Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 1 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Single Voltage Read and Write Operations
- 4.5-5.5V for GLS29EE512
Superior Reliability
- Endurance: 100,000 Cycles (typical)
- Greater than 100 years Data Retention
Low Power Consum p tion
- Active Current: 20 mA (typical)
- Standby Current: 10 µA (typical)
Fast Page-Write Operation
- 128 Bytes per Page, 512 Pages
- Page-Write Cycle: 5 ms (typical)
- Complete Memory Rewrite: 2.5 sec (typical)
- Effective Byte-Write Cycle Time: 39 µS (typical)
Fast Read Access Time
- 4.5-5.5V operation: 70 ns
Latched A d d ress and Data
Automatic Write Timing
- Internal VPP Generation
End of Write Detection
- Toggle Bit
- Data# Polling
Hardware and Software Data Protection
Produc t Identificati o n can be accessed via
Software Operation
TLL I/O Compatibi lity
JEDEC St an da rd
- Flash EEPRO M Pinou ts and Command Sets
Packages Availabl e
- 32-lead PLCC
- 32-lead TSOP (8mm x 20mm)
All Devices are RoHS Compliant
Product Description
GLS29EE512 Small-Sector Flash is a 64K x8
CMOS, Pa ge -Write EEPROM manufactured with high-
performance SuperFlash technology. The split-gate
cell design and thick-oxide tunneling injector attain
better reliability and manufacturability compared with
alternate approaches. GLS29EE512 writes with a
single power supply. Internal Erase/Program is
transparent to the user. GLS29EE512 conforms to
JEDEC standard pin assignments for byte-wide
Featuring high performance Page-Write,
GLS29EE512 provides a typical Byte-W rite time of 39
μsec. The entire memory, i.e., 64 KByte, can be
written page-by-page in as little as 2.5 seconds , when
using interface features such as Toggle Bit or Data#
Polling to indicate the completion of a W rite cycle. To
protect against inadvertent write, GLS29EE512 have
on-chip hardware and Software Data Protection
schemes. Designed, manufactured and tested for a
wide spectrum of applications, GLS29EE512 is
offered with a guaranteed Page-Write endurance of
10,000 cycles. Data retention is rated at greater than
100 years.
GLS29EE512 is suited for applications that require
convenient and economical updating of program,
configuration, or data memory. For all system
applications, GLS29EE512 significantly improves
performance and reliability, while lowering power
consumption. GLS29EE512 improves flexibility while
lowering t he cost f or progra m, data, and c onfiguration
storage applications.
To meet high density, surface mount requirements,
GLS29E E512 is off ered in 32-lead PLCC and 32-lead
TSOP packages. See Figures 1 and 2 for pin
Device Operation
The Greenliant Page-Write EEPROM offers in-circuit
electrical write capability. GLS29EE512 does not
require separate Erase and Program operations. The
internally timed Write cycle executes both erase and
program transparently to the user. GLS29EE512 has
industry standard optional Software Data Protection,
which Greenliant recommends always to be enabled.
GLS29EE512 is compatible with industry standard
EEPROM pinout s and functionality.
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 2 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
The Read o perations of GLS29EE512 is controlled b y
CE# and OE#, both have to be low for the system to
obtain data from the outputs. CE# is used for device
selection. When CE# is high, the chip is deselected
and only standby power is consumed. OE# is the
output contr o l a nd is us ed t o gat e data fr om the out put
pins. The data bus is in high impedance state when
either CE# or OE# is high. Refer to the Read Cycle
Timing diagram for further details (Figure 3).
The Page-Write to GLS29EE512 should always use
the JEDEC Standard Software Data Protection (SDP)
three-byte command sequence. GLS29EE512
contains the optional JEDEC approved Software Data
Protection scheme. Greenliant recommends that SDP
always be enabled, thus, the description of the Write
operations will be given using the SDP enabled
format. The three-byte SDP Enable and SDP Write
commands are identical; therefore, any time a SDP
Write command is issued, Software Data
Protection is automatically assured. The first time
the three-byte SDP command is given, the device
becomes SDP enabled. Subsequent issuance of the
same command bypasses the data protection for the
page being written. At the end of the desired Page-
Write, the entire device remains protected. For
additional descriptions, please see the application
note, Protecting Against Unintentional Writes When
Using Sing le Pow er Supply Flash Memories.
