PF1510 Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 1 Product data sheet General description The PF1510 is a power management integrated circuit (PMIC) designed specifically for use with i.MX processors on low-power portable, smart wearable and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. It is also capable of providing full power solution to i.MX 7ULP, i.MX 6SL, 6UL, 6ULL and 6SX processors. With three high efficiency buck converters, three linear regulators, DDR reference and RTC supply, the PF1510 can provide power for a complete system, including application processors, memory, and system peripherals. 1.1 Features and benefits This section summarizes the PF1510 features: * Input voltage VIN from 5V bus, USB, or AC adapter (4.1 V to 6.0 V) - Linear front-end input LDO (1500 mA input limit) - Up to 6.5 V input operating range - VIN can withstand transient and DC inputs from 0 V up to +22 V * Buck converters: - SW1, 1.0 A; 0.6 V to 1.3875 V in 12.5 mV steps, or 1.1 V to 3.3 V in variable steps - SW2, 1.0 A; 0.6 V to 1.3875 V in 12.5 mV steps, or 1.1 V to 3.3 V in variable steps - SW3, 1.0 A; 1.8 V to 3.3 V in 100 mV steps - Internal digital soft start - Quiescent current 1.0 A in ULP mode with light load - Peak efficiency > 90 % - Dynamic voltage scaling on SW1 and SW2 - Modes: forced PWM quasi-fixed frequency mode, adaptive variable-frequency mode - Programmable output voltage, current limit and soft start * LDO regulators - LDO1, 0.75 to 1.5 V/1.8 to 3.3 V, 300 mA with load switch mode - LDO2, 1.8 to 3.3 V, 400 mA - LDO3, 0.75 to 1.5 V/1.8 to 3.3 V, 300 mA with load switch mode - Quiescent current < 1.5 A in Low-power mode - Programmable output voltage - Soft start and ramp - Current limit protection - USB_PHY low dropout linear regulator - LDO2P7 always on regulator output * LDO/switch supply - RTC supply VSNVS 3.0 V, 2.0 mA - Coin cell charger PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors * DDR memory reference voltage, VREFDDR, 0.5 to 0.9 V, 10 mA * OTP (One time programmable) memory for device configuration - User programmable start-up sequence, timing, soft-start and power-down sequence - Programmable regulator output voltages 2 * I C interface * User programmable Standby, Sleep/Low-power, and Off (REGS_DISABLE) modes * Ambient temperature range -40 C to 105 C 1.2 Applications * * * * * * * PF1510 Product data sheet Low-power IoT applications Wireless game controllers Embedded monitoring systems Home automation POS E-Reader Smart mobile/wearable devices All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 2 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 2 Application diagram PF1510 Low-power application processor VREFDDR DDR MEMORY SW2 DDR MEMORY INTERFACE SW1 PROCESSOR ARM CORE LDO1 PROCESSOR REAL-TIME SOC/GPU GPS MIPI FLASH NAND - NOR INTERFACES SW3 LDO2 SD/MMC/ NAND MEMORY WIFI LDO3 BLUETOOTH VSNVS SNVS_IN CONTROL SIGNALS PARALLEL CONTROL / GPIO I2C COMMUNICATION I2C COMMUNICATION LI-CELL CHARGER EXTERNAL AMP MICROPHONES SPEAKERS AUDIO CODEC SENSORS COIN CELL USB_PHY FRONT-END LDO 5.0 V FROM ADAPTER OR USB aaa-028828 Figure 1.Application diagram PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 3 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 2.1 Functional block diagram PF1510 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM BUCK1 (0.6 V to 1.3875 V, 1.0 A, DVS; 1.1 V to 3.3 V, 1.0 A, no DVS) FRONT-END LDO (Up to 6.5 V input, 1500 mA, 22 V surge) BUCK2 (0.6 V to 1.3875 V, 1.0 A, DVS; 1.1 V to 3.3 V, 1.0 A, no DVS) LDO1 (0.75 V to 3.3 V, 300 mA) LDO2 (1.8 V to 3.3 V, 400 mA) LDO3 (0.75 V to 3.3 V, 300 mA) LOGIC AND CONTROL I2C/processor interface/ regulator control/ OTP (flexible configuration) USBPHY (4.9 V or 3.3 V, 60 mA) LDO2P7 (2.7 V, 5.0 mA) BUCK3 (1.8 V to 3.3 V, no DVS) VSNVS (RTC SUPPLY) (3.0 V, 2.0 mA) DDR VOLTAGE REFERENCE (VINREFDDR/2, 10 mA) aaa-028829 Figure 2.Functional block diagram PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 4 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors WDI PWRON INTB RESETBMCU ONKEY VDDOTP SDA SCL VDDIO 2.2 Internal block diagram PF1510 ANALOG CORE SW1FB (REFERENCE AND BIAS CURRENT) SW1IN SW1LX EA AND DRIVER SW1 DVS AND MISC REFERENCE VCORE VCORE LDO PF1510 DIGITAL CORE EPAD VDIG VDIG LDO AND STATE MACHINE SW2FB SW2IN COIN CELL CHARGER OTP MEMORY SW2LX EA AND DRIVER LICELL SW2 DVS AND MISC REFERENCE VSNVS VSNVS VSYS EPAD WATCHDOG TIMER 32 kHz CLOCK SW3FB VIN 16 kHz CLOCK SW3IN SW3LX EA AND DRIVER LDO2P7 LDO SW3 AND MISC REFERENCE USBPHY LDO USBPHY LDO2P7 EPAD INTERNAL LOGIC ICTEST LDO3OUT LDO3 LDO3IN LDO2OUT LDO3 LDO2IN LDO1OUT LDO1 LDO1IN LDO1OUT digital signal(s) analog reference(s) 16 kHz clock / derivative 32 kHz clock / derivative LDO1IN VREFDDR DIVIDE INPUT BY 2 aaa-028830 Figure 3.Internal block diagram 3 Orderable parts The PF1510 is available only with preprogrammed configurations. These preprogrammed devices are identified using the program codes from Table 1, which also list the associated NXP reference designs where applicable. Details of the OTP programming for each device can be found in Table 53. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 5 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 1.Orderable part variations Part number [1] Temperature (TA) Package Programming options MC32PF1510A0EP 0 - not programmed MC32PF1510A1EP 1 (Default) MC32PF1510A2EP 2 (i.MX 7ULP with LPDDR3) MC32PF1510A3EP MC32PF1510A4EP 3 (i.MX 6UL with DDR3L) -40 C to 85 C (for use in consumer applications) 4 (i.MX 7ULP with LPDDR3) MC32PF1510A5EP 5 (i.MX 6UL with DDR3) MC32PF1510A6EP 6 (i.MX 6ULL with DDR3L) MC32PF1510A7EP 98ASA00913D, 40-pin QFN 5.0 mm x 5.0 mm with exposed pad MC34PF1510A0EP 7 (i.MX 6UL with LPDDR2) 0 - not programmed MC34PF1510A1EP 1 (Default) MC34PF1510A2EP 2 (i.MX 7ULP with LPDDR3) MC34PF1510A3EP MC34PF1510A4EP [2] 3 (i.MX 6UL with DDR3L) -40 C to 105 C (for use in industrial applications) 4 (i.MX 7ULP with LPDDR3) MC34PF1510A5EP 5 (i.MX 6UL with DDR3) MC34PF1510A6EP 6 (i.MX 6ULL with DDR3L) MC34PF1510A7EP 7 (i.MX 6UL with LPDDR2) [1] [2] [2] For tape and reel, add an R2 suffix to the part number. For internal validation only PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 6 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 4 Pinning information 4.1 Pinning GND USBPHY LDO2P7 VIN VSYS VSYS NC NC GND LICELL 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 PF1510 WDI 1 30 VSNVS SDA 2 29 VLDO1 SCL 3 28 VLDO1IN VDDIO 4 27 SW1FB VDDOTP 5 26 SW1IN PWRON 6 25 SW1LX STANDBY 7 24 VCORE ONKEY 8 23 VDIG INTB 9 22 VINREFDDR RESETBMCU 10 21 VREFDDR 16 17 18 SW3FB SW2FB SW2IN SW2LX 20 15 SW3IN 19 14 SW3LX VLDO2 13 VLDO3 Transparent top view VLDO2IN 11 12 VLDO3IN EPAD (41) aaa-028831 Figure 4.Pinout diagram PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 7 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 4.2 Pin definitions Table 2.Pin description Pin number Block Pin name Recommended connection Recommended connection when not used 1 WDI Watchdog input from processor Connect to WDI signal from processor. Pull up via 8 k - 100 k to VDDIO Connect via 100 k to regulator with output voltage < 3.6 V 2 SDA I C data line Pull-up to VDDIO Leave floating 2 2 3 SCL I C clock line Pull-up to VDDIO Leave floating 4 VDDIO Supply for I C bus Connect to 1.7 to 3.6 V supply. Bypass with 0.1 F capacitor to ground Leave floating 5 VDDOTP Supply to program OTP fuses Connect to ground for the fuse loading N/A 6 PWRON Power On/Off from processor Connect to PMIC_ON_REQ from processor. Pull up via 8 k - 100 k to VSNVS if required N/A 7 STANDBY Standby input signal from processor Connect to PMIC_STBY_REQ signal from processor Connect to ground 8 ONKEY ONKEY push button input Connect to push button and pull up via 8k - 100 k to VIN Connect via 100 k to VSYS 9 INTB Open drain interrupt signal to processor Pull-up via 68 k - 100 k to VSNVS or Leave floating other rail at voltage less than or equal to VDDIO 10 RESETBMCU Open drain reset output to processor Pull-up via 68 k - 100 k to VSNVS or Leave floating other rail at voltage less than or equal to VDDIO 11 VLDO3IN LDO3 regulator input Connect to VSYS and bypass with 1.0 mF capacitor to ground Connect to regulator with output voltage < 4.5 V 12 VLDO3 LDO3 regulator output Bypass with 4.7 F capacitor to ground Leave floating 13 SW3LX SW3 switching node Connect to SW3 inductor Leave floating 14 SW3IN Input to SW3 regulator Connect to VSYS and bypass with 0.1 F + 4.7 F capacitors to ground Connect to VSYS 15 SW3FB Output voltage feedback for SW3 Connect to SW3 output voltage rail near Leave floating load 16 SW2FB Output voltage feedback for SW2 Connect to SW2 output voltage rail near Leave floating load 17 SW2IN Input to SW2 regulator Connect to VSYS and bypass with 0.1 F + 4.7 F capacitors to ground Connect to VSYS 18 SW2LX SW2 switching node Connect to SW2 inductor Leave floating 19 VLDO2 LDO2 regulator output Bypass with 10 F capacitor to ground Leave floating 20 VLDO2IN LDO2 regulator input Connect to VSYS and bypass with 1.0 mF capacitor to ground Connect to regulator with output voltage < 4.5 V 21 VREFDDR VREFDDR regulator output Bypass with 1.0 F capacitor to ground Leave floating 22 VINREFDDR VREFDDR regulator input Ensure there is at least 1.0 F net capacitance from VINREFDDR to ground Leave floating 23 VDIG Digital core supply Bypass with 1.0 F capacitor to ground N/A 24 VCORE Analog core supply Bypass with 1.0 F capacitor to ground N/A 25 SW1LX SW1 switching node Connect to SW1 inductor Leave floating 26 SW1IN Input to SW1 regulator Connect to VSYS and bypass with 0.1 F + 4.7 F capacitors to ground Connect to VSYS 27 SW1FB Output voltage feedback for SW1 Connect to SW1 output voltage rail near Leave floating load 28 VLDO1IN LDO1 regulators input Connect to VSYS and bypass with 1.0 F capacitor to ground Connect to regulator with output voltage < 4.5 V 29 VLDO1 LDO1 regulator output Bypass with 4.7 F capacitor to ground Leave floating PF1510 Product data sheet 2 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 8 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Pin number Block Pin name Recommended connection Recommended connection when not used 30 VSNVS VSNVS regulator/switch output Bypass with 0.47 F capacitor to ground Bypass with 0.47 F capacitor to ground 31 LICELL Coin cell supply input/output Bypass with 0.1 F capacitor. Connect to optional coin cell. Bypass with 0.1 F capacitor to ground 32 GND Ground Connect to ground Connect to ground 33 NC 34 NC Not connected Not connected Leave floating 35 VSYS Main input voltage to PMIC N/A 36 VSYS Bypass with 2x 22 F/10 V capacitors or a 47 F/10 V capacitor to ground 37 VIN Main IC supply Connect to a valid 5.0 V input, bypass with a 2.2 F/25 V capacitor to ground Leave floating 38 LDO2P7 LDO2P7 regulator output Bypass with 2.2 F capacitor to ground mandatory Bypass with 2.2 F capacitor to ground mandatory 39 USBPHY USBPHY regulator output Bypass with 1.0 F capacitor to ground Leave floating 40 GND Ground Connect to ground Connect to ground -- EP Expose pad. Functions as ground return Ground. Connect this pad to the inner for buck and boost regulators and external ground planes through multiple vias to allow effective thermal dissipation. 5 N/A General product characteristics 5.1 Thermal characteristics Table 3.Thermal ratings Symbol Description (Rating) Min Max Unit -40 -40 105 85 C -40 125 C THERMAL RATINGS TA Ambient operating temperature range (industrial) Ambient operating temperature range (consumer) TJ Operating junction temperature range TST Storage temperature range TPPRT Peak package reflow temperature [1] -65 150 C [2] [3] -- -- C -- QFN40 THERMAL RESISTANCE AND PACKAGE DISSIPATION RATINGS RJA Junction to ambient thermal resistance, natural convection Four layer board (2s2p) Six layer board (2s4p) Eight layer board (2s6p) [4] [5] RJMA Junction to ambient (@200ft/min) Four layer board (2s2p) [4] [6] RJB Junction to board [7] -- 8.8 C/W Junction to case bottom [8] -- 1.4 C/W Junction to package top - Natural convection [9] -- 0.6 C/W RJCBOTTOM JT [1] [2] [6] C/W 27 20.6 17.8 -- C/W 21.4 Do not operate beyond 125 C for extended periods of time. Operation above 150 C may cause permanent damage to the IC. See Thermal Protection Thresholds for thermal protection features. Pin soldering temperature limit is for 10 seconds maximum duration. Not designed for immersion soldering. Exceeding these limits may cause a malfunction or permanent damage to the device. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 9 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] NXP's package reflow capability meets Pb-free requirements for JEDEC standard J-STD-020C. For peak package reflow temperature and moisture sensitivity levels (MSL), go to, search by part number [ remove prefixes/suffixes and enter the core ID to view all orderable parts (for MC33xxxD enter 33xxx), and review parametrics. Junction temperature is a function of die size, on-chip power dissipation, package thermal resistance, mounting site (board) temperature, ambient temperature, air flow, power dissipation of other components on the board, and board thermal resistance. The Board uses the JEDEC specifications for thermal testing (and simulation) JESD51-7 and JESD51-5. Per JEDEC JESD51-6 with the board horizontal. Thermal resistance between the die and the printed circuit board per JEDEC JESD51-8. Board temperature is measured on the top surface of the board near the package. Thermal resistance between the die and the case top surface as measured by the cold plate method (MIL SPEC-883 Method 1012.1). Thermal characterization parameter indicating the temperature difference between package top and the junction temperature per JEDEC JESD51-2. When Greek letters are not available, the thermal characterization parameter is written as Psi-JT. 5.2 Absolute maximum ratings Table 4.Maximum ratings Symbol Description (Rating) Min Max Unit VIN Main IC supply -0.3 24 V VDDIO I/O supply voltage. Connect to voltage rail between 1.7 V and 3.3 V. I/Os SCL -0.3 3.6 V 2 -0.3 3.6 V 2 SCL when used in I C mode. SCLK when used in SPI mode. SDA SDA when used in I C mode. MISO when used in SPI mode. -0.3 3.6 V RESETBMCU RESETBMCU open drain output -0.3 3.6 V PWRON PWRON input -0.3 3.6 V STANDBY STANDBY input -0.3 3.6 V ONKEY ONKEY push button input -0.3 4.8 V INTB INTB open-drain output -0.3 3.6 V WDI Watchdog input from processor -0.3 3.6 V Connect to ground in the application -0.3 10 V SW1IN Buck 1 input supply -0.3 4.8 V SW1LX Buck 1 switching node -0.3 4.8 V SW1FB Buck 1 feedback input -0.3 3.6 V SW2IN Buck 2 input supply -0.3 4.8 V SW2LX Buck 2 switching node -0.3 4.8 V SW2FB Buck 2 output voltage feedback -0.3 3.6 V SW3IN Buck 3 input supply -0.3 4.8 V SW3LX Buck 3 switching node -0.3 4.8 V SW3FB Buck 3 output voltage feedback -0.3 3.6 V VLDO1IN LDO1 input supply -0.3 4.8 V VLDO1 LDO1 output -0.3 3.6 V VDDOTP VDDOTP BUCK 1 BUCK 2 BUCK 3 LDO1 PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 10 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Symbol Description (Rating) Min Max Unit VLDO2IN LDO2 input supply -0.3 4.8 V VLDO2 LDO2 output -0.3 3.6 V VLDO3IN LDO3 input supply -0.3 4.8 V VLDO3 LDO3 output -0.3 3.6 V VSNVS VSNVS regulator output -0.3 3.6 V LICELL Coin cell input -0.3 3.6 V LDO2P7 LDO2P7 regulator output -0.3 3.6 V USBPHY USBPHY regulator output -0.3 5.5 V LDO2 LDO3 VSNVS FRONT-END LDO INPUT/OUTPUT SUPPLY VINREFDDR VREFDDR input supply -0.3 3.6 V VREFDDR VREFDDR output -0.3 3.6 V VSYS Main input voltage to PMIC -0.3 4.8 V VDIG VDIG regulator output (used within PF1510) -0.3 1.65 VCORE VCORE regulator output (used within PF1510) -0.3 1.65 V -- -- -- 2000 750 500 V IC CORE ELECTRICAL RATINGS VESD [1] ESD ratings Human body model Charge device model (corner pins) Charge device model (all other pins) [1] Testing is performed in accordance with the human body model (HBM) (CZAP = 100 pF, RZAP = 1500 ), and the charge device model (CDM), Robotic (CZAP = 4.0 pF). PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 11 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 5.3 Electrical characteristics 5.3.1 Electrical characteristics - Front-end LDO All parameters are specified at TA = -40 to 105 C, VIN = 5.0 V, VSYS = 3.7 V, typical external component values, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are characterized at VIN = 5.0 V, VSYS = 3.7 V and 25 C, unless otherwise noted. Table 5.Front-end LDO Symbol Parameter Measurement condition Min Typ Max Unit Operating voltage VUVLO -- VOVLO V -- -- 22 V FRONT-END LDO INPUT VIN VIN voltage range VIN_WITHSTAND VIN maximum withstand voltage rating VIN_OVLO VIN overvoltage threshold Rising 6.0 6.5 7.0 V VOVLO_HYS VIN overvoltage threshold hysteresis Falling 50 150 250 mV tD-OVLO VIN overvoltage delay 5.0 10 15 s VUVLO VIN to GND minimum turn on threshold accuracy 3.8 4.0 4.2 V VUVLO-HYS VIN UVLO hysteresis 400 500 600 mV VIN2SYS_50 VIN to VSYS minimum turn on threshold accuracy VIN rising, 50 mV setting 20 50 80 mV VIN2SYS_175 VIN to VSYS minimum turn on threshold accuracy VIN rising, 175 mV setting 100 175 250 mV Measurement condition Min Typ Max Unit VIN rising Table 6.Input currents Symbol Parameter VIN CURRENT LIMIT ILIM10 VIN current limit (10 mA settings) 10 mA 6.0 8.5 11 mA ILIM15 VIN current limit (15 mA settings) 15 mA 10.5 12.75 16 mA ILIM20 VIN current limit (20 mA settings) 20 mA 14 17 21 mA ILIM25 VIN current limit (25 mA settings) 25 mA 17.5 21.25 26 mA ILIM30 VIN current limit (30 mA setting) 30 mA 21 25.5 30 mA ILIM35 VIN current limit (35 mA settings) 35 mA 24.5 29.75 35 mA ILIM40 VIN current limit (40 mA settings) 40 mA 28 34 40 mA ILIM45 VIN current limit (45 mA settings) 45 mA 31.5 38.25 45 mA ILIM50 VIN current limit (50 mA settings) 50 mA 35 42.5 50 mA ILIM100 VIN current limit (100 mA settings) 100 mA 85 95 105 mA ILIM150 VIN current limit (150 mA settings) 150 mA 125 137.5 160 mA ILIM200 VIN current limit (200 mA settings) 200 mA 170 190 210 mA ILIM300 VIN current limit (300 mA setting) 300 mA 260 285 320 mA ILIM400 VIN current limit (400 mA settings) 400 mA 345 380 425 mA PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 12 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Symbol Parameter Measurement condition Min Typ Max Unit ILIM500 VIN current limit (500 mA settings) 500 mA 430 475 530 mA ILIM600 VIN current limit (600 mA settings) 600 mA 520 570 640 mA ILIM700 VIN current limit (700 mA settings) 700 mA 610 665 750 mA ILIM800 VIN current limit (800 mA settings) 800 mA 690 760 850 mA ILIM900 VIN current limit (900 mA settings) 900 mA 780 855 950 mA ILIM1000 VIN current limit (1000 mA settings) 1000 mA 855 950 1100 mA ILIM1500 VIN current limit (1500 mA settings) 1500 mA 1260 1400 1700 mA RINSD Input self discharge resistance 18 30 42 k Min Typ Max Unit 100 250 550 m VSYS = 0 V 0 0.2 10 A Measurement condition Min Typ Max Unit Table 7.Switch impedances and leakage currents Symbol Parameter RVIN2SYS VIN to VSYS resistance ISYS VSYS leakage current Measurement Condition Table 8.Watchdog timer Symbol Parameter tWD Watchdog timer period -- 80 -- s tWDACC Watchdog timer accuracy -20 0 20 % Min Typ Max Unit Table 9.Internal 2.7 V Regulator (LDO2P7) Symbol Parameter Measurement condition VGDRV Output voltage 2.6 2.7 2.8 V IGDRV Output current 5.0 -- -- mA VDO(GDRV) Dropout voltage 0 -- 800 mV Table 10.USBPHY LDO Symbol Parameter Measurement condition Min Typ Max Unit VUSB_PHY Output voltage IOUT = 10 mA; 3.3 V and 4.9 V settings. VIN = 5.5 V -5.0 -- 5.0 % IUSB_PHY Maximum output current 60 -- -- mA USBRDIS Internal discharge resistance 500 1000 1500 USBCAPSTA Output capacitor for stable operation 0.7 1.0 2.2 F IQUSB Quiescent supply current -- 35 -- A USBPHYLDREG DC load regulation 0 5.0 13 mV PF1510 Product data sheet 0 A < IOUT < 60 mA, MAX ESR = 10 m VIN = 5.5 V, 30 A < IOUT < 60 mA All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 13 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Symbol Parameter Measurement condition Min Typ Max Unit USBPHYDO Dropout voltage VIN = 5.0 V, IOUT = 60 mA -- 200 350 mV USBPHYILIM Output current limit 65 150 200 mA PSRRUSB_PHY PSRR 55 60 75 dB VIN = 5.5 V, COUT = 1.0 F 5.3.2 Electrical characteristics - SW1 and SW2 All parameters are specified at TA = -40 to 105 C, VSYS = VSWxIN = 2.5 to 4.5 V, VSWx = 1.2 V, ISWx = 200 mA, typical external component values, fSWx = 2.0 MHz, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are characterized at VSYS = VSWxIN = 3.6 V, VSWx = 1.1 V, ISWx = 100 mA, and 25 C, unless otherwise noted. Table 11.SW1 and SW2 electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VSWxIN Operating input voltage 2.5 -- 4.5 V ISWx Rated output current 1000 -- -- mA VSWx Output voltage accuracy DVS enabled mode (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0) Normal power mode, 2.5 V < VSWxIN < 4.5 V, 0 < ISWx < 1.0 A 0.6 V VSWx 1.0 V -15 -- 15 mV VSWx Output voltage accuracy DVS enabled mode (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0) Normal power mode, 2.5 V < VSWxIN < 4.5 V, 0 < ISWx < 1.0 