.15 GPIO Task Event blocks (GPIOTE) A GPIOTE block enables GPIOs on Port 0 to generate events on pin state change which can be used to carry out tasks through the PPI system. A GPIO can also be driven to change state on system events using the PPI system. Low power detection of pin state changes on Port 0 is possible when in System ON or System OFF. Instance Number of GPIOTE channels GPIOTE 4 Table 17 GPIOTE properties 4.16 Low Power Comparator (LPCOMP) In System ON, the block can generate separate events on rising and falling edges of a signal, or sample the current state of the pin as being above or below the threshold. The block can be configured to use any of the analog inputs on the device. Additionally, the low power comparator can be used as an analog wakeup source from System OFF or System ON. The comparator threshold can be programmed to a range of fractions of the supply voltage. Note: The LPCOMP module uses the same analog inputs as the ADC module (AIN0 - AIN7 and AREF0 - AREF1). Only one of the modules can be enabled at the same time. Page 35 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 5 Instance table The peripheral instantiation of the chip is shown in the table below. ID Base address Peripheral Instance Description 0 0x40000000 POWER POWER Power Control. 0 0x40000000 CLOCK CLOCK Clock Control. 0 0x40000000 MPU MPU Memory Protection Unit. 1 0x40001000 RADIO RADIO 2.4 GHz Radio. 2 0x40002000 UART UART0 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. 3 0x40003000 SPI SPI0 SPI Master. 3 0x40003000 TWI TWI0 I2C compatible Two-Wire Interface 0. 4 0x40004000 SPIS SPIS1 SPI Slave. 4 0x40004000 SPI SPI1 SPI Master. 4 0x40004000 TWI TWI1 I2C compatible Two-Wire Interface 1. 5 Unused. 6 0x40006000 GPIOTE GPIOTE GPIO Task and Events. 7 0x40007000 ADC ADC Analog to Digital Converter. 8 0x40008000 TIMER TIMER0 Timer/Counter 0. 9 0x40009000 TIMER TIMER1 Timer/Counter 1. 10 0x4000A000 TIMER TIMER2 Timer/Counter 2. 11 0x4000B000 RTC RTC0 Real Time Counter 0. 12 0x4000C000 TEMP TEMP Temperature Sensor. 13 0x4000D000 RNG RNG Random Number Generator. 14 0x4000E000 ECB ECB Crypto AES ECB. 15 0x4000F000 CCM CCM AES Crypto CCM. 15 0x4000F000 AAR AAR Accelerated Address Resolver. 15 0x4000F000 16 0x40010000 WDT WDT Watchdog Timer. 17 0x40011000 RTC RTC1 Real Time Counter 1. 18 0x40012000 QDEC QDEC Quadrature Decoder. 19 0x40013000 LPCOMP LPCOMP Low Power Comparator. Unused. 20 - 25 Reserved as software interrupt. 26 - 29 Unused. 30 0x4001E000 NVMC NVMC Non-Volatile Memory Controller. 31 0x4001F000 PPI PPI Programmable Peripheral Interconnect. NA 0x50000000 GPIO GPIO General Purpose Input and Output. NA 0x10000000 FICR FICR Factory Information Configuration Registers. NA 0x10001000 UICR UICR User Information Configuration Registers. Table 18 Peripheral instance reference Page 36 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 6 Absolute maximum ratings Maximum ratings are the extreme limits the chip can be exposed to without causing permanent damage. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for prolonged periods of time may affect the reliability of the chip. Table 19 specifies the absolute maximum ratings. Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit -0.3 +3.9 V DEC2 2 V VSS 0 V -0.3 VDD + 0.3 V -40 +125 C Supply voltages VDD I/O pin voltage VIO Environmental QFN48 package Storage temperature MSL Moisture Sensitivity Level 2 ESD HBM Human Body Model 4 kV ESD CDM Charged Device Model 750 V +125 C Environmental WLCSP package Storage temperature -40 MSL Moisture Sensitivity Level 1 ESD HBM Human Body Model 4 kV ESD CDM Charged Device Model 500 V Flash memory Endurance 20 0001 Retention 10 years at 40 C 50 years at 25 C Number of times an address can be written between erase cycles write/erase cycles 2 times 1. Flash endurance is 20,000 erase cycles. The smallest element of flash that can be written is a 32 bit word. Table 19 Absolute maximum ratings Page 37 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 7 Operating conditions The operating conditions are the physical parameters that the chip can operate within as defined in Table 20. Symbol Parameter VDD Notes Min. Typ. Max. Units Supply voltage, internal LDO setup 1.8 3.0 3.6 V VDD Supply voltage, DC/DC converter setup 2.1 3.0 3.6 V VDD Supply voltage, low voltage mode setup 1 1.75 1.8 1.95 V tR_VDD Supply rise time (0 V to VDD) 2 100 ms TA Operating temperature 75 C -25 25 1. DEC2 shall be connected to VDD in this mode. 2. The on-chip power-on reset circuitry may not function properly for rise times outside the specified interval. Table 20 Operating conditions Nominal operating conditions (NOC) - conditions under which the chip is operated and tested are the typical (Typ.) values in Table 20. Extreme operating conditions (EOC) - conditions under which the chip is operated and tested are the minimum (Min.) and maximum (Max.) values in Table 20. 