The Write operation consists of three steps. Step 1 is
the three-byte load sequence for Software Data
Protection. Step 2 is the byte-load cycle to a page
buffer of GLS29EE512. Steps 1 and 2 use the same
timing for both operations. Step 3 is an internally
controlled Write cycle for w ritin g th e da ta loa ded in the
page buffer into the memory array for nonvolatile
During both the SDP three-byte load sequence and
the byte-load cycle, the addresses are latched by the
falling edge of either CE# or WE#, whichever occurs
last. The data is latched by the rising edge of either
CE# or WE#, whichever occurs first. The internal
Write cycle is initiated by the TBLCO timer after the
rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever occurs first.
The Write cycle, once initiated, will continue to
completi on, typically within 5 m s. See Figures 4 and 5
for WE# and CE# controlled Page-Write cycle timing
diagrams and Figures 15 and 17 for flowcharts.
The Write operation has three functional cycles: the
Software Data Protection load sequence, the page-
load cycle, and the internal Write cycle. The Software
Data Protection consists of a specific three-byte load
sequence that allows wr iting to the se lected page and
will leave GLS29EE512 protected at the end of the
Page-W rite. T he page-load c ycle c onsists of loading 1
to 128 B ytes of data into th e page buff er. The internal
Write cycle consists of the TBLCO time-out and the
write timer operation. During the Write operation, the
only valid reads are Data# Polling and Toggle Bit.
The Page-Write operation allows the loading of up to
128 Bytes of data into the page buffer of
GLS29E E512 before the initiation of the internal W rite
cycle. During the internal Write cycle, all the data in
the page buffer is written simultaneously into the
memory array. Hence, the Page-Write feature of
GLS29EE512 allows the entire memory to be written
in as little as 2.5 seconds. During the internal Write
cycle, the host is free to perform additional tasks, such
as to fetch data from other locations in the system to
set up the write to the next page. In each Page-Write
operation, all the bytes that are loaded into the page
buffer must have the same page address, i.e. A7
through A16. Any byte not loaded with user data will
be written to FFH.
See Figures 4 and 5 for the Page-Write cycle timing
diagrams. If after the completion of the three-byte
SDP load sequence or the initial byte-load cycle, the
host loads a second b yte into the pag e buffer within a
byte-load cycle time (TBLC) of 100 μs, GLS29EE512
will stay in the page-load cycle. Additional bytes are
then loaded consecutively. The page-load cycle will
be terminated if no additional byte is loaded into the
page buffer within 200 μs (TBLCO) from the last byte-
load cycle, i.e., no subsequent WE# or CE# high-to-
low transition af ter the last rising edg e of WE# or C E#.
Data in the page buffer can be changed by a
subseque nt byte-load c ycle. The page-load p er io d can
continue indefinitely, as long as the host continues to
load the device within the byte-load cycle time of 100
μs. The page to be loaded is determined by the page
address of the last b yte loaded.
Software Chip-Erase
GLS29EE512 provides a Chip-Erase oper ation, which
allows the user to simultaneously clear the entire
memory arr ay to the “ 1” state. T his is useful when the
entire device must be quickly erased.
The Software Chip-Erase operation is initiated by
using a specific six-byte load sequenc e. After the load
sequence, the device enters into an internally timed
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 3 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
cycle similar to the Write cycle. During the Erase
operatio n, the only valid re ad is Toggle Bit. See T able
4 for the load sequence, Figure 9 for timing diagram,
and Figure 18 for the flowchart.
