_| Ordering number: EN 1636D CMOS LSI No.1636D_ / | .LC7818 Function Switch Use Function switchover of amplifier, receiver, etc. and tape monitor control Features (1) 2-channel 5-position source select + tape monitor on chip (2) Control input pins of input/output common type (Key input and LED display) (3) Delivers audio muting control signal. (4) Possible to select operation modes of backup mode, initialization mode, automatic switchover of function . (5) Supply voltage + 20V, single-supply operation available Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25C,Ve< = OV unit Maximum Supply Voltage Vppmax Vpp VeeZVs5 Vs5g-0.3 to +20 V Veemax Vee ~ 20 to Vs5:+ 0.3 V Output Voltage Vout ACTL to ECTL Vs ~ 0.3 to Vpp + 0.3 V TMOUT Output Current lout 30 mA Voltage Difference at Avon Switch ON 0.5 V Analog Switch-ON Mode Allowable Power Dissipation Pd max TaS85c 500 mw Operating Temperature Topg -30to +75 C Storage Temperature TStg -40to +125 "C Allowable Operating Conditions at Ta = 25C,Vss = OV,[Vpol 2 [Vel min typ max unit Supply Voltage Vpbp1 Vop Vopo-Ves = 12V Vsgt 6 Vsg 418.5 Vv VEE Vee V55 18.5 Ves V Vop2 Vop Vee S Vss backup Ves +3 Ve5418.5 Vv Pin Assignment Continued on next page. alt al BI E2 B2 cigs cz bs D2 E15 E2 SOURCE! [| 6 SOURCE 2 Package Dimensions 3047A ours 7 out? (unit : mm) 1 fe Le 7618 234] TM 2 . Sonanonasnonans Vee [9 22] Yoo Le rr taour [10 MUTE mS ere cr ; 14) it kr | MN 772 0.25 ter | nT #3 Bere I Tact ry Ecrt Vss ss ass a SANYO: DIP30$ SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Business Headquarters TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110 JAPAN 21894 JN /1268K1/7155KI,TS KAWA No.1636-1/7LC7818 Continued from preceding page. min typ max unit: Input H Level Voltage VIH ACTLtoECTL, D.7Vb ob Voo V TMCTL Min Voo-1 .0 Vop V INIT Vss+3 .0 Voo V Input L Level Voltage VIL ACTLtoECTL- Vss O-.25Voo V TMCTL Min VSs Vssei.0 V INIT Vss Vss+o.5 V Input M Level Voltage VIM Win 0.45V op G.55Vpp V Analog Switch Input VIN AltoE1, A? toE2 VEE Voo V Voltage Range SOURCE1.2 TM1-2 Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25C,Vss = OV,|Vpp|2|Veel_. min typ max unit Output H Level Voltage VOH MUTE Ton=-0.4ma,Vonp29v Vpn-0.5 Voo V Output L Level Voltage VOL1 ACTLIOECTL I oL=30maA, V po=18V 0 2 V TMOUT VoL2 MUTE loOL=O0.4maA, VooeB9v 0 o.5 V Analog Switch-ON Resistance Ron AltoE1,/AZtoE2 T=1ma,Vopo-VEE=12V 120 Q TM1-TM2 T=1ma, Vop-VEE=18 80 Q ouT1,0UT2 T=1mas Voo-VEE=37V 70 2 Input/Output OFF Leak POFF? ACTLtOECTL VozeVss+tav 10 wA Current TMOUT TOFF2 CR Vo=Vss+18V 1 uA IOFF3 AltoE1,A2toE2 AnalogSWOFF -1 1 wA 1-2-0UT1+2 VIN= VO=VEEtoVEE+37V Total Harmonic Distortion THO SOURCE1s2 VIN=1Vems,f=1kHz- 0.00150.01 % OUT1.2 Voo~ VEE=15to37V Feedthrough FTH AtltoE! SOURCE1 VWoo-VEE=37,f=10kHz 55 dB OUT I VIN=O.77Vrms A2toE2 SOURCE2 RL=47k2 OUuT2 Crosstalk cT AltoE] SOURCE2 Vob- VEE=37V.f=10kHz 75 dB ouT2 VIN=O.77Vrms A2@toE2 SOURCET RL=67kQ OUT Current Dissipation Top Voo Operating mode V pp~ VEES37V 1 mA Muting Time TM MUTE OSC period x 21 Input Accept Pulse Width TIN() ACTCtcEETL OSC period x 3 (Switch Select) THCTL Input Accept Pulse Width TIN) ACTLtOE CTL OSC period x 1 (Muting Output) TMCTL External Capacitance for CR C14 cR 0.001 0.1 WF OSC OSC Period T1 CR Vobo-VSS=4 0.4C1R1 O.7C1R1 T2 cR Vop-VSs=18.5V O.3C1R1 O.6C1R1 Current Dissipation Ipp back up Vip back up Ll 4A Operation caused by combination of INIT, Min inputs Von=5V, Vee=Vsg=0V INIT Min Operation H M Normal H L Backup H H Auto function L M Muting L L Initialize (A circuit) L H Reset Ry No.1636-2/7'{C7818 Pin Description Pin Name Pin No. | Input/Output Configuration , Function Voo 22 * Power supply pin Vss 16 Single supply (+}: Vgg-VeEE=GND VEE 9 Dual supply (+): Vgs=GND, Veg=(-)V A1-B1 142 *Ato E, TM: Audio signal input pin C1i.01 3-4 *SOURCE: Output pin for REC E1,TM1 5,8 * QUT: Audio signal output pin A2-B2 30-29 C-de 28,27 E2.TM2 26,23 SOURCE) 6 SOURCE2 25 ouT1 7 ouTe2 24 *TM ON/OFF-state display LED driver output TMOUT 10 ACTL 11 * Input/output pin for anatog switch control and BCTL 12 its state display LED driver output CecTL 13 H BcTC 14 EcCTl 15 TMCTL 17 oO b> * Input pin for TM control INIT. 18 Input pin for mode setting (Details are given 0 d> on page 2.