ADIS16334 Data Sheet
Rev. D | Page 18 of 20
The ADIS16334 provides two independent alarms, Alarm 1 and
Alarm 2, which have a number of programmable settings. Table 31
provides a list of registers for these user settings.
Table 31. Registers for Alarm Configuration
Register Address Description
ALM_MAG1 0x26 Alarm 1 trigger setting
ALM_MAG2 0x28 Alarm 2 trigger setting
ALM_SMPL1 0x2A Alarm 1 sample period
ALM_SMPL2 0x2C Alarm 2 sample period
ALM_CTRL 0x2E Alarm configuration
The ALM_CTRL register in Tabl e 35 provides data source
selection (Bits[15:8]), static/dynamic setting for each alarm
(Bits[7:6]), data source filtering (Bit[4]), and alarm indicator
signal (Bits[2:0]).
The static alarms setting compares the data source selection
(ALM_CTRL[15:8]) with the values in the ALM_MAGx registers
in Table 32 and Tabl e 33. The data format in these registers
matches the format of the data selection in ALM_CTRL[15:8].
The MSB (Bit[15]) of each ALM_MAGx register establishes the
polarity for this comparison. See Tabl e 36, Alarm 1, for a static
alarm configuration example.
Table 32. ALM_MAG1 Bit Descriptions
Bit(s) Description (Default = 0x0000)
[15] Trigger polarity, 1= greater than, 0 = less than
[14] Not used
[13:0] Threshold setting; matches for format of
ALM_CTRL[11:8] output register selection
Table 33. ALM_MAG2 Bit Descriptions
Bit(s) Description (Default = 0x0000)
[15] Trigger polarity, 1= greater than, 0 = less than
[14] Not used
[13:0] Threshold setting; matches for format of
ALM_CTRL[15:12] output register selection
The dynamic alarm setting monitors the data selection for a
rate-of-change comparison. The rate-of-change comparison is
represented by the magnitude in the ALM_MAGx registers over
the time represented by the number-of-samples setting in the
ALM_SMPLx registers located in Table 34. See Table 36, Alarm 2,
for a dynamic alarm configuration example.
Table 34. ALM_SMPL1 and ALM_SMPL2 Bit Descriptions
Bits Description (Default = 0x0000)
[15:8] Not used
[7:0] Binary, number of samples (both 0x00 and 0x01 = 1)
The DIAG_STAT[9:8] bits provide error flags that indicate an
alarm condition. The ALM_CTRL[2:0] bits provide controls for
a hardware indicator using DIO1 or DIO2.
Table 35. ALM_CTRL Bit Descriptions
Bit(s) Description (Default = 0x0000)
Alarm 2 data source selection
0000 = disable
0001 = x-axis gyroscope output
0010 = y-axis gyroscope output
0011 = z-axis gyroscope output
0100 = x-axis accelerometer output
0101 = y-axis accelerometer output
0110 = z-axis accelerometer output
0111 = internal temperature output
[11:8] Alarm 1 data source selection (same as Alarm 2)
[7] Alarm 2, dynamic/static (1 = dynamic, 0 = static)
[6] Alarm 1, dynamic/static (1 = dynamic, 0 = static)
[5] Not used
[4] Data source filtering (1 = filtered, 0 = unfiltered)
[3] Not used
[2] Alarm indicator (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
[1] Alarm indicator active polarity (1 = high, 0 = low)
[0] Alarm output line select (1 = DIO2, 0 = DIO1)
Alarm Example
Table 36 offers an example that configures Alarm 1 to trigger when
filtered ZACCL_OUT data drops below 0.7 g, and Alarm 2 to
trigger when filtered ZGYRO_OUT data changes by more than
50°/sec over a 100 ms period, or 500°/sec2. The filter setting
helps reduce false triggers from noise and refine the accuracy
of the trigger points. The ALM_SMPL2 setting of 82 samples
provides a comparison period that is 97.7 ms for an internal
sample rate of 819.2 SPS.
Table 36. Alarm Configuration Example 1
DIN Description
0xAF36, ALM_CTRL = 0x3697.
0xAE97 Alarm 2: dynamic, ΔZGYRO_OUT (Δ-time,
Alarm 1: static, ZACCL_OUT < ALM_MAG1. Use filtered
data source for comparison. DIO2 output indicator,
positive polarity.
ALM_MAG2 = 0x83E8 (true if ΔZGYRO_OUT > 50°/sec)
50°/sec ÷ 0.05°/sec per LSB = 1000 = 0x03E8,
ALM_MAG2[15] = 1 for greater than.
ALM_MAG1 = 0x02BC (true if ZACCL_OUT < 0.7g)
0.7 g ÷ 1 mg/LSB = 700 LSB = 0x02BC,
ALM_MAG1[15] = 0 for less than.
0xAC66 ALM_SMPL2[7:0] = 0x52 (82 samples).