Write Operation Status Detection
GLS29EE512 provides two software means to detect
the completion of a Write cycle, in order to optimize
the system Write cycle time. The software detection
includes two status bits: Data# Polling (DQ7) and
Toggle Bit (DQ6). The end of write detection mode is
enabled af ter th e r is ing WE# or CE# whic hever occ urs
first, which initiates the internal Write cycle.
The actual completion of the nonvolatile write is
asynchronous with the system; therefore, either a
Data# P olling or T oggle Bit read m ay be sim ultane ous
with the completion of the Write cycle. If this occurs,
the s ystem ma y possib ly get an erroneous result, i.e.,
valid data may appear to conflict with either DQ7 or
DQ6. In order to prevent spurious rejection, if an
erroneous result occurs, the software routine should
include a loop to read the accessed location an
additional two (2) times. If both reads are valid, then
the device has completed the Write cycle, otherwise
the rejection is valid.
Data# Polling (DQ7)
When GLS29EE512 is in the internal Write cycle, any
attem pt to read DQ7 of the last byte loaded during t he
byte-load cycle wi ll rec e ive the c omplement of the tr ue
data. Once the Write cycle is completed, DQ7 will
show true data. No te that even though DQ7 may have
valid data immediately following the completion of an
internal Write operation, the remaining data outputs
may still be invalid: valid data on the entire data bus
will appear in subsequent successive Read cycles
after an interval of 1 μs. See Figure 6 for Data#
Polling timing diagram and Figure 16 for a flowchart.
Toggle Bit (DQ6)
During the internal Write cycle, any consecutive
attempts to read DQ6 will produce alternating ‘0’s and
‘1’s, i.e., toggling between 0 and 1. When the Write
cycle is completed, the toggling will stop. The device
is then ready for the next operation. See Figure 7 for
Toggle Bit timing diagram and Figure 15 for a
flowchart. The initial read of the Toggle Bit will
typicall y be a “1”.
Data Protection
GLS29EE512 provide both hardware and software
features to protect nonvolatile data from inadvertent
Hardware Data Protection
Noise/Glitch Protection: A WE# or CE# pulse of less
than 5 ns will not initiate a Write cycle.
VDD Power Up/Dow n Detec tion : The W r ite operation is
inhibited when VDD is less than 2.5V.
Write Inhibit Mode: Forcing OE# low, CE# high, or
WE# high will inhibit the Write operation. This
prevents inadv ertent writes during pow er-up or po wer-
Software Data Protection (SDP)
GLS29EE512 provides the JEDEC approved optional
Software Data Protection scheme for all data
alteration operations, i.e., Write and Chip-Erase. W ith
this scheme, any Write operation requires the
inclusion of a series of three byte-load operations to
precede the data loading operation. The three-byte
load sequence is used to initiate the Write cycle,
providing optimal protection from inadvertent Write
operations, e.g., during the system power-up or
power-down. The GLS29EE512 is shipped with the
Software Data Protection disabled.
The software protection scheme can be enabled by
applying a t hree-byte sequence to the d ev ice, during a
page-load cycle (Figures 4 and 5). The device will
then be automatically set into the data protect mode.
Any subsequent Write operation will require the
preceding three-byte sequence. See Table 4 for the
specific software command codes and Figures 4 and
5 for the timing diagrams. To set the device into the
unprotected mode, a six-byte sequence is required.
See Table 4 for the specific codes and Figure 8 for the
timing diagram. If a Write is attempted while SDP is
enabled the device will be in a non-accessible state
for ~ 300 μs. Greenliant recommends Software Data
Protection always be enabled. See Figure 16 for
GLS29EE512 Software Data Protection is a global
comm and, protect ing (or unpr otect ing) al l pages i n the
entire memory array once enabled (or disabled).
Therefore, using SDP for a single Page-Write will
enable SDP for the entire array. Single pages by
themselves cannot be SDP enabled or disabled,
although the p age a ddr es sed duri ng th e SD P wr ite w ill
be written.
