Ordering number : EN*A2355 STK541UC62K-E Advance Information http://onsemi.com Inverter IPM for 3-phase Motor Drive Overview This "Inverter IPM" is highly integrated device containing all High Voltage (HV) control from HV-DC to 3-phase outputs in a single SIP module (Single-In line Package). Output stage uses IGBT/FRD technology and implements Under Voltage Protection (UVP) and Over Current Protection (OCP) with a Fault Detection output flag. Internal Boost diodes are provided for high side gate boost drive. Function Single control power supply due to Internal bootstrap circuit for high side pre-driver circuit All control input and status output are at low voltage levels directly compatible with microcontrollers Built-in cross conduction prevention Externally accessible embedded thermistor for substrate temperature measurement The level of the over-current protection current is adjustable with the external resistor, "RSD" Certification UL1557 (File Number : E339285). Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Tc = 25C Parameter Symbol Conditions Unit 450 V VCC P to N, surge<500V Collector-emitter voltage VCE P to U,V,W or U,V,W to N 600 V P, N, U,V,W terminal current 10 A P, N, U,V,W terminal current at Tc=100C 5 A P, N, U,V,W terminal current for a Pulse width of 1ms. 20 A 20 V Output current Io Output peak current Iop Pre-driver voltage Input signal voltage FLTEN terminal voltage Maximum power dissipation VD1,2,3,4 VIN VFLTEN VB1 to U, VB2 to V, VB3 to W, VDD to VSS FLTEN terminal IGBT per channel Junction temperature Tj IGBT,FRD Storage temperature Tstg 0 to 7 V 0.3 to VDD V 22 W 150 C 40 to +125 C 40 to +100 C Tc IPM case temperature Case mounting screws *3 0.9 Nm Vis 50Hz sine wave AC 1 minute *4 2000 VRMS Tightening torque Withstand voltage *2 HIN1, 2, 3, LIN1, 2, 3 Pd Operating substrate temperature *1 Ratings Supply voltage Reference voltage is "VSS" terminal voltage unless otherwise specified. *1: Surge voltage developed by the switching operation due to the wiring inductance between "P" and "N" terminal. *2: Terminal voltage: VD1=VB1U, VD2=VB2V, VD3=VB3W, VD4=VDDVSS *3: Flatness of the heat-sink should be 0.15mm and below. *4: Test conditions : AC2500V, 1 second. Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. ORDERING INFORMATION See detailed ordering and shipping information on page 17 of this data sheet. Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2014 August, 2014 81914HK No.A2355-1/17 STK541UC62K-E Electrical Characteristics at Tc 25C, VD1, VD2, VD3, VD4 = 15V Parameter Symbol Conditions Test circuit min typ max Unit - - 0.1 mA mA Power output section Collector-emitter cut-off current ICE VCE = 600V Bootstrap diode reverse current IR(BD) VR(BD) Collector to emitter saturation voltage Diode forward voltage VCE(SAT) VF Fig.1 - - 0.1 - 1.4 2.3 Ic=10A Upper side Tj=25C Lower side *1 Ic=5A Upper side Tj=100C Lower side *1 IF=10A Upper side - 1.3 2.2 Tj=25C Lower side *1 - 1.6 2.5 IF=5A Upper side - 1.2 - Tj=100C Lower side *1 Fig.2 Fig.3 - 1.7 2.6 - 1.3 - - 1.6 - V V - 1.5 - Junction to case j-c(T) IGBT - - 5.5 thermal resistance j-c(D) FRD - - 6.5 - 0.08 0.4 - 1.6 4.0 - - 0.8 C/W Control (Pre-driver) section Pre-driver current consumption ID VD1, 2, 3=15V VD4=15V High level Input voltage Vin H Low level Input voltage Vin L Input threshold voltage hysteresis*1 Vinth(hys) Logic 0 input leakage current IIN+ Logic 1 input leakage current IIN FLTEN terminal input electric current IoSD FAULT : ON/VFLTEN=0.1V FAULT clearance delay time