A 1.0 V < VSWx 1.3875 V -2.0 -- 2.0 % VSWx Output voltage accuracy DVS enabled mode (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0) Low-power mode, 2.5 V < VSWxIN < 4.5 V, 0 < ISWx < 0.1 A 0.6 V VSWx 1.0 V -30 -- 30 mV VSWx Output voltage accuracy DVS enabled mode (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0) Low-power mode, 2.5 V < VSWxIN < 4.5 V, 0 < ISWx < 0.1 A 1.0 V < VSWx 1.3875 V -3.0 -- 3.0 % VSWx Output voltage accuracy DVS disabled mode (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 1) Normal power mode, 2.5 V < VSWxIN < 4.5 V, 0 < ISWx < 1.0 A 1.1 V VSWx 1.5 V -45 -- 45 mV VSWx Output voltage accuracy DVS disabled mode (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 1) Normal power mode, 2.5 V < VSWxIN < 4.5 V, 0 < ISWx < 1.0 A 1.8 V VSWx 3.3 V -3.0 -- 3.0 % VSWx Output voltage accuracy DVS disabled mode (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 1) Low-power mode, 2.5 V < VSWxIN < 4.5 V, 0 < ISWx < 0.1 A 1.1 V < VSWx 1.5 V -55 -- 55 mV PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 14 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VSWx Output voltage accuracy DVS disabled mode (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 1) Low-power mode, 2.5 V < VSWxIN < 4.5 V, 0 < ISWx < 0.1 A 1.8 V VSWx 3.3 V -4.0 -- 4.0 % VSWx Output ripple -- 5.0 -- mV SWxEFF Efficiency VSWxIN = 3.6 V, LSWx = 1.0 H, DCR = 50 m LP/ ULP mode, 1.2 V, 1.0 mA -- 88 -- % SWxEFF Efficiency VSWxIN = 3.6 V, LSWx = 1.0 H, DCR = 50 m Normal power mode, 1.2 V, 50 mA -- 90 -- % SWxEFF Efficiency VSWxIN = 3.6 V, LSWx = 1.0 H, DCR = 50 m Normal power mode, 1.2 V, 150 mA -- 92 -- % SWxEFF Efficiency VSWxIN = 3.6 V, LSWx = 1.0 H, DCR = 50 m Normal power mode, 1.2 V, 400 mA -- 89 -- % SWxEFF Efficiency VSWxIN = 3.6 V, LSWx = 1.0 H, DCR = 50 m Normal power mode, 1.2 V, 1000 mA -- 83 -- % ISWxLIMH Current limiter peak (high-side MOSFET) current detection SWxILIM[1:0] = 00 SWxILIM[1:0] = 01 SWxILIM[1:0] = 10 SWxILIM[1:0] = 11 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 1.3 1.6 2.0 2.6 ISWxLIML Current limiter low-side MOSFET current detection (sinking current) 0.7 1.0 1.3 ISWxQ Quiescent current (at 25 C) Low-power mode with DVS disabled (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 1) -- 1.0 -- ISWxQ Quiescent current (at 25 C) Low-power mode with DVS enabled (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0) -- 6.0 -- ISWxQ Quiescent current (at 25 C) Normal power mode with DVS disabled (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 1) -- 5.5 -- ISWxQ Quiescent current (at 25 C) Normal power mode with DVS enabled (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0) -- 10 -- VSWxOSH Startup overshoot (Normal mode) ISWx = 0 mA DVS speed = 12.5 mV/4 s, VSYS = VSWxIN = 3.6 V, VSWx = 1.35 V -- -- 25 mV tONSWx Turn on time 10 % to 90 % of end value DVS speed = 12.5 mV/4 s, VSYS = VSWxIN = 3.6 V, VSWx = 1.35 V -- -- 500 s VSWxLOTR Transient load regulation (Normal power mode) Transient load = 50 mA to 250 mA, di/dt = 200 mA/s Overshoot Undershoot PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 A A A A A A mV -- -- 25 25 -- -- (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 15 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit RONSWxP SWx P-MOSFET RDS(on) at VSWxIN = 3.6 V -- 200 -- m RONSWxN SWx N-MOSFET RDS(on) at VSWxIN = 3.6 V -- 150 -- m RSWxDIS Turn off discharge resistance -- 500 -- 5.3.3 Electrical characteristics - SW3 All parameters are specified at TA = -40 to 105 C, VSYS = VSW3IN = 2.5 to 4.5 V, VSW3 = 1.8 V, ISW3 = 200 mA, typical external component values, fSW3 = 2.0 MHz, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are characterized at VSYS = VSW3IN = 3.6 V, VSW3 = 1.8 V, ISW3 = 200 mA, and 25 C, unless otherwise noted. Table 12.SW3 electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VSW3IN Operating input voltage 2.5 -- 4.5 V VSW3 Output voltage accuracy (all voltage settings) Normal power mode, 2.5 V < VSW3IN < 4.5 V, 0 < ISW3 < 1.0 A -2.0 -- 2.0 VSW3 Output voltage accuracy (all voltage settings) Low-power mode, 2.5 V < VSW3IN < 4.5 V, 0 < ISW3 < 0.1 A -3.0 -- 3.0 VSW3 Output ripple -- 5.0 -- SW3EFF Efficiency VSW3IN = 3.6 V, LSW3 = 1.0 H, DCR = 50 m LP/ ULP Mode, 1.8 V, 1.0 mA -- 88 -- SW3EFF Efficiency VSW3IN = 3.6 V, LSWx = 1.0 H, DCR = 50 m Normal power mode, 1.8 V, 50 mA -- 90 -- SW3EFF Efficiency VSW3IN = 3.6 V, LSWx = 1.0 mH, DCR = 50 m Normal power mode, 1.8 V, 100 mA -- 91 -- SW3EFF Efficiency VSW3IN = 3.6 V, LSWx = 1.0 H, DCR = 50 m Normal power mode, 1.8 V, 400 mA -- 92 -- SW3EFF Efficiency VSW3IN = 3.6 V, LSWx = 1.0 H, DCR = 50 m Normal power mode, 1.8 V, 1000 mA % % % % % % % -- 83 -- ISW3LIMH Current limiter peak (high-side MOSFET) current detection SW3ILIM[1:0] = 00 SW3ILIM[1:0] = 01 SW3ILIM[1:0] = 10 SW3ILIM[1:0] = 11 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 1.3 1.6 2.0 2.6 ISW3LIML Current limiter low-side MOSFET current detection (sinking current) 0.7 1.0 1.3 ISW3Q Quiescent current (at 25 C) Low-power mode -- 1.0 -- PF1510 Product data sheet mV A A A All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 16 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VSW3OSH Start-up overshoot (Normal mode) ISW3 = 0 mA VSYS = VSW3IN = 3.6 V, VSW3 = 1.8 V -- -- 50 mV tONSW3 Turn on time 10 % to 90 % of end value VSYS = VSW3IN = 3.6 V, VSW3 = 1.8 V -- -- 500 s VSW3LOTR Transient load regulation (Normal power mode) Transient load = 50 mA to 250 mA, di/dt = 200 mA/s Overshoot Undershoot -- -- 50 50 -- -- RONSW3N SW3 N-MOSFET RDS(on) at VSW3IN = 3.6 V -- 150 -- m RONSW3P SW3 P-MOSFET RDS(on) at VSW3IN = 3.6 V -- 200 -- m RSW3DIS Turn off discharge resistance -- 300 -- mV 5.3.4 Electrical characteristics - LDO1 All parameters are specified at TA = -40 to 105 C, VSYS = 2.5 to 4.5 V, VLDOIN1 = 3.6 V, VLDO1[4:0] = 11111, ILDO1 = 10 mA, typical external component values, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are characterized at VSYS = 3.6 V, VLDOIN1 = 3.6 V, VLDO1[4:0] = 11111, ILDO1 = 10 mA, and 25 C, unless otherwise noted. Table 13.LDO1 electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VLDO1IN Operating input voltage VLDO1 + 250 mV VSYS 4.5 V 1.0 -- 4.5 VLDO1NOM Nominal output voltage -- See Table 33 -- V ILDO1MAX Rated output load current, Normal mode 300 -- -- mA ILDO1MAXLPM Rated output load current, Low-power mode 10 -- -- mA VLDO1TOL Output voltage tolerance, Normal mode VLDO1INMIN < VLDO1IN < 4.5 V, 0 mA < ILDO1 300 mA 0.8 V VLDO1 < 1.8 V 1.8 V VLDO1 3.3 V VLDO1INMIN < VLDO1IN < 4.5 V, 0 mA < ILDO1 < 10 mA (Low-power mode) V % -2.5 -2.5 -4.0 -- -- -- 2.5 2.5 4.0 ILDO1LIM Current limit ILDO1 when VLDO1 is forced to VLDO1NOM/2 320 -- 1000 mA ILDO1OCP LDO1FAULTI threshold (also used to disable LDO1 when REGSCPEN = 1) 320 -- 1000 mA ILDO1Q Quiescent current (at 25 C) No load, change in IVSYS and IVLDOIN1 When LDO1 enabled in Normal mode When LDO1 enabled in Low-power mode RDSON_QFN_LDO1 Dropout on resistance PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 A -- -- 17 2.5 -- -- -- -- 350 m (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 17 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max PSRRLDO1 PSRR ILDO1 = 150 mA, 20 Hz to 20 kHz VLDO1 = 3.30 V, VLDO1IN = 3.8 V, VSYS = 4.2 V -- 56 -- TRVLDO1 Turn on time 10 % to 90 % of end value VLDO1INMIN < VLDO1IN 4.5 V, ILDO1 = 0.0 mA -- 200 500 RLDO1DIS Turn off discharge resistance -- 250 -- LDO1OUTOSHT Start-up overshoot (% of final value) VLDO1INMIN < VLDO1IN 4.5 V, ILDO1 = 0.0 mA -- 1.0 2.0 VLDO1LOTR Transient load response VLDO1INMIN < VLDO1IN 4.5 V, ILDO1 = 10 mA to 200 mA in 10 s Overshoot Undershoot Unit dB s % mV -- -- 50 50 -- -- 5.3.5 Electrical characteristics - LDO2 All parameters are specified at TA = -40 to 105 C, VSYS = 3.6 V, VLDOIN2 = 3.6 V, VLDO2[3:0] = 1111, ILDO2 = 10 mA, typical external component values, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are characterized at VSYS = 3.6 V, VLDOIN2 = 3.6 V, VLDO2[3:0] = 1111, ILDO2 = 10 mA, and 25 C, unless otherwise noted. Table 14.LDO2 electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VLDO2IN Operating input voltage 1.8 V VLDO2NOM 2.5 V 2.6 V VLDO2NOM 3.3 V 2.8 VLDO2NOM + 0.250 - - 4.5 4.5 VLDO2NOM Nominal output voltage -- See Table 35 -- V ILDO2MAX Rated output load current, Normal mode 400 -- -- mA ILDO2MAXLPM Rated output load current, Low-power mode 10 -- -- mA VLDO2TOL Output voltage tolerance VLDO2INMIN < VLDO2IN < 4.5 V 10.0 mA ILDO2 < 400 mA 0.0 mA < ILDO2 < 10 mA (Low-power mode) V % -2.0 -4.0 -- -- 2.0 4.0 ILDO2LIM Current limit ILDO2 when VLDO2 is forced to VLDO2NOM/2 450 750 1050 mA ILDO2OCP LDO2FAULTI threshold (also used to disable LDO2 when REGSCPEN = 1) 450 -- 1050 mA ILDO2Q Quiescent Current (25 C) No load, change in IVSYS and IVLDO2IN When VLDO2 enabled in Normal mode When VLDO2 enabled in Low-power mode RDSON_QFN_LDO2 Dropout on resistance PSRRVLDO2 PF1510 Product data sheet PSRR ILDO2 = 200 mA, 20 Hz to 20 kHz VLDO2 = 3.30 V, VLDO2IN = 3.9 V, VSYS = 4.2 V A -- -- 15 1.5 -- -- -- -- 300 -- 60 -- dB All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 m (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 18 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit tONLDO2 Turn on time 10 % to 90 % of end value VLDO2INMIN < VLDO2IN 4.5 V, ILDO2 = 0.0 mA -- 200 500 s RLDO2DIS Turn off discharge resistance -- 250 -- LDO2OUTOSHT Start-up overshoot (% of final value) VLDO2INMIN < VLDO2IN 4.5 V, ILDO2 = 0.0 mA -- 1.0 2.0 % VLDO2LOTR Transient load response VLDO2INMIN < VLDO2IN 4.5 V, ILDO2 = 10 mA to 100 mA in 10 s Overshoot Undershoot mV -- -- 50 50 -- -- 5.3.6 Electrical characteristics - LDO3 All parameters are specified at TA = -40 to 105 C, VSYS = 2.5 to 4.5 V, VLDOIN3 = 3.6 V, VLDO3[4:0] = 11111, ILDO3 = 10 mA, typical external component values, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are characterized at VSYS = 3.6 V, VLDOIN3 = 3.6 V, VLDO3[4:0] = 11111, ILDO3 = 10 mA, and 25 C, unless otherwise noted. Table 15.LDO3 electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VLDO3IN Operating input voltage VLDO3 + 250 mV VSYS 4.5 V 1.0 -- 4.5 V VLDO3NOM Nominal output voltage -- See Table 33 -- V ILDO3MAX Rated output load current, Normal mode 300 -- -- mA ILDO3MAXLPM Rated output load current, Low-power mode 10 -- -- mA VLDO3TOL Output voltage tolerance, Normal mode VLDO3INMIN < VLDO3IN < 4.5 V, 0 mA < ILDO3 < 300 mA 0.8 V VLDO3 < 1.8 V 1.8 V VLDO3 3.3 V VLDO3INMIN < VLDO3IN < 4.5 V, 0 mA < ILDO3 < 10 mA (Low-power mode) % -2.5 -- -2.5 -- -4.0 -- 2.5 2.5 4.0 ILDO3LIM Current limit ILDO3 when VLDO3 is forced to VLDO3NOM/2 320 -- 1000 mA ILDO3OCP LDO3FAULTI threshold (also used to disable LDO3 when REGSCPEN = 1) 320 -- 1000 mA ILDO3Q Quiescent current (at 25 C) No load, change in IVSYS and IVLDOIN3 When LDO3 enabled in Normal mode When LDO3 enabled in Low-power mode RDSON_QFN_LDO3 Dropout on resistance PSRRLDO3 PF1510 Product data sheet PSRR ILDO3 = 150 mA, 20 Hz to 20 kHz VLDO3 = 3.30 V, VLDO3IN = 3.8 V, VSYS = 4.2 V All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 A -- -- 17 2.5 -- -- -- -- 350 -- 56 -- m dB (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 19 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit TRVLDO3 Turn on time 10 % to 90 % of end value VLDO3INMIN < VLDO3IN < 4.5 V, ILDO3 = 0.0 mA -- 200 500 RLDO3DIS Turn off discharge resistance -- 250 -- LDO3OUTOSHT Start-up overshoot (% of final value) VLDO3INMIN < VLDO3IN 4.5 V, ILDO3 = 0.0 mA -- 1.0 2.0 VLDO3LOTR Transient load response VLDO3INMIN < VLDO3IN 4.5 V, ILDO3 = 10 mA to 100 mA in 10 s Overshoot Undershoot s % mV -- -- 50 50 -- -- 5.3.7 Electrical characteristics - VREFDDR TA = -40 to 105 C, VSYS = 2.5 to 4.5 V, IREFDDR = 0.0 mA, VINREFDDR = 1.35 V and typical external component values, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are characterized at VSYS = 3.6 V, IREFDDR = 0.0 mA, VINREFDDR = 1.35 V, and 25 C, unless otherwise noted. Table 16.VREFDDR electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VINREFDDR Operating input voltage range 0.9 -- 1.8 V VREFDDR Output voltage, 0.9 V < VINREFDDR < 1.8 V, 0 mA < IREFDDR < 10 mA -- VINREFDDR/2 -- V VREFDDRTOL Output voltage tolerance, as a percentage of VINREFDDR, 1.2 V < VINREFDDR < 1.65 V, 0 mA < IREFDDR < 10 mA 49.25 50 50.75 % IREFDDRQ Quiescent current (at 25 C) -- 1.1 -- A IREFDDRLM Current limit, IREFDDR when VREFDDR is forced to VINREFDDR/4 10.5 24 38 mA tONREFDDR Turn on time, 10 % to 90 % of end value, VINREFDDR = 1.2 V to 1.65 V, IREFDDR = 0.0 mA -- -- 100 s 5.3.8 Electrical characteristics - VSNVS All parameters are specified at TA = -40 to 105 C, VSYS = 3.6 V, VSNVS = 3.0 V, ISNVS = 5.0 A, typical external component values, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are characterized at VSYS = 3.6 V, VSNVS = 3.0 V, ISNVS = 5.0 A, and 25 C, unless otherwise noted. Table 17.VSNVS electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max VSNVSIN Operating input voltage Valid coin cell range Valid VSYS 1.8 2.45 -- -- 3.3 4.5 ISNVS Operating load current VSNVSINMIN < VSNVSIN < VSNVSINMAX 2000 -- -- A VTL1 VSYS threshold (VSYS powered to coin cell powered) -- UVDET failing -- V VTH1 VSYS threshold (coin cell powered to VSYS powered) -- UVDET rising -- V PF1510 Product data sheet Unit V All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 20 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VSNVS Output voltage (when running from VSYS) 0 A < ISNVS < 2000 A -7.0 % 3.0 7.0 % V Output voltage (when running from LICELL) 0 A < ISNVS < 2000 A 2.84 V < VCOIN < 3.3 V VCOIN - 0.20 -- -- VSNVSDROP Dropout voltage VSYS = 2.9 V ISNVS = 2000 A -- -- 220 ISNVSLIM Current limit VSYS > VTH1 5200 -- 24000 VSNVSTON Turn on time (load capacitor, 0.47 F) 10 % to 90 % of final value VSNVS VCOIN = 0.0 V, ISNVS = 0 A -- -- 3.0 VSNVSOSH Start-up overshoot ISNVS = 5.0 A dVSYS/dt = 50 mV/s -- 40 70 RDSONSNVS Internal switch RDS(on) VCOIN = 2.6 V mV A ms mV -- -- 100 5.3.9 Electrical characteristics - IC level bias currents All parameters are specified at 25 C, VSYS = 3.6 V, VIN = 0 V, typical external component values, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are characterized at VSYS = 3.6 V, VSNVS = 3.0 V, and 25 C, unless otherwise noted. Table 18.IC level electrical characteristics Mode PF1510 conditions System conditions Typ Max Unit Coin cell VSNVS from LICELL All other blocks off VSYS = 0.0 V No load on VSNVS 1.5 4.0 A CORE_OFF VSNVS from VSYS Wake-up from ONKEY active All other blocks off VSYS > UVDET No load on VSNVS, PMIC able to wake-up 1.5 4.0 A Sleep VSNVS from VSYS Wake-up from PWRON active Trimmed reference active DDR I/O rail in Low-power mode VREFDDR disabled No load on VSNVS. DDR memories in self refresh. 12.5 25 A PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 21 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Mode PF1510 conditions System conditions Typ Max Unit Standby/Suspend VSNVS from either VSYS or LICELL SW1 in ultra Low-power mode SW2 in ultra Low-power mode SW3 in ultra Low-power mode Trimmed reference active VLDO1 is disabled VLDO2 enabled in Low-power mode VLDO3 enabled in Low-power mode VREFDDR enabled No load on VSNVS. Processor enabled in Low-power mode. 23 46 A REGS_DISABLE VSNVS from VSYS Wake-up from ONKEY active Other blocks are off VSYS > UVDET No load on VSNVS, PMIC able to wake-up 14 20 A 6 Detailed description The PF1510 PMIC features three high efficiency low quiescent current buck regulators, three LDO regulators, a DDR voltage reference to supply voltages for the application processor and peripheral devices. The buck regulators provide the supply to processor cores and to other low voltage circuits such as I/O and memory. Dynamic voltage scaling is provided to allow controlled supply rail adjustments for the processor cores for power optimization. The three LDO regulators are general purpose to power various processor rails, system connectivity devices and/or peripherals. Depending on the system power configuration, the general purpose LDO regulators can be directly supplied from the main system supply VSYS or from the switching regulators to power peripherals, such as audio, camera, Bluetooth, Wireless LAN. A specific VREFDDR voltage reference is included to provide accurate reference voltage for DDR memories operation. The VSNVS block behaves as an LDO, or as a bypass switch to supply the SNVS (Secure Non-Volatile Storage)/RTC (Real Time Clock) circuitry on the processor. VSNVS is powered from VSYS or from a coin cell. The PF1510 uses an integrated linear front-end LDO that provides 4.5 V at VSYS from the 5.0 V VIN. Table 19.Voltage regulators PF1510 Product data sheet Supply Output voltage (V) Programming step size (mV) Load current (mA) SW1 / SW2 0.60 to 1.3875 / 1.1 to 3.3 12.5/variable 1000 SW3 1.80 to 3.30 100 1000 LDO1 0.75 to 1.50 1.80 to 3.30 50 100 300 LDO2 1.80 to 3.30 100 400 LDO3 0.75 to 1.50 1.80 to 3.30 50 100 300 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 22 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Supply Output voltage (V) Programming step size (mV) Load current (mA) USBPHY 3.3 or 4.9 -- 60 VSNVS 3.0 N/A 2 VREFDDR 0.5*VINREFDDR N/A 10 6.1 Buck regulators The PF1510 features three high efficiency buck regulators with internal compensation. Each buck regulator is capable of meeting optimum power efficiency operation using reduced power variable-frequency pulse skip switching scheme at light loads as well as operating in forced PWM quasi-fixed frequency switching mode at higher loads. The switching regulator controller combines the advantages of hysteretic and voltage mode control which provides outstanding load regulation and transient response, low output ripple voltage and seamless transition between pulse-skip mode and Active Quasi-fixed frequency switching mode. The control circuitry includes an AC loop which senses the output voltage (at SWxFB pin) and directly feeds it to a fast comparator stage. This comparator sets the switching frequency, which is almost constant for steady state operating conditions. It also provides immediate response to dynamic load changes. In order to achieve accurate DC load regulation, a voltage feedback loop is used. The internally compensated regulation network achieves fast and stable operation with small external components and low ESR capacitors. The transition into and out of low power pulse-skip switching mode takes place automatically according to the load current to maintain optimum power efficiency. Additionally, further power savings through cutting the buck circuitry quiescent current can be achieved by activating a Low-power mode 2 upon entering either STANDBY or SLEEP PMIC power mode or as commanded via I C control bits. In SW1 and SW2. An OTP option enables or disables DVS in the regulators. When DVS is disabled and the low-power bit is set, the regulator enters an Ultra Low Power (ULP) mode cuts the operating quiescent current even in order to reach extremely low standby power levels needed for ultra low power processors such as that from Kinetis K and L series. As indicated above, the buck controller supports PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) mode for medium and high load conditions and low-power variable-frequency pulse skip mode at light loads. During high current mode, it operates in continuous conduction and the switching frequency is up to 2.0 MHz with a controlled on-time variation depending on the input voltage and output voltage. If the load current decreases, the converter seamlessly enters the pulse-skip mode to cut the operating quiescent current and maintain high efficiency down to very light loads. In pulse-skip mode the switching frequency varies linearly with the load current. Since the controller supports both power modes within one single building block, the transition from normal power mode to lower power pulse-skip mode and vice versa is seamless without dramatic effects on the output voltage. In the adopted pulse-skip scheme, the device generates a single switching pulse to ramp up the inductor current and recharge the output capacitor, followed by a non-switching (pause) period where most of the internal circuits are shutdown to achieve a lowest quiescent current. During this time, the load current is supported by the output capacitor. The duration of the pause period depends on the load current and the inductor peak current. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 23 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 6.2 SW1 and SW2 detailed description SW1 and SW2 are identical buck regulators designed to carry a nominal load current of 1.0 A. Detailed characteristics and features of SW1 and SW2 are described in this section. Being identical, reference is made only to SWx though the same specifications apply to SW1 and SW2. 