MOTOROLA SC (DIODES/OPTO) GSE D m@ b3 $y MOTOROLA ~ SEMICONDUCTORS PO. BOX 20912 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85036 e b7255 0087413 180 MEMOT? MAD130 MAD1103 MAD1107 MAD1108 DIODE ARRAY These diode arrays are multiple diode junctions fabricated by a planar process and mounted in integrated circuit packages for use in high-current, fast-switching core-driver applications. These ar- rays offer many of the advantages of integrated circuits such as high-density packaging and improved reliability. These advantages result from such factors as fewer connections, more uniform de- vice parameters, smaller size, less weight and fewer glass-to-metal seals. @ Designed for Use in Computers and Peripheral Equipment @ Applications include: Magnetic Cores Thin-Film Memories Ptated-Wire Memories Decoding or Encoding Applications ~ MONOLITHIC DIODE ARRAY HIGH CURRENT? FAST SWITCHING MAD1103F FLAT CERAMIC PACKAGE - CASE 606-04 MAXIMUM RATINGS (@ 25C Free-Air Temperature unless otherwise noted) Rating Symbol | MAD130 | MAD1103 vaptios Unit 1a a MA01107F Peak Reverse Voltage (1) VRM 40 50 50 Vde FLAT CERAMIC PACKAGE Steaay-State Reverse Voltage VR 25 25 40 Vde CASE 607-05 } Peak Forward Current at {or below) lFM 500 mA 16 25C Free-Air Temperature (1) 1 Continuous Forward Current at (or Ip 400 mA below) 25C Free-Air Temperature (2) CER Male PACKAGE Continuous Power Dissipation at (or Pp 600 mw CASE 620.02 below) 25C Free-Air Temperature (3) i Operating Free-Air Temperature Range Ta -65 to +125] -65 to +125 | -55 to+150] C Storage Temperature Range Tstg -65 10 +150| -65 to +150 | -65 to+175| C 14 1 Lead Temperature 1/16 from Case 260 C for 10 Seconds MAD130C NOTES MAD1103C 1 These values apply for PW < 100 us, duty cycle < 20% MAD1107C 2 Derate linearity to +125C temperature at rate of 3 2 mMA/C CERAMIC PACKAGE 3 Derate linearity to +125C temperature at rate of 6 0 mW/C CASE 632-02 14 PACKAGE OPTIONS 1 CERAMIC PLASTIC FLAT CERAMIC C Suffix P Suffix F Suffix MAD130P Device Pin Pin Pin MAD1103P Connection Case Connection Case Connection Case MAD1107P Ref. No. Ref. No. Ref. No. PLASTIC PACKAGE MAD130 CASE 646-05 Dual 10-Diode 3 632-02 3 646-05 - 16 Array 1 MAD1103 Dual 8-Diode 5 632-02 5 646-05 4 606-04 MAD1108P Array PLASTIC PACKAGE MADI107 CASE 648-05 Dual 8-Diode 2 632-02 2 646-05 2 607-05 Array MAD1108 1 620-02 1 648-05 1 650-02 1K 8-Diode Array MAD1 108F - FLAT CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 650-02 MOTOROLA INC 1985 DS4636R1| bBE D MM b3b7255 GOAT4LY B17 MMOT? MAD130 @ MAD1103 @ MAD1107 @ MAD1108 MOTOROLA SC (DIODES/OPTO) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (@ 25C Free-Air Temperature} . Limit ~ Characteristic Symbot- Unit Min Max Reverse Breakdown Voltage (1) V(BR) - Vde (IR = 10 pA) MAD130 40 _- : MAD1103/1107/1108 50 _ Static Reverse Current tr LA (VRq = 25 V) MAD130 _ 05 (VQ = 40 V) MAD1103/1107 - o5 MAD1108 01 Static Forward Voltage Ve Vdc (ip = 100 mA) _ 1.1 (Ip = 500 mA) (2) 1.5 Peak Forward Voltage (3) ~ VEM _ 5.0 Vde {Ip = 500 mA) NOTES 1 This parameter must be measured using pulse techniques PW = 100 ys, duty cycle < 20% 2 This parameter is measured using pulse techniques. PW = 300 ys, duty cycle < 2% Read time ts 90 ys from the leading edge of the pulse 3. The initial instantaneous value is measured using pulse techniques PW = 150 ns, duty cycle < 2%, pulse rise ttme < 10 ns The total capacitance shunting the diode 1s 19 pF maximum and the equipment bandwidth is 80 MHz SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (@ 25C Free-Air Temperature) Characteristic Symbol Typical Value Unit Forward Recovery Time, Figure 3 ttr 20 ns (Ip = 500 mA} Reverse Recovery Time, Figure 2 trr 80 ns (Ip = 200 mA, IRM = 200 mA, Ry = 100 2, irr = 20 mA) PIN CONNECTION DIAGRAMS 1 2 - 8-Diode Array Dual 8-Diode Array 16-Pin Package 14-Pin Package QAQOOOOOO @ (8) GIOIDIGIGIOIOIO 7 OY OO Chpatith @ Case 620, Case 648, Case 650 Case 607, Case 632, Case 646 3 4 5 Dual 10-Diode Array Dual 8-Diode Array Dual 8-Diode Array 14-Pin Package 10-Pin Package 14-Pin Package aan T1749 QDAMDOOYOOOOM b8gbb006 sedges @) ) @) *Pins 4, 6, 10,13 = NC Case 