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AQLT Series.
Features: 1/2 in body diameter
• Multiple nger-wiper design • Extruded
wiper block guides • MystR® plastic
element • Anodized extruded aluminum
housing • Sealed construction • Precious
metal contact • Absolute continuous
measurement • Innite resolution
• Tolerates clamping loads • Tested up to
one billion operations • Intrinsically safe
for Class I, II and III Division I, Groups A,
B, C, D, E, F, and G for hazardous (indoor/
outdoor) NEMA 4 locations
Benets: Fits in tight spaces and clamps
easily to cylinders. Improves shock and
vibration performance. Smooth quiet
motion; extends operating life. Enhanced
performance in hostile environments.
Low noise level often. Accurate position
at power up. Magnetic actuator replaces
the shaft found in traditional linear
transducers and often eliminates need for
additional stroke length mounting space.
Enhanced life and often reliable operation
in potential applications including in-tank
level sensing, robotic motion control,
woodworking guides, seismology,
packaging and processing equipment,
animated characters, marine steering
systems, off-road vehicles, semiconductor
process equipment, and medical
AQMLT Series.
Features: 3/8 in body diameter
• Multiple nger-wiper design • Extruded
wiper block guides • MystR® plastic
element • Anodized extruded aluminum
housing • Sealed construction • Precious
metal contact • Absolute continuous
measurement • Innite resolution
• Tolerates clamping loads • Tested up to
one billion operations • Intrinsically safe
for Class I, II and III Division I, Groups A,
B, C, D, E, F, and G for hazardous (indoor/
outdoor) NEMA 4 locations
Benets: Fits in tight spaces and clamps
easily to cylinders. Improves shock and
vibration performance. Smooth quiet
motion; extends operating life. Enhanced
performance in hostile environments.
Low noise level over entire life. Accurate
position at power up. Magnetic actuator
replaces the shaft found in traditional linear
transducers and often eliminates need for
additional stroke length mounting space.
Enhanced life and often reliable operation
in potential applications including in-tank
level sensing, robotic motion control,
woodworking guides, seismology,
packaging and processing equipment,
animated characters, marine steering
systems, off-road vehicles, semiconductor
process equipment, and medical
LFII Series.
Features: Vibration-damped element
• Extruded wiper carrier guides • Precious
metal wipers • MystR® plastic elements
• Stainless-steel shaft • Enhanced dc level
output • Enhanced performance bearings
• Innite resolution • Absolute continuous
measurement • Shaft seals • Water-
resistant option available • Metric Series
available • Tested up to one billion
operations • Intrinsically safe for Class I,
II and III Division I, Groups A, B, C, D, E,
F, and G for hazardous (indoor/outdoor)
NEMA 4 locations
Benets: No wiper bounce in high
vibration environments. Smooth, easy
operation under high side loads and
large misalignment. Provides enhanced
performance, low noise, no oxidation.
Works with simple controllers. Enhanced
life even under side load conditions.
Often accurate position at power-up.
Protects internal components from harsh
environments. Potential applications
include injection molding machines,
printing presses, meat packing equipment,
drill presses, woodworking machines,
cranes, front-end loaders, and scales.
SLF Series.
Features: Precious metal wipers • 0.081 in
thick housing with 6 mm [0.25 in] shaft
• MystR® plastic elements • High level dc
output • Enhanced performance bearings
• Absolute continuous measurement
• Shaft seals • Innite resolution • Water-
resistant option available • Tested up to
one billion operations • Intrinsically safe
for Class I, II and III Division I, Groups A,
B, C, D, E, F, and G for hazardous (indoor/
outdoor) NEMA 4 locations
Benets: Provides enhanced
performance, low noise. Rugged
construction for manufacturing
environment. Enhanced life even with
side load conditions. Protects internal
components from factory environment.
Often accurate position at power-up.
Works with simple controls. Provides a
high resolution, often absolute position
measurement without external signal
conditioners. Potential applications include
injection molding machines, printing
presses, meat packing equipment, drill
presses, woodworking machines, cranes,
and front-end loaders.