6.2.1 SWx dynamic voltage scaling description SWx integrates an optional DVS circuit that is enabled via OTP. To reduce overall power consumption, when DVS is enabled SWx output voltage can be varied depending on the mode or activity level of the processor. * Normal operation: 2 The output voltage is selected by I C bits SWx_VOLT[5:0]. A voltage transition initiated 2 2 by I C is governed by the SWx_DVSSPEED I C bit as shown in Table 20. * Standby mode: 2 The output voltage can be selected by I C bits SWx_STBY_VOLT[5:0]. Voltage 2 transitions initiated by a Standby event are governed by the SWx_DVSSPEED I C bit as shown in Table 20. This applies only when DVS is enabled. * Sleep mode: The output voltage can be higher or lower than in normal operation, but is typically selected to be the lowest state retention voltage of a given processor; it is selected 2 by I C bits SWx_SLP_VOLT[5:0]. Voltage transitions initiated by a turn off event are 2 governed by the SWx_DVSSPEED I C bit for SWx as shown in Table 20. This applies only when DVS is enabled. As shown in Figure 5, during a falling DVS transition, dv/dt of the output voltage depends on the load current. Setting the SWx_FPWM_IN_DVS bit forces the regulator in the FPWM mode during the falling transition allowing it to accurately track the DVS reference removing the load dependency. The SWx_FPWM_IN_DVS bit is active only when OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0. Table 20.SWx DVS setting selection SWx_DVS speed Function 0 12.5 mV step each 2.0 s 1 12.5 mV step each 4.0 s Requested set point Output voltage with light load Internally controlled steps Output voltage Example actual output voltage Initial set point Actual output voltage Voltage change request Request for higher voltage Internally controlled steps Request for lower voltage Initiated by I2C programming, standby control or DVS control Possible output voltage window aaa-023876 Figure 5.SWx DVS transitions PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 24 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 6.2.2 SWx DVS and non-DVS operation SWx has two distinct modes of operation selectable via OTP: * DVS enabled: a DVS reference is activated and output accuracy of the regulator is tight at the cost of slightly higher quiescent current. See Section 5.3 "Electrical characteristics" for details. In Figure 6, DVS FB and DVS REF are enabled via OTP for this mode of operation. * DVS disabled: the regulator operates as a traditional buck converter with a fixed reference and soft-start. The quiescent current in this mode is lower at the cost of output accuracy and transient response. See Section 5.3 "Electrical characteristics" for details. In Figure 6, VREF FB and VREF are enabled via OTP for this mode of operation. VIN TON iLim Low PWR ibias CTRL logic VREF FB VOUT Driver sel DVS FB VOUT sel COMP Low PWR ZCD iLim VREF DVS REF TOFF Bias control VREF FB VREF Programmable resistor divider VOUT: 1.1, 1.2, 1.35, 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 3.0, 3.3 (three bits) Fixed bandgap reference with soft-start function Reduced accuracy and transient capabilities OR DVS FB DVS REF Fixed DVS feedback and compensation Programmable DVS feedback and compensation aaa-023877 Figure 6.SWx DVS and non-DVS selection 6.2.3 Regulator control To improve system efficiency, the buck regulators can operate in different switching/ bias modes. The changing between DCM (Discontinuous Conduction Mode)/CCM (Continuous Conduction Mode) takes place automatically based on detecting the load 2 current level. It can be enforced by one of the following means: I C programming, exiting/ entering the Standby mode, exiting/entering Sleep/Low-power mode. Available modes for buck regulators are presented in Table 21. These switching modes are available with OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0 and OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 1. Table 22 shows the bit settings for operating the buck converter is these modes based on the PMIC operating state. Table 21.Buck regulator operating modes Mode OFF Description The regulator is switched off and the output voltage is discharged using an internal resistor. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 25 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Mode Description Adaptive This is the default mode of operation of the buck regulator. In this mode, the regulator operates in a quasifixed frequency switching mode at moderate and high loads, with pulse skip (variable switching frequency) scheme at light load for optimized efficiency. F-PWM In this mode, the regulator is always in PWM mode operation regardless of load conditions. Low-power To further extend power savings when the load current is minimal, this mode cuts the quiescent current of the buck converter by reducing the bias to the comparator. The regulator is operated in low power modes 2 (Standby and/or Sleep) with the proper I C setting. See Table 22. The following table shows actions to control different bits for SW1 and SW2. Table 22.Buck mode control PMIC state SWx_EN SWx_STBY SWx_OMODE SWx_LPWR SWx_FPWM SWx operating mode Run/Standby /Sleep 0 X X X X SW disabled Run 1 X X 0 0 SW enabled. Operates in DCM at light loads Run 1 X X 0 1 SW enabled. Forced PWM mode Run 1 X X 1 0 SW Enabled. Does not operate in Low-power mode. Run 1 X X 1 1 SW enabled. Forced PWM mode Standby 1 0 X X X SW disabled Standby 1 1 X 0 0 SW enabled. Operates in DCM at light loads. Standby 1 1 X 0 1 SW enabled. Forced PWM mode. Standby 1 1 X 1 0 SW enabled. Operates in Low-power mode. Standby 1 1 X 1 1 SW enabled. Forced PWM mode Sleep 1 X 0 X X SW disabled Sleep 1 X 1 0 0 SW enabled. Operates in DCM at light loads. Sleep 1 X 1 0 1 SW enabled. Forced PWM mode. Sleep 1 X 1 1 0 SW enabled. Operates in Low-power mode. Sleep 1 X 1 1 1 SW enabled. Forced PWM mode 6.2.4 Current limit protection SWx features high and low-side FET current limit. When current through the FETs goes above their respective thresholds, the FET is turned off to prevent further increase in current. The protection is enabled in a cycle-by-cycle mode. Hitting either current limit sets the corresponding interrupt sense bits. If the faults persist for longer than the 8.0 ms debounce time, the interrupt status bit is set. 6.2.5 Output voltage setting in SWx Output voltage of SWx is programmable via OTP. During startup (REGS_DISABLE mode to RUN mode), contents of the OTP_SWx_VOLT[5:0] are mapped into the SWx_VOLT[5:0], SWx_STBY_VOLT[5:0] and SWx_SLP_VOLT[5:0] register which set the regulator output voltage during Run, Standby and Sleep modes respectively. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 26 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors In the DVS enabled mode (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0), values of SWx_VOLT[5:0], 2 SWx_STBY[VOLT[5:0] and SWx_SLP_VOLT[5:0] can be changed via I C after the PMIC starts up (RESETBMCU is released). In the DVS disabled mode (OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 1), value of SWx_VOLT[5:0], SWx_STBY[VOLT[5:0] and SWx_SLP_VOLT[5:0] are read-only and must not be written to. Table 23.SW1 and SW2 output voltage setting Set point SWx_VOLT[5:0] SWx_STBY_VOLT[5:0] SWx_SLP_VOLT[5:0] Output voltage with DVS enabled OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0 Output voltage with DVS disabled OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 1 0 000000 0.6000 1.10 1 000001 0.6125 1.20 2 000010 0.6250 1.35 3 000011 0.6375 1.50 4 000100 0.6500 1.80 5 000101 0.6625 2.50 6 000110 0.6750 3.00 7 000111 0.6875 3.30 8 001000 0.7000 3.30 9 001001 0.7125 3.30 10 001010 0.7250 3.30 11 001011 0.7375 3.30 12 001100 0.7500 3.30 13 001101 0.7625 3.30 14 001110 0.7750 3.30 15 001111 0.7875 3.30 16 010000 0.8000 3.3 17 010001 0.8125 3.30 18 010010 0.8250 3.30 19 010011 0.8375 3.30 20 010100 0.8500 3.30 21 010101 0.8625 3.30 22 010110 0.8750 3.30 23 010111 0.8875 3.30 24 011000 0.9000 3.30 25 011001 0.9125 3.30 26 011010 0.9250 3.30 27 011011 0.9375 3.30 28 011100 0.9500 3.30 PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 27 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Set point SWx_VOLT[5:0] SWx_STBY_VOLT[5:0] SWx_SLP_VOLT[5:0] Output voltage with DVS enabled OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 0 Output voltage with DVS disabled OTP_SWx_DVS_SEL = 1 29 011101 0.9625 3.30 30 011110 0.9750 3.30 31 011111 0.9875 3.30 32 100000 1.0000 3.30 33 100001 1.0125 3.30 34 100010 1.0250 3.30 35 100011 1.0375 3.30 36 100100 1.0500 3.30 37 100101 1.0625 3.30 38 100110 1.0750 3.30 39 100111 1.0875 3.30 40 101000 1.1000 3.30 41 101001 1.1125 3.30 42 101010 1.125 3.30 43 101011 1.1375 3.30 44 101100 1.1500 3.30 45 101101 1.1625 3.30 46 101110 1.1750 3.30 47 101111 1.1875 3.30 48 110000 1.2000 3.30 49 110001 1.2125 3.30 50 110010 1.2250 3.30 51 110011 1.2375 3.30 52 110100 1.2500 3.30 53 110101 1.2625 3.30 54 110110 1.2750 3.30 55 110111 1.2875 3.30 56 111000 1.3000 3.30 57 111001 1.3125 3.3 58 111010 1.3250 3.30 59 111011 1.3375 3.30 60 111100 1.3500 3.30 61 111101 1.3625 3.30 62 111110 1.3750 3.30 63 111111 1.3875 3.30 PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 28 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 6.2.6 SWx external components Table 24 shows the combination of inductor and capacitor values that work with the SWx regulator. The design is optimized for a 1.0 H inductor. Table 24.Acceptable inductance and capacitance values Inductance / capacitance 2 x 10 F 1.0 H Table 25 and Table 26 show example inductor and capacitor part numbers respectively. Table 25.Example inductor part numbers Part number Size (mm) 1.0 H DFE201610E 2.0 x 1.6 57 m, 3.6 A DFE201610P 2.0 x 1.6 70 m, 3.1 A DFE201210U 2.0 x 1.2 95 m, 3.1 A DFE160810S 1.6 x 0.8 120 m, 2.0 A DFE201208S 2.0 x 1.2 86 m, 2.4 A DFE160808S 1.6 x 0.8 144 m, 1.9 A Table 26.Example capacitor part numbers Murata part number Description GRM188R60J106ME47D 6.3 V, 10 F, 0402, X5R GRM188D70J106MA73 6.3 V, 10 F, 0402, X7R GRM188R61A106KE69 10 F 10 V 10 % X5R 0603 .95 mm GRM219R61A106KE44 10 F 10 V 10 % X5R 0805 .95 mm 6.3 SW3 detailed description SW3 is a buck regulator designed to carry a nominal load current of 1.0 A. The output voltage is programmable from 1.8 V to 3.3 V in 100 mV steps. Dynamic voltage scaling is not supported in this regulator. VIN VOUT TON iLim VREF FB Low PWR CTRL logic Driver ibias VOUT VREF COMP Low PWR ZCD iLim Bias control VREF FB VREF TOFF Programmable resistor divider VOUT (four bits): 1.8 V to 3.3 V in 100 mV steps Fixed bandgap reference with soft-start function Reduced accuracy and transient capabilities aaa-023878 Figure 7.SW3 block diagram PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 29 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 6.3.1 Regulator control To improve system efficiency the buck regulator can operate in different switching/ bias modes. The changing between DCM/CCM takes place automatically based on 2 detecting the load current level. It can be enforced by one of the following means: I C programming, exiting/entering the Standby mode, exiting/entering Sleep/ Low-power mode. Available modes for buck regulators are presented in Table 27 . Table 28 shows the bit settings for operating the buck converter in these modes based on the PMIC operating state. Table 27.SW3 buck regulator operating modes Mode Description OFF The regulator is switched off and the output voltage is discharged using an internal resistor. Adaptive This is the default mode of operation of the buck regulator. In this mode, the regulator operates in a quasi-fixed frequency switching mode at moderate and high loads, with pulse skip (variable switching frequency) scheme at light load for optimized efficiency. F-PWM In this mode, the regulator is always in PWM mode operation regardless of load conditions. Low-power To further extend power savings when the load current is minimal, this mode cuts the quiescent current of the buck converter by reducing the bias to the comparator. The regulator is operated in low power modes (Standby and/or Sleep) with the 2 proper I C setting. See Table 28. Table 28.SW3 buck mode control PMIC state SW3_EN SW3_STBY SW3_OMODE Run/ Standby/ Sleep 0 X X X X SW disabled Run 1 X X 0 0 SW enabled Operates in DCM at light loads Run 1 X X 0 1 SW enabled Forced PWM mode Run 1 X X 1 0 SW enabled Does not operate in Lowpower mode Run 1 X X 1 1 SW enabled Forced PWM mode Standby 1 0 X X X SW disabled Standby 1 1 X 0 0 SW enabled Operates in DCM at light loads Standby 1 1 X 0 1 SW enabled Forced PWM mode PF1510 Product data sheet SW3_LPWR SW3_FPWM SW3 operating mode All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 30 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors PMIC state SW3_EN SW3_STBY SW3_OMODE SW3_LPWR SW3_FPWM SW3 operating mode Standby 1 1 X 1 0 SW enabled perates in Low-power mode Standby 1 1 X 1 1 SW enabled Forced PWM mode Sleep 1 X 0 X X SW disabled Sleep 1 X 1 0 0 SW enabled Operates in DCM at light loads Sleep 1 X 1 0 1 SW enabled Forced PWM mode Sleep 1 X 1 1 0 SW enabled Operates in Low-power mode Sleep 1 X 1 1 1 SW enabled Forced PWM mode 6.3.2 Current limit protection SW3 features high and low-side FET current limit. When current through the FETs goes above their respective thresholds, the FET is turned off to prevent further increase in current. The protection is enabled in a cycle-by-cycle mode. Hitting either current limit sets the corresponding interrupt sense bits. If the faults persist for longer than the 8.0 ms debounce time, the interrupt status bit is set. 6.3.3 Output voltage setting in SW3 Output voltage of SW3 is programmable via OTP. During start up (REGS_DISABLE mode to RUN mode), contents of the OTP_SW3_VOLT[5:0] are mapped into the SW3_VOLT[5:0], SW3_STBY_VOLT[5:0] and SW3_SLP_VOLT[5:0] register which set the regulator output voltage during Run, Standby and Sleep modes respectively. Values of SW3_VOLT[5:0], SW3_STBY[VOLT[5:0] and SW3_SLP_VOLT[5:0] are readonly and cannot be written to. Table 29.SW3 output voltage setting PF1510 Product data sheet Set point SW3_VOLT[3:0] SW3_STBY_VOLT[3:0] SW3_SLP_VOLT[3:0] Output voltage (V) 0 0000 1.80 1 0001 1.90 2 0010 2.00 3 0011 2.10 4 0100 2.20 5 0101 2.30 6 0110 2.40 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 31 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Set point SW3_VOLT[3:0] SW3_STBY_VOLT[3:0] SW3_SLP_VOLT[3:0] Output voltage (V) 7 0111 2.50 8 1000 2.60 9 1001 2.70 10 1010 2.80 11 1011 2.90 12 1100 3.00 13 1101 3.10 14 1110 3.20 15 1111 3.30 6.3.4 SW3 external components Table 30 shows the combination of inductor and capacitor values that work with the SW3 regulator. Table 30.Acceptable inductance and capacitance values Inductance / capacitance 2 x 10 F 1.0 H Table 31 and Table 32 show example inductor and capacitor part numbers respectively. Table 31.Example inductor part numbers Part number Size (mm) 1.0 H DFE201610E 2.0 x 1.6 57 m, 3.6 A DFE201610P 2.0 x 1.6 70 m, 3.1 A DFE201210U 2.0 x 1.2 95 m, 3.1 A DFE160810S 1.6 x 0.8 120 m, 2.0 A DFE201208S 2.0 x 1.2 86 m, 2.4 A DFE160808S 1.6 x 0.8 144 m, 1.9 A Table 32.Example capacitor part numbers PF1510 Product data sheet Murata part number Description GRM188R60J106ME47D 6.3 V, 10 F, 0402, X5R GRM188D70J106MA73 6.3 V, 10 F, 0402, X7R GRM188R61A106KE69 10 F 10 V 10 % X5R 0603 .95 mm GRM219R61A106KE44 10 F 10 V 10 % X5R 0805 .95 mm All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 32 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 7 Low dropout linear regulators, VREFDDR and VSNVS 7.1 General description This section describes the LDO regulators provided by the PF1510. All regulators use the main bandgap as reference. When a regulator is disabled, the output is discharged by an internal pull-down. VLDO1 and VLDO3 can be used as load switches by setting the corresponding load switch enable bit OTP_VLDOx_LS. All general purpose LDOs have short-circuit protection capability. The Short-circuit Protection (SCP) system includes debounced fault condition detection, regulator shutdown, and processor interrupt generation, to contain failures and minimize the chance of product damage. If a short-circuit condition is detected and REGSCPEN bit is set, the LDO is disabled by resetting its VLDOxEN bit, while at the same time, an interrupt VLDOxFAULTI is generated to flag the fault to the system processor. The VLDOxFAULTI interrupt is maskable through the VLDOxFAULTM mask bit. The SCP feature is enabled by setting the REGSCPEN bit. If this bit is not set, the regulators are not automatically disabled upon a short-circuit detection. However, the current limiter continues to limit the output current of the regulator. By default, the REGSCPEN is not set; therefore, at start up none of the regulators are disabled if an overloaded condition occurs. A fault interrupt, VLDOxFAULTI is generated in an overload condition regardless of the state of the REGSCPEN bit. Each LDO features a Low-power mode where the quiescent current consumed is significantly lower than in regulator operation. In the Low-power mode, load current of each regulator is limited to 10 mA. 7.2 LDO1 and LDO3 detailed description LDO1 and LDO3 are identical 300 mA low dropout (LDO) regulators that provide output 2 voltage with high accuracy and are programmable through I C interface bits. Being identical, reference is made to these LDOs as LDOy. To support this wide input range, LDOy circuit incorporates a PMOS pass FET as well as an NMOS pass FET. The LDO uses the main bandgap as its reference. The regulator incorporates a soft-start circuit that ramps the internal reference in order to provide smooth output waveform with minimal overshooting during power up. When the regulator is disabled, the output is discharged by an internal pull-down resistor. Additionally, the LDO can be used as a load switch by setting the corresponding Load Switch enable bit OTP_LDOy_LS. Moreover, LDOy includes current limit protection with the option to turn off the LDO when an overcurrent is detected. 7.2.1 Features summary * Input range LDO from 1.0 V to 4.5 V * Programmable output voltage between 0.75 V to 1.5 V (uses NMOS) or 1.8 V and 3.3 V (uses PMOS) with 2 % accuracy * Soft-start ramp control during power up and discharge mechanism during power down * Low quiescent current (~ 2.5 A) at Low-power mode * Current limit protection PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 33 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors * Configurable into load switch via OTP bit 7.2.2 LDOy block diagram VINx VDD VREF LDOxIN LDOxEN LDOxLPWR LDOxOUT I2C interface CLDOx LDOx Discharge aaa-023879 Figure 8.LDOy Block Diagram 7.2.3 LDOy external components Use a 4.7 F X5R/X7R capacitor from output to ground with a voltage rating at least 2 times the nominal output voltage. 7.2.4 LDOy output voltage setting LDOy output voltage is programmed by setting the LDOy[4:0] bits as shown in Table 33. Table 33.LDOy output voltage setting PF1510 Product data sheet Set point LDOy[4:0] LDOy output (V) 0 00000 0.7500 1 00001 0.8000 2 00010 0.8500 3 00011 0.9000 4 00100 0.9500 5 00101 1.0000 6 00110 1.0500 7 00111 1.1000 8 01000 1.1500 9 01001 1.2000 10 01010 1.2500 11 01011 1.3000 12 01100 1.3500 13 01101 1.4000 14 01110 1.4500 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 34 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Set point LDOy[4:0] LDOy output (V) 15 01111 1.5000 16 10000 1.8000 17 10001 1.9000 18 10010 2.0000 19 10011 2.1000 20 10100 2.2000 21 10101 2.3000 22 10110 2.4000 23 10111 2.5000 24 11000 2.6000 25 11001 2.7000 26 11010 2.8000 27 11011 2.9000 28 11100 3.0000 29 11101 3.1000 30 11110 3.2000 31 11111 3.3000 7.2.5 LDOy low power mode operation LDOy can operate in a Low-power mode with reduced quiescent current. The Low-power mode can be activated in Standby and Sleep modes by setting the LDOy_LPWR bit as shown in Table 34. Maximum load current is limited to 10 mA when operating in the Lowpower mode. Table 34.LDOy control bits PMIC state LDOy_EN LDOy_STBY LDOy_OMODE LDOy_LPWR LDOy operating mode Run/Standby/Sleep 0 X X X LDO disabled Run 1 X X X LDO enabled Standby 1 0 X X LDO disabled Standby 1 1 X 0 LDO enabled Standby 1 1 X 1 LDO enabled in Low-power mode Sleep 1 X 0 X LDO disabled Sleep 1 X 1 0 LDO enabled Sleep 1 X 1 1 LDO enabled in Low-power mode 7.2.6 LDOy current limit protection LDOy has built in current limit protection. When the load current exceeds the current limit threshold, the regulator goes from a voltage regulation mode to a current regulation mode that limits the available output current. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 35 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors By setting the REGSCPEN bit, LDOy can be automatically disabled in the event of an over current situation. In the event of an over current, the LDO will be disabled by resetting its LDOy_EN bit, while at the same time an interrupt LDOy_FAULTI is generated to flag the fault to the system processor. The LDOy_FAULTI interrupt is maskable through the LDOy_FAULTM mask bit. If REGSCPEN is not set, the regulator will not be automatically disabled, but will instead enter the current limit mode. By default, the REGSCPEN is not set; therefore, at startup none of the regulators will be disabled if an overloaded condition occurs. A fault interrupt, LDOy_FAULTI, is generated in an overload condition regardless of the state of the REGSCPEN bit. Current limit is not active when LDOy is operated in the load switch mode. 7.2.7 LDOy load switch mode The LDOy path can be turned into a switch by setting the OTP_LDOy_LS bit. Setting this bit fully turns on the LDO pass FET. This could be useful if power domain partitioning or additional isolation is needed on the system application. Soft-start is engaged during start up of the load switch to reduce inrush currents. 