7.1 7.1.1 WLCSP light sensitivity CDAB, CEAA, and CFAC light sensitivity The CDAB, CEAA, and CFAC package variants are sensitive to visible and near infrared light which means a final product design must shield the chip properly. The marking side is covered with a light absorbing film, while the side edges of the chip and the ball side must be protected by coating or other means. Page 38 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8 Electrical specifications This chapter contains electrical specifications for device interfaces and peripherals including radio parameters and current consumption. The test levels referenced are defined in Table 21. Test level Description 1 Simulated, calculated, by design (specification limit) or prototype samples tested at NOC. 2 Parameters have been verified at Test level 1 and in addition: Prototype samples tested at EOC. 3 Parameters have been verified at Test level 2 and in addition: Production samples tested at EOC in accordance with JEDEC47. 4 Parameters have been verified at Test level 3 and in addition: Production devices are limit tested at NOC. Table 21 Test level definitions 8.1 Clock sources 8.1.1 16/32 MHz crystal startup XOSC Ready Enable XOSC ISTART,XOSC tSTART,XOSC tSTART,X16M / tSTART,X32M Figure 9 Current drawn at oscillator startup Figure 9 shows the current drawn by the crystal oscillator (XOSC) at startup. The tSTART,XOSC period is the time needed for the oscillator to start clocking. The length of tSTART,XOSC is dependent on the crystal specifications. The period following tSTART,XOSC to the end of tSTART,X16M /tSTART,X32M is fixed. This is the debounce period where the clock stabilizes before it is made available to rest of the system. Page 39 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.1.2 16 MHz crystal oscillator (16M XOSC) Units Test level MHz N/A 502 ppm N/A 402 ppm N/A 100 150 200 N/A N/A N/A 100 W N/A 4 pF 1 SMD 2520 CL = 8 pF 4703 A 1 IX16M,1M Run current for the 16 MHz crystal oscillator when used only for a Timer SMD 2520 CL = 8pF at 1 MHz or less. 2503 A 1 ISTBY,X16M Standby current for 16 MHz crystal oscillator.4 25 A 1 ISTART,XOSC Startup current for 16 MHz crystal oscillator. 1.1 mA 3 tSTART,XOSC Startup time for 16 MHz crystal oscillator. SMD 2520 CL = 8 pF 400 s 2 tSTART,X16M Total startup time (tSTART,XOSC + debounce period).6 SMD 2520 CL = 8 pF 800 s 1 VINEXTCLK Input amplitude if driven by external clock applied to XC1 pin.7 mV pp 1 Symbol Description Note fNOM,X16M Crystal frequency. fTOL,X16M,ANT Frequency tolerance, ANT.1 fTOL,X16M,BLE Frequency tolerance, Bluetooth low energy applications.1 RS,X16M Equivalent series resistance. PD,X16M Drive level. Cpin Input capacitance on XC1 and XC2 pads. IX16M Run current for 16 MHz crystal oscillator. Min. Typ. Max. 16 C0 7 pF, CL,MAX 16 pF C0 5 pF, CL,MAX 12 pF C0 3 pF, CL,MAX 12 pF 50 75 100 SMD 2520 CL = 8 pF 800 5005 8 1. The Frequency tolerance relates to the amount of time the radio can be in transmit mode. See Table 38 on page 51. 2. Includes initial tolerance of the crystal, drift over temperature, aging, and frequency pulling due to incorrect load capacitance. 3. This number includes the current used by the automated power and clock management system. 4. Standby current is the current drawn by the oscillator when there are no resources requesting the 16M, meaning there is no clock management active (see Table 33 on page 48). This value will depend on type of crystal. 5. Crystals with other specification than SMD 2520 may have much longer startup times. 6. This is the time from when the crystal oscillator is powered up until its output becomes available to the system. It includes both the crystal startup time and the debounce period. 7. Leave XC2 pin unconnected. 8. Input signal must not swing outside supply rails. Table 22 16 MHz crystal oscillator Page 40 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.1.3 32 MHz crystal oscillator (32M XOSC) Min. Typ. Max. Units Test level 32 MHz N/A 502 ppm N/A 402 ppm N/A 60 80 100 N/A N/A N/A 100 W N/A 4 pF 1 SMD 2520 CL = 8 pF 5003 A 1 SMD 2520 CL = 8 pF 3003 A 1 Standby current for 32 MHz crystal SMD 2520 CL = 8 pF oscillator.4 30 A 1 ISTART,XOSC Startup current for 32 MHz crystal oscillator. 1.1 mA 3 tSTART,XOSC Startup time for 32 MHz crystal oscillator. SMD 2520 CL = 8 pF 300 s 1 tSTART,X32M Total startup time (tSTART,XOSC + debounce period).6 SMD 2520 CL = 8 pF 750 s 1 Symbol Description Note fNOM,X32M Crystal frequency. fTOL,X32M,ANT Frequency tolerance, ANT.1 fTOL,X32M,BLE Frequency tolerance, Bluetooth low energy applications.1 RS,X32M Equivalent series resistance. PD,X32M Drive level. Cpin Input capacitance on XC1 and XC2 pads. IX32M Run current for 32 MHz crystal oscillator. IX32M,1M Run current for the 32 MHz crystal oscillator when used only for a Timer at 1 MHz or less. ISTBY,X32M C0 7 pF, CL,MAX 12 pF C0 5 pF, CL,MAX 12 pF C0 3 pF, CL,MAX 9 pF 30 40 50 4005 1. The Frequency tolerance relates to the amount of time the radio can be in transmit mode. See Table 38 on page 51. 2. Includes initial tolerance of the crystal, drift over temperature, aging and frequency pulling due to incorrect load capacitance. 3. This number includes the current used by the automated power and clock management system. 4. Standby current is the current drawn by the oscillator when there are no resources requesting the 32M, meaning there is no clock management active (see Table 33 on page 48). This value will depend on type of crystal. 