} MIN, 19 Input pin for mode setting (Details are given on page 2.) f *Input/output pin for clock CR 20 generation cil Al u pO C1, Rt are connected. > * Output pin for muting contro! = ec 4 m NN) _ Note: Priority for simultaneous push of keys is given as shown below. TMCTL>ACTL>BCTL>CCTL> DCTL>ECTL The pin (ACTL to ECTL pins) whose LED driver is turned ON (function selected) does not accept key input. Key input to such pin causes no operation to occur. WM No products described or contained herein are intended for use in surgical implants, life-support systems, aerospace equipment, nuclear power control systems, vehicles, disaster/crime-prevention equipment and the like, the failure of which may directly or indirectly cause injury, death or property loss. @ Anyone purchasing any products described or contained herein for an above-mentioned use shall: @ Accept full responsibility and indemnify and defend SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors and all their officers and employees, jointly and severally, against any and all claims and litigation and all damages, cost and expenses associated with such use: @ Not impose any responsibility for any fault or negligence which may be cited in any such claim or litigation on SANYO ELECTRIC CO. LTD. its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors or any of their officers and employees jointly or severally, @ Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guarant- eed for volume production. SANYO believes information herein is accurate and reliable, but no guarantees are made or implied regarding its use or any infringements of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties. No.1636-3/7LC7818 Equivalent Circuit Block Diagram ' . . . ' aswa) (25wa) al A2 (iswe) t (2 SWB) 29 al 4 tiswe) ct | <1SWD) 01 + q (1SWE) (2 SWE) 12 Et , f E2 25 SOURCE1 , . SOURCE 2 ' (sw) {2 SW6) 1 T2 ; (SWF) (2 SWF) x ourt OUT 2 19} Taour if ' | TMCTL " ACTL __ Ber. 2? v >|} @ OP . Vs5 L = VEE n w ii Cen, z ul | z z iy oO dd Mj Der | ye >} 2 5 Ect , MUTE CONTROL cr MIN a TIMER ud t INIT nan MUTE No.1636-4/7LC7818 Application Circuit (1) Initialization, muting mode (One channel only is shown below.) sO! alo O soune A aoa TMCTL | BI O+~-o B @ tha 1 Gf , 0D el E1 y eoE re | ouTl G-==-0 output Softer stern vo Fr 1 Core souncei | ay] oul ou vss | -@ | I | PLAY --- 77 - == Yoo ge 1 DeTL MUTE output LC7818 FUNCTION MUTE (-+0 mute output 1x3 T: OSC period an cr | 3} *Ve O+-______-_1} voo VSS ram (2) Backup mode {Audio section, MUTE circuit are omitted.) 7 Ter. If the power switch is set to the primary side at the backup mode and it takes time for +B to fall when power is turned OFF, the MIN pin must be brought to L state before the ACTL to ECTL, TMCTL pins are brought to L state or the MIN pin must be brought to L state within OSC period x 3 in case the ACTL to ECTL, TMCTL pins are brought to L state earlier; otherwise the function may be shifted to another. wey} Zs] alg Power OFF Power OFF CTL pin { . CTLpin Yo - 7 CTL pin "L" = z =| = MIN pin L : 4 INIT IN pin *L" Within OSC > period x 3 +B +coor"s ro vOD = backup capacitor * -B -VCCo os VEE No.1636-5/7.LC7818 (3) Auto function, backup mode Lc7a1s a td Twn we mm ! HH _ 2 | - +4 a ar <2 ! | a a * a a #7 e! 7 T Ta L ? * Zc > +B Veg O00 +-. , ) backup capac iter BO coo ] LC?rel8 Aus po tee wnt @ be TF rr 14 OBCTL TH ? 1 Cet. _3% @ ofl 1) Ber es 0 Ect 4 A a | : a ei TMOUT o +B coco i AcTL }____T Bet Cott (4) Auto function, initialization, reset mode No.1636-6/7LC7818 INIT | MIN Operation Description H M Normal * This state is kept at the normal operation mode. * The backup mode is entered at this state. me He ee Yoo H L Backup mode Ww 4--_-______-_- 4 Wo Cmten} ---- 4 _T Backup mode *When the ACTL to ECTL input occurs, set to this state. eta _ - po H H Auto function | 00 ==----4&_______+---- -- ss (TMreset) 9 f= 5 = + - ~~ ----- Yoo a Set to "H" for OSC period x 3 or greater 74%00 Gate )t2 2 SOS Pee one = VSS *When applying muting regardless of the function select key, set to this state. ___-- Yoo TNIT L M Muting (Mie Mp ~~ = = 4 - -- = -- = 8s -----+ YD MUTE __ [vss OSC period x 22 * The TM is turned OFF and the A circuit is turned ON, Yop TNT L L Initialization, fT ~ i. | {A circuit ON) War Yoo * To initialize, hold this state for OSC period x 3 or greater. + All input circuits are turned OFF. ' Yoo INIT | | L H Reset fr TT Tamra s a vss -eoer na = +--+ +----- WO in 400 o. del Le vss 2O0psec. or greater. No.1636-7/7