Over-Voltage Protection Switch with OCP and BOVP
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201960A • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • May 16, 2012
Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
The AAT4685 has a fixed 2.7V under-voltage lockout
level (UVLO) trip level for IN rising. When the input volt-
age is less than 2.7V - VUVLO_HYS, the OVP switch is turned
off. 100mV of hysteresis is included to ensure circuit
Over-Voltage Protection (OVP)
The AAT4685 adjustable version has a 1.0V ± 3% over-
voltage trip threshold on the OVP pin. With a resistor
divider on OVP pin from IN to GND, the over-voltage
protection point of IN can be adjusted between 4V and
7V. If the over-voltage trip level is triggered, the OVP
switch will start to be turned off in 1s. The FLT pin is
driven low. When the input voltage pin returns below
VOVPT – VOVP_HYS (but is still above VUVLO), the OVP switch
is turned on again after a TOVP_REC recovery time to ensure
that the input supply has stabilized.
Fixed OVP products are also available where the resistive
divider is internally integrated. Pin 12 is designed to be
not connected.
Over-Current Protection (OCP)
The AAT4685 integrates adjustable over-current protec-
tion. Once the load current exceeds the pre-set limit of
IOCP current (ILOAD>IOCP), the load current is limited after
the OCP blanking time (typical 180s). During the OCP
blanking time, the OVP switch stays ON. Once the load
current drops below IOCP
, current restriction will be
removed. If the over-current state continues after the
blanking period, the OVP switch turns off and FLT is
pulled down. In order to prevent the input voltage from
spiking up due to the inductance of the input cable, the
OVP switch is turned off slowly, resulting in a "soft-stop."
The OVP switch will turn back on again after TOCP_REC
(typical 64ms) and the current is monitored all over
again. Each time an OCP fault occurs, an internal counter
is incremented. If 15 OCP faults occur in one charge
cycle, the OVP switch is turned off permanently. The
counter is cleared either by removing and re-applying
input power, or by disabling and re-enabling the device
via the EN pin.
The OCP threshold is set by an external resistor (ROCP)
connected between OCP and ground. IOCP is approxi-
mated by the following formula:
IOCP = (current in A, resistance in kΩ)
Battery Over-Voltage Protection (BOVP)
The AAT4685 monitors the positive battery terminal and
turns the OVP switch off when the battery voltage
exceeds the BOVP threshold (typical 4.35V). The monitor
has blanking time TBOVP_BL (typical 180s) to prevent any
transient voltage from false triggering the BOVP. A resis-
tor is required between the BOVP pin and the battery, to
limit the current in case of a short circuit condition. If the
battery voltage exceeds the BOVP trip threshold VBOVPT
the OVP switch is turned off, and the FLT pin is driven
low. In order to prevent the input voltage from spiking
up due to the inductance of the input cable, the OVP
switch is turned off slowly , resulting in a "soft-stop." The
OVP switch is turned back on once the battery voltage
drops to VBOVPT – VBOVP_HYS. Each time a battery over-
voltage fault occurs, an internal counter is incremented.
If 15 such faults occur in one charge cycle, the OVP
switch is turned off permanently. The counter is cleared
either by removing and re-applying input power, or by
disabling and re-enabling the device via the EN pin.
Over-Temperature Protection
(OT Protection)
If the junction temperature of the device exceeds TSHDN,
the OVP switch is turned off, and the FLT pin is driven
low. The OVP switch is turned back on when the junction
temperature falls below TSHDN - 15°C.
Fault Indicator (FLT)
The FLT output is an active-low open-drain fault (OV/OC/
BOVP/OT) reporting output. A pull-up resistor should be
connected from FLT to the logic I/O voltage of the host
system. When EN is low, FLT is asserted by pulling down
in the case of an over-voltage, over-current, or battery
over-voltage or over-temperature fault occuring; FLT is
de-asserted into high impedance state with the fault
removed. When EN is high, FLT is in high impedance