5. Crystals with other specification than SMD 2520 may have much longer startup times. 6. This is the time from when the crystal oscillator is powered up until its output becomes available to the system. It includes both the crystal startup time and the debounce period. Table 23 32 MHz crystal oscillator Page 41 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.1.4 16 MHz RC oscillator (16M RCOSC) Symbol Description Min. Typ. fNOM,RC16M Nominal frequency. 16 fTOL,RC16M Frequency tolerance. 1 IRC16M Run current for 16 MHz RC oscillator. 7501 IRC16M,1M Run current for 16 MHz RCOSC when used only for a Timer at 1 MHz or less. 5401 tSTART,RC16M Startup time for 16 MHz RC oscillator. 4.2 IRC16M, START Startup current for 16 MHz RC oscillator. 400 Max. 5 5.2 Units Test level MHz N/A % 3 A 1 A 1 s 1 A 1 Units Test level kHz N/A 1. This number includes the current used by the automated power and clock management system. Table 24 16 MHz RC oscillator 8.1.5 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator (32k XOSC) Symbol Description Min. Typ. Max. fNOM,X32k Crystal frequency. fTOL,X32k,BLE Frequency tolerance, Bluetooth low energy applications. 250 ppm N/A fTOL,X32k,ANT Frequency tolerance, ANT applications. 50 ppm N/A CL,X32k Load capacitance. 12.5 pF N/A C0,X32k Shunt capacitance. 2 pF N/A RS,X32k Equivalent series resistance. 80 k N/A PD,X32k Drive level. 1 W N/A Cpin Input capacitance on XL1 and XL2 pads. 4 pF 1 IX32k Run current for 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. 0.7 A 1 ISTART,X32k Startup current for 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. 1.3 1.8 A 1 tSTART,X32k Startup time for 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. 0.3 1 s 2 VINEXTCLK Input amplitude if driven by external clock applied to XL1 pin.1 6002,3 mV pp 1 32.768 50 200 1. Leave XL2 pin unconnected. 2. The oscillator run current will increase above 1 A for higher amplitudes. 3. Input signal must not swing outside supply rails. Table 25 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator Page 42 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.1.6 32.768 kHz RC oscillator (32k RCOSC) Symbol Description fNOM,RC32k Nominal frequency. fTOL,RC32k Frequency tolerance. fTOL,CAL,RC32k Frequency tolerance. IRC32k Run current. tSTART,RC32k Startup time. Note Min. Units Test level 32.768 kHz N/A 2 % 3 250 ppm 1 1.3 1.5 A 1 390 487 s 1 Typ. Calibration interval 4 s Max. Table 26 32.768 kHz RC oscillator Note: The ANT protocol stack requires an accuracy of 50 ppm, thus the 32.768 kHz RC oscillator must not be used when running the ANT stack. 8.1.7 32.768 kHz Synthesized oscillator (32k SYNT) Symbol Description fNOM,SYNT32k Nominal frequency. Note Min. The ANT protocol stack requires an accuracy of 50 ppm on the 32.768 kHz clock. Units Test level 32.768 kHz 1 fTOL,XO16M 8 fTOL,XO32M 8 ppm 1 Typ. Max. fTOL,SYNT Frequency tolerance. ISYNT32k Run and startup current for 32.768 kHz Synthesized clock including the 16M XOSC. 15 A 1 tSTART,SYNT32k Startup time for 32.768 kHz Synthesized clock. 406 s 1 Table 27 32.768 kHz Synthesized oscillator Page 43 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.2 Power management Symbol Description VPOF Nominal power level warning thresholds (falling supply voltage). VTOL Threshold voltage tolerance. VHYST Threshold voltage hysteresis. Note Min. Typ. Max. Units Test level V 2 % 3 mV 3 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 Accuracy as defined by VTOL 5 VPOF = 2.1 V VPOF = 2.3 V VPOF = 2.5 V VPOF = 2.7 V 46 62 79 100 Table 28 Power Fail Comparator Symbol Description tHOLDRESETNORMAL Hold time for reset pin when doing a pin reset.1 tHOLDRESETDEBUG Hold time for reset pin when doing a pin reset during debug.1,2 Units Test level 0.2 s 1 100 s 1 Min. Typ. Max. 1. SWDCLK pin must be kept low during reset. 2. Bit 0 in the RESET register in the power management module must be set to 1 to enable reset during debug. Table 29 Pin Reset Page 44 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Power on reset time (tPOR) is the time from when the supply starts rising to when the device comes out of reset and the CPU starts. The time increases with, and is inclusive of, supply rise time from 0 V to VDD. Table 30 gives tPOR for a number of supply rise times, simulated with a linear ramp from 0 V to VDD, over the supply voltage range 1.8 V to 3.6 V. Note Units Test level 19 ms 1 3.4 20 ms 1 11 12 28 ms 1 68 101 115 ms 1 Symbol Description Min. Typ. Max. tPOR, 10 s Power on reset time, 10 s rise time (0 V to VDD). 0.7 2.4 tPOR, 1 ms Power on reset time, 1 ms rise time (0 V to VDD). 1.7 tPOR, 10 ms Power on reset time, 10 ms rise time (0 V to VDD). tPOR, 100 ms Power on reset time, 100 ms rise time (0 V to VDD). Table 30 Power on reset time The data in Figure 10 and Table 31 show measured t_POR data. Measurements were taken using the reference circuit shown in Section 11.3.1 "QFAA QFN48 schematic with internal LDO setup" on page 79 with the given supply voltage and temperature conditions. Figure 10 Power on reset time (Test level 2) VDD Rise Time from 10% to 90% of VDD 1.8 570 s 3.0 605 s 3.6 635 s Table 31 Supply rise time at sample voltages for the measured data shown in Figure 10. Page 45 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Units Test level 0.61 A 2 Additional current in SYSTEM OFF per retained RAM block (8 kB). 