FLTCLR Fault output latch time VCC and VS undervoltage upper threshold VCCUV+ VSUV+ VCC and VS undervoltage lower threshold VSUV VCC and VS undervoltage hysteresis Fig.4 HIN1, HIN2, HIN3, mA V 2.5 - - V 0.5 0.8 - V VIN=+3.3V 76 118 160 uA VIN=0V 97 150 203 uA - 2 - mA 6 9 12 ms 10.5 11.1 11.7 V 10.3 10.9 11.5 V 0.14 0.2 - A 10 - 17 A 0.30 0.33 0.36 V LIN1, LIN2, LIN3 to VSS VCCUV VCCUVH VSUVH Over current protection level ISD PW=100s Output level for current monitor ISO Io=10A Fig.5 Reference voltage is "VSS" terminal voltage unless otherwise specified. *1: The lower side's VCE(SAT) and VF include a loss by the shunt resistance Product parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions. No.A2355-2/17 STK541UC62K-E Electrical Characteristics at Tc 25C, VD1, VD2, VD3, VD4 = 15V, VCC = 300V, L = 3.9mH Parameter Symbol Conditions Test circuit min typ max Unit 0.2 0.4 1.1 - 0.5 1.2 - 200 - J Switching Character tON Io=10A tOFF Inductive load Eon Ic=5A, P=300V, Turn-off switching loss Eoff VDD=15V, L=3.9mH - 130 - J Total switching loss Etot Tc=25C - 330 - J Turn-on switching loss Eon Ic=5A, P=300V, - 240 - J Turn-off switching loss Eoff VDD=15V, L=3.9mH - 160 - J Total switching loss Etot Tc=100C - 400 - J Diode reverse recovery energy Erec IF=5A, P=400V, VDD=15V, - 17 - J Diode reverse recovery time Trr L=0.5mH, Tc=100C 62 - ns Reverse bias safe operating area RBSOA Io=20A, VCE=450V Switching time Turn-on switching loss Short circuit safe operating area SCSOA VCE=400V, Tc=100C Allowable offset voltage slew rate dv/dt Between U, V, W to N Fig.6 Fig.6 Fig.6 Fig.7 s Full square 4 50 - - s 50 V/ns Reference voltage is "VSS" terminal voltage unless otherwise specified. Product parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions. Notes: 1. When the internal protection circuit operates, a Fault signal is turned ON (When the Fault terminal is low level, Fault signal is ON state : output form is open DRAIN) but the Fault signal does not latch.After protection operation ends,it returns automatically within about 6ms to 12ms and resumes operation beginning condition. So, after Fault signal detection, set all input signals to OFF (Low) at once.However, the operation of pre-drive power supply low voltage protection (UVLO:with hysteresis about 0.2V) is as follows. Upper side: The gate is turned off and will return to regular operation when recovering to the normal voltage, but the latch will continue till the input signal will turn `low'. Lower side: The gate is turned off and will automatically reset when recovering to normal voltage. It does not depend on input signal voltage. 2. When assembling the IPM on the heat sink with M3 type screw, tightening torque range is 0.6 Nm to 0.9 Nm. 3. The pre-drive low voltage protection is the feature to protect devices when the pre-driver supply voltage falls due to an operating malfunction. No.A2355-3/17 STK541UC62K-E Equivalent Block Diagram VB1(7) U(8) VB2(4) V(5) VB3(1) W(2) P(10) U.V. U.V. U.V. Shunt Resistor N(12) Thermistor VTH (13) Level Level Level Shifter Shifter Shifter HIN1(15) HIN2(16) HIN3(17) LIN1(18) Logic Logic Logic LIN2(19) LIN3(20) FLTEN(21) ISO(22) VDD(14) VSS(23) Latch Latch Time About 9ms ( Automatic Reset ) Over-Current VDD-Under Voltage No.A2355-4/17 STK541UC62K-E Module Pin-Out Description Pin Name Description 1 VB3 High Side Floating Supply Voltage 3 2 W, VS3 Output 3 - High Side Floating Supply Offset Voltage 3 NA None 4 VB2 High Side Floating Supply voltage 2 5 V,VS2 Output 2 - High Side Floating