Solid State Sensors Current Sensors OPERATION MICRO SWITCH CS series solid state cur- rent sensors monitor either alternating (AC) or direct (DC) current. This series in- cludes a wide assortment of devices ranging from digital output current detec- tors capable of sensing a few hundred milliamps to linear sensors capable of monitoring over one thousand amps. The entire family of CS current sensors pro- vides a means of accurate low-cost cur- rent sensing. If one of the following listings is close, but does not quite meet the application re- quirements, please contact your local MI- CRO SWITCH Sales Office. Our building block approach allows easy customiza- tion to meet most requirements. Current sensors monitor current flow. Digital sensors produce a digital output signal. Linear sensors produce an analog output signal. When these signals have reached a predetermined level, the con- trol system logic is instructed to performa function. The digital signal with its logic level output may sound an alarm, start a motor, open a valve, or shut down a pump. The linear signal duplicates the waveform of the current being sensed and is ideal for use as a feedback element to control a motor or regulate the amount of work being done by a machine. Some CS current sensors utilize a through-hole design. This feature insures that there will not be any DC insertion loss in the conductor. In addition, the through- hole design simplifies installation by elim- inating the need for direct connection, which minimizes energy dissipation, and provides output isolation at no extra cost. MICRO SWITCH CS through-hole current sensors cannot be damaged by overcur- rent. Current sensing is accomplished by mea- suring the magnetic field surrounding a current-carrying conductor. The conduc- tor is passed through the flux collector which concentrates the magnetic field at the sensing elernent. The magnetic field FEATURES @ Digital or Jinear output e@ AC or DC current sensing @ Through-hole design @ Fast response time Output voltage isolation from input @ Minimum energy dissipation @ Maximum current limited only by conductor size e Adjustable performance and built-in temperature compensation assures reliable operation @ Accurate, low cost sensing @ Operating temperature range 25 to 85C is directly proportional to the current passing through the conductor. Thus, there is a direct relationship between the output voltage of the current sensor and the level of input current. The waveform of this output voltage will track the waveform of the measured current. The through- hole design electrically isolates the sen- sor and insures that it will not be damaged by overcurrent or high voltage transients. LINEAR CURRENT SENSORS MICRO SWITCH CS series linear current sensors incorporate our 918S12-2 and $S94A1 linear output Hall effect transduc- er (LOHET). The sensing element is as- sembled in a printed circuit board mount- able housing. This housing is available in four configurations (as shown in mount- ing dimension Figures 1, 1a, 2, and 2a on page 39). Normal mounting is with 0.375 inch long 4-40 screw and square nut (not provided) inserted in the housing. The combination of the sensor, flux collector, and housing comprises the holder as- sembly. When sensing zero current the output voltage of the current sensor is approxi- mately equal to one half of the supply volt- age (Voffset 0.5 Vcc). CS series linear current sensors will sense current in both directions. Current flow in one direction will cause the output voltage to increase from its offset value. Current flow in the opposite direction will cause the output voltage to decrease from its offset value. The output voltage range is from 25% of the supply voltage te 75% of the supply voltage (0.25 Vee < Vo < 0.75 Vcc). While sensing either AC or DC current, the linear output voltage will track the wa- veform of the sensed current. The output of these devices can be ad- justed by varying the supply voltage, var- ying the gap cut in the flux collector, or in- creasing the number of turns of the conductor passing through the center of the