0.61 A 2 IOFF2ON OFF to CPU execute transition current. 400 A 1 tOFF2ON OFF to CPU execute. 9.6 s 1 ION,16k SYSTEM-ON base current with 16 kB RAM enabled. 2.61 A 2 ION,32k SYSTEM-ON base current with 32 kB RAM enabled. 3.81 A 2 t1V2 Startup time for 1V2 regulator. 2.3 s 1 I1V2XO16 Current drawn by 1V2 regulator and 16 MHz XOSC when both are on at the same time. See Table 33 on page 48. 8102 A 1 I1V2XO32 Current drawn by 1V2 regulator and 32 MHz XOSC when both are on at the same time. See Table 33 on page 48. 8402 A 1 I1V2RC16 Current drawn by 1V2 regulator and 16 MHz RCOSC when both are on at the same time. See Table 33 on page 48. 8802 A 1 I1V2XO16,1M For HFCLK in 1 MHz mode3. Current drawn by 1V2 regulator and 16 MHz XOSC when both are on at the same time. See Table 33 on page 48. 5202 A 1 I1V2XO32,1M For HFCLK in 1 MHz mode3. Current drawn by 1V2 regulator and 32 MHz XOSC when both are on at the same time. See Table 33 on page 48. 5602 A 1 I1V2RC16,1M For HFCLK in 1 MHz mode3. Current drawn by 1V2 regulator and 16 MHz RCOSC when both are on at the same time. See Table 33 on page 48. 6302 A 1 tXO Startup time for the clock management system when the XTAL is in standby. s 1 Symbol Description IOFF Current in SYSTEM OFF, no RAM retention. IOFF, RET, 8k Note Min. Typ. Max. 2.3 Page 46 10.6 5.3 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Symbol Description t1V7 Startup time for 1V7 regulator. I1V7 Current drawn by 1V7 regulator. FDCDC DC/DC converter current conversion factor. 1. 2. 3. 4. Note Min. Typ. Max. 2 3.6 105 0.654 Units Test level s 1 A 2 1.24 Add 1 A to the current value if the device is used in Low voltage mode. This number includes the current used by the automated power and clock management system. For details on 1 MHz mode, see Section 4.2 "Timer/counters (TIMER)" on page 32. FDCDC will vary depending on VDD and internal radio current consumption (IDD). Please refer to the nRF51 Series Reference Manual, v3.0 or later, for a method to calculate IDD,DCDC. See Figure 11 on page 50 for a DC/DC conversion factor chart. Table 32 Power management Page 47 1 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.3 Block resource requirements Resource requirements Block ID 1V2 HFCLK1 Comment LFCLK 1V7 Radio 1 x x Requires HFCLK XOSC. UART 2 x x When receiver or transmitter are STARTed. SPIS 4 x x Requested when CSN asserts. SPI 3, 4 x x TWI 3, 4 x x GPIOTE 6 x x Only in input mode. ADC 7 x x Requires HFCLK XOSC. x Requires 1V2 when a TIMER EVENT is triggered. TIMER 8, 9, 10 RTC 11, 17 HFCLK will be requested if the LFCLK is synthesized from HFCLK. x TEMP 12 x x RNG 13 x x ECB 14 x x WDT 16 QDEC 18 LPCOMP 19 CPU -- Requires HFCLK XOSC. HFCLK will be requested if the LFCLK is synthesized from HFCLK. x x x No resources required. x x x 1. HFCLK could be one of the following; RC16M, XO16M, or XO32M. Table 33 Clock and power requirements for different blocks 8.4 CPU Symbol Description ICPU, FLASH Run current at 16 MHz (XOSC). Executing code from flash memory. ICPU, RAM Run current at 16 MHz (XOSC). Executing code from RAM. ISTART, CPU CPU startup current. tSTART, CPU Min. 03 IDLE to CPU execute. 1. Includes CPU, flash, 1V2, 1V7, RC16M. 2. Includes CPU, RAM, 1V2, RC16M. 3. t1V2 if 1V2 regulator is not running already. Table 34 CPU specifications Page 48 Units Test level 4.11 mA 2 2.42 mA 1 600 A 1 s 1 Typ. Max. nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.5 Radio transceiver 8.5.1 General radio characteristics Max. Units Test level 2483 MHz N/A 1 MHz N/A Frequency deviation at 250 kbps. 170 kHz 2 f1M Frequency deviation at 1 Mbps. 170 kHz 2 f2M Frequency deviation at 2 Mbps. 320 kHz 2 fBLE Frequency deviation at BLE. 275 kHz 4 bpsFSK On-air data rate. 2000 kbps N/A Max. Units Test level Symbol Description Note Min. fOP Operating frequencies. 1 MHz channel spacing. 2400 PLLres PLL programming resolution. f250 225 Typ. 250 250 Table 35 General radio characteristics 8.5.2 Radio current consumption with DC/DC disabled Symbol Description Note ITX,+4dBm TX only run current at POUT = +4 dBm. 1 16 mA 4 ITX,0dBm TX only run current at POUT = 0 dBm. 1 10.5 mA 4 ITX,-4dBm TX only run current at POUT = -4 dBm. 1 8 mA 2 ITX,-8dBm TX only run current at POUT = -8 dBm. 1 7 mA 2 ITX,-12dBm TX only run current at POUT = -12 dBm. 1 6.5 mA 2 ITX,-16dBm TX only run current at POUT = -16 dBm. 1 6 mA 2 ITX,-20dBm TX only run current at POUT = -20 dBm. 1 5.5 mA 2 ITX,-30dBm TX only run current at POUT = -30 dBm. 1 5.5 mA 2 ISTART,TX TX startup current. 2 7 mA 1 IRX,250 RX only run current at 250 kbps. 12.6 mA 1 IRX,1M RX only run current at 1 Mbps. 13 mA 4 IRX,2M RX only run current at 2 Mbps. 13.4 mA 1 ISTART,RX RX startup current. 8.7 mA 1 3 Min. Typ. 1. Valid for data rates 250 kbps, 1 Mbps, and 2 Mbps. 2. Average current consumption (at 0 dBm TX output power) for TX startup (130 s), and when changing mode from RX to TX (130 s). 