Supply Offset Voltage 6 NA None 7 VB1 High Side Floating Supply voltage 1 8 U,VS1 Output 1 - High Side Floating Supply Offset Voltage 9 NA None 10 P Positive Bus Input Voltage 11 NA None 12 N Negative Bus Input Voltage 13 VTH Temperature Feedback 14 VDD +15V Main Supply 15 HIN1 Logic Input High Side Gate Driver - Phase U 16 HIN2 Logic Input High Side Gate Driver - Phase V 17 HIN3 Logic Input High Side Gate Driver - Phase W 18 LIN1 Logic Input Low Side Gate Driver - Phase U 19 LIN2 Logic Input Low Side Gate Driver - Phase V 20 LIN3 Logic Input Low Side Gate Driver - Phase W 21 FLTEN Fault output and Enable 22 ISO Current monitor output 23 VSS Negative Main Supply No.A2355-5/17 STK541UC62K-E Test Circuit The tested phase U+ shows the upper side of the U phase and U shows the lower side of the U phase. ICE / IR(BD) ICE U+ V+ W+ U- V- W- M 10 10 10 8 5 2 N 8 5 2 12 12 12 1 M A VD3=15V 2 4 VD2=15V 5 VCE 7 U(BD) V(BD) W(BD) M 7 4 1 N 23 23 23 VD1=15V 8 14 VD4=15V 23 N Fig.1 1 VCE(SAT) (test by pulse) M VD3=15V 2 U+ V+ W+ U- V- W- M 10 10 10 8 5 2 N 8 5 2 12 12 12 m 15 16 17 18 19 20 4 VD2=15V 5 V Ic 7 VD1=15V VCE(SAT) 8 14 VD4=15V m 23 N Fig.2 VF (test by pulse) M U+ V+ W+ U- V- W- M 10 10 10 8 5 2 N 8 5 2 12 12 12 V VF IF N Fig.3 ID VD1 VD2 VD3 VD4 M 7 4 1 14 N 8 5 2 23 ID A M VD* N Fig.4 No.A2355-6/17 STK541UC62K-E ISD 1 8 VD3=15V 2 4 VD2=15V Input signal (0 to 5V) 5 Io 7 VD1=15V Io SD 8 14 VD4=15V Input signal 100S 18 23 12 Fig.5 Switching time (The circuit is a representative example of the lower side U phase.) 1 10 VD1=15V Input signal (0 to 5V) 2 4 VD2=15V 5 90% 8 7 Vcc CS VD3=15V Io 10% tOFF 8 14 VD4=15V Input signal Io 18 23 12 Fig.6 RB-SOA (The circuit is a representative example of the lower side U phase.) Input signal (0 to 5V) 1 10 VD1=15V 2 4 VD2=15V 5 Io 8 7 Vcc CS VD3=15V 8 14 VD4=15V Input signal Io 18 23 12 Fig.7 No.A2355-7/17 STK541UC62K-E Input / Output Timing Diagram VBS undervoltage protection reset signal OFF HIN1,2,3 ON LIN1,2,3 *2 VDD VDD undervoltage protection reset voltage *3 VBS undervoltage protection reset voltage VB1,2,3 *4 -------------------------------------------------------ISD operation current level------------------------------------------------------- -terminal (BUS line) Current FLTEN terminal Voltage (at pulled-up) ON *1 Upper U, V, W OFF *1 Lower U ,V, W Automatically reset after protection (typ.9ms) Fig.8 Notes *1 : Diagram shows the prevention of shoot-through via control logic. More dead time to account for switching delay needs to be added externally. *2 : When VDD decreases all gate output signals will go low and cut off all of 6 IGBT outputs. When VDD rises the operation will resume immediately. *3 : When the upper side gate voltage at VB1, VB2 and VB3 drops only, the corresponding upper side output is turned off. The outputs return to normal operation immediately after the upper side gate voltage rises. *4 : In case of over current detection, all IGBT's are turned off and the FAULT output is asserted. Normal operation resumes in 6 to 12ms after the over current condition is removed. No.A2355-8/17 STK541UC62K-E Logic level table P INPUT Ho HIN1,2,3 (15,16,17) IC Driver U,V,W (8,5,2) LIN1,2,3 (18,19,20) OUTPUT HIN LIN OCP Ho Lo U,V,W FLTEN H L OFF L H N OFF L H OFF H L P OFF L L OFF L L High Impedance OFF H H OFF L L High Impedance OFF X X ON L L High Impedance ON Lo N Fig. 9 No.A2355-9/17 STK541UC62K-E Sample Application Circuit CB 7 8 CB VTH VSS VDD ISO FLTEN LIN3 LIN2 LIN1 HIN3 HIN2 HIN1 N U VB1 V 4 5 P 1 2 VB2 W VB3 STK541UC62K-E 