Single power supply reprogrammable nonvolatile
memories may be unintentionally altered. Greenliant
strongly recommends that Software Data Protection
(SDP) always be enabled. GLS29EE512 should be
programmed using the SDP command sequence.
Greenliant recommends the SDP Disable Command
Sequence not be issued to the device prior to writing.
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 4 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Please refer to the following application note for more
information on using SDP, Protecting Against
Unintentional Writes When Using Single Power
Supply Flash Memories.
Product Identification
The Product Identification mode identifies the device
as GLS29EE512 and manufacturer as Greenliant.
This mode is accessed via software. For details, see
Table 4, Fi gure 10 f or th e sof tware ID en try, and Read
timing diagram and Figure 17 for the ID entry
command sequence flowchart.
Table 1: Product Identification
Address Data
Manufacturer’s ID 0000H BFH 0000H BFH
Device ID
0001H 5DH
0001H 5DH
Product Identification Mode Exit
In order to return to the standard Read mode, the
Software Product Identification mode must be exited.
Exiting is accomplished by issuing the Software ID
Exit (reset) operation, which returns the device to the
Read operation. The Reset operation may also be
used to reset the device to the Read mode after an
inadvertent transient condition that apparently causes
the device to behave abnormally, e.g., not read
correctly. See Table 4 for software command codes,
Figure 11 for timing waveform, and Figure 17 for a
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 5 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 1: Pin Assignment for 3 2-Lead PLCC
Figure 2: Pin Assignment for 32-Lead TSOP
Table 2: Pin Descri ption
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 6 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Table 3: Operation Modes Sele ction
1. X can be VIL or VIH, but no other value.
2. Device ID = 5DH for GLS29EE512
Table 4: Software Command Sequence
1. Address format A14-A0 (Hex), Address A15 can be VIL or VIH,, but no other va lu e
2. Page-Write consists of loading up to 128 Bytes (A6-A0)
3. The software Chip-Erase function is not supported by the industrial temperature part.
Please contact Greenliant if you require this function for an industrial temperature part.
4. The device does not remain in Software Product ID mode if powered down.
5. With A14-A1 = 0; Greenliant Manufacturer’s ID = BFH, is read with A0 = 0,
GLS29EE512 Device ID = 5DH, is read with A0 = 1
6. Alternate six-b yte Soft ware Pr oduct ID Command Code
Note: This product supports both the JEDEC standard three-byte command code sequence and Greenliant’s
original six-byte command code sequence. For new designs, Greenliant recommends that the three-byte
command code sequence be used.
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 7 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings (Applied conditions greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum
Stress Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation
of the device at these conditions or conditions greater than those defined in the operational sections of this
datasheet is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum stress rating conditions may affect device reliability.)
Temperature Under Bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-65°C to +150°C
D. C. Voltage on Any Pin to Ground Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5V to VDD+0.5V
Transient Voltage (<20 ns) on Any Pin to Ground Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -2.0V to VDD+2.0V
Voltage on A9 Pin to Ground Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5V to 14.0V
Package Power Dissipation Capability (TA = 25°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0W
Through Hole Lead Soldering Temperature (10 Seconds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300°C
Surface Mount Solder Reflow Temperature1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260°C for 10 seconds
Output Short Circuit Current2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 mA
1. All packages are 260°C capable in both non-Pb and with-P b solder vers ion s.
2. Outputs shorted for no more than one second. No more than one output shorted at a time.
Operating Range for GLS29EE512
AC Condi ti ons of Test
Table 5: DC Operating Characteristics VDD = 4.5-5.5V for G LS29E E512
See Figures 12 and 13
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 8 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Table 6: Reliability Characteristics
1. This parameter is measured only for initial qualification and after a design or process change that
could affect this parameter.
AC Characteristics
Table 7: Read Cycle Timing Parameters for GLS29EE512
1. This parameter is measured only for initial qualification and after a design or process change that
could affect this parameter.
Table 8: Page-Write Cycle Timing Parameters
1. This parameter is measured only for initial qualification and after a design or process change that
could affect this parameter.