3. Average current consumption for RX startup (130 s), and when changing mode from TX to RX (130 s). Table 36 Radio current consumption with DC/DC disabled (NOC, VDD = 3 V) Page 49 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.5.3 Radio current consumption with DC/DC enabled Units Test level 11.8 mA 2 1 8.0 mA 2 TX only run current at POUT = -4 dBm. 1 6.3 mA 2 ITX,-8dBm TX only run current at POUT = -8 dBm. 1 5.6 mA 2 ITX,-12dBm TX only run current at POUT = -12 dBm. 1 5.3 mA 2 ITX,-16dBm TX only run current at POUT = -16 dBm. 1 5.0 mA 2 ITX,-20dBm TX only run current at POUT = -20 dBm. 1 4.7 mA 2 ITX,-30dBm TX only run current at POUT = -30 dBm. 1 4.7 mA 2 IRX,1M RX only run current at 1 Mbps. 9.7 mA 2 Symbol Description Note ITX,+4dBm TX only run current at POUT = +4 dBm. 1 ITX,0dBm TX only run current at POUT = 0 dBm. ITX,-4dBm Min. Typ. Max. 1. Valid for data rates 250 kbps, 1 Mbps, and 2 Mbps. Table 37 Radio current consumption with DC/DC enabled (NOC, VDD = 3 V) DC/DC conversion Factor 1,100 Conversion Factor (FDCDC) Tx - 1 Mbps (-12 dBm) 1,000 Tx - 1 Mbps (0 dBm) Rx - 1 Mbps Tx - 1 Mbps (+4 dBm) 0,900 0,800 0,700 0,600 2,1 2,3 2,5 2,7 2,9 3,1 3,3 3,5 Supply Voltage (VDD) Figure 11 DC/DC conversion factor as function of VDD See chapter 12 Power management in the nRF51 Series Reference Manual on how to use the DC/DC conversion factor to calculate the actual power consumption. Page 50 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.5.4 Transmitter specifications Min. Units Test level 4 dBm 4 24 dB 2 dB 1 dBm 2 2000 kHz 2 950 1100 kHz 2 700 800 kHz 2 Symbol Description PRF Maximum output power. PRFC RF power control range. PRFCR RF power accuracy. PWHISP RF power whisper mode. PBW2 20 dB bandwidth for modulated carrier (2 Mbps). 1800 PBW1 20 dB bandwidth for modulated carrier (1 Mbps). PBW250 20 dB bandwidth for modulated carrier (250 kbps). 20 Typ. Max. 4 -30 st PRF1.2 1 Adjacent Channel Transmit Power. 2 MHz (2 Mbps). -20 dBc 2 PRF2.2 2nd Adjacent Channel Transmit Power. 4 MHz (2 Mbps). -45 dBc 2 PRF1.1 1st Adjacent Channel Transmit Power. 1 MHz (1 Mbps). -20 dBc 2 PRF2.1 2nd Adjacent Channel Transmit Power. 2 MHz (1 Mbps). -40 dBc 2 PRF1.250 1st Adjacent Channel Transmit Power. 1 MHz (250 kbps). -25 dBc 2 PRF2.250 2nd Adjacent Channel Transmit Power. 2 MHz (250 kbps). -40 dBc 2 tTX,30 Maximum consecutive transmission time, fTOL < 30 ppm. 16 ms 1 tTX,60 Maximum consecutive transmission time, fTOL < 60 ppm. 4 ms 1 Table 38 Transmitter specifications Page 51 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.5.5 Symbol Receiver specifications Description Min. Units Test level 0 dBm 1 Typ. Max. Receiver operation PRXMAX Maximum received signal strength at < 0.1% PER. PRXSENS,2M Sensitivity (0.1% BER) at 2 Mbps. -85 dBm 2 PRXSENS,1M Sensitivity (0.1% BER) at 1 Mbps. -90 dBm 2 PRXSENS,250k Sensitivity (0.1% BER) at 250 kbps. -96 dBm 2 PSENS IT 1 Mbps BLE Receiver sensitivity: Ideal transmitter. -93 dBm 2 PSENS DT 1 Mbps BLE Receiver sensitivity: Dirty transmitter.1 -91 dBm 2 RX selectivity - modulated interfering signal2 2 Mbps C/ICO C/I co-channel. 12 dB 2 C/I1ST 1st ACS, C/I 2 MHz. -4 dB 2 C/I2ND 2nd ACS, C/I 4 MHz. -24 dB 2 C/I3RD 3rd ACS, C/I 6 MHz. -28 dB 2 C/I6th 6th ACS, C/I 12 MHz. -44 dB 2 C/INth Nth ACS, C/I fi > 25 MHz. -50 dB 2 1 Mbps/ANT C/ICO C/I co-channel (1 Mbps). 12 dB 2 C/I1ST 1st ACS, C/I 1 MHz. 4 dB 2 C/I2ND 2nd ACS, C/I 2 MHz. -24 dB 2 C/I3RD 3rd ACS, C/I 3 MHz. -30 dB 2 C/I6th 6th ACS, C/I 6 MHz. -40 dB 2 C/I12th 12th ACS, C/I 12 MHz. -50 dB 2 C/INth Nth ACS, C/I fi > 25 MHz. -53 dB 2 Page 52 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 Symbol Description Min. Units Test level 4 dB 2 Typ. Max. 250 kbps C/ICO C/I co-channel. C/I1ST 1st ACS, C/I 1 MHz. -10 dB 2 C/I2ND 2nd ACS, C/I 2 MHz. -34 dB 2 C/I3RD 3rd ACS, C/I 3 MHz. -39 dB 2 th C/I6th 6 ACS, C/I fi > 6 MHz. -50 dB 2 C/I12th 12th ACS, C/I 12 MHz. -55 dB 2 C/INth Nth ACS, C/I fi > 25 MHz. -60 dB 2 Bluetooth Low Energy RX selectivity C/ICO C/I co-channel. 10 dB 2 C/I1ST 1st ACS, C/I 1 MHz. 1 dB 2 C/I2ND 2nd ACS, C/I 2 MHz. -25 dB 2 C/I3+N ACS, C/I (3+n) MHz offset [n = 0, 1, 2, . . .]. -51 dB 2 C/IImage lmage blocking level. -30 dB 2 C/IImage1MHz Adjacent channel to image blocking level (1 MHz). -31 dB 2 RX intermodulation3 P_IMD2Mbps IMD performance, 2 Mbps, 3rd, 4th, and 5th offset channel. -41 dBm 2 P_IMD1Mbps IMD performance, 1 Mbps, 3rd, 4th, and 5th offset channel. -40 dBm 2 P_IMD250kbps IMD performance, 250 kbps, 3rd, 4th, and 5th offset channel. -36 dBm 2 P_IMDBLE IMD performance, 1 Mbps BLE, 3rd, 4th, and 5th offset channel. -39 dBm 2 1. As defined in the Bluetooth Core Specification v4.0 Volume 6: Core System Package (Low Energy Controller Volume). 2. Wanted signal level at PIN = -67 dBm. One interferer is used, having equal modulation as the wanted signal. The input power of the interferer where the sensitivity equals BER = 0.1% is presented. 3. Wanted signal level at PIN = -64 dBm. Two interferers with equal input power are used. The interferer closest in frequency is not modulated, the other interferer is modulated equal with the wanted signal. The input power of interferers where the sensitivity equals BER = 0.1% is presented. Table 39 Receiver specifications Page 53 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.5.6 Radio timing parameters Symbol Description 250 k 1M 2M BLE Jitter Units tTXEN Time between TXEN task and READY event. 