10 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 14 23 13 CB CS RP VP Control Logic Vcc CD VDD=15V CI Recommended Operating Conditions at Tc = 25C Item Supply voltage Symbol Conditions VCC P to N VD1,2,3 VB1 to U, VB2 to V, VB3 to W VD4 VDD to VSS ON-state input voltage VIN(ON) OFF-state input voltage VIN(OFF) HIN1, HIN2, HIN3, LIN1, LIN2, LIN3 PWM frequency fPWM Dead time DT Allowable input pulse width Tightening torque Pre-driver supply voltage *1 min typ max Unit V 0 280 450 12.5 15 17.5 13.5 15 16.5 V 0 - 0.3 3.0 - 5.0 - 1 - 20 kHz Turn-off to turn-on 2 - - s PWIN ON and OFF 1 - - s - `M3' type screw 0.6 - 0.9 Nm V *1 Pre-drive power supply (VD4=151.5V) must be have the capacity of Io=20mA(DC), 0.5A(Peak). Functional operation above the stresses listed in the Recommended Operating Ranges is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses beyond the Recommended Operating Ranges limits may affect device reliability. Usage Precaution 1. This IPM includes bootstrap diode and resistors. Therefore, by adding a capacitor "CB", a high side drive voltage is generated; each phase requires an individual bootstrap capacitor. The recommended value of CB is in the range of 1 to 47F, however this value needs to be verified prior to production. If selecting the capacitance more than 47F (20%), connect a resistor (about 20) in series between each 3-phase upper side power supply terminals (VB1,2,3) and each bootstrap capacitor. When not using the bootstrap circuit, each upper side pre-drive power supply requires an external independent power supply. 2. It is essential that wirning length between terminals in the snubber circuit be kept as short as possible to reduce the effect of surge voltages. Recommended value of "CS" is in the range of 0.1 to 10F. 3. "ISO" (pin22) is terminal for current monitor. When the pull-down resistor is used, please select it more than 5.6k 4. "FLTEN" (pin21) is open DRAIN output terminal (Active Low). Pull up resistor is recommended more than 5.6k. 5. Inside the IPM, a thermistor used as the temperature monitor for internal subatrate is connected between VSS terminal and VTH terminal, therefore, an external pull up resistor connected between the TH terminal and an external power supply should be used. The temperature monitor example application is as follows, please refer the Fig.10 and below. 6. The over-current protection feature is not intended to protect in exceptional fault condition. An external fuse is recommended for safety. 7. When "N" and "VSS" terminal are short-circuited on the outside, level that over-current protection (ISD) might be changed from designed value as IPM. Please check it in your set ("N" terminal and "VSS" terminal are connected in IPM). 8. When input pulse width is less than 1.0s, an output may not react to the pulse. (Both ON signal and OFF signal) This data shows the example of the application circuit, does not guarantee a design as the mass production set. No.A2355-10/17 STK541UC62K-E The characteristic of thermistor Parameter Symbol Condition Min Typ. Max Unit Resistance R25 Tc=25C 99 100 101 k Resistance R100 Tc=100C B B-Constant (25 to 50C) Temperature Range 5.12 5.38 5.66 k 4165 4250 4335 K 40 - +125 C Case Temperature(Tc) - Thermal resistance(RTH) 10000 Thermistor Resistanse, RTH-Kohm min typ 1000 max 100 10 1 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Case temperature, Tc-degC 80 90 100 110 120 130 Fig.10 Variation of thermistor resistance with temperature Case Temperature(Tc) - TH