flux collector. Devices on page 35 are ratiometric. CS Series APPLICATION Variable speed motor controls @ Automotive diagnostics (battery drain detector) Ground fault detectors Motor overload protection Current monitoring of electric welders @ Ring transfer relay in telephone systems e Energy management systems Protection of power semiconductors Control system diagnostics ADJUSTABLE LINEAR CURRENT SENSORS MICRO SWITCH offers two families of lin- ear current sensors with adjustable offset voltage and sensitivity. Both families uti- lize the previously described linear cur- rent sensors mounted to a small printed circuit board containing additional circui- try. The adjustable feature enables the us- er to define the exact range of operation. The offset voltage and sensitivity are con- trolled by. two trimpots soldered to the printed circuit board. These sensors are ratiometric. DIGITAL CURRENT SENSORS Each MICRO SWITCH CS series digital current sensor provides a logic level out- put that changes from approximately Vcc to 0.4 volts when the sensed current ex- ceeds the operate point (the exception being the CSDB1CC which changes from 0.4 volts to Vec when the operate pointis exceeded). Each digital sensor will oper- ate on AC or DC current, but the output will turn off at every zero crossing when sensing AC current. Note: Operate and release currents are specified in Amps-Peak, When monitor- ing AC current using a digital sensor, peak values should be used. Multiply the RMS values by 1.414 to obtain the peak value. INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT CURRENT SEN- SORS Current sensors with industrial outputs easily interface with programmable con- trollers and other industrial control and monitoring devices. They have 4to20mA or1to5 VDC outputs and are packaged in a low-cost open PC board configuration or enclosed housings. These devices in- clude a regulator. Therefore, they are not ratiometric.Solid State Sensors Current Sensors CATALOG NUMBER SYSTEM PLEASE NOTE: This matrix is intended only to aid you in identifying sensor cata- log listings. It is not all-inclusive, and must not be used to form new listings. Example: CSLA1CD CS Current Sensors Linear L Digital D A1 Holder- 9SS A2 Holder - SS9 B1 9SS DC-DC Ratiometric Unregulated B2 9SS AC-DC Ratiometric Unregulated B3 9SS AC-AC Ratiometric Unregulated B4 ALC DC-DC Ratiometric Unregulated B5 ALC AC-DC Ratiometric Unregulated B6 ALC AC-AC Ratiometric Unregulated C2 98S AC-DC 1-5 Unregulated E1 98S DC-DC 1-5 V Regulated E2 98S AC-DC 1-5 V Regulated E3 98S AC-AC 1-5 V Regulated E4 ALC DC-DC 1-5 V Regulated ES ALC AC-DC 1-5 V Regulated E6 ALC AC-AC 1-5 V Regulated F1 98S DC-DC 4-20 mA Regulated F2 9SS AC-DC 4-20 mA Regulated F3 98S AC-AG 4-20 mA Regulated F4 ALC DC-DC 4-20 mA Regulated F5 ALC AC-DC 4-20 mA Regulated F6 ALC AC-AC 4-20 mA Regulated A PCB Small Holder B PCB Medium Holder C Smalt Holder D Medium Holder E Large Holder F PCB Large Holder G Small Sidemount H_ Plastic Housing Small Opening J Plastic Housing Large Opening K Metal Housing L PCB Small Sidemount if 9SS If SS9ALC DC-DC Other A 14 Amps Cc 24 B 16 D 57 72 Cc 33 E 92 D 57 F 114 125 E 75 G 148 =150 F 100 H 245 235 G 120 J 250 310 H 150 K 400 J 225 L 490 550 K 325 M 604 765 L 625 N 950 P 1208 Q 1500 CS Series HOW TO INTERPRET CURRENT SENSOR SPECIFICATIONS The following definitions will help the user understand the characteristics of the MI- CRO SWITCH current sensor line. Adjustable Operating Range The ad- justable linear current sensors give the user the option of changing the sensitivity according to the maximum sensed cur- rent of the application. The on-board sen- sitivity adjustment allows the user to alter the amplification of the Hall effect sensor, thereby adjusting the amount of sensed current needed to achieve maximum out- put voltage. Example Vec 12V Voffset -Vcc/2 6V Vo maximum (75%)Vcc 9V Vspan available 3V Assume a current maximum of 45 ampsis determined. The user would then apply 45 amps through the toroid and adjust the sensitivity where indicated until a 9 volt output is achieved. The sensitivity is