7.3 LDO2 detailed description LDO2 is a 400 mA low dropout (LDO) regulator that provides output voltage with high 2 accuracy and programmable through I C/ interface bits. To support this wide input range the LDO circuit incorporates a PMOS pass FET. The LDO uses the main bandgap as its reference. The regulator incorporates a soft-start circuit that ramps the internal reference in order to provide smooth output waveform with minimal overshooting during power up. When the regulator is disabled, the output is discharged by an internal pull-down resistor. The pulldown is also activated when RESETBMCU is low. Moreover, LDO2 includes current limit protection with option to turn off the LDO when an overcurrent is detected. 7.3.1 LDO2 features summary * * * * * PF1510 Product data sheet Input range LDO from 2.8 V to 4.5 V Programmable output voltage between 1.8 V and 3.3 V with 2 % accuracy Soft-start ramp control during power up and discharge mechanism during power down Low quiescent current (~ 1.5 A) at Low-power mode Current limit protection All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 36 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 7.3.2 LDO2 block diagram LDOxIN VREF LDOxIN LDOxEN LDOxLPWR LDOxOUT I2C interface CLDOx LDOx Discharge aaa-023880 Figure 9.LDO2 block diagram 7.3.3 LDO2 external components Use a 10 F X5R/X7R capacitor from output to ground with a voltage rating at least 2 times the nominal output voltage. 7.3.4 LDO2 output voltage setting LDO2 output voltage is programmed by setting the VLDO2[3:0] bits as shown in Table 35. Table 35.LDO2 output voltage setting PF1510 Product data sheet Set point VLDO2[3:0] VLDO2 output (V) 0 0000 1.80 1 0001 1.90 2 0010 2.00 3 0011 2.10 4 0100 2.20 5 0101 2.30 6 0110 2.40 7 0111 2.50 8 1000 2.60 9 1001 2.70 10 1010 2.80 11 1011 2.90 12 1100 3.00 13 1101 3.10 14 1110 3.20 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 37 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Set point VLDO2[3:0] VLDO2 output (V) 15 1111 3.30 7.3.5 LDO2 Low-power mode operation LDO2 can operate in a Low-power mode with reduced quiescent current. The low power mode can be activated in Standby and Sleep modes by setting the LDO2LPWR bit as shown in Table 36. Maximum load current is limited to 10 mA when operating in the Lowpower mode. Table 36.LDO2 control bits PMIC state LDO2EN LDO2STBY LDO2OMODE LDO2LPWR LDO2 operating mode Run 0 X X X LDO disabled Run 1 X X X LDO enabled Standby 1 0 X X LDO disabled Standby 1 1 X 0 LDO enabled Standby 1 1 X 1 LDO enabled in Low-power mode Sleep 1 X 0 X LDO disabled Sleep 1 X 1 0 LDO enabled Sleep 1 X 1 1 LDO enabled in Low-power mode 7.3.6 LDO2 current limit protection LDO2 has built in current limit protection. When the load current exceeds the current limit threshold, the regulator goes from a voltage regulation mode to a current regulation mode limiting the available output current. By setting the REGSCPEN bit, LDO2 can be automatically disabled in the event of an over current situation. In the event of an over current, the LDO is disabled by resetting its VLDO2EN bit, while at the same time an interrupt VLDO2FAULTI is generated to flag the fault to the system processor. The VLDO2FAULTI interrupt is maskable through the VLDO2FAULTM mask bit. If REGSCPEN is not set, the regulator will not be automatically disabled, but instead enter the current limit mode. By default, the REGSCPEN is not set; therefore, at startup none of the regulators will be disabled if an overloaded condition occurs. A fault interrupt, VLDO2FAULTI is generated in an overload condition regardless of the state of the REGSCPEN bit. 7.4 VREFDDR reference VREFDDR is an internal NMOS half supply voltage follower capable of supplying up to 10 mA. The output voltage is at one half the input voltage. It is typically used as the reference voltage for DDR memories. A filtered resistor divider is utilized to create a low frequency pole. This divider then utilizes a voltage follower to drive the load. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 38 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors VINREFDDR VINREFDDR Discharge VREFDDR VREFDDR CREFDDR 1.0 F aaa-023881 Figure 10.VREFDDR block diagram 7.5 VSNVS LDO/Switch VSNVS powers the low-power SNVS/RTC domain on the processor. It derives its power from either VSYS or a coin cell. When powered by both, VSYS powers VSNVS if VSYS > VTH threshold and LICELL powers VSNVS when VSYS < VTL. When powered by VSYS, VSNVS is an LDO capable of supplying 2.0 mA at 3.0 V. When powered by coin cell, VSNVS output tracks the coin cell voltage by means of a switch. In this case, the VSNVS voltage is simply the coin cell voltage minus the voltage drop across the switch. Upon subsequent removal of VSYS, with the coin cell attached, VSNVS will change configuration from an LDO to a switch. V PF1510 SYS Coin cell charger 1.8 to 3.3 V Input sense selector V REF VSNVS Coin cell LDO/LOAD switch I2C interface aaa-028833 Figure 11.VSNVS block diagram PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 39 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 8 Front-end LDO description The VIN operates from 4.0 V to 6.5 V with up to 22 V overvoltage protection. The VIN current limit works by monitoring the current being drawn from the VIN and comparing it to the programmed current limit. The current limit should be set based on the current-handling capability of the input adaptor. Generally, this limit is chosen to optimally fulfill the system-power requirements. See Table 40. The PMIC is powered from the VSYS node in the PF1510. The VSYS voltage can be regulated to either 3.5 V, 3.7 V or 4.3 V. See Table 38. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 40 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 8.1 Operating modes and behavioral description startup sequence 5.0 V VIN LDO2P7 VIN_VALID LDO2P7 TSSVIN BGOK 1.5 V VCORE 1.5 V VCOREDIG 4.3 V > 100 ms (min) VSYS default mode OTP selectable (linear on) USBPHY (3.3 V) VDDIO IC detection VSYSMIN external supply 0V SLEEP 1.8 V processor detection sequence SLEEP 0x00 (100 mA) based on adapter type VIN_ILIM aaa-028834 Figure 12.Startup sequence Table 37.Front-end regulator register FRONT-END REGULATOR REGISTER ADDR: 0x8F D7 BITS: POR: PF1510 Product data sheet D6 D5 D4 D3 VSYSMIN 0 D2 D1 D0 0 1 1 Reserved 0 1 0 1 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 41 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors FRONT-END REGULATOR REGISTER ACCESS: The VSYSMIN value is programmable via OTP as per the table below. Table 38.VSYSMIN setting VSYSMIN[1:0] setting VSYSMIN setting (V) 00 3.5 01 3.7 10 4.3 11 Reserved The VSYSMIN setting is the "normal" regulation point for VSYS. This parameter sets the point where the VSYS loop starts taking control and regulates the output. 4.3 V is the recommended setting to ensure that there is enough headroom before reaching UVDET (PMIC undervoltage detection, 2.9 V typ.). Typically, the VSYS output range can go as low as 300 mV below the VSYSMIN setting. Therefore, the recommended setting for the VSYS output should be between 4.0 V to 4.3 V. Table 39.VIN current limit register VIN CURRENT LIMIT REGISTER ADDR: 0x94 D7 D6 BITS: POR: ACCESS: D5 D4 D3 D2 VIN_ILIM D1 D0 RESERVED 0 1 1 0 1 R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 -- The table below shows valid VIN limit settings. Table 40.VIN limit settings PF1510 Product data sheet VIN_ILIM[4:0] setting VIN current limit (mA) 00000 10 00001 15 00010 20 00011 25 00100 30 00101 35 00110 40 00111 45 01000 50 01001 100 01010 150 01011 200 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 42 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 9 VIN_ILIM[4:0] setting VIN current limit (mA) 01100 300 01101 400 01110 500 01111 600 10000 700 10001 800 10010 900 10011 1000 10100 1500 10101 to 11101 Reserved 11110 Reserved 11111 Reserved Control and interface signals 2 The PF1510 PMIC is fully programmable via the I C interface. Additional communication is provided by direct logic interfacing including interrupt and reset pins as well as pins for power buttons. 9.1 PWRON PWRON is an input signal to the IC that acts as an enable signal for the voltage regulators in the PF1510. The PWRON pin can be configured as either a level sensitive input (OTP_PWRON_CFG = 0), or as an edge sensitive input (OTP_PWRON_CFG = 1). As a level sensitive input, an active high signal turns on the part and an active low signal turns off the part, or puts it into Sleep mode. As an edge sensitive input, such as when connected to a mechanical switch, a falling edge will turn on the part and if the switch is held low for greater than or equal to 4.0 seconds, the part turns off or enters Sleep mode. Table 41.PWRON pin OTP configuration options OTP_PWRON_CFG Mode 0 PWRON pin HIGH = ON PWRON pin LOW = OFF or Sleep mode 1 PWRON pin pulled LOW momentarily = ON PWRON pin LOW for 4.0 seconds = OFF or Sleep mode Table 42.PWRON pin logic level Pin name PWRON PF1510 Product data sheet Parameter Load condition Min Max Unit VIL -- 0.0 0.4 V All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 43 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Pin name Parameter Load condition Min Max Unit VIH -- 1.4 3.6 V When OTP_PWRON_CFG = 1, PWRON pin pulled low momentarily takes the system from REGS_DISABLE/SLEEP to RUN mode. There is no effect if PWRON is pulled low momentarily while in RUN or STANDBY modes. Only an interrupt is generated. PWRON pin low for 4.0 seconds with PWRONRSTEN bit = 1: Enters REGS_DISABLE or Sleep mode. See Section 10 "PF1510 state machine" for detailed description. In this configuration, the PWRON input can be a mechanical switch debounced through a programmable de-bouncer, PWRONDBNC[1:0], to avoid a response to a very short key press. The interrupt is generated for both the falling and the rising edge of the PWRON pin. By default, a 31.25 ms interrupt debounce is applied to both falling and rising edges. The falling edge debounce timing can be extended with PWRONDBNC[1:0]. The interrupt is cleared by software, or when cycling through the REGS_DISABLE mode. Table 43.PWRONDBNC settings Bits PWRONDBNC[1:0] State Turn on debounce (ms) Falling edge INT debounce (ms) Rising edge INT debounce (ms) 00 31.25 31.25 31.25 01 31.25 31.25 31.25 10 125 125 31.25 11 750 750 31.25 9.2 STANDBY STANDBY is an input signal to the IC. When it is asserted the part enters standby mode and when deasserted, the part exits standby mode. STANDBY can be configured as active high or active low using the STANDBYINV bit. Table 44.Standby pin polarity control 2 STANDBY (pin) STANDBYINV (I C bit) STANDBY control 0 0 Not in Standby mode 0 1 In Standby mode 1 0 In Standby mode 1 1 Not in Standby mode Table 45.STANDBY pin logic level Pin name Parameter Load condition Min Max Unit STANDBY VIL -- 0 0.4 V VIH -- 1.4 3.6 V Since STANDBY pin activity is driven asynchronously to the system, a finite time is required for the internal logic to qualify and respond to the pin level changes. A programmable delay is provided to hold off the system response to a Standby event. This PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 44 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors allows the processor and peripherals some time after a standby instruction has been received to terminate processes to facilitate seamless entering into Standby mode. When enabled (STANDBYDLY = 01, 10, or 11), STANDBYDLY delays the Standby initiated response for the entire IC, until the STBYDLY counter expires. An allowance should be made for three additional 32 kHz cycles required to synchronize the Standby event. 9.3 RESETBMCU RESETBMCU is an open-drain, active low output configurable via OTP for two modes of operation. In its default mode, it is deasserted at the end of the start-up sequence. In this mode, the signal can be used to bring the processor out of reset (POR), or as an indicator that all supplies have been enabled; it is only asserted during a turn off event. When configured for its fault mode, RESETBMCU is deasserted after the startup sequence is completed only if no faults occurred during start up. At any time, if a fault occurs and persists for 1.8 ms typically, RESETBMCU is asserted low. The PF1510 is turned off if the fault persists for more than 100 ms typically. The PWRON signal restarts the part, though if the fault persists, the sequence described above is repeated. To enter the fault mode, set bit OTP_PWRGD_EN to 1. The time from the last regulator in the start-up sequence to when RESETBMCU is deasserted is programmable between 2.0 ms and 1024 ms via OTP_POR_DLY[2:0] bits. Table 46.RESETBMCU pin logic level Pin name RESETBMCU Parameter Load condition Min Max Unit VOL -2.0 mA 0 0.2 * VDDIO V VOH Open Drain 0.8 * VDDIO 3.6 V V 9.4 INTB INTB is an open-drain, active low output. It is asserted when any interrupt occurs, provided that the interrupt is unmasked. INTB is deasserted after the fault interrupt is cleared by software, which requires writing a "1" to the interrupt bit. Each interrupt can be masked by setting the corresponding mask bit to a 1. As a result, when a masked interrupt bit goes high, the INTB pin does not go low. A masked interrupt can still be read from the interrupt status register. This gives the processor the option of polling for status from the IC. The IC powers up with all interrupts masked, so the processor must initially poll the device to determine if any interrupts are active. Alternatively, the processor can unmask the interrupt bits of interest. If a masked interrupt bit was already high, the INTB pin goes low after unmasking. The sense registers contain status and input sense bits so the system processor can poll the current state of interrupt sources. They are read only, and not latched or clearable. Table 47.INTB pin logic level Pin name INTB PF1510 Product data sheet Parameter Load condition Min Max Unit VOL -2.0 mA 0 0.2 * VDDIO V VOH Open Drain 0.8 * VDDIO 3.6 V V All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 45 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 9.5 WDI WDI is an input signal to the IC. It is typically connected to the watchdog output of the processor. When the WDI pin is pulled low, the PMIC enters the "REGS_DISABLE" mode where all the regulators are turned off. The WDI acts as a hard reset input from the processor. During PMIC startup (REGS_DISABLE to RUN mode), the WDI pin is masked till RESETBMCU is deasserted. Table 48.WDI pin logic level Pin name WDI Parameter Load condition Min Max Unit VIL -- 0 0.2 * VDDIO V VIH -- 0.8 * VDDIO 3.6 V 9.6 ONKEY ONKEY is an input pin to the IC and is typically connected to a push-button switch. The ONKEY pin is pulled high when the switch is depressed, and is pulled low when the switch is pressed. Pressing the switch generates interrupts which the processor uses to initiate PMIC state transitions. Pressing the ONKEY for longer than the delay programmed by OTP_TGRESET[1:0] (ranges from 4.0 s to 16 s), forces the PMIC into the REGS_DISABLE state. Table 49.ONKEY pin logic level Pin name ONKEY Parameter Load condition Min Max Unit VIL -- 0 0.4 V VIH -- 1.4 4.8 V Table 50.ONKEYDBNC settings Bits ONKEYDBNC[1:0] State Turn On Debounce (ms) Falling Edge INT Debounce (ms) Rising Edge INT Debounce (ms) 00 31.25 31.25 31.25 01 31.25 31.25 31.25 10 125 125 31.25 11 750 750 31.25 The ONKEY input can be a mechanical switch debounced through a programmable debouncer, ONKEYDBNC[1:0], to avoid a response to a very short (unintentional) key press. The interrupt is generated during the rising edge of the ONKEY pin. The falling edge debounce timing can be extended with ONKEYDBNC[1:0] as defined Table 50. The interrupt is cleared by software, or when cycling through the REGS_DISABLE mode. See Section 12 "Register map" for detailed description of the ONKEY interrupt registers. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 46 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 2 9.7 Control interface I C block description 2 The PF1510 contains an I C interface port which allows access by a processor, or 2 any I C master, to the register set. Via these registers, the resources of the IC can be controlled. The registers also provide status information about how the IC is operating. The SCL and SDA lines should be routed away from noisy signals and planes to minimize noise pick up. To prevent reflections in the SCL and SDA traces from creating false pulses, the rise and fall times of the SCL and SDA signals must be greater than 2 20 ns. This can be accomplished by reducing the drive strength of the I C master via software. 2 9.7.1 I C device ID 2 I C interface protocol requires a device ID for addressing the target IC on a multi-device 2 bus. The PF1510 I C device address is 0x08. 2 9.7.2 I C operation 2 The I C mode of the interface is implemented generally following the fast mode definition which supports up to 400 kbits/s operation (exceptions to the standard are noted to be 7-bit only addressing and no support for general call addressing). Timing diagrams, 2 electrical specifications, and further details can be found in the I C specification, which is available for download at: 2 I C read operations are also performed in byte increments separated by an ACK. Read operations also begin with the MSB and each byte is sent out unless a STOP command or NACK is received prior to completion. The following examples show how to write and read data to and from the IC. The host initiates and terminates all communication. The host sends a master command packet after driving the start condition. The device responds to the host if the master command packet contains the corresponding slave address. In the following examples, the device is shown always responding with an ACK to transmissions from the host. If at any time a NACK is received, the host should terminate the current transaction and retry the transaction. I2C write example device address SDA S register address 0 START condition host can also drive another START instead of STOP master driven data A A R/W acknowledge from slave acknowledge from slave DATA (byte 0) A acknowledge from slave P STOP condition I2C read example device address SDA S register address 0 START condition device address A A R/W acknowledge from slave acknowledge from slave S START condition PMIC driven data 1 A R/W acknowledge from slave host can also drive another START instead of STOP NA P no acknowledge from slave STOP condition aaa-026501 2 Figure 13.I C sequence PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 47 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 10 PF1510 state machine The PMIC part of the PF1510 can operate in a number of states as shown in Figure 14. The states can be split into two categories: 1. "System On" that includes the RUN, STANDBY and SLEEP modes 2. "System Off" that includes the REGS_DISABLE and CORE_OFF modes STANDBY A B C RUN E H F G SLEEP/LPSR REGS_DISABLE (VSNVS from VSYS or LICELL) (MBATT ON, VCOREDIG ON) System running, VCOREDIG ON I K CORE_OFF VSNVS_ONLY (VSNVS from VSYS or LICELL) (MBATT ON, VCOREDIG OFF) aaa-023889 Figure 14.PMIC state machine In the "System On" modes, some or all of the PMIC regulators are powered and in general the system processor is powered. In the "System Off" modes, all (or all regulators except VSNVS) are powered off. In general the system processor is powered off during these states. In the REGS_DISABLE and CORE_OFF modes, the VSNVS supply remains enabled keeping the system RTC running. The only way to transition from "System Off" to "System On" and vice versa is through the REGS_DISABLE mode. From the REGS_DISABLE mode, the only exit into a "System On" state is into the "Run" mode. Transition from the REGS_DISABLE mode to the Run mode requires a Turn On event. See Section 10.3 "Turn on events". Transition from any of the "System On" modes to the REGS_DISABLE state is allowed. This transition is referred to as a Turn Off event. See Section 10.4 "Turn off events". 10.1 System ON states 10.1.1 Run state In this state, the PMIC regulators are enabled and the system is powered up. RESETBMCU is de-asserted in this state. This mode can be entered in several ways: 1. From REGS_DISABLE through a Turn On Event: During this transition, the PMIC regulators are powered up as per their programmed start-up sequence. After all the regulators are powered, the RESETBMCU pin is de-asserted. 