ISP1105_1106_10 © ST-ERICSSON 2009. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 10 — 28 September 2009 8 of 25
Advanced USB transceivers
7.3 Power supply configurations
The ISP1105/1106 can be used with different power supply configurations, which can be
changed dynamically. An overview is given in Table 9.
Normal mode — Both VCC(I/O) and VCC(5.0) or (VCC(5.0) and Vreg(3.3)) are connected. For
5 V operation, VCC(5.0) is connected to a 5 V source (4.0 V to 5.5 V). The internal voltage
regulator then pro duces 3.3 V for the USB connections. For 3.3 V operation, both VCC(5.0)
and Vreg(3.3) are connected to a 3. 3 V source (3. 0 V to 3.6 V). VCC(I/O) is independently
connected to a voltage source (1.65 V to 3.6 V), depending on the supply voltage of the
external circuit.
Disable mode — VCC(I/O) is not connected, VCC(5.0) or (VCC(5.0) and Vreg(3.3)) are
connected. In this mod e, the internal circ uits of th e ISP1105/1106 ensure that the ( D+, D−)
pins are in three- state and the powe r co nsumption drops to the low-power (suspended)
state level. Some hysteresis is built into the detection of VCC(I/O) lost.
Sharing mode — VCC(I/O) is connected, (VCC(5.0) and Vreg(3.3)) are not connected. In this
mode, the (D+, D−) pins are made three-state and the ISP1105/1106 allows external
signals of up to 3.6 V to share the (D+, D−) lines. The internal cir cuits of the ISP1105/1106
ensure that virtually no current (maximum 10 μA) is drawn via the (D+, D−) lines. The
power consumption through pin VCC(I/O) drops to the low-power (suspended) state le vel.
Both the VP and VM pins are driven HIGH to indicate this mode. Pin RCV is made LOW.
Some hysteresis is built into the detection of Vreg(3.3) lost.
[1] High impedance or driven LOW.
[2] ISP1105 only.
[1] High impedance or driven LOW.
Table 8. Pin states in disable or sharing mode
Pins Disable mode state Sharing mode state
VCC(5.0) / Vreg(3.3) 5 V input / 3.3 V output;
3.3 V input / 3.3 V input not present
VCC(I/O) not present 1.65 V to 3.6 V input
Vpu(3.3) high impedance (off) high impedance (off)
(D+, D−) high impedance high impedance
(VP, VM) invalid[1] H
RCV invalid[1] L
MODE[2], SUSPND, OE, SOFTCON) high impedance high impedance
Table 9. Power su pply configuration overview
VCC(5.0) or Vreg(3.3) VCC(I/O) Configuration Special characteristics
Connected connected normal mode -
Connected not connected disable mode (D+, D−) and Vpu(3.3) high
impedance; VP, VM, RCV :
Not connected connected sharing mode (D+, D−) and Vpu(3.3) high
VP, VM driven HIGH; RCV driven