then determined as (8V)/(45A) 67mV/A. This design allows for maximum sensor flexi- bility. For best results, choose a sensor to oper- ate toward its maximum operate range. Increased amplification occurs when the sensor is adjusted toward its minimum operate range. Any circuit noise is also amplified. Oftset Shift The offset shift refers to the effect of temperature on the offset volt- age. Itis defined as a percentage of read- ing per degree Celsius. Example: Offset voltage is 6.0V at 25C. The offset shift is +0.05%/C. Therefore, the offset voltage at 35C is 6.0V + (0.0596/C) (6.0V) (10C) ~ 6.0V + 0.03V. The offset shift due to temperature increases as the device is operated toward the temperature ex- tremes. Offset Voltage The offset voltage is the voltage output when no current is flowing through the current carrying conductor. This is also known as the null voltage. Operate Current The operate current is the level of current required to cause a change in logic state from the state at no current flow. For example, the logic out- put is high at no current flow. When the current level is increased to the operate point, the logic output goes low. Ratiometric Characteristics vary in proportion to supply voltage. Release Current The release current is the level of current required to cause a change in logic state as the current flow decreases from the operate point. NOTE: The CSDBI1CC listing has positive logic output, current off, logic low, current on, and logic high. The other digital cur- rent detectors have inverse logic output. Response Time (linear) Measured from the time the input current reaches 90% ofits full scale value to the time when the sensor output reaches 90% of final value. This assumes rise time of 1 micro- second or less on input. Response Time (digital) The length of time it takes the output to switch to within ten percent of the supply voltage from the negative supply after the rated operate point is reached on the input. Measured time will vary proportionally with the over- drive current. Sensed Current (Amps Peak) The $S94A1 and 918$812-2 linear output Hall effect sensors have a maximum sensed range. The toroid (flux collector) in each holder assembly has a gap in which the sensor is placed. By varying the width of the gap (Ig), the level of current that pro- duces the amount of gauss necessary to saturate the sensor is varied. In otherwords, the maximum/minimum out- put of the Hall element will always be ob- tained at rated gauss excitation. The cur- rent level needed to achieve that maximum/minimum output depends on the width of the gap in the flux collector. Max sensed current is also affected by number of times sensed current wire is looped thru sensor hole. If max sensed current is 100 amps and current wire is looped thru hole twice, max sensed cur- rent drops to 50 amps. Looped 4 times it drops to 25 amps, 5 times to 20 amps. Sensitivity - The change in sensor out- put to 1 amp change in input. Units are in units/NI where N is number of times sensed current wire is looped thru sensor hole. For example, if sensed current wire is looped thru hole twice then sensitivity doubles; looped thru 3 times, sensitivity triples, etc. Temperaiure Range The -25 to +85C specified is the operating temper- ature range that the current sensor has been rated. The performance specifica- tions are not considered to be valid out- side the specified temperature range.Solid State Sensors Series-Connect Digital Current Sensors FEATURES @ Digital logic level output @ Miniature size e Encapsulated for physical protection @ |Interchangeability Accurate, low-cost sensing @ Printed circuit board mountable @ Transient protection provided on I.C. Fast response time Output voltage isolation from input @ 40 mA current sinking output TYPICAL APPLICATIONS e@ Motor overload protection e@ Operations verification e@ Power loss detection @ Monitoring CS Series CS DIGITAL SENSORS Series-connect current sensors produce a digital logic level output. When the cur- rent being sensed reaches a predeter- mined level, the output changes state. Operating Principle: The sensor, wired in series with the current being sensed, detects the magnetic fieid surrounding a current-carrying conductor. This current path is passed through a flux collector in- side the package, and the magnetic field is concentrated at the internal digital Hall effect sensing element. The magnetic field is proportional to the current passing through the conductor. Thus, there is a re- lationship between the output state of the current sensor and the level of current. SERIES-CONNECT DIGITAL CURRENT SENSORS ORDER GUIDE, SINKING OUTPUT Operate Release Max. Output Current Current | Continuous Resist- Induct- Supply Output Current Response Catalog @ 25C @ 25C Current ance ance Volt. Volt. (mA) Time Listing (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (m Ohm) (iH) (Volts DC) (Volts) Sinking (u Sec.) CSDD1ED 3.5 2.6 10 8 7 4.5 to 24 0.4 40 mA 60 CSDD1EC 5.0 3.8 20 5 4 4.5 to 24 0.4 40 mA 60 CSDD1EE 6.5 4.9 20 4 4 4.5 to 24 0.4 40 mA 60 CSDDIEF 9.0 6.8 20 3 3 4.5 to 24 0.4 40 mA 60 CSDDIEG 10.0 7.6 20 3 3 4.5 to 24 0.4 40 mA 60 CSDD1EH 15.0 11.4 20 2 3 4.5 to 24 0.4 40 mA 60 MOUNTING DIMENSIONS SUGGESTED HOLE CENTERS (For reference only) Key: 0,00=mm 0.00=in. rm tt os LJ ass View from component side of printed circuit board. t 14,73 580 } ; t TW. 0,76 H .030 17,02 12,70 670 500 4,06Solid State Sensors Digital Current Sensors FEATURES Digital output AC or DC current sensing @ Through-hole design @ Fast response time @ Output voltage isolation from input @ Minimum energy dissipation e@ Maximum current limited only by conductor size e Accurate, low cost sensing e Operating temperature range 25 to 85C DIGITAL CURRENT DETECTORS ORDER GUIDE, SINKING OUTPUT CS Series Digital Current Sensors Each MICRO SWITCH CS series digital current sensor provides a logic level out- put that changes from approximately Vcc to 0.4 volts when the sensed current ex- ceeds the operate point (the exception being the CSDB1CC which changes from 0.4 volts to Vec when the operate point is exceeded). Each digital sensor will oper- ate on AC or DC current, but the output will turn off at every zero crossing when sensing AC current. Operate Operate Release Output Current Current Current Supply Output |Current | Response ag Pinout | @ 25C -25C to +85C -25-C to +85-C | Volt. Volt. (mA) Time . Style | (Amp-Turns) (Amp-Turns) (Amp-Turns Min.) | (Volts DC) | (Volts) {Sinking | (u Sec.) Min. | Nom. Max. CSDAIBA [2 0.32 [0.50 0.88 | .25to1.0 0.08 6 to 16 0.4 20mA 100 CSDA1BC 2 2.2 3.5 6.5 1.710 7.5 0.60 6to 16 0.4 20mA 100 CSDCiIBA {2 0.32 |050 088 |.26to1.0 0.08 5+0.2 0.4 20mA 100 CSDCIBC {2 2.2 3.5 6.5 1.7to7.5 0.60 5+0.2 0.4 20mA 100 CSDA1IAA 1 0.32 0.50 0.88 .25 to 1.0 0.08 6 to 16 0.4 20mA 100 CSDAIAC [1 2.2 3.5 6.5 1.7to 7.5 0.60 6 to 16 0.4 20mA 100 CSDCIAA 1 0.32 0.50 0.88 .25 to 1.0 0.08 +0.2 0.4 20mA 100 CSDC1AC 1 2.2 3.5 6.5 1.7to7.5 0.60 5+0.2 0.4 20mA 100 CSDCIDA [3 032 |050 0.88 |.25to1.0 0.08 5+0.2 0.4 20mA 100 CSDAIDA [3 0.32 /0.50 0.88 |.25to1.0 0.08 6 to 16 0.4 20mA 100 cspciDbe 43 2.2 3.5 6.5 1.71075 0.60 5+0.2 0.4 20mA 100 CSDAIDC {3 2.2 3.5 6.5 1.7to7.5 0.60 6to 16 0.4 20mA 100 * The CSDBICC has positive logic output, current off, logic low, current on, logic high. 5,1 720 1. 3,6 tg 318. 12 MOUNTING DIMENSIONS (for reference only) os STYLE 1 22 my 10) oun T 90 t | + 75 fo \ | aie TFs ago a5 Oe 3a 20 10 41 33 a 254 I 28 RC. BOARD 100 | 3,0 MOUNTING PINS OPT (3) i | pe ! eT ea + iz i" 80 20,3 10 92 ih : 7 80 t 50 wht. r z 10,1 $8 x 3a TERMINALS (3) | ' 40 STYLES ACCEPTS AMP CONNECTOR PART # 102241-1 = = STYLE 2 STYLE 3 EO EO: PINOUT STYLESSolid State Sensors Linear Current Sensors FEATURES Linear output @ AC or DC current sensing @ Through-hole design @ Fast response time @ Output voltage isolation from input @ Minimum energy dissipation @ Maximum current limited only by conductor size @ Adjustable performance and built-in temperature compensation assures reliable operation e Accurate, low cost sensing @ Operating temperature range -25 to 85C ORDER GUIDE BOTTOM MOUNT WITH 9SS SENSOR, SOURCE OUTPUT CS Series LINEAR CURRENT SENSORS MICRO SWITCH CS series linear