2. From STANDBY by using the STANDBY pin 3. From SLEEP mode by using the PWRON pin: Typically, some of the regulators are turned off in the SLEEP mode compared to the RUN mode. In the SLEEP mode, some of the buck regulator output voltages are set lower than those in the RUN PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 48 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors mode. While transitioning from the SLEEP to the RUN mode, regulators that were turned off in the SLEEP mode are turned back on in the RUN mode following the same sequence as the programmed OTP sequence. Output voltage transitions during transition from the SLEEP to the RUN mode also occurs at the same OTP sequence time slot. RESETBMCU is de-asserted through this state transition. 10.1.2 STANDBY state This state is entered by controlling the logic level of the STANDBY pin. It can be entered only from the RUN mode. 2 The STANDBY pin polarity is programmable through the STANDBYINV I C bit. By default, STANDBYINV = 0 and a logic high on the STANDBY pin moves the state machine from the RUN state to the STANDBY state. When STANDBYINV = 1, a logic low moves the state machine from the RUN state to the STANDBY state. Regulator output voltage may be changed, or regulator outputs could be disabled while entering the STANDBY state and vice versa. For details on the power-down sequence, see Section 10.7 "Regulator power-down sequencer". While exiting STANDBY state into the RUN mode, regulator output voltage changes and regulator enables follow the power-up sequence. It is possible to exit STANDBY state and enter the SLEEP state. SLEEP state is generally a lower power system state compared to the STANDBY state. Exiting STANDBY into the SLEEP state follows the power-down sequence. RESETBMCU is de-asserted in the STANDBY state. 10.1.3 SLEEP state This state is entered from either the RUN state or the STANDBY state by controlling the PWRON pin. The exact condition required for this transition depends on the OTP configuration of the PWRON pin. For details see Section 9.1 "PWRON". The power-down sequence is followed while entering this state and the power-up sequence is followed while exiting this state into the RUN state. RESETBMCU is de-asserted in the SLEEP state. 10.2 System OFF states RESETBMCU is asserted (low) in all the System Off states. 10.2.1 REGS_DISABLE This state can be considered the `home state' for the state machine. In this state, the state machine waits for appropriate commands to proceed to other states. REGS_DISABLE can be entered from one of the "System On" state through a turn off event. REGS_DISABLE can be entered from the CORE_OFF by pressing the ONKEY button for more than 1000 ms or by applying the Vin. In the REGS_DISABLE state, the PMIC core circuitry is active. VSNVS is a best-ofsupply output of VSYS and LICELL. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 49 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 10.2.2 CORE_OFF This state is entered in two ways: 1. From the REGS_DISABLE mode by pressing and holding the ONKEY button low > Tgreset 2. From the REGS_DISABLE mode if the GOTO_CORE_OFF bit is set This state cannot be entered if Vin is applied. In this state, the internal core of the PMIC is turned off to reduce quiescent current. VSNVS is the only regulator that is supplied to external loads. 10.3 Turn on events A turn on event takes the PMIC from the REGS_DISABLE state to the RUN state (transition H in Figure 14 ). The turn on events are: 1. PWRON logic high with PWRON_CFG = 0 2. PWRON H -> L with PWRON_CFG = 1 VSYS > UVDETrising and TJ < TSHDN_fall are preconditions for a turn on event to occur. The turn on is said to be complete after the RESETBMCU pin is deasserted. The WDI pin is masked till the RESETBMCU pin is deasserted. 10.4 Turn off events A turn off event takes the PMIC state machine from one of the "System On" states (RUN, STANDBY or SLEEP) to the REGS_DISABLE state. The power-down sequence is followed during all of the turn off events. The turn off events are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Thermal Shutdown (TJ > TSHDN_rise) PWRON logic low with OTP_PWRON_CFG = 0 PWRON low > 4.0 s with OTP_PWRON_CFG = 1 && PWRONRSTEN = 1 WDI = 0. This occurs when the processor watchdog expires and pulls the WDI pin low to create a hard reset. 5. ONKEY pressed low > Tgreset && ONKEYRST_EN = 1. This facilitates creating a hard reset when pressing the ONKEY button without processor intervention. 10.5 State diagram and transition conditions Table 51.State transition table Transition Description PWRON_CFG = 0 (Level sensitive) PWRON_CFG = 1 (Edge sensitive) A Standby to Run (STANDBY pin = 0 && STANDBYINV bit = 0) OR (STANDBY pin = 1 && STANDBYINV bit = 1) (STANDBY pin = 0 && STANDBYINV bit = 0) OR (STANDBY pin = 1 && STANDBYINV bit = 1) B Run to Standby (STANDBY pin = 1 && STANDBYINV bit = 0) OR (STANDBY pin = 0 && STANDBYINV bit = 1) (STANDBY pin = 1 && STANDBYINV bit = 0) OR (STANDBY pin = 0 && STANDBYINV bit = 1) C Standby to Sleep (PWRON = 0) && (Any SWxOMODE = 1 || Any LDOxOMODE = 1) (PWRON High to Low and PWRON = 0 > 4s) && (PWRONRSTEN = 1) && (Any SWxOMODE = 1 || Any LDOxOMODE = 1) PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 50 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Transition Description PWRON_CFG = 0 (Level sensitive) PWRON_CFG = 1 (Edge sensitive) E Sleep to Run PWRON = 1 PWRON High to Low to High F Run to Sleep (PWRON = 0) && (Any SWxOMODE = 1 || Any LDOxOMODE = 1) (PWRON High to Low and PWRON = 0 > 4s) && (PWRONRSTEN = 1) && (Any SWxOMODE = 1 || Any LDOxOMODE = 1) G Run/Standby/Sleep to REGS_DISABLE (Thermal shutdown) OR (PWRON = 0 && All SWxOMODE = 0 && All LDOxOMODE = 0) OR [2] (WDI = 0) OR (ONKEY High to Low and ONKEY = 0 > Tgreset && ONKEY_RST_EN = 1) OR [3] (VSYS < UVDET_Fall) (Thermal shutdown) OR (PWRON = 0 > 4s && PWRONRSTEN = 1 && All SWxOMODE = 0 && All LDOxOMODE = 0) OR (PWRON High to Low and PWRON = 0 > 4s when in Sleep state) OR [2] (WDI = 0) OR (ONKEY High to Low and ONKEY = 0 > Tgreset and ONKEY_RST_EN = 1) OR [3] (VSYS < UVDET_Fall) H REGS_DISABLE to Run (Only if VSYS > UVDET and TJ < TSHDN_fall) PWRON = 1 (PWRON High to Low ) OR (If entered REGS_DISABLE via long press on PWRON && RESTARTEN = 1 && PWRON stays Low > 1.0 s) OR (Vin applied) [1] [4] [5] I REGS_DISABLE to CORE_OFF (Only if VIN_INVALID = 1) (GOTO_CORE_OFF = 1 && ONKEY = 1) OR (ONKEY High to Low and ONKEY = 0 > Tgreset && [6][7] ONKEY_RST_EN = 1) (GOTO_CORE_OFF = 1 && ONKEY = 1) OR (ONKEY High to Low and ONKEY = 0 > Tgreset && [6][8] ONKEY_RST_EN = 1) K CORE_OFF to REGS_ DISABLE (ONKEY High to Low and ONKEY = 0 > 1000 ms) OR (Vin applied) (ONKEY High to Low and ONKEY = 0 > 1000 ms) OR (Vin applied) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] This low period is < 4.0 s. If it is longer than 4.0 s, it transitions to G PWRON pin is pulled low by processor after WDI = 0. Follows regulator power-down sequence for this transition WDI pin is masked till RESETBMCU is deasserted. Debounce on PWRON programmable via PWRONDBNC[1:0] PWRON pin is pulled low by processor after ONKEY = 0 > Tgreset. GOTO_CORE_OFF is set by user when system is ON. For other products, a secondary processor is used to set this bit while in REGS_DISABLE GOTO_CORE_OFF must be set by user when system is ON 10.6 Regulator power-up sequencer Start-up sequence of all the switching and linear regulators in the PF1510 is programmable. VSNVS's sequence is not programmable but is always the first regulator to power up when the PF1510 is powered up via a cold start (from no input to valid input). When SYS is first applied to the PF1510, VSNVS comes up first. The switching and linear regulators power up based on their programmed OTP sequence using the respective OTP_XX_SEQ[2:0] when transitioning from REGS_DISABLE to the RUN state. RESETBMCU is pulled low from VCOREDIG POR till the end of the power-up sequencer. RESETBMCU is pulled high 2.0 ms to 1024 ms after the last regulator powers up. This delay is OTP programmable through the OTP_POR_DLY[2:0] bits. When transitioning from STANDBY mode to RUN mode, the power-up sequencer is activated only if any of the regulators turn back on during this transition. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 51 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors The power-up sequencer ends as soon as the last regulator powers up, rather than waiting for a fixed time. The power-up sequencer is always activated when transitioning from Sleep to Run modes. The sequencer ends as soon as the last regulator powers up, rather than waiting for a fixed time. The PWRUP_I interrupt is set to indicate completion of transition from STANDBY to RUN and SLEEP to RUN. The PWRUP_I interrupt is set while transitioning from STANDBY to RUN even if the sequencers were not used. This is used to indicate that the transition is complete. 10.7 Regulator power-down sequencer The power-down sequencer performs the functional opposite to the power-up sequencer. Each regulator has an associated register setting (SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]) that sets its power-down sequence. The default setting of the above registers is equal to the corresponding power-up sequence setting. For example, SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = OTP_SW1_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0]. When the power-down sequencer is activated, regulators are turned off one by one in the descending order of the XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] setting. This way, by default powerdown is a mirror of the power-up sequence. In one of the "System On" states, the processor can change the values of the XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] registers. The power-up sequence is fixed by OTP (or TBB). If all XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = 0x00, the power-down sequencer is bypassed and all the regulators are turned off at once. During transition from Run to Standby, the power-down sequencer is activated if any of the regulators are turned off during this transition. If regulators are not turned off during this transition, the power-down sequencer is bypassed and the transition happens at once (any associated DVS transitions still take time). During transition from Run to Sleep, the power-down sequencer is always activated. However, if all XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = 0, the transition happens immediately. The PWRDN_I interrupt is set during transition from Run to Sleep and Run to Standby even if regulators are not turned off during these transitions. 11 Device start up 11.1 Startup timing diagram The startup timing of the regulators is programmable through OTP, Figure 15 shows the startup timing of the regulators as determined by their OTP A4 sequence. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 52 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors VSYS UVDET UVDET tR1 tD1 VSNVS tR2 tD2 PWRON tR3 tD3 Time Slot 0 tR3 tD3 LDO1, 3 Time Slot 1 tR3 tD5 tD3 LDO2 SW3 Time Slot 2 tR3 tD5 tD3 SW2 VREFDDR Time Slot 3 tR3 tD5 tD3 SW1 Time Slot 4 tR4 tD4 RESETBMCU aaa-028914 Figure 15.A4 startup and power down sequence Table 52.A4 startup and power down sequence timing Parameter Description tD1 [1] Min Typ Max Unit Turn-on delay of VSNVS -- 0.6 -- ms tR1 Rise time of VSNVS -- 0.1 -- ms tD2 User determined delay -- -- -- ms -- [2] -- ms tR2 Rise time of PWRON tD3 Power up delay between regulators * OTP_SEQ_CLK_SPEED = 0 * OTP_SEQ_CLK_SPEED = 1 ms [3] [4] -- -- 0.5 2.0 -- -- -- 0.2 -- ms tR3 Rise time of regulators tD4 Turn-on delay of RESETBMCU -- 2.0 -- ms tR4 Rise time of RESETBMCU -- 0.2 -- ms tD5 Power down delay between regulators -- 2.0 -- ms [1] [2] [3] [4] All regulators avoid drop-out mode at startup Depends on the external signal driving PWRON A4 configuration Rise time is a function of slew rate of regulators and nominal voltage selected. 11.2 Device start up configuration Table 53.PF1510 start up configuration Pre-programmed OTP configuration Registers A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 Default I C Address 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 OTP_VSNVS_VOLT[2:0] 3.0 V 3.0 V 3.0 V 3.0 V 3.0 V 3.0 V 3.0 V OTP_SW1_VOLT[5:0] 1.1 V 1.0V 1.3875 V 1.1 V 1.3875 V 1.275 V 1.3875 V 2 PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 53 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Pre-programmed OTP configuration Registers A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 1 5 3 4 3 3 3 1.1 V 1.2V 1.35 V 1.2 V 1.5 V 1.35 V 1.2 V 2 5 3 3 3 3 3 1.8 V 1.8V 3.3 V 1.8 V 3.3 V 3.3 V 1.8 V 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 1.0 V 1.8 V 1.8 V 3.3 V 1.8 V 1.8 V 3.3 V 4 1 3 1 3 3 3 2.5 V 3.3 V 3.3 V 3.3 V 3.3 V 3.3 V 3.3 V 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 1.0 V 1.8 V 3.3 V 1.8 V 3.3 V 3.3 V 3.3 V OTP_LDO3_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0] 5 1 3 1 3 3 3 OTP_VREFDDR_PWRUP_ SEQ[2:0] 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 OTP_SW1_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0] OTP_SW2_VOLT[5:0] OTP_SW2_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0] OTP_SW3_VOLT[5:0] OTP_SW3_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0] OTP_LDO1_VOLT[4:0] OTP_LDO1_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0] OTP_LDO2_VOLT[3:0] OTP_LDO2_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0] OTP_LDO3_VOLT[4:0] OTP_SW1_DVS_SEL Non-DVS mode OTP_SW2_DVS_SEL DVS mode DVS mode Non-DVS mode OTP_LDO1_LS_EN OTP_LDO3_LS_EN DVS mode LDO mode LS mode LDO mode OTP_SW1_RDIS_ENB Enabled OTP_SW2_RDIS_ENB Enabled OTP_SW3_RDIS_ENB Enabled OTP_SW1_DVSSPEED 12.5 mV step each 4.0 s OTP_SW2_DVSSPEED Non-DVS mode 12.5 mV step each 2.0 s 12.5 mV step each 4.0 s OTP_SWx_EN_AND_STBY_EN SW1, SW2, SW3 enabled in RUN and STANDBY OTP_LDOx_EN_AND_STBY_EN LDO1, LDO2, LDO3, VREFDDR enabled in RUN and STANDBY OTP_PWRON_CFG OTP_SEQ_CLK_SPEED Level sensitive 0.5 ms time slots 2 ms time slots OTP_TGRESET[1:0] 4 secs global reset timer OTP_POR_DLY[2:0] 2 ms RESETBMCU power-up delay OTP_UVDET[1:0] Rising 3.0 V; falling 2.9 V OTP_I2C_DEGLITCH_EN I C deglitch filter disabled 2 OTP_VSYSMIN[1:0] OTP_VIN_ILIM[4:0] PF1510 Product data sheet VSYSMIN = 4.3 V VIN ILIM = 500 mA VSYSMIN = 3.7 V VSYSMIN = 4.3 V VIN ILIM = 1500 mA All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 54 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Pre-programmed OTP configuration Registers A1 OTP_USBPHYLDO A2 A3 A4 USBPHY LDO disabled A5 A6 A7 USBPHY LDO enabled OTP_USBPHY USBPHY = 3.3 V OTP_ACTDISPHY USBPHY active discharge disabled USBPHY active discharge enabled 12 Register map 12.1 Specific PMIC Registers (Offset is 0x00) The following pages contain description of the various registers in the PF1510. Table 54.Register DEVICE_ID - ADDR 0x00 Name Bit R/W Default DEVICE_ID 2 to 0 R 100 FAMILY 7 to 3 R 01111 Description Loaded from fuses 000 -- Future use 001 -- Future use 010 -- Future use 011 -- Future use 100 -- PF1510 101 -- Future use 110 -- Future use 111 -- Future use Identifies PMIC 01111 -- 0b0_1111 for "15" used to denote the "PF1510" Table 55.Register OTP_FLAVOR - ADDR 0x01 Name UNUSED Bit R/W Default 7 to 0 R 0x00 Description Blown by ATE to indicate flavor of OTP used 0x00 -- OTP not burned 0x01 -- A1 0x02 -- A2 0x03 -- A3 continues... Table 56.Register SILICON_REV - ADDR 0x02 Name Bit R/W Default METAL_LAYER_REV 2 to 0 R 000 Unused FULL_LAYER_REV 5 to 3 R 001 Unused PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 55 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name FAB_FIN Bit R/W Default 7 to 6 R 00 Description Unused Table 57.Register INT_CATEGORY - ADDR 0x06 Name Bit R/W Default Description VIN_INT 0 R 0 This bit is set high if the VIN_I interrupt bit is set 0 -- No interrupt bit is set, cleared, or did not occur 1 -- "OR" function of all interrupt status bit SW1_INT 1 R 0 This bit is set high if any of the Buck 1 interrupt status bits are set 0 -- SW1 interrupts cleared or did not occur 1 -- Any of the SW1 interrupt status bits are set SW2_INT 2 R 0 This bit is set high if any of the Buck 2 interrupt status bits are set 0 -- SW2 interrupts cleared or did not occur 1 -- Any of the SW2 interrupt status bits are set SW3_INT 3 R 0 This bit is set high if any of the Buck 3 interrupt status bits are set 0 -- SW3 interrupts cleared or did not occur 1 -- any of the SW3 interrupt status bits are set LDO_INT 4 R 0 This bit is set high if any of the LDO interrupt status bits are set. This includes LDO1, LDO2 and LDO3. 0 -- LDO interrupts cleared or did not occur 1 -- Any of the LDO interrupt status bits are set ONKEY_INT 5 R 0 This bit is set high if any of the interrupts associated with ONKEY push button are set. 0 -- ONKEY related interrupts cleared or did not occur 1 -- Any of the ONKEY interrupt status bits are set TEMP_INT 6 R 0 This bit is set if any of the interrupts associated with the die temperature monitor are set 0 -- PMIC junction temperature related interrupts cleared or did not occur 1 -- any of the PMIC junction temperature interrupts status bits are set MISC_INT 7 R 0 This bit is set if interrupts not covered by the above mentioned categories occur 0 -- Other interrupts (not covered by categories above) cleared, or did not occur 1 -- Status bit of other interrupts (not covered by categories above) is set Table 58.Register SW_INT_STAT0 - ADDR 0x08 Name SW1_LS_I PF1510 Product data sheet Bit 0 R/W Default RW1C [1] 0 Description SW1 low-side current limit interrupt status. This bit is set if the current limit fault persists for longer than the debounce time. 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 56 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name Bit R/W Default SW2_LS_I 1 RW1C 0 SW2 low-side current limit interrupt status. This bit is set if the current limit fault persists for longer than the debounce time. 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared SW3_LS_I 2 RW1C 0 SW3 low-side current limit interrupt status. This bit is set if the current limit fault persists for longer than the debounce time. 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared UNUSED 7 to 3 -- -- Unused [1] Description Read or Write 1 to clear the bit Table 59.Register SW_INT_MASK0 - ADDR 0x09 Name Bit R/W Default SW1_LS_M 0 RW 1 SW1 low-side current limit interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is NOT pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. SW2_LS_M 1 RW 1 SW2 low-side current limit interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is NOT pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. SW3_LS_M 2 RW 1 SW3 low-side current limit interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is NOT pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 7 to 3 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 60.Register SW_INT_SENSE0 - ADDR 0x0A Name Bit R/W Default SW1_LS_S 0 R 0 SW1 low-side current limit interrupt sense. Sense is high as long as fault persists (post-debounce). 0 -- Fault removed 1 -- Fault exists SW2_LS_S 1 R 0 SW2 low-side current limit interrupt sense. Sense is high as long as fault persists (post-debounce). 0 -- Fault removed 1 -- Fault exists SW3_LS_S 2 R 0 SW3 low-side current limit interrupt sense. Sense is high as long as fault persists (post-debounce) 0 -- Fault removed 1 -- Fault exists PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 57 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name UNUSED Bit R/W Default 7 to 3 -- -- Description Unused Table 61.Register SW_INT_STAT1 - ADDR 0x0B Name Bit SW1_HS_I 0 SW2_HS_I 1 SW3_HS_I UNUSED [1] R/W RW1C Default [1] Description 0 SW1 high-side current limit interrupt 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared RW1C 0 SW2 high-side current limit interrupt 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared 2 RW1C 0 SW3 high-side current limit interrupt 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared 7 to 3 -- -- Unused Read or Write 1 to clear the bit Table 62.Register SW_INT_MASK1 - ADDR 0x0C Name Bit R/W Default SW1_HS_M 0 RW 1 SW1 high-side current limit interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is NOT pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. SW2_HS_M 1 RW 1 SW2 high-side current limit interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is NOT pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. SW3_HS_M 2 RW 1 SW3 high-side current limit interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is NOT pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 7 to 3 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 63.Register SW_INT_SENSE1 - ADDR 0x0D Name SW1_HS_S PF1510 Product data sheet Bit R/W Default 0 R 0 Description SW1 high-side current limit interrupt sense. This bit should not toggle within a switching cycle (at buck switching frequency), but report the sense status within the switching cycle. 