132 132 132 140 0 s tTXDISABLE Time between DISABLE task and DISABLED event when the radio was in TX. 10 4 3 4 1 s tRXEN Time between the RXEN task and READY event. 130 130 130 138 0 s tRXDISABLE Time between DISABLE task and DISABLED event when the radio was in RX. 0 0 0 0 1 s tTXCHAIN TX chain delay. 5 1 0.5 1 0 s tRXCHAIN RX chain delay. 12.5 3 2 3 0 s Units Test level Table 40 Radio timing 8.5.7 Antenna matching network requirements Symbol Description Min. Typ. Max. ZQFN48,ANT1,2 Optimum differential impedance at 2.4 GHz seen into the matching network from pin ANT1 and ANT2 on the QFN48 packet. 15 + j85 1 ZWLCSP,ANT1,2 Optimum differential impedance at 2.4 GHz seen into the matching network from pin ANT1 and ANT2 on the WLCSP packet. 12.6 + j106 1 Table 41 Optimum differential load impedance 8.6 Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) specifications Symbol Description Note RSSIACC RSSI accuracy. Valid range -50 dBm to -80 dBm. RSSIRESOLUTION RSSI resolution. RSSIPERIOD Sample period. RSSICURRENT Current consumption in addition to IRX. Min. Typ. 1 8.8 250 Table 42 RSSI specifications Page 54 Max. Units Test level 6 dB 2 dB 1 s 1 A 1 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.7 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) specifications Units Test level 230 A 1 Run current at 115200 bps. 220 A 1 IUART1k2 Run current at 1200 bps. 210 A 1 fUART Baud rate for UART. kbps N/A tCTSH CTS high time. s 1 Symbol Description IUART1M Run current at max baud rate. IUART115k Note Min. 1.2 1 Table 43 UART specifications Page 55 Typ. Max. 1000 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.8 Serial Peripheral Interface Slave (SPIS) specifications Symbol Description Min. ISPIS125K Run current for SPI slave at 125 kbps.1 ISPIS2M Run current for SPI slave at 2 Mbps.1 fSPIS Bit rates for SPIS. Units Test level 180 A 1 183 A 1 Mbps N/A Typ. Max. 42 0.125 1. CSN asserted. 2. This bit rate is only possible if the instructions are followed in Section 4.10.1 "Enable 4 Mbps SPIS bit rate" on page 34. Table 44 SPIS specifications tCWH CSN tCC tCH tCL tCCH SCK tDC MOSI tDH b7 b6 tCSD MISO b0 tCDZ tCD b7 b0 Figure 12 SPIS timing diagram, one byte transmission, SPI Mode 0 Units Test level 10 ns 1 10 ns 1 7100 2100 ns 1 972 ns 1 40 ns 1 40 ns 1 7000 2000 ns 1 Last SCK edge to CSN hold. 2000 ns 1 tCWH CSN inactive time. 300 ns 1 tCDZ CSN to output high Z. 40 ns 1 fSCK SCK frequency. 2 MHz 1 tR,tF SCK rise and fall time. 100 ns 1 Symbol Description Note Min. tDC Data to SCK setup. tDH SCK to data hold. tCSD CSN to data valid. Low power mode.1 Constant latency mode.1 tCD SCK to data valid. CLOAD = 10 pF tCL SCK low time. tCH SCK high time. tCC CSN to SCK setup. tCCH Low power mode.1 Constant latency mode.1 0.125 Typ. Max. 1. For more information on how to control the sub power modes, see the nRF51 Series Reference Manual. 2. Increases/decreases with 1.2 ns/pF load. Table 45 SPIS timing parameters Page 56 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.9 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Master specifications Symbol Description Min. ISPI125K Run current for SPI master at 125 kbps. ISPI4M Run current for SPI master at 4 Mbps. fSPI Bit rates for SPI. Units Test level 180 A 1 200 A 1 Mbps N/A Units Test level Typ. 0.125 Max. 4 Table 46 SPI specifications tCH tCL SCK tDC MISO tDH b7 b6 b0 tCD MOSI b7 b0 Figure 13 SPI timing diagram, one byte transmission, SPI mode 0 Symbol Description Note Min. tDC Data to SCK setup. 10 ns 1 tDH SCK to data hold. 10 ns 1 tCD SCK to data valid. ns 1 tCL SCK low time. 40 ns 1 tCH SCK high time. 40 ns 1 fSCK SCK frequency. 0.125 4 MHz 1 tR,tF SCK rise and fall time. 100 ns 1 CLOAD = 10 pF Max. 971 1. Increases/decreases with 1.2 ns/pF load. Table 47 SPI timing parameters Page 57 Typ. nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.10 I2C compatible Two Wire Interface (TWI) specifications Symbol Description Note I2W100K Run current for TWI at 100 kbps. I2W400K Run current for TWI at 400 kbps. f2W Bit rates for TWI. tTWI,START Time from STARTRX/STARTTX task is given until start condition. Min. Units Test level 380 A 1 400 A 1 kbps N/A s 1 Typ. Max. 100 Low power mode.1 Constant latency mode.1 400 3 1 4.4 1. For more information on how to control the sub power modes, see the nRF51 Series Reference Manual. Table 48 TWI specifications 1/fSCL SCL tSU_DAT tHD_SDA tSU_STO tHD_DAT tBUF SDA Figure 14 SCL/SDA timing Standard Min. Max. Fast Units Min. Max. Test level 400 kHz 1 1300 ns 1 300 300 ns 1 Data hold time after negative edge on SCL. 300 300 ns 1 tSU_STO Setup time from SCL goes high to STOP condition. 5200 1300 ns 1 tBUF Bus free time between STOP and START conditions. 4700 1300 ns 1 Symbol Description fSCL SCL clock frequency. tHD_STA Hold time for START and repeated START condition. 