Coaxial Connectors
112 Catalog 1308638 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Revised 8-05 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013
www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967
Performance Data
For Gold Plated Crimp Style
Coaxial Connectors
Captive Contacts —Terminated con-
nector contacts captivated from move-
ment in both directions.
Cable Retention —
50 Ohm connectors, 15 lb. min.
70 Ohm connectors, 25 lb. min.
93 Ohm connectors, 25 lb. min.
Recommended Coupling Torque
(Threaded Interface) —
8inch/pounds max. [.904 Nm]
Recommended Receptacle
Mounting Torque (Threaded
Interface) —8inch/pounds max.
[.904 Nm]
Contact Protection (Unmated) —
Pin contact protected by coupling nut.
Socket protected by insulator and
Assembly Methods
Straight Plugs & Jacks —Cable
Inner Conductor: Crimped to contact.
Cable Shield: Crimped under housing.
Right-Angle Plugs —Cable Inner
Conductor: Crimped to contact. Cable
Shield: Crimped under housing.
Temperature Range (Continuous
Service) —-80°F to +392°F.
[-62°C to +200°C].
Vibration1,2 —MIL-STD-202, Method
204, Test condition B (15 G peak). No
physical damage or electrical disconti-
nuities in excess of 1 microsecond.
Shock1,2 —MIL-STD-202, Method
213, Test Condition H. No physical dam-
age or electrical discontinuity after
Thermal Shock —MIL-STD-202,
Method 107, Test Condition C.
Moisture Resistance1—MIL-STD-
202, Method 106.
Salt Spray1—MIL-STD-202, Method
101, Test Condition B (48 hours).
Impedance —Designed to be com-
patible with 50, 70, or 93 Ohm miniature
coaxial cable.
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage —
1000 volts RMS at sea level.
Contact Resistance — 4 milliohms
max., D.C.
Contact Capacity — 3 amps, D.C.
Insulation Resistance —5x103
Megohms min. @ 500 volts D.C.
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio3
(VSWR) —Typical 50 Ohm series, 1.2
max. to 2 GHz.
Housing, Nut, Inner Sleeve —
Brass per ASTM-B-16, 35% Zinc.
Insulator —TEFLON per
Pin & Socket Contacts —Beryllium
Copper per ASTM-B-196.
Middle Sleeve —Copper Alloy.
Facial Seal4,Sealing Sleeve &
Gasket —Silicone Rubber per
Lockwasher —#425 Bronze Alloy.
Contacts, Housing, Nut,
Inner Sleeve, Middle Sleeve,
Lockwasher — Gold per MIL-G-45204,
Type II, Grade C, Class 1.
1Screw-On Series threaded inter-
2Tyco Electronics recommends the
use of wired connectors in vibration
and shock environments. See indi-
vidual specifications for connectors
with wire holes.
3VSWR is a system specification.
Where performance is critical,
purchase Tyco Electronics cable
assemblies (See page 127) and
specify VSWR testing and mating
connector part numbers.
Gold Plated Crimp Style Coaxial Connectors