0 -- Fault removed 1 -- Fault exists All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 58 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name Bit R/W Default SW2_HS_S 1 R 0 SW2 high-side current limit interrupt sense. This bit should not toggle within a switching cycle (at buck switching frequency), but report the sense status within the switching cycle. 0 -- Fault removed 1 -- Fault exists SW3_HS_S 2 R 0 SW3 high-side current limit interrupt sense. This bit should not toggle within a switching cycle (at buck switching frequency), but report the sense status within the switching cycle. 0 -- Fault removed 1 -- Fault exists 7 to 3 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 64.Register SW_INT_STAT2 - ADDR 0x0E Name Bit SW1_DVS_DONE_I 0 SW2_DVS_DONE_I 1 7 to 2 UNUSED [1] R/W Default RW1C [1] Description 0 Interrupt to indicate SW1 DVS complete. This interrupt should occur every time regulator output voltage is changed (either via 2 I C within a given state, or if there is change in voltage when transitioning states, Run to Standby, for example). 0 -- DVS not complete and/or bit cleared 1 -- DVS complete RW1C 0 Interrupt to indicate SW2 DVS complete. This interrupt should occur every time regulator output voltage is changed (either via 2 I C within a given state, or if there is change in voltage when transitioning states, Run to Standby, for example). 0 -- DVS not complete and/or bit cleared 1 -- DVS complete -- -- Unused Read or Write 1 to clear the bit Table 65.Register SW_INT_MASK2 - ADDR 0x0F Name Bit R/W Default SW1_DVS_DONE_M 0 RW 1 Mask for interrupt that indicates SW1 DVS complete 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. SW2_DVS_DONE_M 1 RW 1 Mask for interrupt that indicates SW2 DVS complete 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 7 to 2 -- -- Unused UNUSED PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 59 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 66.Register SW_INT_SENSE2 - ADDR 0x10 Name Bit R/W Default SW1_DVS_S 0 R 0 Indicates DVS in progress for SW1 0 -- DVS not in progress 1 -- DVS in progress SW2_DVS_S 1 R 0 Indicates DVS in progress for SW2 0 -- DVS not in progress 1 -- DVS in progress 7 to 2 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 67.Register LDO_INT_STAT0 - ADDR 0x18 Name Bit LDO1_FAULTI 0 LDO2_FAULTI 1 LDO3_FAULTI UNUSED [1] R/W Default RW1C [1] Description 0 LDO1 current limit interrupt 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared RW1C 0 LDO2 current limit interrupt 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared 2 RW1C 0 LDO3 current limit interrupt 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared 7 to 3 -- -- Unused Read or Write 1 to clear the bit Table 68.Register LDO_INT_MASK0 - ADDR 0x19 Name Bit R/W Default LDO1_FAULTM 0 RW 1 LDO1 current limit fault interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. LDO2_FAULTM 1 RW 1 LDO2 current limit fault interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. LDO3_FAULTM 2 RW 1 LDO3 current limit fault interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 7 to 3 -- -- Unused UNUSED PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 60 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 69.Register LDO_INT_SENSE0 - ADDR 0x1A Name Bit R/W Default LDO1_FAULTS 0 R 0 LDO1 fault interrupt sense 0 -- Fault removed 1 -- Fault exists LDO2_FAULTS 1 R 0 LDO2 fault interrupt sense 0 -- Fault removed 1 -- Fault exists LDO3_FAULTS 2 R 0 LDO3 fault interrupt sense 0 -- Fault removed 1 -- Fault exists 7 to 3 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 70.Register TEMP_INT_STAT0 - ADDR 0x20 Name Bit THERM110I 0 UNUSED 1 THERM125I UNUSED [1] R/W Default RW1C [1] Description 0 Die temperature crosses 110 C interrupt. Bidirectional interrupt. 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared -- -- Unused 2 RW1C 0 Die temperature crosses 125 C interrupt. Bidirectional interrupt. 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared 7 to 3 -- -- Unused Read or Write 1 to clear the bit Table 71.Register TEMP_INT_MASK0 - ADDR 0x21 Name Bit R/W Default THERM110M 0 RW 1 Die temperature crosses 110 C interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is NOT pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. UNUSED 1 -- -- Unused THERM125M 2 RW 1 Die temperature crosses 125 C interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 7 to 3 -- -- Unused UNUSED PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 61 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 72.Register TEMP_INT_SENSE0 - ADDR 0x22 Name Bit R/W Default THERM110S 0 R 0 110 C interrupt sense 0 -- Die temperature below 110 C 1 -- Die temperature above 110 C UNUSED 1 -- -- Unused THERM125S 2 R 0 125 C interrupt sense 0 -- Die temperature below 125 C 1 -- Die temperature above 125 C 7 to 3 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 73.Register ONKEY_INT_STAT0 - ADDR 0x24 Name Bit ONKEY_PUSHI 0 ONKEY_1SI 1 ONKEY_2SI R/W Description 0 Interrupt to indicate a push of the ONKEY button. Goes high after debounce. 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared. Interrupt occurs whenever ONKEY button is pushed low for longer than the falling edge debounce setting. Interrupt also occurs whenever ONKEY button is released high for longer than the rising edge debounce setting, provided it went past the falling edge debounce time. In other words, this interrupt occurs whenever a change in status of the ONKEY_PUSHS sense bit occurs. RW1C 0 Interrupt after ONKEY pressed for > 1 s 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared 2 RW1C 0 Interrupt after ONKEY pressed for > 2 s 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared ONKEY_3SI 3 RW1C 0 Interrupt after ONKEY pressed for > 3 s 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared ONKEY_4SI 4 RW1C 0 Interrupt after ONKEY pressed for > 4 s 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared ONKEY_8SI 5 RW1C 0 Interrupt after ONKEY pressed for > 8 s 0 -- Interrupt cleared or did not occur 1 -- Interrupt occurred and/or not cleared 7 to 6 -- -- Unused UNUSED [1] RW1C Default [1] Read or Write 1 to clear the bit PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 62 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 74.Register ONKEY_INT_MASK0 - ADDR 0x25 Name Bit R/W Default ONKEY_PUSHM 0 RW 1 Interrupt mask for ONKEY_PUSH_I 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. ONKEY_1SM 1 RW 1 Interrupt mask for ONKEY_1SI 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. ONKEY_2SM 2 RW 1 Interrupt mask for ONKEY_2SI 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is NOT pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. ONKEY_3SM 3 RW 1 Interrupt mask for ONKEY_3SI 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. ONKEY_4SM 4 RW 1 Interrupt mask for ONKEY_4SI 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. ONKEY_8SM 5 RW 1 Interrupt mask for ONKEY_8SI 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 7 to 6 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 75.Register ONKEY_INT_SENSE0 - ADDR 0x26 Name Bit R/W Default ONKEY_PUSHS 0 R 0 Push interrupt sense 0 -- ONKEY not pushed low. This bit follows debounced version of the ONKEY button being released. 1 -- ONKEY pushed low. This follows the ONKEY button after the debounce circuit (debounce is programmable). ONKEY_1SS 1 R 0 1 s interrupt sense or cleared after ONKEY button is released 0 -- ONKEY not pushed low for >1 s or cleared after ONKEY button is released. 1 -- ONKEY pushed and being held low > 1 s. This bit is cleared when ONKEY_PUSHS goes back to 0 when the push button is released. PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 63 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name Bit R/W Default ONKEY_2SS 2 R 0 2 s interrupt sense or cleared after ONKEY button is released 0 -- ONKEY not pushed low for >1 s or cleared after ONKEY button is released. 1 -- ONKEY pushed and being held low > 1 s. This bit is cleared when ONKEY_PUSHS goes back to 0 when the push button is released. ONKEY_3SS 3 R 0 3 s interrupt sense or cleared after ONKEY button is released 0 -- ONKEY not pushed low for >1 s or cleared after ONKEY button is released 1 -- ONKEY pushed and being held low > 1 s. This bit is cleared when ONKEY_PUSHS goes back to 0 when the push button is released. ONKEY_4SS 4 R 0 4 s interrupt sense or cleared after ONKEY button is released 0 -- ONKEY not pushed low for >1 s or cleared after ONKEY button is released. 1 -- ONKEY pushed and being held low > 1 s. This bit is cleared when ONKEY_PUSHS goes back to 0 when the push button is released. ONKEY_8SS 5 R 0 8 s interrupt sense or cleared after ONKEY button is released 0 -- ONKEY not pushed low for >1 s or cleared after ONKEY button is released. 1 -- ONKEY pushed and being held low > 1 s. This bit is cleared when ONKEY_PUSHS goes back to 0 when the push button is released. 7 to 6 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 76.Register MISC_INT_STAT0 - ADDR 0x28 Name Bit PWRUP_I 0 PWRDN_I 1 PWRON_I R/W Default Description 0 Interrupt to indicate completion of transition from STANDBY to RUN and from SLEEP to RUN 0 -- Interrupt cleared or has not occurred 1 -- Interrupt has occurred RW1C 0 Interrupt to indicate completion of transition from RUN to STANDBY and from RUN to SLEEP 0 -- Interrupt cleared or has not occurred 1 -- Interrupt has occurred 2 RW1C 0 Power on button event interrupt 0 -- Interrupt cleared or has not occurred 1 -- Interrupt has occurred LOW_SYS_WARN_I 3 RW1C 0 LOW_SYS_WARN threshold crossed interrupt 0 -- Interrupt cleared or has not occurred 1 -- Interrupt has occurred SYS_OVLO_I 4 RW1C 0 SYS_OVLO threshold crossed interrupt 0 -- Interrupt cleared or has not occurred 1 -- Interrupt has occurred 7 to 5 -- -- Unused UNUSED PF1510 Product data sheet RW1C [1] All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 64 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors [1] Read or Write 1 to clear the bit Table 77.Register MISC_INT_MASK0- ADDR 0x29 Name Bit PWRUP_M 0 PWRDN_M 1 PWRON_M R/W [1] Description 1 Mask for interrupt to indicate completion on transition from STANDBY to RUN and from SLEEP to RUN 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. RW 1 Mask for interrupt to indicate completion on transition from RUN to STANDBY and from RUN to SLEEP 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 2 RW 1 Power on button event interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. LOW_SYS_WARN_M 3 RW 1 LOW_SYS_WARN threshold crossed interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. SYS_OVLO_M 4 RW 1 SYS_OVLO threshold crossed interrupt mask 0 -- Mask removed. INTB pin is pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 1 -- Mask enabled. INTB pin is not pulled low if corresponding interrupt status bit is set. 7 to 5 -- -- Unused UNUSED [1] RW Default Asynchronous Set, Read and Write Table 78.Register MISC_INT_SENSE0 - ADDR 0x2A Name Bit R/W Default PWRUP_S 0 R 0 Sense for interrupt to indicate completion on transition from STANDBY to RUN and from SLEEP to RUN 0 -- Transition not in progress 1 -- Transition in progress PWRDN_S 1 R 0 Interrupt to indicate completion on transition from RUN to STANDBY and from RUN to SLEEP 0 -- Transition not in progress 1 -- Transition in progress PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 65 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name Bit R/W Default PWRON_S 2 R 0 Power on button event interrupt sense 0 -- PWRON low 1 -- PWRON high LOW_SYS_WARN_S 3 R 0 LOW_SYS_WARN threshold crossed interrupt sense 0 -- SYS > LOW_SYS_WARN 1 -- SYS < LOW_SYS_WARN SYS_OVLO_S 4 R 0 SYS_OVLO threshold crossed interrupt sense 0 -- SYS < SYS_OVLO 1 -- SYS > SYS_OVLO 7 to 5 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 79.Register COINCELL_CONTROL - ADDR 0x30 Name Bit R/W Default VCOIN 3 to 0 RW 0000 4 RW 0 Coin cell charger enable 0 -- Charger disabled 1 -- Charger enabled 7 to 5 -- -- Unused COINCHEN UNUSED Description Coin cell charger charging voltage 0000 -- 1.8 V 0111 -- 3.3 V (goes up in 100 mV step per LSB) Table 80.Register SW1_VOLT - ADDR 0x32 Name Bit SW1_VOLT 5 to 0 UNUSED 7 to 5 [1] R/W Default [1] RW1S -- Description -- SW1 voltage setting register (Run mode) 000000 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings 111111 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings Reset condition -- POR -- Unused Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write Table 81.Register SW1_STBY_VOLT - ADDR 0x33 Name Bit SW1_STBY_VOLT 5 to 0 UNUSED 7 to 6 [1] R/W Default [1] RW1S -- Description -- SW1 output voltage setting register (Standby mode). The default value here should be identical to SW1_VOLT[5:0] register. 000000 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings 111111 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings -- Unused Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 66 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 82.Register SW1_SLP_VOLT - ADDR 0x34 Name Bit SW1_SLP_VOLT 5 to 0 UNUSED 7 to 6 [1] R/W Default [1] RW1S -- Description -- SW1 output voltage setting register (Sleep mode). The default value here should be identical to SW1_VOLT[5:0] register. 000000 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings 111111 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings -- Unused Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write Table 83.Register SW1_CTRL - ADDR 0x35 Name Bit R/W Default [1] SW1_EN 0 0 Enables buck regulator. Loaded from OTP based on the sequence settings. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. 0 -- Regulator disabled in Run mode 1 -- Regulator enabled in Run mode SW1_STBY_EN 1 RW1S 0 Enables buck regulator in Standby mode. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. The default value of this bit should be equal to the SW1_EN bit (based on OTP). 0 -- Regulator disabled in Standby mode 1 -- Regulator enabled in Standby mode SW1_OMODE 2 RW [2] 0 Enables buck regulator in Sleep mode. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. 0 -- Regulator disabled in Sleep mode 1 -- Regulator enabled in Sleep mode SW1_LPWR 3 RW 0 Enables the buck to enter Low-power mode during Standby and Sleep 0 -- Regulator not in Low-power mode 1 -- Regulator in Low-power mode during Standby or Sleep modes SW1_DVSSPEED 4 RW1S 0 Controls slew rate of DVS transitions. Loaded from OTP and changeable by user after boot up. Not used when OTP_SW1_ DVS_SEL = 1. 0 -- DVS rate at 12.5 mV/2 s 1 -- DVS rate at 12.5 mV/4 s SW1_FPWM_IN_DVS 5 RW 0 Enables CCM operation during DVS down 0 -- does not force FPWM during DVS 1 -- forces regulator to track the DVS reference while it is falling rather than relying on the load current to pull the voltage low SW1_FPWM 6 RW 0 Forces buck to go into CCM mode 0 -- Not in FPWM mode 1 -- Forced in PWM mode irrespective of load current PF1510 Product data sheet RW1S Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 67 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name SW1_RDIS_ENB [1] [2] Bit R/W Default 7 RW1S 0 Description Controls discharge resistor on output when regulator disabled 0 -- Enables discharge resistor on output when regulator disabled. Resistor connected at FB pin when regulator disabled to force capacitor discharge. 1 -- Disables discharge resistor on output when regulator disabled. Resistor not connected at FB pin when regulator disabled. Relies on leakage/residue load to discharge output capacitor. Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write Asynchronous Set, Read and Writ Table 84.Register SW1_SLP_VOLT - ADDR 0x36 Name Bit SW1_ILIM 1 to 0 UNUSED 3 to 2 SW1_TMODE_SEL UNUSED [1] R/W Default [1] RW1S Description 00 Sets current limit of SW1 regulator 00 -- Typical current limit of 1.0 A 01 -- Typical current limit of 1.2 A 10 -- Typical current limit of 1.5 A 11 -- Typical current limit of 2.0 A -- -- Unused 4 RW 0 0 -- TON control 1 -- TOFF control 7 to 5 -- -- Unused Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write Table 85.Register SW2_VOLT - ADDR 0x38 Name Bit SW2_VOLT 5 to 0 UNUSED 7 to 6 [1] R/W Default [1] RW1S -- Description -- SW2 voltage setting register (Run mode) 000000 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings 111111 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings -- Unused Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write Table 86.Register SW2_STBY_VOLT - ADDR 0x39 Name Bit SW2_STBY_VOLT 5 to 0 UNUSED 7 to 6 [1] R/W Default [1] RW1S -- Description -- SW2 output voltage setting register (Standby mode). The default value here should be identical to SW2_VOLT[5:0] register. 000000 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings 111111 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings -- Unused Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 68 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 87.Register SW2_SLP_VOLT - ADDR 0x3A Name Bit SW2_SLP_VOLT 5 to 0 UNUSED 7 to 6 [1] R/W Default [1] RW1S -- Description -- SW2 output voltage setting register (Sleep mode). The default value here should be identical to SW2_VOLT[5:0] register. 000000 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings 111111 -- See Table 23 for voltage settings -- Unused Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write Table 88.Register SW2_CTRL - ADDR 0x3B Name Bit SW2_EN 0 SW2_STBY_EN 1 SW2_OMODE R/W Default [1] 0 Enables buck regulator. Loaded from OTP based on the sequence settings. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. 0 -- Regulator disabled in Run mode 1 -- Regulator enabled in Run mode RW1S 0 Enables buck regulator in Standby mode. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. The default value of this bit should be equal to the SW1_EN bit (based on OTP). 0 -- Regulator disabled in Standby mode 1 -- Regulator enabled in Standby mode 2 RW 0 Enables buck regulator in Sleep mode. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. 0 -- Regulator disabled in Sleep mode 1 -- Regulator enabled in Sleep mode SW2_LPWR 3 RW 0 Enables the buck to enter Low-power mode during Standby and Sleep modes 0 -- Regulator not in Low-power mode 1 -- Regulator in Low-power mode during Standby or Sleep SW2_DVSSPEED 4 RW1S 0 Controls slew rate of DVS transitions. Loaded from OTP and changeable by user after boot up. Not used when OTP_SW2_ DVS_SEL = 1. 0 -- DVS rate at 12.5 mV/2 s 1 -- DVS rate at 12.5 mV/4 s SW2_FPWM_IN_DVS 5 RW 0 Enables CCM operation during DVS down 0 -- does not force FPWM during DVS 1 -- forces regulator to track the DVS reference while it is falling rather than relying on the load current to pull the voltage low SW2_FPWM 6 RW 0 Forces buck to go into CCM mode 0 -- Not in FPWM mode 1 -- Forced in PWM mode irrespective of load current. PF1510 Product data sheet RW1S Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 69 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name SW2_RDIS_ENB [1] Bit R/W Default 7 RW1S 0 Description Controls discharge resistor on output when regulator disabled 0 -- Enables discharge resistor on output when regulator disabled. Resistor connected at FB pin when regulator disabled to force capacitor discharge. 1 -- Disables discharge resistor on output when regulator disabled. Resistor not connected at FB pin when regulator disabled. Relies on leakage/residue load to discharge output capacitor. Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write Table 89.Register SW2_CTRL1 - ADDR 0x3C Name Bit R/W Default SW2_ILIM 1 to 0 RW1S 00 Sets current limit of SW2 regulator 00 -- Typical current limit of 1.0 A 01 -- Typical current limit of 1.2 A 10 -- Typical current limit of 1.5 A 11 -- Typical current limit of 2.0 A UNUSED 3 to 2 -- -- Unused 4 RW 0 0 -- TON control 1 -- TOFF control 7 to 5 -- -- Unused SW2_TMODE_SEL UNUSED Description Table 90.Register SW3_VOLT - ADDR 0x3E Name Bit R/W Default Description SW3_VOLT 3 to 0 RW1S -- SW3 voltage setting register (Run mode). Loaded from fuses. Read only because DVS is not supported in this regulator. 0000 -- See Table 29 for voltage settings 1111 -- See Table 29 for voltage settings UNUSED 7 to 4 -- -- Unused Table 91.Register SW3_STBY_VOLT - ADDR 0x3F Name Bit R/W Default SW3_STBY_VOLT 3 to 0 RW1S -- SW3 voltage setting register (Standby mode). Loaded from fuses. Read only because DVS is not supported in this regulator. 0000 -- See Table 29 for voltage settings 1111 -- See Table 29 for voltage settings UNUSED 7 to 4 -- -- Unused PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 70 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 92.Register SW3_SLP_VOLT - ADDR 0x40 Name Bit R/W Default Description SW3_SLP_VOLT 3 to 0 RW1S -- SW3 voltage setting register (Sleep mode). Loaded from fuses. Read only because DVS is not supported in this regulator. 0000 -- See Table 29 for voltage settings 1111 -- See Table 29 for voltage settings UNUSED 7 to 4 -- -- Unused Table 93.Register SW3_CTRL - ADDR 0x41 Name Bit R/W Default SW3_EN 0 RW1S 0 Enables buck regulator. Loaded from OTP based on the sequence settings. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. 0 -- Regulator disabled in Run mode 1 -- Regulator enabled in Run mode SW3_STBY_EN 1 RW1S 0 Enables buck regulator in Standby mode. