MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL Order this document by MMBF5459LT1/D DATA -- JFET Wansistor N-Channel I I I MMBF5459LTI I ? SOURCE G~TE Y 1DRAIN MNIMUM RATINGS Rating Drain-ate Voltage I Symbol Value Unit VDG 25 Vdc 1 THERMAL 1 [ .::?,ti CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Mm Total Device Desipation FR-5 Board(l ) TA = 25C Derate above 25C pD 225 Thermal Resistance, Junction to Am~ent RgJA Characteristic Junction and Storage Temperature TJI Tstg DEVICE MARKING MMBF5459LT1 = 6L ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = >.`+ `)~'wti ,,, .,?~ .? ~?~;~, ,~,1 `-.\, 1.8 ,$ti.. mW/C ~F~:*'':,v "cm ):. ~..:, ,i, ,~$~g~$ko .., `8:,, . .}. ~ ,,*P ...., .j~-' ~:!;: `%;* ;,, ~51@&&ss otherwise noted) `c I OFF CHARACTERISTICS 25 -- Vdc IG1SS -- 1.0 nAdc IG2SS -- 200 nAdc VGS(o~ -2.0 -8.0 Vdc IDSS 4.0 lYfsl 2000 6000 ~mhos Output Admittance (VDS = 15 Vdc, VGS = O,f = 1.0 kHz) Iyosl -- 50 pmhoe input Capacitance (VDS = 15Vdc, VGS = O,f = 1.0 MHz) Ciss -- 7,0 pF Reverse Transfer Capacitance ~Ds = 15 Vdc, VGS = O,f = 1.0 MHz) CBS -- 3,0 pF Gat+Source Breakdown Voltage $:,,' `;$} `?" (IG = -10 @de, VDS = O) Y* ~+$ ,*$, .$)' Gate 1 Leakage Current <':~$:?~y (VGS = -15 Vdc, vD~=,~~>$ Gate 2 Leakage Curre%+,,,~ (VGS = -15 Vde~$Vps'**, TA = 100C) >,`,.t,.~. Gate Source C@Xi.~~age (VDS = 1#}~~.lD = 10 nAdc) V(BR)GSS ON C~@~ERISTICS Ze@~&Voltage :@~~~-SIGNAL , Drain Current (VDS = 15 Vdc, VGS = O) I 16 I mAdc CHARACTERISTICS ard Transfer Admittance S=15Vdc, VGS=O, f=l.OkHz) 1. FR-5 = 1.0 x 0.75 x 0.062 in. Thermal Clad is a trademark of the Bergquist Company MOrOROLA @ Motorola,Inc. 1997 @ ,,, -0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 f,FREQUENCY(kHz) ,. Figure 1. Noise Figure versus Frequency Figure 2. Noise~~~@wersus Source ,y,@tice ., `i:i;~$~$+ I, -0.8 -0.4 VGS, GATE-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 4. Common Source Transfer Characteristics 0 MMBF5459LT1 WPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5 5 vGs=ov -- vGs(~~ 4 I I I = -3.5 V I / -1v -2 v -3V 0 o 5 10 vDs, DMIN-SOURCEVOLTAGE 15 20 25 o (VOLTS) ,,1,.>. Figure 65@*on Source Transfsr `+*;?Waracteristics Figure 5. Typical Drain Characteristics 25 -7 vGs, GATE-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Figure 8. Common Source Transfer Characteristics Motorola Small-Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data 3 -- -- ~,f ,$~kh: ,x,,{<, ,'.:$~:: p:+ ~+! ,,, ,.$,, ,'+~"+$:, SOT-23 SOT-23 :,, ,,, :, ,, ,'. `,, :;', i, ,.. ,,, POWER DISSIPk~[@h""N ;t,g `"$. The power dissipation of the SOT-23 is a function of the , .,:`.i:ty. `"~ SOLDERING PRECAUTIONS .,.. .,,., .,*;{,t pad size. This can vary from the minimum pad size for temperature ofsolder is higher than the rated ~:~f~ melting soldering to a pad size given for maximum"power dissipation. `. $,, & `+"$tqerature of the device. When the entire device is heated Power dissipation for a surface mount device is determined :g~,?$r:~, .+.;~b a high temperature, failure to complete soldering within a ~. by TJ(m=), the maximum rated junction temperature of the ~ shoti time could result in device failure. Therefore, the ~ die, ROJA, the thermal resistance from the device junc$~n to"~~ following items should always be observed in order to ,. ambient, and the operating temperature, TA. U$(~&i{$e .' minimize the thermal stress to which the devices are ,,, values provided on the data sheet for the SO,T-23-ge, subjected. ~~,.:.,:{,. . ~.->, ~ PD can be calculated as follows: ~t$. . Always preheat the device. *.' ~`e,\.! . `.4{!)!< ...\,,t,:*. ... ., i:i$,e:+i The delta temperature between the preheat and TJ(mm) - TA .~$#&5 soldering should be 10OC or less.* pD=-- ROJA ,, ?$}:~~$'% . When preheating and soldering, the temperature of the .>$\:?