March 3, 2011
Application” on page 3 for more detail; RS is the upper
resistor; ROFFSET (shortened to RO below) is the lower one.
The recommended value for RS is 1kΩ to 5kΩ (±1% for
accuracy) and then ROFFSET is chosen accord ing to the
equation below. Since RS is part of the compensation circuit
(see “Feedback Compensatio n” on page 10), it is often
easier to change ROFFSET to change the output voltage;
that way the compensation calculations do not need to be
repeated. If VOUT = 0.6V, then ROFFSET can be left open.
Output voltages less than 0.6V are not available as shown in
Equation 2.
Input Voltage Considerations
The Typical Application diagram on page 3 shows a
standard configuration where VCC is either 5V (±10% ) or
12V (±20%); in each case, the gate drivers use the VCC
voltage for LGATE and BOOT/UGATE. In addition, VCC is
allowed to work anywhere from 6.5V up to the 14.4V
maximum. The VCC range between 5.5V and 6.5V is NOT
allowed for long-term reliability reasons, but transitions
through it to voltages above 6.5V are acceptable.
There is an internal 5V regulator for bias; it turns on between
5.5V and 6.5V ; some of the delay af ter POR is there to allow
a typical power supply to ramp up past 6.5V before the
soft-start ramps begins. This prevents a disturbance on the
output, due to the internal regulator turning on or off. If the
transition is slow (not a step change), the disturbance should
be minimal. So while the recommendation is to not have the
output enabled during the transition through this region, it
may be acceptable. The user should monitor the output for
their application, to see if there is any problem.
The VIN to the upper MOSFET can share the same supply
as VCC, but can also run off a separate supply or other
sources, such as outputs of other regulators. If VCC powers
up first, and the VIN is not present by the time the
initialization is done, then the soft-start will not be able to
ramp the output, and the output will later follow part of the
VIN ramp when it is applied. If this is not desired, then
change the sequencing of the supplies, or use the
COMP/SD pin to disable VOUT until both supplies are ready.
Figure 6 shows a simple sequencer for this situation. If VCC
powers up first, Q1 will be off, and R3 pulling to VCC will turn
Q2 on, keeping the ISL6545x in shut-down. When VIN turns
on, the resistor divider R1 and R2 determines when Q1 turns
on, which will turn off Q2, and release the shut-down. If VIN
powers up first, Q1 will be on, turning Q2 off; so the
ISL6545x will start-up as soon as VCC comes up. The
VDISABLE trip point is 0.4V nominal, so a wide variety of
NFET’s or NPN’ s or even some logic IC’s can be used as Q1
or Q2; but Q2 must be low leakage when off (open-drain or
open-collector) so as not to interfere with the COMP output.
Q2 should also be placed near the COMP/SD pin.
The VIN range can be as low as ~1V (for VOUT as low as the
0.6V reference). It can be as high as 20V (for VOUT just
below VIN). There are some restrictions for running high VIN
The first consideration for high VIN is the maximum BO OT
voltage of 36V. The VIN (as seen on PHASE) plus VCC (boot
voltage - minus the diode drop), plus any ringing (or other
transients) on the BOOT pin must be less than 36V. If VIN is
20V, that limits VCC plus ringing to 16V.
The second consideration for high VIN is the maximum
(BOOT - VCC) voltage; this must be less than 24V. Since
BOOT = VIN + VCC + ringing, that reduces to (VIN + ringing)
must be <24V. So based on typical circuits, a 20V maximum
VIN is a good starting assumption; the user should verify the
ringing in their particular application.
Another consideration for high VIN is duty cycle. Very low
duty cycles (such as 20V in to 1.0V out, for 5% duty cycle)
require component selection compatible with that choice
(such as low rDS(ON) lower MOSFET, and a good LC output
filter). At the other extreme (for example, 20V in to 12V out),
the upper MOSFET needs to be low rDS(ON). In addition, if
the duty cycle gets too high, it can affect the overcurrent
sample time. In all cases, the input and output capacitors
and both MOSFETs must be rated for the voltages present.
Switching Frequency
The switching frequency is either a fixed 300kHz or 600kHz,
depending on the part number chosen (ISL6545 is 300kHz;
ISL6545A is 600kHz). However , all of the other timing
mentioned (POR delay, OCP sample, soft-start, etc.) is
independent of the clock frequency, unless otherwise noted.
BOOT Refresh
In the event that the UGATE is on for an extended period of
time, the charge on the boot capacitor can start to sag,
raising the rDS(ON) of the upper MOSFET. T he ISL6545x
has a circuit that detects a long UGAT E on-time (nominal
100µs), and forces the LGA TE to go high for one clock cycle,
which will allow the boot capacitor some time to recharge.
Separately, the OCP circuit has an LGATE pulse stretcher
(to be sure the sample time is long enough), which can also
help refresh the boot. But if OCP is disabled (no current
VOUT 0.6V–
=(EQ. 2)
ISL6545, ISL6545A