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 9 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 3: Rea d Cycle Timing Dia gr am
Figure 4: WE# Controlled Page-Write Cycle Timing Diagram
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 10 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 5: CE# Controlle d Page-Write Cycle Timing Diagram
Figure 6: Data# Pol ling Timing Dia gr am
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
These specificat i ons are subject to change without notice. 07/26/2018
© 2018 Greenliant 11 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 7: Toggle Bi t Timing Diagram
Figure 8: Software Data Protect Disable Timing Diagram
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 12 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 9: Softwa re Chip-Erase Timing Diagram
Figure 10: Softw are ID Entry and Read
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 13 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 11: Software ID Exit and Reset
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 14 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 12: AC I nput/Output Refere nce Waveforms
Figure 13: Test Load Example
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 15 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 14: Write A lgorithm
See Figure 16
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 16 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 15: Wait Options
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 17 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 16: Softw are Data Pr otection Flowcharts
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 18 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 17: Softw are Product Comm and Flowcharts
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 19 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Figure 18: Software Chip-Erase Command Codes
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 20 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Product Ordering Information
GLS 29 EE 512 - 70 - 4C - NH - E
XX -
Environmental Attribute
E = non-Pb solder (RoHS Compliant)
Package Modifier
H = 32 leads
Package Type
E = TSOP (type 1, die up, 8mm x 20mm)
Operation Temperature
C = Commercial: 0°C to +70°C
I = Industrial: -40°C to +85°C
Minimum Endurance
4 = 10,000 cycle
Read Access Speed
70 = 70 ns
Device Density
512 = 512 Kbit
E = Page-Write
E = 4.5V to 5.5V
Product Series
29 = Page-Writ e Flash
Valid Combinations
Valid prod uct combinati ons are thos e that are in the mass production or will be in th e mass produc tion. Consult
your Gr een liant s al es repre sentative t o c o nf irm ava i lab ilit y of t he v al id combinati o ns an d to det ermine a vai labil ity
of new product combinations.
GLS29EE512-70-4C-NHE GLS29EE512-70-4C-EHE
GLS29EE512-70-4I-NHE GLS29EE512-70-4I-EHE
Note: The software Chip-Erase function is not supported by the industrial temperature part.
Please contact Greenliant if this function is required in an industrial temperature part.
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 21 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Package Diagrams
32-Lead Plastic Lead Chip Carrier (P LCC)
Greenliant Package Code: NH
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 22 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
32-Lead Thin Small Outline Package (TSOP) 8mm x 20mm
Greenliant Package Code: EH
Datasheet 11.000
July 2018
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© 2018 Greenliant 23 S71060
GLS29EE512 Small-Sec tor Flash™
512 Kbit (64K x8) Page-Write EEPROM
GLS FS0019 Rev. 01
Table 9: Revision History
2002 Data Book
WH package no longer offere d
Removed the SST29EE512 90 ns Read Access Time
Removed the SST29LE512 200 ns Read Access Time
Removed the SST29VE512 250 ns Read Access Time
Clarified IDD Write to be Program and Erase in Table 6 on page 11
March 2003
2004 Data Book
Added non-Pb MPNs and removed footnote (See page 22)
November 2003
Removed 2.7V and 3V devices, and associated MPNs; refer to EOL Product
Data Sheet S71060(01)
Added RoHS complianc e information on page 1 and in the “Product Ordering
Information” on page 22
Clarified the Solder Temperature Profile under “Absolute Maximum Stress
Ratings” on page 9
September 2005
Transferred from SST to Greenliant
PH package no longer offered
© 2018 Greenliant. All rights reserved.
Greenliant and the Greenliant logo are registered trademarks, and Small-Sector Flash is a trademark of
Greenliant. All other tradem arks and registered trademarks are the property of thei r respective owners.
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Memory sizes denote raw storage capacity; actual usable
capacity may be less.
Greenliant makes no warranty for the use of its products other than those expressly contained in the Greenliant
Terms and Conditions of Sale.