Systems, Inc.
Block Diagram
General Description
The ICS9158 is a low cost frequency generator designed
specifically for desktop and notebook PC applications. Eight
high dr ive, skew-c ont rol led copies of th e CPU clo ck a re a vail-
able, eliminating the need for an external buffer .
Each high drive (50mA) output is capable of driving a 30pF
load and has a typical duty cycle of 50/50. The CPU clock
outputs are ske w-con troll ed to within ±250ps. The CPU clocks
provide all necessary frequencies for 286, 386, 486 and Pen-
tium systems, including support for the latest speeds of proc-
The CPU cloc k offers the uniqu e feature of smoot h, glitch-free
transitions from one frequency to the next, making this the
ideal device to use whenever slowing the CPU speeds. The
ICS9158 makes a gradual transition between frequencies so
that it meets the Intel cycle-to-cycle timing specification for
486 systems.
ICS has been shipping Motherboard Frequency Generators
since April 1990, and is the leader in the area of multiple output
clocks on a single chip. The ICS9158 is a third generation
device, and uses ICS’s patented analog CMOS Phase-Locked
Loop technology for lo w phase jitte r. I CS off ers a broad family
of frequency generators for motherboards, graphics and other
applications, including cost effective versions with only one or
two output clocks. Consu lt ICS for all of your clock gener ation
•• Eigh t ske w-fre e, high d riv e CPU clo ck o utp uts
•• Up to 1 00 MHz outp ut at 5V
••±250ps sk ew bet wee n CPU and 2XC PU outp uts
•• Out put s ca n dri ve u p to 30pF load
•• 50mA output drivers
•• Typical 50/50 duty cycle
•• Compatible with 486 and Pentium CPUs
•• Glitc h- fre e star t and stop c loc k opt ion
•• Optional power-down mode supports Energy Star
(“green”) PCs
•• On-chi p loop filt er compo ne nts
•• Low power, high spee d 0.8 µ CMOS tec hnology
•• 24- pin PDIP or SOIC pac ka ge
Integrated Buffer and Motherboard Frequency Generator
Clock Table (in MHz)
Clock ICS9158
2XCPUCLK 4,8,30,20,2 5,33.3,40, or 50
8,16,60, 40,50,66.6,80, or 100