current sensors incorporate our 91$S12-2 and SS94A1 linear output Hall effect transduc- er (LOHET). The sensing element is as- sembled in a printed circuit board mount- able housing. This housing is available in four configuration as shown in mounting dimension figures 1, 1a, 2 and 2a. Normal mounting is with 0.375 inch long 4-40 screw and square nut (not provided) in- serted in the housing. The combination of the sensor, flux collector, and housing comprises the holder assembly. These sensors are ratiometric. Sensed Sensitivity Mig. Supply Supply Current Offset mv/NI Offset Response forreTieye Dim. Volt. Current |(Amps Volt. At 12 VDC Shift Time Listing Fig. (Volts DC) |(mA Max.) /Peak) (Volts+ 10%) Nominai + TOL (%/C) (u Sec.) CSLA1CD 1 8 to 16 19 57 Veo/2 49.6 5.8 +.05 3 CSLAICE 1 8 to 16 19 75 Vec/2 39.4 4.4 +.05 3 CSLA1DE 2 8 to 16 19 75 Veo/2 39.1 48 +.05 3 CSLA1CF 1 8 to 16 19 100 Veco/2 29.7 27 +.05 3 CSLA1DG 2 8to 16 19 120 Vee/2 24.6 2.1 +.05 3 CSLA1CH 1 8 to 16 19 150 Vec/2 19.6 1.8 +.05 3 CSLA1DJ 2 8to 16 19 225 Voc/2 13.2 1.2 +.05 3 CSLAIEJ la 8to 16 19 225 Vec/2 13.2 1.5 +.05 3 CSLA1DK 2 8 to 16 19 325 Vec/2 9.1 1.7 +.05 3 CSLAIEK ja 8 to 16 19 325 Vec/2 9.4 1.3 +.05 3 CSLA1EL la 8 to 16 19 625 Vec/2 5.6 1.3 +.05 3 BOTTOM MOUNT WITH SS9 SENSOR, SINK/SOURCE OUTPUT* Sensed Sensitivity Supply Supply Current Offset mvV/NI Offset Response Catalog Volt. Current (Amps Volt. At8 VDC Shift Time Listing Fig. (Volts DC) |(mA Max.) |Peak) (Volts +2%) Nominal + TOL (%/C) (1 Sec.) CSLA2CD 1 6 to 12 20 72 Veo/2 32.7 3.0 +.02 3 CSLA2CE 1 6to 12 20 92 Vec/2 26.1 2.1 +.02 3 CSLA2DE 2 6 to 12 20 92 Vec/2 25.6 2.2 +.02 3 CSLA2CF 1 6 to 12 20 125 Vec/2 19.6 1.3 +.02 3 CSLA2DG 2 6 to 12 20 150 Vec/2 16.2 1.1 +.02 3 CSLA2DJ 2 6 to 12 20 225 Veo/2 87 0.6 +.020 3 CSLA2DH 2 6 to 12 20 235 Veo/2 9.8 1.1 +.0125 3 CSLA2EJ la 6 to 12 20 310 Veo/2 76 0.7 +.0125 3 CSLA2DK 2 6to 12 20 400 Vec/2 58 0.5 +.0125 3 CSLA2EL ta 6 to 12 20 550 Veo/2 43 0.4 +.0125 3 CSLA2EM la 6 to 12 20 765 Vec/2 3.1 0.3 +.007 3 CSLA2EN la 6 to 12 20 950 Vee/2 2.3 0.2 +.007 3 NOTE: When monitoring purely AC current with zero DC component, a capacitor can be inserted in series with the output of the current sensor. The capacitor will block out the effect of the temperature variation of the offset voltage which increases the accuracy of the device.Solid State Sensors Linear Current Sensors SIDE MOUNT WITH 9SS SENSOR, SOURCE OUTPUT CS Series Sensitivity Sensed Mig. Supply Supply Current Offset ann c Offset Response Catalog Dim. Volt. Current (Amps Volt. Shift Time Listing Fig. (Volts DC) |(mA Max.) |Peak) (Volts+ 10%) Nominal + TOL (%/C) (u Sec.) CSLAIGD 2a 8to 16 19 57 Vec/2 49.6 5.8 +.05 3 CSLAIGE 2a 810 16 19 75 Vec/2 39.4 44 +.05 3 CSLA1GF 2a 8to 16 19 100 Vec/2 29.7 27 +.05 3 SIDE MOUNT WITH SS9 SENSOR, SINK/SOURCE OUTPUT* Sensitivity Sensed V/NI Mtg. Supply Supply Current Offset ALS vpc Offset Response Catalog Dim. Volt. Current {Amps Volt. Shift Time Listing Fig. (Volts DC) |(mAMax.) | Peak) (Volis+2%) Nominal + TOL (%/C) (u Sec.) CSLA2GD 2a 6to 12 20 72 Vec/2 32.7 3.0 +.02 8 CSLA2GE 2a 6 to 12 20 92 Veo/2 26.1 2.1 +.02 8 CSLA2GF 2a 6 to 12 20 125 Vec/2 19.6 1.3 +.02 8 CSLA2GG 2a 6 to 12 20 150 Vec/2 12.7 0.6 +.02 8 NOTE: When monitoring purely AC current with zero DC component, a capacitor can be inserted in series with the output of the current sensor. The capacitor will block out the effect of the temperature variation of the offset voltage which increases the accuracy of the device. MOUNTING DIMENSIONS (for reference only) Figure 1 Figure 1a TOROID WITH AIR GAP a Maret 358 HSE MaK Figure 2 | UE, yl Figure 2a TOROIO WITH AIR GAP- 35, 228 max + TOROIWD WIT 8 ms enn [ t AIR GAP NAY we 4 + 68 La (2 HALL SENSO + - >_ -o-- 44 28 | $82 MAK R021 mee 264 | r _ it j ~ 36 97 po t I age Se oe wl | 1S Max (2) Te 305 T25 ra) 1,4 = MA AS 281 oy a : FENINne ~ 384 wax === 143 a 23,6 33 =i Lf a t * Application consideration: The out- put is clamped at the high end. Clamp- ing voltage may be as low as 9VDC. The output will not exceed the clamp- ing voltage regardless of field strength or supply voltage.