10 FN9143.5
allows the termination voltage to float during the S3 sleep
state. When the ISL6537A enables the VTT_DDR regulator
or enters S0 state from a sleep state, this short is released
and the internal divide down resistors which set the
VTT_DDR voltage to 50% of VDDQ_DDR will provide a
controlled voltage rise on the capacitor that is tied to the
VREF_IN pin. The voltage on this capacitor is the reference
for the VTT_DDR regulator and the output will track it as it
settles to 50% of the VDDQ voltage. The combination of the
internal resistors and the VREF_IN cap acitor will determine
the rise time of th e VTT_DDR regulator (see the Functional
Pin Description section for proper sizing of the VREF_IN
At time t6, a full sof t-start cycle has passed from the time that
the VTT_DDR regulator was enabled. At this time the
VIDPGD comparator is enabled. Once enabled if the
VTT_GMCH/CPU output is within regulation, the VIDPGD pin
will be forced to a high impedance state.
Active to Sleep (S0 to S3 Transition)
When SLP_S3 goes LOW with SLP_S5 still HIGH, the
ISL6537A will disable all the regulators except for the VDDQ
regulator, which is continually supplied by the 5VDUAL rail.
VIDPGD will also transition LOW . When VTT is disabled, the
internal reference for the VTT regulator is internally shorted
to the VTT rail. This allows the VTT rail to float. When
floating, the voltage on the VTT rail will depend on the
leakage characteristics of the memory and MCH I/O pins. It
is important to note that the VTT rail may not bleed down to
0V. Figure 1 shows how the individual regulators are
affected by the S3 state at time t7.
Sleep to Active (S3 to S0 Transition)
When SLP_S3 transitions from LOW to HIGH with SLP_S5
held HIGH and after the 12V rail exceeds POR, the
ISL6537A will initiate the soft-start sequence. This sequence
is very similar to the mechanical start soft-start sequencing.
The transition from S3 to S0 is repr esented in Figure 1
between times t8 and t14.
At time t8, the SLP_S3 signal transitions HIGH. This enables
the ATX, which brings up the 12V rail. At time t9, the 12V rail
has exceeded the POR threshold and the ISL6537A enters a
reset mode that lasts for 3 sof t-sta rt cycles. At time t10, t he 3
soft-start cycle reset is ended and the ind ividual regulators
are enabled and soft-started in the same sequence as the
mechanical cold start sequence, with the exception that the
VDDQ regulator is already enabled and in regulation.
Active to Shutdown (S0 to S5 Transition)
When the system transitions from active, S0, state to
shutdown, S4/S5, state, the ISL6537A IC disables all
regulators and forces the VIDPGD pin LOW. This transition
is represented on Figure 1 at time t 15.
Fault Protection
The ISL6537A monitors the VDDQ regulator for under and
overvoltage eve nts. The V DDQ regulator also has overcurre nt
protection. The internal VTT_DDR LDO regulator is monitored
for under and overvoltage event s. All other regulators, with the
exception of the DAC LDO, are monitored for undervolt age
An overvoltage event on either the VDDQ or VTT_DDR
regulator will cause an immediate shutdown of all regulators.
This can only be cleared by toggling the SLP_S5 signal such
that the system enters the S5 sleep state and then
transitions back to the active, S0, state.
If a regulator experiences any other fault condition (an
undervoltage or an overcurrent on VDDQ), then that
regulator, and only that regulator, will be disabled and an
internal fault counter will be incremented by 1. If the disabled
regulator is used as the input for another regulator, then that
cascoded regulator will also experience a fault condition due
to a loss of input. The cascoded regulator will be disabled
and the fault counter incremented by 1.
At every fault occurrence, the internal fault counter is
incremented by 1 and an internal F ault Reset Counter is
cleared to zero. The Fault Reset Counter will increment once
for every clock cycle (1 clock cycle is typically 1/250kHz, or
4μs). If the Fault Reset Counter reaches a count of 16384
before another fault occurs, then the Fault Counter is
cleared to 0. If a fault occurs prior to the Fault Reset Counter
reaching a count of 16384, then the Fault Reset Counter is
set back to zero.
The ISL6537A will immediately shut down whe n the Fault
Counter reaches a count of 4 when the system is restarting
from an S5 state into the active, or S0, state. The ISL6537A
will immediately shut down when the Fault Coun ter reaches
a count of 5 at any other time.
The 16384 counts that are required to reset the Fault Reset
Counter represent 8 soft-st art cycles, as one sof t-st art cycle is
2048 clock cycles. This allows the ISL6537A to attempt at least
one full soft-start sequence to restart the faulted regulators.
When attempting to restart a faulted regulator, the ISL6537A
will follow the preset start up sequencing. If a regulator is
already in regulation, then it will not be affected by the start
up sequencing.
VDDQ Overcurrent Protection
The overcurrent function protects the sw itching converter from
a shorted output by using the upper MOSFET on-resistance,
rDS(ON), to monito r the current. Thi s method enhan ces the
converter’s efficiency and reduces cost by eliminating a
current sensing resistor.
The overcurrent function cycles the sof t-st art fu nction in a
hiccup mode to provide fault protection. A resistor (ROCSET)
programs the overcurrent trip level (see Typical Application