Document #: 38-04006 Rev. ** Page 2 of 13
Functional Description
The CY7C277 is a high-performance 32K word by 8-bit CMOS
PROMs. It is packaged in the slim 28-pin 300-mil package.
The ceramic package may be equipped with an erasure win-
dow; when expos ed to UV l igh t, the PROM is e ras ed an d ca n
then be reprogrammed. The memory cells utilize proven
EPROM floating-gate technology and byte-wide algorithms.
The CY7C277 offers the advantages of low power, superior
performance, and high programming yield. The EPROM cell
requires only 12.5V for the supervoltage and low current re-
quirements allow for gang programming. The EPROM cells
allow for each memory location to be 100% tested, as each
locatio n is writ ten into, era sed, and repea tedly ex ercis ed prior
to encapsulation. Each PROM is also tested for AC perfor-
mance to guarantee that the product will meet DC and AC
specification limits after customer programming.
On the 7C277, the outputs are pipelined through a mas-
ter-slav e register. On the risi ng edge of CP, data is loade d into
the 8-bit edge triggered output register. The E/ES input pro-
vides a programmable bit to select between asynchronous
and synchronous operation. The default condition is asynchro-
nous. Wh en the async hronou s mod e is s elect ed, the E/ES pi n
operates as an asynchronous output enable. If the synchro-
nous mode is selected, the E/ES pin is sampled on the rising
edge of CP to enable and disa ble the outpu ts. The 7C2 77 also
provides a programmable bit to enable the Address Latch in-
put. If this bit is not programmed, the device will ignore the ALE
pin and the address will enter the device asynchronously . If the
ALE function is selected, the address enters the PROM while
the ALE pin is active, and is captured when ALE is deasserted.
The user may define the polarity of the ALE signal, with the
default being acti ve HIGH.
Maximum Ratings
(Above whi ch the use ful life ma y be impa ired. For us er guide-
lines, not tes ted .)
Storage Temperature ....................................−65°C to +150°C
Ambient Temperature wi th
Power Applied.................................................−55°C to +125°C
Supply Voltage to Ground Potential.................−0. 5V to +7.0V
(Pin 24 to Pin 12)
DC Voltage Applied to Outputs
in High Z State.....................................................−0.5V to +7.0V
DC Input Voltage.................................................−3.0V to +7.0V
DC Program Voltage (Pins 7, 18, 20)...........................13.0V
UV Erasure...................................................7258 Wsec/cm2
Static Discharge Voltage...........................................>2001V
(per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015)
Latch-Up Current.....................................................>200 mA
Operating Range
Range Ambient Temperature VCC
Commercial 0°C to +70°C 5V ±10%
Industrial[1] −40°C to +85°C 5V ±10%
Military[2] −55°C to +125°C 5V ±10%
Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range[3, 4]
7C277-30 7C277-40 , 50
Description Test Conditions Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit
VOH Output HIGH Voltage VCC = Min ., IOH = − 2.0 mA 2.4 2.4 V
VOL Output LOW Voltage VCC = Min ., IOL = 8.0 mA 0.4 0.4 V
VIH Input HIGH Level Guaranteed Input Logical HIGH
Voltage for All Inputs 2.0 VCC 2.0 VCC V
VIL Input LOW Level Guaranteed Input Logical LOW
Voltage for All Inputs 0.8 0.8 V
IIX Input Leakage Current GND < VIN < VCC −10 +10 −10 +10 µA
VCD Input Clamp Di ode Voltage Note 4
IOZ Output Leakage Current 0 < VOUT < VCC, Output Disabled[5] −40 +40 −40 +40 µA
IOS Output Short Circuit Current VCC = Max ., VOUT = 0.0V[6] −20 −90 −20 −90 mA
ICC Power Supply Current VCC = Max., CS > VIH
IOUT = 0 mA Commercial 120 120 mA
Military 130
VPP Programming Supply Voltage 12 13 12 13 V
IPP Programmi ng Supply Current 50 50 mA
VIHP Input HIGH Programm ing Voltage 3.0 3.0 V
VILP Input LOW Programmi ng Voltage 0.4 0.4 V
1. Contact a Cypress representative for industrial temperature range specifications.
2. TA is the “instant on ” case temper ature.
3. See the last page of this specifi cat io n for Gro up A subgro up test in g infor ma ti on .
4. See “Introduction to CMOS PROMs” in this Book for general information on testing.
5. For devices using the synchronous enable, the device must be clocked after applying these voltages to perform this measurement.
6. For test purposes, not more than one output at a time should be shorted. Short circuit test duration should not exceed 30 seconds.