* ~*' *...' leads and the case must not exceed the maximum in the maximum 1! The values for the equationJ~~:J@nd temperature ratings as shown on the data sheet. When `,', ratings table on the data sheeti/$u@tituting these values into using infrared heating with the reflow soldering method, ~ the equation for an amhe~'~$~~~rature TA of 25C, one can the difference shall be a maximum of 10C. ~, calculate the power ~sip@ of the device which in this The soldering temperature and time shall not exceed `: case is 225 milliwa~$'~.. . After soldering has been completed, the device should i~.:i \ ` ,:f.ei,~ .,,>.. i,:'\ be allowed to cool naturally for at least three minutes. Th@:~~,w for the SOT-23 package assumes the use ,, ~.,t.... Gradual cooling should be used as the use of forced ofth~:emmended footprint on a glass epoxy printed circuit cooling will increase the temperature gradient and result b~,~,~ achieve a power dissipation of 225 milliwatts. There in latent failure due to mechanical stress. ar~;other alternatives to achieving higher power dissipation . Mechanical stress or shock should not be applied during from the SOT-23 package. Another alternative would be to . . cooling. use a ceramic substrate or an aluminum core board such as :, Thermal CladTM. Using a board material such as Thermal ` Clad, an aluminum' core board, the power dissipation can be ~ doubled using the same footprint. ,.., . ,' * Soldering a device without preheating can cause excessive thermal shock and stress which can result in damage to the device. ,, 4 Motorola Small+ ,, ,, ignal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data MMBF5459LT1 PACWGE DIMENSIONS SWLE 10 PIN 1. DRAIN 2. SOURCE 3. GATE Motorola Small-Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data NOTES 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14,5M, 1982, 2. MNTROLLING OIMENSION INCH, 3. MMIMUM LEAD THICKNESS INCLUOES LEAO FINISH THICKNESS. MINIMUM LwD THICKNESS IS THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF ~SE MATERIAL, 1 I ,.,auce I ..,, , ,..---- ,*!. `*{,1, ,b:t}:;+.r~~:y: 5 -- Motorola raaervesthe right to make changea without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guamntee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any hatihfy ariaing out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically declaims any and all Mebitity,including without hmifetionconsequential or incidental damages. Typical" parameters which maybe provided in Motorola dahsheetsand/orspacificationscananddovayindfferentappMcationsandactual performance mayvayovertime. Alloperetingparemeters, including Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Motorola does not convey any Kcenseundar its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as compnents in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other aPP~cationsintended to auPPotior sustin tife, orforanY omer application in Wch the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death mayoccur. Should Buyer purchaaeor uaeMotorola productaforany such unintended orunaufhorfzed application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and diatributora harmless againet all claima, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, drectiy or indirectly, any claim'of pe~onal injury or death aaamiated with such unintended or unauthorized usa, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was neg~gent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and@ are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Oppotiunity/Afirmative Action Employer. ,, 6 ,, ,, ':, ,:. Motorola Small-Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data MMBF5459LT1 NOTES -- ,:,:::: Motorola Small-Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data 7 Mfax is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. How to reach ua: USA/EUROPE/LoWlons Not Usted: Motorola Literature ~strfbutiom P.O. Box 5405, Denver,Colorado 80217. 30M7&2140 or I+W1-2447 - TOUCHTONE 602+W609 - US& Canada ONLY l+W~&1846 lNTERN~ Mf='": ,, :. :, ,, ,' `@, ,, JAPAN Mm Motoda Ltd; TatsumWPWLDC, 6F SeiHutsu@nter, >1+2 Tatsumi KotMu, To~o 1%, Japan. 61%521-315 ASW/PACIFIC MotoWa Semisondwtom H.K. Ltd; 6B Tai Rng Industdd Pak, 51 Tng Kok Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. 852-2662929B MOTOROLA ,' 0 MMBF5459LTl~ -. -