632, Case 646 Case 606 Case 632, Case 646 an (AA) MOTOROLA Semiconductor Products Inc.MOTOROLA SC (DIODES/OPTO) bSE D MM B3b?eSS AO4PHLS 753 MENOT? FIGURE 1 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 2 FORWARD RECOVERY TIME AND PEAK FORWARD STATIC FORWARD VOLTAGE VOLTAGE TEST CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORMS 1000 = = - = 100 Tein | S00 rade = 100 2 Ta = +25C Tein Own 0 Tout = _ | az (10 t < 15 ns t<45ns = Duty Cycle < 20% OUT Rin2 10 Mh 2 PW = 150 ns Cin <5 0 pF Tp " out 11Ve ~ 10 t VEM | 10% VF t 01 tr 0.2 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 Vp, FORWARD VOLTAGE {VOLTS} FIGURE 3 REVERSE RECOVERY TIME TEST CIRCUIT AND WAVEFORMS Scope TPout Adjust amplitude for Ip = 200 mAdc to BOO mAdc Input Pulse tp<O4ns R,y = 50 ohms tec 10ns Duty Cycle < 10% PW = 200 ns Zout = 50 ohms OmA ig + ee tre OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Popes | FSS PQ | 1. a ee The SEATING PLANE ~ NOTES 1 A DIMENSIONS DETERMINE ZONE WITHIN WHICH ALL BODY AND LEAD IRREGULARITIES LIE LEADS WITHIN 0 13 rm (0 005+ TOTAL OF TRUE POSITION RELATIVE TO A AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION NOTE 1 ALL RULES & NOTES ASSOCIATED WITH T0.91 OUTLINE SHALL APPLY 2 LEADS WITHIN 0 25 mm (0 010) TOTAL OF TRUE POSITION 27 MAXIMUM MATERIAL CON2ITION (AT BOgY) ~ CASE 606-04 F SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 607-05 F SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE $$ (MA) MOTOROLA Semiconductor Products Inc. =MOTOROLA SC (DIODES/OPTO) b8E D MM 6367255 OO47416 &9T MEMOT? MAD130 @ MAD1103 @ MAD1107 @ MAD1108 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS (continued) S$: 7 LEADS WITHIN 0.13 mm (0.005) RADIUS OF TAVE POSITION AT SEATING PLANE AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION - 2 PKG. INDEX: NOTCH IN LEAD NOTCH IN CERAMIC OR INK DOT 3 GIML" TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL bm --| ee ee - at jt woK j_t ; aie F ~~IMbe SEATING PLANE be CASE 620-02 C SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE NOTES: AAAAAAN J vores * "lhe 1, ALL AULES AND NOTES ASSOCIATED 1 LEADS WITHIN 13. WITH MO-00T AA QUTLINE SHALL APPLY (0.006) RADIUS OF TRL 2, DIMENSION L" TO CENTER OF LEADS PLANE AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. 2. DIMENSION L" TO CENTER OF LEADS T 7 VVV Wi V WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. . LEADS WITHIN 0.25mm (0.070) DIA OF TRUE . F POSITION AT SEATING PLANE AND MAXIMUM t WHEN FORMED ~ - MATERIAL CONDITION. fF - PARALLEL. 1 N i 3. DIMENSION B DOES NUT 4 INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. \ ia . J 4. ROUNDED CORNERS OPTIONAL. A TING! sie ink Lm w xT yr? CASE 646-05 P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 632-02 - C SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE 7 | OPTIONAL LEAD ' CONFIG. (1,8, 9, & 16} NOTES _ [| oA = 5 at Ail JEQEC dimensions and notes apply. A NOTES. 7. LEAD NQ. 1 IDENTIFIED BY TAB ON LEAG OR DOT ON COVER. 2 LEADS WITHIN 0.13 mm (0.005) TOTAL OF TRUE POSITION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. a uie u ke sek i, searing why wal _| NOTES: 1. LEADS WITHIN 0.13 mm (0.005) RADIUS OF TRUE POSITION AT SEATING 3 DIMENSION 8 DOES NOT PLANE AT MAXIMUM INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MATERIAL CONDITION. = 4 F DIMENSION 1S FOR FULL CASE 648-05 CASE 650-02 2. DIMENSION L" TO LEADS. HALF LEADS ARE CENTER OF LEADS OPTIONAL AT LEAD POSITIONS P SUFFIX F SUFFIX WHEN FORMED 1,8,9, and 16) PARALLEL. 5. ROUNDED CORNERS OPTIONAL, PLASTIC PACKAGE CERAMIC PACKAGE I Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design Motorola does | not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein, neither does it convey any license under its t patent rights nor the rights of others Motorola and i) are registered trademarks of Motorola. !n Motorola, inc 1s an Equal Emptoyment Opportunity/ { | Atfirmative Action Employer MOTOROLA Semiconductor Products Inc. BOX 20912 @ PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85036 A SUBSIDIARY OF MOTOROLA INC. DS4636R1 17835+2 FREATED IN USA 5-85 IMPERIAL LITHO 30996 3,000