5200 tSU_DAT Data setup time before positive edge on SCL. tHD_DAT 100 Table 49 TWI timing parameters Page 58 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.11 GPIO Tasks and Events (GPIOTE) specifications Units Test level 22 A 1 Run current with 1 or more GPIOTE active channels in Output mode. 0.1 A 1 Run current when all channels are in Idle mode. PORT event can be generated with a delay of up to t1V2. 0.1 A 1 Symbol Description Min. IGPIOTE,IN Run current with 1 or more GPIOTE active channels in Input mode. IGPIOTE,OUT IGPIOTE,IDLE Typ. Max. Table 50 GPIOTE specifications Note: Setting up one or more GPIO DETECT signals to generate PORT EVENT, which can be used either as a wakeup source or to give an interrupt, will not lead to an increase of the current consumption. Page 59 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.12 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) specifications Note: HFCLK XOSC is required to get the stated ADC accuracy. Symbol Description Note DNL10b Differential non-linearity (10 bit mode). INL10b Integral non-linearity (10 bit mode). VOS Offset error. eG Gain error. VREF_VBG Internal Band Gap reference voltage (VBG). VREF_VBG_ERR Internal Band Gap reference voltage error. -1.5 TCREF_VBG_DRIFT Internal Band Gap reference voltage drift. -200 VREF_EXT External reference voltage (AREF0/1). 0.83 VREF_VDD_LIM Limited supply voltage range for ADC using VDD with prescaler as the reference. CONFIG.REFSEL = SupplyOneHalfPrescaling CONFIG.REFSEL = SupplyOneThirdPrescaling 1 Min. Units Test level <1 LSB 2 2 LSB 2 Typ. Max. -2 +2 % 2 -2 +2 % 2 V 2 +1.5 % 2 +200 ppm/C 2 1.3 V 1 1.7 2.6 V 1 2.5 3.6 V 1 1.20 V 1.2 tADC10b Time required to convert a single sample in 10 bit mode. 68 s 1 tADC9b Time required to convert a single sample in 9 bit mode. 36 s 1 tADC8b Time required to convert a single sample in 8 bit mode. 20 s 1 IADC Current drawn by ADC during conversion. 260 A 1 3 LSB 2 2 LSB 2 1 LSB 2 1 LSB 2 1 LSB 2 ADC_ERR_1V8 ADC_ERR_2V2 ADC_ERR_2V6 ADC_ERR_3V0 Absolute error when used for battery measurement at 1.8 V, 2.2 V, 2.6 V, 3.0 V, and 3.4 V. 2 ADC_ERR_3V4 1. Source impedance less than 5 k. 2. Internal reference, input from VDD/3, 10 bit mode. Table 51 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) specifications Page 60 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.13 Timer (TIMER) specifications Symbol Description Note ITIMER0/1/2 Timer current when running from HFCLK in 16 MHz mode. ITIMER0/1/2,1M Timer current when running from HFCLK in 1 MHz mode. tTIMER,START Time from START task is given until timer starts counting. Min. Units Test level 30 A 1 4 A 1 0.25 s 1 Units Test level A 1 Units Test level Typ. Max. Table 52 Timer specifications 8.14 Real Time Counter (RTC) Symbol Description IRTC Timer (LFCLK source). Min. Typ. Max. 0.1 Table 53 RTC 8.15 Temperature sensor (TEMP) Note: HFCLK XOSC is required to get the stated accuracy. Symbol Description Min. Typ. ITEMP Run current for Temperature sensor. 185 A 1 tTEMP Time required for temperature measurement. 35 s 1 TRANGE Temperature sensor range. -25 75 C N/A TACC Temperature sensor accuracy.1 -4 +4 C N/A TRES Temperature sensor resolution. C 1 0.25 1. Stated temperature accuracy is valid in the range 0 to 60C. Temperature accuracy outside the 0 to 60C range is 8C. Table 54 Temperature sensor Page 61 Max. nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.16 Random Number Generator (RNG) specifications Symbol Description IRNG Run current at 16 MHz. tRNG,RAW Run time per byte in RAW mode. Run time per byte in Uniform mode. tRNG,UNI Units Test level 60 A 1 Uniform distribution of 0 and 1 is not guaranteed. 167 s 1 Uniform distribution of 0 and 1 is guaranteed. Time to generate a byte cannot be guaranteed. 677 s 1 Note Min. Typ. Max. Table 55 Random Number Generator (RNG) specifications 8.17 AES Electronic Codebook Mode Encryption (ECB)specifications Symbol Description Min. Typ. IECB Run current for ECB. 550 tSTARTECB, ENDECB Time for a 16 byte AES block encrypt. 8.5 Typ. Units Test level A 1 17 s 1 Max. Units Test level A 1 Units Test level Max. Table 56 ECB specifications 8.18 AES CCM Mode Encryption (CCM) specifications Symbol Description ICCM Run current for CCM. Min. 550 Table 57 CCM specifications 8.19 Accelerated Address Resolver (AAR) specifications Symbol Description Min. IAAR Run current for AAR. 550 A 1 tSTART,RESOLVED Time for address resolution of 8 IRKs. 68 s 1 Table 58 AAR specifications Page 62 Typ. Max. nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.20 Watchdog Timer (WDT) specifications Symbol Description Min. IWDT Run current for watchdog timer. tWDT Time out interval, watchdog timer. Typ. Max. 0.1 30 s Units Test level A 1 36 hrs 1 Table 59 Watchdog Timer specifications 8.21 Symbol Quadrature Decoder (QDEC) specifications Description Note Min. IQDEC Typ. Max. 12 tSAMPLE Time between sampling signals from Quadrature Decoder. tLED Time from LED is turned on to signals are sampled. Only valid for optical sensors. Test level A 1 128 16384 s N/A 0 511 s N/A Table 60 Quadrature Decoder specifications Page 63 Units nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.22 Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVMC) specifications Flash write is performed by executing a program