February 2008 V1.0
Enpirion EN5311QI DCDC Converter
Module Evaluation Board
Congratulations! You are evaluating a new class of DCDC converter product, a complete
power system on silicon:
• The EN5311QI is a complete module including magnetics and requiring only
ceramic input and output capacitors.
• The evaluation board is designed to offer a wide range of engineering evaluation
capabilities. This includes the base configuration of a 0805 4.7uF input capacitor
and a 0805 10uF output capacitor.
• Pads are available to add up to one additional input capacitor and up to two
additional output capacitors to allow for evaluation of performance over a wide
range of input/output capacitor combinations.
• Pads are available to populate an external divider if desired.
• Easy jumpers are provided for the following signals:
o Enable
o VS0-VS2 output voltage select
• Numerous test points are provided as well as clip leads for input and output
• The board comes with input decoupling and reverse polarity protection to protect
the device from common setup mishaps.
Quick Start Guide
Figure 1 shows a top view of the evaluation board.
Ou tput Disabled
STEP 1: Set the “ENA” jumper to the Disable Position.
CAUTION: the signal pins, ENA, VS0, VS1, and VS2 must
be connected to a “high” or a “low”. If left floating the state
is indeterminate.
STEP 2: Set the output voltage select pins for the desired output voltage setting. Refer to
the section on output voltage select to determine the s
CAUTION: the external divider is not populated.
Choosing this option will force the device to 100%
duty cycle.
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Enpirion Confidential