terminal voltage(VTH) 6.0 Thermistor Pin Read-Out Voltage, VTH-V min typ 5.0 max 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Case temperature, Tc-degC 80 90 100 110 120 130 Fig.11 Variation of thermistor terminal voltage with temperature (47k pull-up resistor, 5V) No.A2355-11/17 STK541UC62K-E The characteristic of PWM switching frequency Maximum RMS Output Current / Phase (A) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 PWM Switching Frequency (kHz) Fig. 12 Maximum sinusoidal phase current as function of switching frequency at Tc=100, VCC=400V No.A2355-12/17 STK541UC62K-E Switching waveform 450 14 13 12 Current 11 Voltage 400 350 10 Current[A] 250 8 7 200 6 150 5 4 Voltage[V] 300 9 100 3 50 2 1 0 0 -50 -1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Time[us] Fig. 13 IGBT Turn-on. Typical turn-on waveform at Tc=100C, VCC=400V 450 14 13 400 12 350 10 Current 9 Voltage 300 250 8 7 200 6 150 5 4 Voltage[V] Current[A] 11 100 3 50 2 1 0 0 -50 -1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Time[us] Fig. 14 IGBT Turn-off. Typical turn-off waveform at Tc=100C, VCC=400V No.A2355-13/17 STK541UC62K-E CB capacitor value calculation for bootstrap circuit Calculate conditions Value Unit Upper side power supply. Parameter VBS Symbol 15 V Total gate charge of output power IGBT at 15V. QG 89 nC Upper limit power supply low voltage protection. UVLO 12 V Upper side power dissipation. IDMAX 400 A ON time required for CB voltage to fall from 15V to UVLO TONMAX - s Capacitance calculation formula Thus, the following formula are true VBS x CB - QG - IDMAX * TONMAX = UVLO * CB therefore, CB = (QG + IDMAX * TONMAX) / (VBS - UVLO) The relationship between TONMAX and CB becomes as follows. CB is recommended to be approximately 3 times the value calculated above. The recommended value of CB is in the range of 1 to 47F, however, this value needs to be verified prior to production. CB vs Tonmax Bootstrap Capacitance CB [uF] 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Tonmax [ms] Fig. 15 Tonmax - CB characteristic No.A2355-14/17 STK541UC62K-E VCE Ic 90% Ic 50% HIN/LIN HIN/LIN 10% Ic tr tON Fig. 16a Input to output propagation turn-on delay time Ic VCE 90% Ic HIN/LIN 50% HIN/LIN 10% Ic tf tOFF Fig. 16b Input to output propagation turn-off delay time IF VCE HIN/LIN Irr trr Fig. 16c Diode reverse recovery No.A2355-15/17 STK541UC62K-E Package Dimensions (unit : mm) The tolerances of length are +/- 0.5mm unless otherwise specified. missing pin ; 3, 6, 9, 11 56.0 note3 2.0 9.0 23 1 0.6+0.2 -0.05 0.5+0.2 -0.05 2.0 22.0 4.3 note1 (10.9) STK541UC62K 21.8 4DB00 0.5 R1. 7 1 3.4 note2 5.0 22X2.0=44.0 3.2 46.2 2.0 5.0 3 2 50.0 62.0 note1: Mark for No.1 pin identification. note2: The form of a character in this drawing differs from that of HIC. note3: This indicates the date code. The form of a character in this drawing differs from that of HIC. No.A2355-16/17 STK541UC62K-E ORDERING INFORMATION Device STK541UC62K-E Package Shipping (Qty / Packing) SIP23 56x21.8 (Pb-Free) 8 / Tube ON Semiconductor and the ON logo are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC) or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. SCILLC owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of SCILLC's product/patent coverage may be accessed at www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Patent-Marking.pdf . SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PS No.A2355-17/17 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: ON Semiconductor: STK541UC62K-E