Models (Continued)
to the complexities indigenous to the modeling of transient
phenomenon, National Semiconductor recommends that
simulated results be supported by laboratory characteriza-
tion prior to making final judgments regarding device tran-
sient performance.
The input files incorporate single bit models over cold, room
and hot die temperatures as well as package models.
Availability: If an ABT product is orderable, the SPICE mod-
els is available through the Applications Engineering Group
at Fairchild Semiconductor.
333 Western Avenue
South Portland, Maine 04106
Telephone: (800) 341-0392
Or check the website at www.fairchildsemi.com.
Description: Transmission Line Calculator, (TLC) Models
provide the system designer with transmission line charac-
teristics such as signal quality. TLC predicts ringing, under-
shoot and overshoot, performs automated analysis of entire
PCB designs and offers accurate delay data for ABTC prod-
ucts. National providesAC, DC and capacitance characteris-
tics for the model which Quad Design compiles and makes
available for customers. The characteristics are generated
either empirically or from SPICE simulations. The AC char-
acteristics include output edge rate and the DC characteris-
tics include output drive capacity and input/output leakage
Use: The TLC models are most often used for signal analy-
sis in PCB designs. TLC program features include predict-
ability of ringing, non-incident switching, undershoot, over-
shoot, and time delay for networks of arbitrary topology and
construction. The program may also be used to evaluate net-
work loading and termination strategies. Additionally, TLC
provides users with critical clock and backplane signal analy-
sis tools as well as tools for viewing the effects of tristate bus
Availability: TLC models on orderable product may be ob-
tained by contacting:
Quad Design
1385 Del Norte Road
Camarillo, California 93010
Telephone: (805) 988-8250
FAX: (805) 988-8259
Measurement Based Digital Signal
Integrity Models
Zeelan Technology, Inc. offers a library of digital signal integ-
rity models that are based on measurements from actual
parts. As CPU speed increases, there is an increasing need
for design tools to predict circuit behavior by simulation.
Zeelan’s models and libraries allow designers to identify digi-
tal signal integrity problems based on the final layout of the
circuit board during the design phase. Since the digital signal
integrity problems of the physical layout are identified before
the fabrication of the circuit card, design changes and optimi-
zation can be made before building a prototype. The results
are fewer prototypes during the development process with a
saving in time and reduction of effort.The outcome is a prod-
uct with the system operating at the maximum level, confi-
dence in the system’s reliability and end user satisfaction
with the system’s performance.
To achieve these results from simulation, digital designers
need models that represent the digital part. Zeelan’s process
involves measurement of the actual part’s parameters to de-
rive realistic models and then formatting the models for spe-
cific requirements of individual simulators including Mentor
Graphics, Quad Design, Greenfield, Quantic Laboratories
and Intergraph. The information in each of Zeelan’s Master-
Models™, designates the specific manufacturer’s part num-
ber, pin out and pin names. To ease the installation, Zeelan
software models are recorded on the designer’s media of
choice and are ready to load and run.
Zeelan’s models are the answer to three fundamental needs.
Traditional libraries are based on a range of values from data
books instead of a specific value, estimates when no data is
available (rise and fall time) and generic models to represent
all the parts in a logic family for all manufacturers. Available
models do not provide the clarity designers need to repre-
sent digital parts. Also, today’s digital designs need models
that account for differences between the same part type from
differeent manufacturers and the high frequency analog be-
havior of digital parts. In response to these needs, Zeelan
provides realistic models for individual National Semicon-
ductor digital parts that result from measurements with ac-
tual parts.
The Zeelan Library for National Semiconductor can be com-
bined with Zeelan’s microprocessor libraries to provide de-
signers with libraries for the total system design with Pen-
tium™Processor, Intel®486SX™33 MHz, Intel®SL
486DX2, Motorola 68040, 68EC040 and 68LC040 micropro-
Availability: Measurement based digital signal integrity
models on released devices may be obtained by contacting:
10550 S.W. Allen Blvd., Suite #108,
Beaverton, OR 97005
Telephone: (503) 520-1000
Request the 74/54 National Semiconductor Digital Master-
Model™Library and Microprocessor MasterModel™Library
in the simulator format of your choice.
www.national.com 6