7MBP50RA120 1200V / 50A 7 in one-package IGBT-IPM R series Features * Temperature protection provided by directly detecting the junction temperature of the IGBTs * Low power loss and soft switching * Compatible with existing IPM-N series packages * High performance and high reliability IGBT with overheating protection * Higher reliability because of a big decrease in number of parts in built-in control circuit Maximum ratings and characteristics Absolute maximum ratings(at Tc=25C unless otherwise specified) Symbol Item DC bus voltage DC bus voltage (surge) DC bus voltage (short operating) Collector-Emitter voltage DB Reverse voltage INV Collector current DB Collector power dissipation Collector current DC 1ms DC One transistor DC 1ms Rating VDC VDC(surge) VSC VCES VR IC ICP -IC PC IC ICP IF PC Tj VCC *1 Vin *2 Iin VALM *3 IALM *4 Tstg Top Forward current of Diode Collector power dissipation One transistor Junction temperature Input voltage of power supply for Pre-Driver Input signal voltage Input signal current Alarm signal voltage Alarm signal current Storage temperature Operating case temperature Isolating voltage (Case-Terminal) Viso Screw torque Mounting (M5) Terminal (M5) *5 Min. Max. 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 -40 -20 - 900 1000 800 1200 1200 50 100 50 357 25 50 25 198 150 20 Vz 1 Vcc 15 125 100 AC2.5 3.5 *6 3.5 *6 Unit V V V V V A A A W A A A W C V V mA V mA C C kV N*m N*m Fig.1 Measurement of case temperature *1 Apply Vcc between terminal No. 3 and 1, 6 and 4, 9 and 7, 11 and 10. *2 Apply Vin between terminal No. 2 and 1, 5 and 4, 8 and 7, 12,13,14,15 and 10. *3 Apply VALM between terminal No. 16 and 10. *4 Apply IALM to terminal No. 16. *5 50Hz/60Hz sine wave 1 minute. *6 Recommendable Value : 2.5 to 3.0 N*m Electrical characteristics of power circuit (at Tc=Tj=25C, Vcc=15V) Item INV DB Symbol Collector current at off signal input Collector-Emitter saturation voltage Forward voltage of FWD Collector current at off signal input Collector-Emitter saturation voltage Forward voltage of Diode ICES VCE(sat) VF ICES VCE(sat) VF Condition VCE=1200V input terminal open Ic=50A -Ic=50A VCE=1200V input terminal open Ic=25A -Ic=25A http://store.iiic.cc/ Min. Typ. - - - - - - - - - - - Max. 1.0 2.6 3.0 1.0 2.6 3.3 Unit mA V V mA V V 7MBP50RA120 IGBT-IPM Electrical characteristics of control circuit(at Tc=Tj=25C, Vcc=15V) Item Power supply current of P-line side Pre-driver(one unit) Power supply current of N-line side three Pre-driver Input signal threshold voltage (on/off) Symbol Iccp ICCN Vin(th) Input zener voltage Over heating protection temperature level Hysteresis IGBT chips over heating protection temperature level Hysteresis Collector current protection level INV DB Over current protection delay time Under voltage protection level Hysteresis Alarm signal hold time SC protection delay time Limiting resistor for alarm VZ TCOH TCH TjOH TjH IOC IOC tDOC VUV VH tALM tSC RALM Condition Min. Typ. Max. fsw=0 to 15kHz Tc=-20 to 100C *7 3 18 fsw=0 to 15kHz Tc=-20 to 100C *7 10 65 ON 1.00 1.35 1.70 OFF 1.25 1.60 1.95 Rin=20k ohm 8.0 VDC=0V, Ic=0A, Case temperature Fig.1 110 125 20 surface of IGBT chips 150 20 Tj=125C 75 Tj=125C 38 Tj=25C Fig.2 10 11.0 12.5 0.2 1.5 2 Tj=25C Fig.3 12 1425 1500 1575 Unit mA mA V V V C C C C A A s V V ms s ohm *7 Switching frequency of IPM Dynamic characteristics(at Tc=Tj=125C, Vcc=15V) Item Switching time (IGBT) Symbol Condition ton toff trr Switching time (FWD) Min. IC=50A, VDC=600V Typ. Max. - - 0.3 - IF=50A, VDC=600V 3.6 0.4 Thermal characteristics(Tc=25C) Item Junction to Case thermal resistance INV DB IGBT FWD IGBT Case to fin thermal resistance with compound Symbol Rth(j-c) Rth(j-c) Rth(j-c) Rth(c-f) Typ. 0.05 Max. 0.35 0.85 0.63 - Unit C/W C/W C/W C/W Typ. 15 - Max. 800 16.5 20 3.0 3.0 Unit V V kHz N*m N*m Recommendable value Item DC bus voltage Operating power supply voltage range of Pre-driver Switching frequency of IPM Screw torque Mounting (M5) Terminal (M5) Symbol VDC VCC fSW - http://store.iiic.cc/ Min. 200 13.5 1 2.5 2.5 s Unit s s 7MBP50RA120 IGBT-IPM Block diagram Pre-drivers include following functions a) Amplifier for driver b) Short circuit protection c) Undervoltage lockout circuit d) Over current protection e) IGBT chip over heating protection Outline drawings, mm Mass : 440g http://store.iiic.cc/ 7MBP50RA120 IGBT-IPM Characteristics (Representative) Control Circuit Input signal threshold voltage vs. Power supply voltage Power supply current vs. Switching frequency Tj=100C 2.5 Vcc=17V N-side Vcc=15V 30 Vcc=13V 25 20 15 Vcc=17V Vcc=15V Vcc=13V 10 2 : Vin(on),Vin(off) (V) 35 P-side Input signal threshold voltage 40 Power supply current : Icc (mA) Tj=25C