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. The default value of this bit should be equal to the SW1_EN bit (based on OTP). 0 -- Regulator disabled in Standby mode 1 -- Regulator enabled in Standby mode SW3_OMODE 2 RW 0 Enables buck regulator in Sleep mode. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. 0 -- Regulator disabled in Sleep mode 1 -- Regulator enabled in Sleep mode SW3_LPWR 3 RW 0 Enables the buck to enter Low-power mode during Standby and Sleep modes 0 -- Regulator not in Low-power mode 1 -- Regulator in Low-power mode while in Standby or Sleep UNUSED 4 -- -- Unused UNUSED 5 -- -- Unused SW3_FPWM 6 RW 0 Forces buck to go into CCM mode 0 -- Not in FPWM mode 1 -- Forced in PWM mode irrespective of load current SW3_RDIS_ENB 7 RW1S 0 Controls discharge resistor on output when regulator is disabled 0 -- Enables discharge resistor on output when regulator disabled. Resistor connected at FB pin when regulator disabled to force capacitor discharge. 1 -- Disables discharge resistor on output when regulator disabled. Resistor not connected at FB pin when regulator disabled. Relies on leakage/residue load to discharge output capacitor. PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 71 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 94.Register SW3_CTRL1 - ADDR 0x42 Name Bit R/W Default SW3_ILIM 1 to 0 RW1S 00 Sets current limit of SW3 regulator 00 -- Typical current limit of 1.0 A 01 -- Typical current limit of 1.2 A 10 -- Typical current limit of 1.5 A 11 -- Typical current limit of 2.0 A UNUSED 3 to 2 -- -- Unused 4 RW 0 0 -- TON control 1 -- TOFF control 7 to 5 -- -- Unused SW3_TMODE_SEL UNUSED Description Table 95.Register VSNVS_CTRL - ADDR 0x48 Name Bit R/W Default 2 to 0 RW1S 000 CLKPULSE 3 RW 0 Optional bit used for evaluation. Refer to IP block FORCEBOS 4 RW 0 Optional bit for evaluation 0 -- BOS circuit activated only when VSYS < UVDET 1 -- Forces best of supply circuit irrespective of UVDET LIBGDIS 5 RW 0 Use to reduce quiescent current in coin cell mode 0 -- VSNVS local bandgap enabled in coin cell mode 1 -- VSNVS local bandgap disabled in coin cell mode to save quiescent current UNUSED 7 to 6 -- -- Unused VSNVS_VOLT Description Not used in PF1510. Placeholder for future products. Table 96.Register VREFDDR_CTRL - ADDR 0x4A Name Bit R/W Default VREFDDR_EN 0 RW1S 0 0 -- Disables VREFDDR regulator 1 -- Enables VREFDDR regulator. This is set by the OTP sequence. VREFDDR_STBY_EN 1 RW1S 0 The default value for this should be same as VREFDDREN 0 -- Disables VREFDDR regulator in Standby mode 1 -- Enables VREFDDR regulator in Standby mode if VREFDDREN = 1 VREFDDR_OMODE 2 RW 0 0 -- Keeps VREFDDR off in Off mode 1 -- Enables VREFDDR in Sleep mode if VREFDDREN = 1 VREFDDR_LPWR 3 RW 0 0 -- Disables VREFDDR Low-power mode 1 -- Enables VREFDDR Low-power mode 7 to 4 -- -- Unused UNUSED PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 72 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 97.Register LDO1_VOLT - ADDR 0x4C Name Bit R/W Default Description LDO1_VOLT 4 to 0 RW1S -- LDO1 output voltage setting register. Loaded from OTP. 00000 -- See Table 33 for voltage settings 11111 -- See Table 33 for voltage settings UNUSED 7 to 5 -- -- Unused Table 98.Register LDO1_CTRL - ADDR 0x4D Name Bit R/W Default VLDO1_EN 0 RW1S 0 Enables LDO regulator. Loaded from OTP based on the sequence settings. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. 0 -- Disables regulator 1 -- Enables regulator VLDO1_STBY_EN 1 RW1S 0 Enables LDO in Standby mode. Default value of this bit should be same as VLDO1_EN. 0 -- Disables regulator 1 -- Enables regulator VLDO1_OMODE 2 RW 0 Enables LDO in Sleep mode 0 -- Disables regulator 1 -- Enables regulator VLDO1_LPWR 3 RW 0 Forces LDO to Low-power mode in Sleep and Standby modes 0 -- Not in Low-power mode during Standby and Sleep 1 -- Regulator in Low-power mode during Standby and Sleep LDO1_LS_EN 4 RW1S 0 This is loaded from OTP_LDOy_LS_EN and changeable from 0 to 1 on power up. Changing from 1 to 0 is not allowed. 0 -- Sets LDOy in LDO mode 1 -- Sets LDOy to a load switch (fully on) mode 7 to 5 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 99.Register LDO2_VOLT - ADDR 0x4F Name Bit R/W Default Description LDO2_VOLT 3 to 0 RW1S -- LDO2 output voltage setting register. Loaded from OTP. 0000 -- See Table 35 for voltage settings 1111 -- See Table 35 for voltage settings UNUSED 7 to 4 -- -- Unused Table 100.Register LDO2_CTRL - ADDR 0x50 Name VLDO2_EN PF1510 Product data sheet Bit R/W Default 0 RW1S 0 Description Enables LDO regulator. Loaded from OTP based on the sequence settings. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. 0 -- Disables regulator 1 -- Enables regulator All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 73 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name Bit R/W Default VLDO2_STBY_EN 1 RW1S 0 Enables LDO in Standby mode. Default value of this bit should be same as VLDO1_EN. 0 -- Disables regulator 1 -- Enables regulator VLDO2_OMODE 2 RW 0 Enables LDO in Sleep mode 0 -- Disables regulator 1 -- Enables regulator VLDO2_LPWR 3 RW 0 Forces LDO to Low-power mode in Sleep and Standby modes 0 -- Not in Low-power mode during Standby and Sleep 1 -- Regulator in Low-power mode during Standby and Sleep 7 to 4 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 101.Register LDO3_VOLT - ADDR 0x52 Name Bit R/W Default Description LDO3_VOLT 4 to 0 RW1S -- LDO3 output voltage setting register. Loaded from OTP. 00000 -- See Table 33 for voltage settings 11111 -- See Table 33 for voltage settings UNUSED 7 to 5 -- -- Unused Table 102.Register LDO3_CTRL - ADDR 0x53 Name Bit R/W Default VLDO3_EN 0 RW1S 0 Enables LDO regulator. Loaded from OTP based on the sequence settings. User can turn regulator off by clearing this bit. 0 -- Disables regulator 1 -- Enables regulator VLDO3_STBY_EN 1 RW1S 0 Enables LDO in Standby mode. Default value of this bit should be same as VLDO1_EN. 0 -- Disables regulator 1 -- Enables regulator VLDO3_OMODE 2 RW 0 Enables LDO in Sleep mode 0 -- Disables regulator 1 -- Enables regulator VLDO3_LPWR 3 RW 0 Forces LDO to Low-power mode in Sleep and Standby modes 0 -- Not in Low-power mode during Standby and Sleep 1 -- Regulator in Low-power mode during Standby and Sleep LDO3_LS_EN 4 RW1S 0 This is loaded from OTP_LDOy_LS_EN and changeable from 0 to 1 on power up. Changing from 1 to 0 is not allowed. 0 -- Sets LDOy in LDO mode 1 -- Sets LDOy to a load switch (fully on) mode 7 to 5 -- -- Unused UNUSED PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 74 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 103.Register PWRCTRL0 - ADDR 0x58 Name Bit R/W Default Description STANDBYDLY 1 to 0 RW 01 Controls delay of Standby pin after synchronization 0 -- No additional delay 1 -- 32 kHz cycle additional delay 2 -- 32 kHz cycle additional delay 3 -- 32 kHz cycle additional delay STANDBYINV 2 RW 0 Controls polarity of STANDBY pin 0 -- Standby pin input active high 1 -- Standby pin input active low POR_DLY 5 to 3 RW1S 000 Controls delay of RESETBMCU pin after power up (loaded from OTP) 000 -- RESETBMCU goes high 2 ms after last regulator 010 -- RESETBMCU goes high 4 ms after last regulator 011 -- RESETBMCU goes high 8 ms after last regulator 100 -- RESETBMCU goes high 16 ms after last regulator 101 -- RESETBMCU goes high 128 ms after last regulator 110 -- RESETBMCU goes high 256 ms after last regulator 111 -- RESETBMCU goes high 1024 ms after last regulator TGRESET 7 to 6 RW1S 00 Controls duration for which ONKEY has to be pushed low for a global reset (part goes to REGS_DISABLE) 00 -- 4 s 01 -- 8 s 10 -- 12 s 11 -- 16 s Table 104.Register PWRCTRL1 - ADDR 0x59 Name Bit R/W Default PWRONDBNC 1 to 0 RW 00 Controls debounce of PWRON when in push button mode (PWRON_CFG = 1) 00 -- 31.25 ms falling edge; 31.25 ms rising edge 01 -- 31.25 ms falling edge; 31.25 ms rising edge 10 -- 125 ms falling edge; 31.25 ms rising edge 11 -- 750 ms falling edge; 31.25 ms rising edge ONKEYDBNC 3 to 2 RW 00 Controls debounce of ONKEY push button 00 -- 31.25 ms falling edge; 31.25 ms rising edge 01 -- 31.25 ms falling edge; 31.25 ms rising edge 10 -- 125 ms falling edge; 31.25 ms rising edge 11 -- 750 ms falling edge; 31.25 ms rising edge 4 RW 0 Enables going to REGS_DISABLE or Sleep mode when PWRON_CFG = 1. See Section 10 "PF1510 state machine" for details. 0 -- Long press on PWRON button does not take state to REGS_DISABLE or Sleep 1 -- Long press on PWRON button takes state to REGS_DISABLE or Sleep PWRONRSTEN PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 75 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name Bit R/W Default Description RESTARTEN 5 RW 0 Enables restart of system when PWRON push button is held low for 5 s 0 -- No impact 1 -- When going to REGS_DISABLE via a long press of PWRON button, holding it low for 1 more second takes state back to RUN (equally, a 5 second push restarts the system) REGSCPEN 6 RW 0 Shuts down LDO if it enters a current limit fault. Controls LDO1, LDO2 and LDO3. 0 -- LDO does not shutdown in the event of a current limit fault. Continues to limit current. 1 -- LDO is turned off when it encounters a current limit fault ONKEY_RST_EN 7 RW 1 Enables turning off of system via ONKEY. See Section 10 "PF1510 state machine" for details. 0 -- ONKEY cannot be used to turn off or restart system 1 -- ONKEY can be used to turn off or restart system Table 105.Register PWRCTRL2 - ADDR 0x5A Name Bit R/W Default Description UVDET 1 to 0 RW1S 00 Sets UVDET threshold 00 -- Rising 2.65 V; falling 2.55 V 01 -- Rising 2.8 V; falling 2.7 V 10 -- Rising 3.0 V; falling 2.9 V 11 -- Rising 3.1 V; falling 3.0 V LOW_SYS_WARN 3 to 2 RW 00 Sets LOW_SYS_WARN threshold 00 -- Rising 3.3 V; falling 3.1 V 01 -- Rising 3.5 V; falling 3.3 V 10 -- Rising 3.7 V; falling 3.5 V 11 -- Rising 3.9 V; falling 3.7 V UNUSED 7 to 4 -- -- Unused Table 106.Register PWRCTRL3 - ADDR 0x5B Name Bit R/W Default UNUSED 0 RW 0 Unused GOTO_CORE_OFF 1 RW 0 Set this bit to go to CORE_OFF mode once in REGS_DISABLE state 0 -- No impact 1 -- PF1510 gracefully enters CORE_OFF mode when in REGS_DISABLE state 7 to 2 -- -- Unused UNUSED PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 76 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 107.Register SW1_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x5F Name Bit R/W Default SW1_PWRDN_SEQ 2 to 0 RW1S 000 UNUSED 7 to 3 -- -- Description This contains same value as power-up sequence value by default. Power-up sequence is in mirror registers. xxx = The power-down sequencer performs the functional opposite to the power-up sequencer. Each regulator has an associated register setting (SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW2_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO1_PWRDN_ SEQ[2:0], LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]. VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]) that sets its power-down sequence. The default setting of the above registers is equal to the corresponding power-up sequence setting. For example, SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = OTP_SW1_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0]. When the power-down sequencer is activated, regulators are turned off one by one in the descending order of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] setting. This way, by default, power-down is a mirror of the power-up sequence. In one of the "System On" states, the processor can change the values of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] registers. The power-up sequence is fixed by OTP (or TBB). If all XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = 0x00, the powerdown sequencer is bypassed and all the regulators are turned off at once. Unused Table 108.Register SW2_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x60 Name Bit R/W Default SW2_PWRDN_SEQ 2 to 0 RW1S 000 UNUSED 7 to 3 -- -- PF1510 Product data sheet Description This contains same value as power-up sequence value by default. Power-up sequence is in mirror registers. xxx = The power-down sequencer performs the functional opposite to the power-up sequencer. Each regulator has an associated register setting (SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW2_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO1_PWRDN_ SEQ[2:0], LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]. VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]) that sets its power-down sequence. The default setting of the above registers is equal to the corresponding power-up sequence setting. For example, SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = OTP_SW1_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0]. When the power-down sequencer is activated, regulators are turned off one by one in the descending order of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] setting. This way, by default, power-down is a mirror of the power-up sequence. In one of the "System On" states, the processor can change the values of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] registers. The power-up sequence is fixed by OTP (or TBB). If all XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = 0x00, the powerdown sequencer is bypassed and all the regulators are turned off at once. Unused All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 77 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 109.Register SW2_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x61 Name Bit R/W Default SW3_PWRDN_SEQ 2 to 0 RW1S 000 UNUSED 7 to 3 -- -- Description This contains same value as power-up sequence value by default. Power-up sequence is in mirror registers. xxx = The power-down sequencer performs the functional opposite to the power-up sequencer. Each regulator has an associated register setting (SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW2_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO1_PWRDN_ SEQ[2:0], LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]. VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]) that sets its power-down sequence. The default setting of the above registers is equal to the corresponding power-up sequence setting. For example, SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = OTP_SW1_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0]. When the power-down sequencer is activated, regulators are turned off one by one in the descending order of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] setting. This way, by default, power-down is a mirror of the power-up sequence. In one of the "System On" states, the processor can change the values of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] registers. The power-up sequence is fixed by OTP (or TBB). If all XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = 0x00, the powerdown sequencer is bypassed and all the regulators are turned off at once. Unused Table 110.Register LDO1_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x62 Name Bit R/W Default LDO1_PWRDN_SEQ 2 to 0 RW1S 000 UNUSED 7 to 3 -- -- PF1510 Product data sheet Description This contains same value as power-up sequence value by default. Power-up sequence is in mirror registers. xxx = The power-down sequencer performs the functional opposite to the power-up sequencer. Each regulator has an associated register setting (SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW2_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO1_PWRDN_ SEQ[2:0], LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]. VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]) that sets its power-down sequence. The default setting of the above registers is equal to the corresponding power-up sequence setting. For example, SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = OTP_SW1_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0]. When the power-down sequencer is activated, regulators are turned off one by one in the descending order of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] setting. This way, by default, power-down is a mirror of the power-up sequence. In one of the "System On" states, the processor can change the values of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] registers. The power-up sequence is fixed by OTP (or TBB). If all XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = 0x00, the powerdown sequencer is bypassed and all the regulators are turned off at once. Unused All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 78 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 111.Register LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x63 Name Bit R/W Default LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ 2 to 0 RW1S 000 UNUSED 7 to 3 -- -- Description This contains same value as power-up sequence value by default. Power-up sequence is in mirror registers. xxx = The power-down sequencer performs the functional opposite to the power-up sequencer. Each regulator has an associated register setting (SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW2_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO1_PWRDN_ SEQ[2:0], LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]. VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]) that sets its power-down sequence. The default setting of the above registers is equal to the corresponding power-up sequence setting. For example, SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = OTP_SW1_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0]. When the power-down sequencer is activated, regulators are turned off one by one in the descending order of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] setting. This way, by default, power-down is a mirror of the power-up sequence. In one of the "System On" states, the processor can change the values of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] registers. The power-up sequence is fixed by OTP (or TBB). If all XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = 0x00, the powerdown sequencer is bypassed and all the regulators are turned off at once. Unused Table 112.Register LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x64 Name Bit R/W Default LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ 2 to 0 RW1S 000 UNUSED 7 to 3 -- -- PF1510 Product data sheet Description This contains same value as power-up sequence value by default. Power-up sequence is in mirror registers. xxx = The power-down sequencer performs the functional opposite to the power-up sequencer. Each regulator has an associated register setting (SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW2_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO1_PWRDN_ SEQ[2:0], LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]. VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]) that sets its power-down sequence. The default setting of the above registers is equal to the corresponding power-up sequence setting. For example, SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = OTP_SW1_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0]. When the power-down sequencer is activated, regulators are turned off one by one in the descending order of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] setting. This way, by default, power-down is a mirror of the power-up sequence. In one of the "System On" states, the processor can change the values of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] registers. The power-up sequence is fixed by OTP (or TBB). If all XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = 0x00, the powerdown sequencer is bypassed and all the regulators are turned off at once. Unused All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 79 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 113.Register VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x65 Name Bit R/W Default VREFDDR_PWRDN_S EQ 2 to 0 RW1S 000 UNUSED 7 to 3 -- -- Description This contains same value as power-up sequence value by default. Power-up sequence is in mirror registers. xxx = The power-down sequencer performs the functional opposite to the power-up sequencer. Each regulator has an associated register setting (SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW2_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], SW3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO1_PWRDN_ SEQ[2:0], LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0], LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]. VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0]) that sets its power-down sequence. The default setting of the above registers is equal to the corresponding power-up sequence setting. For example, SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = OTP_SW1_PWRUP_SEQ[2:0]. When the power-down sequencer is activated, regulators are turned off one by one in the descending order of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] setting. This way, by default, power-down is a mirror of the power-up sequence. In one of the "System On" states, the processor can change the values of the XXX_ PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] registers. The power-up sequence is fixed by OTP (or TBB). If all XXX_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] = 0x00, the powerdown sequencer is bypassed and all the regulators are turned off at once. Unused Table 114.Register STATE_INFO - ADDR 0x67 Name Bit R/W Default Description STATE 5 to 0 R 000000 Indicates machine state 000000 -- Wait state 001100 -- Run state 001101 -- Standby state 001110 -- Sleep/LPSR state 101011 -- REGS_DISABLE state Other bits are reserved UNUSED 7 to 6 -- -- Unused Table 115.Register I2C_ADDR - ADDR 0x68 Name Bit R/W Default I2C_SLAVE_ADDR_L SBS 2 to 0 R 000 USE_DEFAULT_ADD R 7 RW 0 PF1510 Product data sheet Description Loaded from fuses. But read only in functional space. 