that writes one word (32 bit) consecutively after the other to the flash memory. The program performing the flash write operation could be set up to run from flash or from RAM. The timing of one flash write operation depends on whether the next instructions following the flash write will be fetched from flash or from RAM. Any fetch from flash before the write operation is finished will give tWRITE,FLASH timing. The flash memory is organized in 256 byte rows starting at CODE and UICR start addresses. Crossing from one row to another will affect the flash write timing when running from RAM. The time it takes to program the flash memory will depend on different parameters: * Whether the program doing the flash write is running from RAM or running from flash. * When running from RAM we will have different timing for: * First write operation. * Repeated write operations within the same row. * Repeated write operation that are crossing from one row to another. Max. Units Test level 1, 2 22.3 ms 1 Erase page in flash memory. 1, 2 22.3 ms 1 tWRITE,FLASH Program running from flash. Write one word to flash memory. 1, 3 46.3 s 1 tWRITE,RAM,1st Program running from RAM. Write the first word to flash memory. 1 39.3 s 1 tWRITE,RAM,2nd Program running from RAM. Repeated writes operations following the first, within the same row. 1 22.3 s 1 tWRITE,RAM,3rd Program running from RAM. Repeated write operation, new word is located on a different row compare to the previous write. 1 46.3 s 1 Symbol Description tERASEALL Erase flash memory. tPAGEERASEALL Note Min. Typ. 1. Max timing is assuming using RC16M, worst case tolerance. 2. The CPU will be halted for the duration of NVMC operations if the CPU tries to fetch data/code from the flash memory. 3. The CPU will be halted for the duration of NVMC operations. Table 61 NVMC specifications Page 64 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 8.23 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) specifications Symbol Parameter (condition) VIH Input high voltage. VIL Input low voltage. VOH Output high voltage (std. drive, 0.5 mA). VOH Output high voltage (high-drive, 5 mA). VOL Note Max. Units 0.7 VDD VDD V VSS 0.3 VDD V VDD-0.3 VDD V VDD-0.3 VDD V Output low voltage (std. drive, 0.5 mA). VSS 0.3 V VOL Output low voltage (high-drive, 5 mA). VSS 0.3 V RPU Pull-up resistance. 11 13 16 k RPD Pull-down resistance. 11 13 16 k Max. Units Test level A 1 1 Min. Typ. 1. Maximum number of pins with 5 mA high drive is 3. Table 62 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) specifications 8.24 Low Power Comparator (LPCOMP) specifications Symbol Description Min. Typ. ILPC Run current for LPCOMP. tLPCANADETOFF Time from VIN crossing to ANADETECT signal generated when in System OFF. 151 s 1 tLPCANADETON Time from VIN crossing to ANADETECT signal generated when in System ON. 151 s 1 tLPCOMPSTARTUP Startup time for the Low Power Comparator. 40 s 1 0.5 1. For 50 mV overdrive Table 63 Low power comparator specifications Page 65 nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 9 Mechanical specifications This chapter covers the mechanical specifications for all chip variants of the nRF51422 chip. The following table lists the cross references to the package sections describing each package variant. Package Cross references QFN48 Section 9.1 "QFN48 package" on page 66 CDAB Section 9.2 "CDAB WLCSP package" on page 67 CEAA Section 9.3 "CEAA WLCSP package" on page 68 CFAC Section 9.4 "CFAC WLCSP package" on page 69 Table 64 Cross references to package variants 9.1 QFN48 package Figure 15 QFN48 6 x 6 mm package Package QFN48 (6 x 6) A A1 A3 b D, E D2, E2 e 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.2 0.15 0.20 0.25 6.0 4.50 4.60 4.70 0.4 Table 65 QFN48 dimensions in millimeters Page 66 K L 0.20 0.35 0.40 0.45 Min. Nom. Max. nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 9.2 CDAB WLCSP package Figure 16 CDAB WLCSP package Package CDAB WLCSP A A1 A3 b D E D2 E2 e K L 0.50 0.55 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.33 0.35 0.37 0.16 0.20 0.24 3.45 3.50 3.55 3.28 3.33 3.38 3.2 2.8 0.4 1.41 1.61 Table 66 CDAB WLCSP package dimensions in millimeters Page 67 Min. Nom. Max. nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 9.3 CEAA WLCSP package Figure 17 CEAA WLCSP package Package CEAA WLCSP A A1 A3 b D E D2 E2 e K L 0.50 0.55 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.33 0.35 0.37 0.16 0.20 0.24 3.45 3.50 3.55 3.78 3.83 3.88 3.2 3.2 0.4 1.66 1.61 Table 67 CEAA WLCSP package dimensions in millimeters Page 68 Min. Nom. Max. nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 9.4 CFAC WLCSP package Figure 18 CFAC WLCSP package Package CFAC WLCSP A A1 A3 b D E D2 E2 e K L 0.50 0.55 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.33 0.35 0.37 0.16 0.20 0.24 3.78 3.83 3.88 3.78 3.83 3.88 3.2 3.2 0.4 1.66 1.78 Table 68 CFAC WLCSP package dimensions in millimeters Page 69 Min. Nom. Max. nRF51422 Product Specification v3.2 10 Ordering information 10.1 Chip marking N 5 1 4 2 2
Description [0. .9] Production device identifier (incremental). [A. .Z] Engineering device identifier (incremental). Table 75 Production version codes