Tj=125C } Vin(off) 1.5 } Vin(on) 1 0.5 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 25 12 Switching frequency : fsw (kHz) 13 14 15 16 17 18 Power supply voltage : Vcc (V) Under voltage hysterisis vs. Jnction temperature Under voltage vs. Junction temperature 1 14 Under voltage hysterisis : VH (V) Under voltage : VUVT (V) 12 10 8 6 4 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 20 40 Junction temperature : Tj (C) 100 120 140 14 15 16 17 Power supply voltage : Vcc (V) 18 200 2.5 Tj=125C 2 Tj=25C 1.5 1 0.5 12 13 14 15 16 17 TjOH OH hysterisis : TcH,TjH (C) Over heating protection : TcOH,TjOH (C) 3 Alarm hold time : tALM (mSec) 80 Over heating characteristics TcOH,TjOH,TcH,TjH vs. Vcc Alarm hold time vs. Power supply voltage 0 60 Junction temperature : Tj (C) 18 Power supply voltage : Vcc (V) http://store.iiic.cc/ 150 TcOH 100 50 TcH,TjH 0 12 13 7MBP50RA120 IGBT-IPM Inverter Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Tj=125C Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Tj=25C Vcc=17V Vcc=13V 60 50 40 30 20 Vcc=13V 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 0 Vcc=17V 70 Collector Current : Ic (A) Collector Current : Ic (A) 70 Vcc=15V 80 Vcc=15V 80 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 Collector-Emitter voltage : Vce (V) 10000 2 2.5 Switching time : ton,toff,tf (nSec) toff ton 1000 tf 100 toff ton 1000 tf 100 10 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Collector current : Ic (A) Collector current : Ic (A) Forward current vs. Forward voltage Reverse recovery characteristics trr,Irr vs. IF 80 80 1000 25C 125C 70 60 50 40 30 20 trr125C trr25C 100 Irr125C 10 0 3 10000 Reverse recovery current : Irr(A) Reverse recovery time : trr(nSec) Switching time : ton,toff,tf (nSec) 1.5 Switching time vs. Collector current Edc=600V,Vcc=15V,Tj=125C Switching time vs. Collector current Edc=600V,Vcc=15V,Tj=25C Forward Current : If (A) 1 Collector-Emitter voltage : Vce (V) Irr25C 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 10 0 Forward voltage : Vf (V) 10 20 30 40 50 Forward current : IF(A) http://store.iiic.cc/ 60 70 80 7MBP50RA120 IGBT-IPM Reversed biased safe operating area Vcc=15V,Tj 125C Transient thermal resistance FWD 700 600 IGBT Collector current : Ic (A) Thermal resistance : Rth(j-c) (C/W) 1 0.1 500 400 SCSOA (non-repetitive pulse) 300 200 100 0.01 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 RBSOA (Repetitive pulse) 0 200 1 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Collector-Emitter voltage : Vce (V) Pulse width :Pw (sec) Power derating for FWD (per device) Power derating for IGBT (per device) 150 Collecter Power Dissipation : Pc (W) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 125 100 75 50 25 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 Case Temperature : Tc (C) 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Case Temperature : Tc (C) Switching Loss vs. Collector Current Edc=600V,Vcc=15V,Tj=25C Switching Loss vs. Collector Current Edc=600V,Vcc=15V,Tj=125C 25 25 Switching loss : Eon,Eoff,Err (mJ/cycle) Switching loss : Eon,Eoff,Err (mJ/cycle) Collecter Power Dissipation : Pc (W) 400 20 15 Eon 10 Eoff 5 Err 15 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Eoff 5 0 0 Eon 20 Err 0 10 20 30 40 50 Collector current : Ic (A) Collector current : Ic (A) http://store.iiic.cc/ 60 70 80 7MBP50RA120 IGBT-IPM Over current protection vs. Junction temperature Vcc=15V Over current protection level : Ioc(A) 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction temperature : Tj(C) 120 140 http://store.iiic.cc/ 7MBP50RA120 IGBT-IPM Brake C o lle cto r cu rren t vs. C ollec to r-E m itte r vo lta ge T j= 25 C Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Tj=125C Vcc=15V 40 Vcc=15V 40 Vcc=17V 35 Vcc=13V Collector Current : Ic (A) Collector Current : Ic (A) 35 30 25 20 15 25 20 15 10 5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Vcc=13V 30 10 0 Vcc=17V 0 3 0 0.5 Collector-Emitter voltage : Vce (V) 1.5 2 2.5 3 Reversed biased safe operating area Vcc=15V,Tj 125C Transient thermal resistance 1 350 IGBT 300 Collector current : Ic (A) Thermal resistance : Rth(j-c) (C/W) 1 Collector-Emitter voltage : Vce (V) 0.1 250 200 SCSOA (non-repetitive pulse) 150 100 50 RBSOA (Repetitive pulse) 0 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Collector-Emitter voltage : Vce (V) Pulse width :Pw (sec) Power derating for IGBT (per device) Over current protection vs. Junction temperature Vcc=15V 100 Over current protection level : Ioc(A) Collecter Power Dissipation : Pc (W) 250 200 150 100 50 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 Junction temperature : Tj(C) Case Temperature : Tc (C) http://store.iiic.cc/ 120 140