000 -- Slave Address: 0x08 001 -- Slave Address: 0x09 010 -- Slave Address: 0x0A 011 -- Slave Address: 0x0B 100 -- Slave Address: 0x0C 101 -- Slave Address: 0x0D 110 -- Slave Address: 0x0E 111 -- Slave Address: 0x0F DEFAULT ADDR All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 80 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 116.Register RC_16MHZ - ADDR 0x6B Name Bit R/W Default REQ_16MHZ 0 RW 0 Enables 16 MHz clock 0 -- 16 MHz clock enable controlled by state machine 1 -- 16 MHz clock always enabled REQ_ACORE_ON 1 RW 0 Controls Analog core enable 0 -- Analog core enable controlled by state machine 1 -- Analog core always on REQ_ACORE_HIPWR 2 RW 0 Controls Low-power mode of the analog core 0 -- Analog core Low-power mode controlled by state machine 1 -- Analog core never in Low-power mode 7 to 3 -- -- Unused UNUSED Description Table 117.Register KEY1 - ADDR 0x6B Name Bit R/W Default KEY1 7 to 0 RW 0x00 Description Unused 12.2 Specific Registers (Offset is 0x80) Table 118.Register INT - ADDR 0x00 Name Bit RSVD0 0 RSVD1 1 RSVD2 2 RSVD3 3 RSVD4 4 VIN_I 5 RSVD6 RSVD7 [1] R/W RW1S Default [1] Description 0 Unused RW1S 0 VIN interrupt 0 -- The VIN_OK interrupt has not occurred or been cleared 1 -- The VIN_OK interrupt has occurred Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB 6 RW1S 0 Unused 7 RW1S 0 Unused Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write Table 119.Register INT_MASK - ADDR 0x02 Name Bit RSVD0 0 RSVD1 1 RSVD2 2 RSVD3 3 RSVD4 4 PF1510 Product data sheet R/W Default RW 1 Description Unused All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 81 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name Bit R/W Default Description VIN_M 5 RW 1 VIN interrupt mask 0 -- Unmasked 1 -- Masked Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB RSVD6 6 RW 1 Unused RSVD7 7 RW 1 Unused Table 120.Register INT_OK - ADDR 0x04 Name Bit R/W Default Description RSVD0 0 0 RSVD1 1 0 RSVD2 2 RSVD3 3 0 RSVD4 4 0 VIN_OK 5 R 0 Single bit VIN status indicator. See VIN_SNS for more information. 0 -- The VIN input is invalid. For example, VIN_VALID = 0. 1 -- The VIN input is valid. For example, VIN_VALID = 1. Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB RSVS6 6 R 0 Unused RSVD7 7 R 1 Unused 1 R Unused Table 121.Register VIN_SNS - ADDR 0x06 Name Bit R/W Default 1 to 0 R 00 Unused VIN_UVLO_SNS 2 R 1 0 -- VIN > VIN_UVLO 1 -- VIN < VIN_UVLO or when VIN is detached VIN2SYS_SNS 3 R 1 0 -- VIN > VSYS + VIN2SYS 1 -- VIN < VSYS + VIN2SYS VIN_OVLO_SNS 4 R 0 0 -- VIN < VIN_OVLO 1 -- VIN > VIN_OVLO VIN_VALID 5 R 0 0 -- VIN is not valid 1 -- VIN is valid, VIN > VIN_UVLO, VIN > VSYS + VIN2SYS, VIN < VIN_OVLO Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB RSVD6 6 R 0 Unused RSVD7 7 R 0 Unused RSVD[1:0] PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 82 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 122.Register FRONT_END_OPER- ADDR 0x09 Name FRONT_END_ON Bit 1 to 0 RSVD2 2 RSVD3 3 RSVD4 4 RSVD[7:5] [1] R/W RW1S Default [1] 01 Description Front-end LDO operation configuration 0 -- Front-end LDO is OFF 1 -- Front-end LDO is ON 2 -- Reserved 3 -- Reserved Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB 0 RW 7 to 5 0 0 Unused 000 Load from OTP fuse, Read and Write Table 123.Register FRONT_END_REG - ADDR 0x0F Name Bit R/W Default Description RSVD[5:0] 5 to 0 RW1S 101011 Unused VSYSMIN 7 to 6 RW1S 00 Minimum system regulation voltage (VSYSMIN) 0 -- 3.5 V 1 -- 3.7 V 2 -- 4.3 V 3 -- Reserved Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB Table 124.Register VIN_INLIM_CNFG - ADDR 0x14 Name RSVD[2:0] PF1510 Product data sheet Bit R/W Default 2 to 0 RW 000 Description Unused All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 83 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name VIN_ILIM Bit R/W Default 7 to 3 RW1S 01101 Description Maximum input current limit selection. 5 bit adjustment from 10 mA to 1500 mA. 0 -- 10 mA 1 -- 15 mA 2 -- 20 mA 3 -- 25 mA 4 -- 30 mA 5 -- 35 mA 6 -- 40 mA 7 -- 45 mA 8 -- 50 mA 9 -- 100 mA 10 -- 150 mA 11 -- 200 mA 12 -- 300 mA 13 -- 400 mA 14 -- 500 mA 15 -- 600 mA 16 -- 700 mA 17 -- 800 mA 18 -- 900 mA 19 -- 1000 mA 20 -- 1500 mA 21 -- Reserved 22 -- Reserved 23 -- Reserved 24 -- Reserved 25 -- Reserved 26 -- Reserved 27 -- Reserved 28 -- Reserved 29 -- Reserved 30 -- Reserved 31 -- Reserved Reset condition -- CHGPOK_RSTB Table 125.Register USB_PHY_LDO_CNFG - ADDR 0x16 Name Bit R/W Default RSVD0 0 RW1S 1 Unused USBPHY 1 RW1S 0 USBPHY voltage setting register 0 -- 3.3 V 1 -- 4.9 V Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB USBPHYLDO 2 RW1S 0 USBPHY LDO enable 0 -- Disabled 1 -- Enabled Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB PF1510 Product data sheet Description All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 84 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Name RSVD3 Bit R/W 3 RSVD[5:4] 5 to 4 RSVD[7:6] 7 to 6 Default Description 0 RW 00 Unused 00 Table 126.Register DBNC_DELAY_TIME - ADDR 0x18 Name Bit R/W Default Description VIN_OV_TDB 1 to 0 RW1S 00 VIN overvoltage debounce delay 0 -- 10 s (reserved) 1 -- 100 s 2 -- 1 ms 3 -- 10 ms Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB USB_PHY_TDB 3 to 2 RW1S 00 USBPHY debounce timer - not used in PF1510 0 -- 0 ms 1 -- 16 ms 2 -- 32 ms 3 -- Not used Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB SYS_WKUP_DLY 5 to 4 RW1S 00 System wake-up time 0 -- 8.0 ms 1 -- 16 ms 2 -- 32 ms 3 -- 100 ms Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB RSVD[7:6] 7 to 6 RW 00 Unused Table 127.Register VIN2SYS_CNFG - ADDR 0x1B Name VIN2SYS_TDB VIN2SYS_THRSH RSVD[7:3] PF1510 Product data sheet Bit R/W Default Description 1 to 0 RW1S 00 VIN to VSYS comparator debounce time 0 -- Reserved 1 -- 100 s 2 -- 1 ms 3 -- 10 ms Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB 2 RW1S 0 VIN to VSYS comparator threshold setting 0 -- 50 mV 1 -- 175 mV Reset condition -- VCOREDIG_RSTB 7 to 3 RW 00000 Unused All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 85 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 12.3 Register PMIC bitmap VCOREDIG_PORB PS_END_RSTB [1] [2] REGS_DISABLE_TOG_RSTB [1] [2] [3] [3] Bits reset by invalid VCOREDIG Bits reset by PORB or RESETBMCU Bits reset by pulse to REGS_DISABLE mode Table 128.Register PMIC bitmap Address Register name BITS[7:0] 7 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x06 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F DEVICE_ID OTP_FLAVOR SILICON_REV INT_CATEGORY SW_INT_STAT0 SW_INT_MASK0 SW_INT_SENSE0 SW_INT_STAT1 SW_INT_MASK1 SW_INT_SENSE1 SW_INT_STAT2 SW_INT_MASK2 PF1510 Product data sheet 6 5 4 3 2 FAMILY[3:7] Name 1 0 DEVICE_ID[2:0] Reset 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Type R R R R R R R R Name -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- R R R R R R OTP_FLAVOR[5:0] FAB_FIN[7:6] Name FULL_LAYER_REV[5:3] METAL_LAYER_REV[2:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Type R R R R R R R R Name MISC_INT SW2_INT SW1_INT VIN_INT Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type R R R R R R R R Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1C RW1C RW1C Name -- -- -- -- -- SW3_LS_M SW2_LS_M SW1_LS_M Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW RW RW Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- R R R Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1C RW1C RW1C Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW RW RW Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- R R R Name -- -- -- -- -- -- TEMP_INT ONKEY_INT LDO_INT SW3_INT SW3_LS_I SW3_LS_S SW3_HS_I SW3_HS_M SW3_HS_S SW2_LS_I SW2_LS_S SW2_HS_I SW2_HS_M SW2_HS_S SW2_DVS_ DONE_I SW1_LS_I SW1_LS_S SW1_HS_I SW1_HS_M SW1_HS_S SW1_DVS_ DONE_I Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- -- RW1C RW1C Name -- -- -- -- -- -- SW2_DVS_ DONE_M SW1_DVS_ DONE_M Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Type -- -- -- -- -- -- RW RW All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 86 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Address 0x10 0x18 0x19 0x1A 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x24 0x25 0x26 0x28 0x29 0x2A 0x30 0x32 0x33 Register name SW_INT_SENSE2 LDO_INT_STAT0 LDO_INT_MASK0 LDO_INT_SENSE0 TEMP_INT_STAT0 TEMP_INT_MASK0 TEMP_INT_SENSE0 ONKEY_INT_STAT0 ONKEY_INT_MASK0 ONKEY_INT_SENSE0 MISC_INT_STAT0 MISC_INT_MASK0 MISC_INT_SENSE0 BITS[7:0] Name 7 6 5 4 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- SW1_STBY_VOLT PF1510 Product data sheet 0 SW1_DVS_S Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- -- R R Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1C RW1C RW1C Name -- -- -- -- -- LDO3_FAULTM LDO2_FAULTM LDO1_FAULTM Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW RW RW Name -- -- -- -- -- LDO3_FAULTS LDO2_FAULTS LDO1_FAULTS Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- R R R Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1C -- RW1C Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW -- RW Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- R -- R Name -- -- ONKEY_8SI Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- RW1C RW1C RW1C RW1C RW1C RW1C Name -- -- ONKEY_8SM ONKEY_4SI ONKEY_4SM LDO3_FAULTI LDO2_FAULTI THERM125I -- THERM125M -- THERM125S ONKEY_3SI ONKEY_3SM ONKEY_2SI -- ONKEY_1SI ONKEY_2SM ONKEY_1SM LDO1_FAULTI THERM110I THERM110M THERM110S ONKEY_PUSHI ONKEY_ PUSHM Reset 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type -- -- RW RW RW RW RW RW Name -- -- ONKEY_8SS ONKEY_4SS ONKEY_3SS ONKEY_2SS ONKEY_1SS ONKEY_ PUSHS Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- R R R R R R Name -- -- -- SYS_OVLO_I LOW_SYS_ WARN_I PWRON_I PWRDN_I PWRUP_I Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- RW1C RW1C RW1C RW1C RW1C Name -- -- -- PWRON_M PWRDN_M PWRUP_M SYS_OVLO_M LOW_SYS_ WARN_M Reset 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Type -- -- -- RW RW RW RW RW Name -- -- -- SYS_OVLO_S LOW_SYS_ WARN_S PWRON_S PWRDN_S PWRUP_S Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- R R R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- RW RW RW RW RW Name -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S COINCELL_CONTROL Name SW1_VOLT 1 SW2_DVS_S VCOIN[3:0] COINCHEN SW1_VOLT[5:0] SW1_STBY_VOLT[5:0] All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 87 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Address 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x38 0x39 0x3A 0x3B 0x3C 0x3E 0x3F 0x40 0x41 0x42 0x48 0x4A 0x4C Register name SW1_SLP_VOLT SW1_CTRL SW1_CTRL1 SW2_VOLT SW2_STBY_VOLT SW2_SLP_VOLT SW2_CTRL SW2_CTRL1 SW3_VOLT SW3_STBY_VOLT SW3_SLP_VOLT SW3_CTRL SW3_CTRL1 VSNVS_CTRL VREFDDR_CTRL LDO1_VOLT PF1510 Product data sheet BITS[7:0] Name 7 6 -- -- 5 4 3 2 1 0 SW1_SLP_VOLT[5:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name SW1_ RDIS_ENB SW1_FPWM SW1_FPWM_ IN_DVS SW1_ DVSSPEED SW1_LPWR SW1_OMODE SW1_STBY_EN SW1_EN Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type RW1S RW RW RW1S RW RW RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- SW1_TMODE_ SEL -- SW1_ILIM[1:0] -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- RW -- -- RW1S RW1S Name -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name SW2_ RDIS_ENB SW2_FPWM SW2_FPWM_ IN_DVS SW2_VOLT[5:0] SW2_STBY_VOLT[5:0] SW2_SLP_VOLT[5:0] SW2_ DVSSPEED SW2_LPWR SW2_OMODE SW2_STBY_EN SW2_EN Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type RW1S RW RW RW1S RW RW RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- SW2_TMODE_ SEL -- -- SW2_ILIM[1:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- RW -- -- RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name SW3_ RDIS_ENB SW3_FPWM -- SW3_ DVSSPEED SW3_VOLT[3:0] SW3_STBY_VOLT[3:0] SW3_SLP_VOLT[3:0] SW3_LPWR SW3_OMODE SW3_STBY_EN SW3_EN Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type RW1S RW -- RW1S RW RW RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- SW3_TMODE_ SEL -- -- SW3_ILIM[1:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- RW -- -- RW1S RW1S Name -- -- LIBGDIS Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- RW RW RW RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- VREFDDR_ OMODE VREFDDR_ STBY_EN FORCEBOS VSNVS_VOLT[2:0] CLKPULSE VREFDDR_ LPWR VREFDDR_EN Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- RW RW RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LDO1_VOLT[4:0] All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 0 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 88 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Address 0x4D 0x4F 0x50 0x52 0x53 0x58 0x59 015A 0x5B 0x5F 0x60 0x61 0x62 0x63 0x64 0x65 Register name LDO1_CTRL LDO2_VOLT LDO2_CTRL LDO3_VOLT LDO3_CTRL PWRCTRL0 PWRCTRL1 PWRCTRL2 PWRCTRL3 SW1_PWRDN_SEQ SW2_PWRDN_SEQ SW3_PWRDN_SEQ LDO1_PWRDN_SEQ LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ VREFDDR_PWRDN_ S EQ PF1510 Product data sheet BITS[7:0] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Type -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- LDO1_LS_EN LDO1_LPWR LDO1_OMODE LDO1_STB Y_ EN VLDO1_EN Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- RW1S RW RW RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- LDO2_VOLT[3:0] LDO2_LPWR LDO2_OMODE LDO2_STB Y_ EN VLDO2_EN Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- RW RW RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- LDO3_VOLT[4:0] LDO3_LS_EN LDO3_LPWR LDO3_OMODE LDO3_STB Y_ EN VLDO3_EN Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- RW1S RW RW RW1S RW1S Name TGRESET[7:6] POR_DLY[5:3] STANDBYINV STANDBYDLY[1:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Type RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW RW RW Name ONKEY_ RST_EN REGSCPEN RESTARTEN PWRONRSTEN ONKEYDBNC[3:2] PWRONDBNC[1:0] Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Name -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- RW RW RW1S RW1S GOTO_CORE_ OFF -- LOW_SYS_WARN[3:2] -- Name UVDET[1:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 SW1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] SW2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] SW3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] LDO1_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ[2:0] 0 0 0 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 89 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Address 0x67 0x68 0x69 0x6A 0x6B 0x6F Register name STATE_INFO I2C_ADDR IO_DRV0 IO_DRV1 RC_16MHZ KEY1 PF1510 Product data sheet BITS[7:0] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW1S RW1S RW1S Name -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- R R R R R R Name USE_ DEFAULT_ ADDR -- -- -- -- STATE[5:0] I2C_SLAVE_ADDR_LSBS[2:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type RW -- -- -- -- R R R Name -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Name -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Name -- -- -- -- -- REQ_ACORE_ HIPWR REQ_ACORE_ ON REQ_16MHZ Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type -- -- -- -- -- RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW KEY1[7:0] Name All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 90 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 12.4 Additional register bitmap CHGPOK_RSTB [1] VCOREDIG_RSTB [1] [2] [2] Bits reset by invalid VIN Bits reset by invalid VCOREDIG Table 129.Additional register bitmap Address Register name BITS[7:0] 7 0x00 0x02 INT INT_MASK Name 0x09 0x0F 0x14 0x16 0x18 0x1B FRONT_END_ OPER USB_PHY_LDO_ CNFG DBNC_DELAY_ TIME VIN2SYS_CNFG PF1510 Product data sheet RSVD3 RSVD2 1 RSVD1 0 RSVD0 0 0 0 0 0 Type RW1C RW1C RW1C RW1C RW1C RW1C RW1C RW1C Name Name Name RSVD7 1 RW RSVD6 VIN_M RSVD4 1 1 1 RW RSVD7 1 RW RSVD6 0 R RSVD4 0 R RSVD7 RW VIN_OK R RSVD6 VIN2SYS_ SNS RSVD3 RSVD2 1 1 RW RW RSVD3 0 0 R R RSVD2 VIN_OVLO_ VIN_IN2SYS_ SNS SNS RSVD1 RSVD0 1 1 RW RSVD1 RW RSVD0 1 0 0 R R R VIN_UVLO_ SNS RSVD[1:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Type R R R R R R R R Name RSVD4 RSVD[7:5] RSVD3 RSVD2 FRONT_END_ON[1:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW1S RW1S 1 0 1 0 1 1 RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S FRONT_END_REG Name VIN_INLIM_CNFG RSVD4 2 0 Type VIN_SNS VIN_I 3 0 Reset 0x06 RSVD6 4 0 Type INT_OK RSVD7 5 Reset Reset 0x04 6 VSYSMIN[7:6] Reset 0 0 Type RW1S RW1S Name RSVD[5:0] VIN_ILIM[7:3] Reset 0 Type RW1S Name 1 1 RW1S RW1S RSVD[7:6] RSVD[2:0] 0 RW1S 1 RW1S RSVD3 RSVD[5:4] 0 RW USBPHYLDO 0 RW USBPHY 0 RW RSVD0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW1S RW1S RW1S Name RSVD[7:6] SYS_WKUP_DLY[5:4] USB_PHY_TDB[3:2] VIN_OV_TDB[1:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type RW RW RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S RW1S Name VIN2SYS_ THRSH RSVD[7:3] VIN2SYS_TDB[1:0] Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW1S RW1S RW1S All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 91 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 13 Application details 13.1 Example schematic Figure 16 shows a typical schematic of the PF1510 with key external components. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 92 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 1 2 3 4 5 VIN 5.0 V D- DM D+ PHY PWR DP i.MX 7ULP (USB) UID ID GND VIN 2.2 F 25 V 3.3 V USBPHY 1.0 F 6.3 V 37 35 36 39 27 25 SW1IN VSYS 4.7 F 6.3 V SW2IN SW3IN 4.7 F 6.3 V 0.1 F 6.3 V VINREFDDR 1.0 F 6.3 V VLDO1IN 1.0 F 6.3 V VLDO2IN 1.0 F 6.3 V VLDO3IN 1.8 V 1.0 F 6.3 V VDDIO 4.7 k 4.7 k 17 18 14 15 13 LICELL SCL SDA I2C SDA 22 28 20 11 4 3 2 30 21 100 k 100 k 100 k 100 k INTB RESETBMCU POR_B PWRON PMIC_ON_REQ WDI WDOG_B STANDBY PMIC_STBY_REQ 9 19 12 40 23 10 6 5 1 33 7 34 38 VSYS on/off SW1LX 100 k ONKEY 32 8 22 F 10 V VSYS 0.6 V to 1.3785 V @ 1.0 A (DVS) 1.0 H 10 F 6.3 V 10 F 6.3 V VDD_DIG1 SW2FB 1.2 V @ 1.0 A (DVS) SW2LX 1.0 H 10 F 6.3 V 10 F 6.3 V SW3FB VDD_HSIC i.MX 7ULP (CORE) 1.8 V @ 1.0 A SW3LX 1.0 H 10 F 6.3 V 10 F 6.3 V VSNVS 0.47 F 6.3 V 0.5 V to 0.9 V @ 10 mA VREFDDR 1.0 F 6.3 V VLDO2 VLDO3 0.75 V to 3.3 V @ 300 mA 4.7 F 6.3 V 1.8 V to 3.3 V @ 400 mA VDD_PTC VDD_PTD VDD_RTC 0.9 V 1.8 V LPDDR2 1.2 V 3.3 V 1.8 V PERIPHERALS 10 F 6.3 V 0.75 V to 3.3 V @ 300 mA 4.7 F 6.3 V GND VCORE 1.0 F 6.3 V 100 k (interface) INTB (GPIO) SW1FB PF1510 29 VLDO1 24 i.MX 7ULP 4.3 V 22 F 10 V 31 0.1 F 6.3 V I2C SCL VSYS2 26 16 4.7 F 6.3 V VSYS1 VDIG 1.0 F 6.3 V VDDOTP NC NC LDO2P7 2.2 F 6.3 V ICTEST EP GND aaa-028832 Figure 16.Typical schematic 13.2 Bill of materials The table below shows an example bill of materials to be used with the PF1510. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 93 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Table 130.Bill of materials Block Function Description VCORE Analog IC supply CAP CER 1.0 F 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 VDIG Digital IC supply CAP CER 1.0 F 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 LDO2P7 Analog supply CAP CER 2.2 F 6.3 V 20% X5R 0201 1 USBPHY USB PHY output capacitor CAP CER 1.0 F 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 VIN bypass capacitor CAP CER 2.2 F 25 V 20 % X5R 0402 1 VSYS VSYS capacitor 22 F, 10 V, MLCC, X5R 2 VDDIO VDDIO bypass capacitor CAP CER 0.1 uF 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 Buck 1 BUCK1 inductor 1.0 H, +/-20 %, 120 mOhm typ, 1700 mA 1 BUCK1 input capacitor 4.7 F, 6.3 V, MLCC, X5R 1 BUCK1 output capacitor 10 F, 6.3 V, MLCC, X5R 2 BUCK2 inductor 1.0 H, +/-20 %, 120 mOhm typ, 1700 mA 1 BUCK2 input capacitor 4.7 F, 6.3 V, MLCC, X5R 1 BUCK2 output capacitor 10 F, 6.3V, MLCC, X5R 2 BUCK3 inductor 1.0 H, +/-20 %, 120 mOhm typ, 1700 mA 1 BUCK3 input capacitor 4.7 F, 6.3 V, MLCC, X5R 1 BUCK3 output capacitor 10 F, 6.3 V, MLCC, X5R 2 LDO1 input capacitor CAP CER 1.0 F 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 LDO1 output capacitor 4.7 F, 6.3 V, MLCC, X5R 1 LDO2 input capacitor CAP CER 1.0 F 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 LDO2 output capacitor 10 F, 6.3 V, MLCC, X5R 1 LDO3 input capacitor CAP CER 1.0 F 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 LDO3 output capacitor 4.7 F, 6.3 V, MLCC, X5R 1 VREFDDR input capacitor CAP CER 1.0 F 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 VREFDDR output capacitor CAP CER 1.0 F 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 VSNVS VSNVS output capacitor CAP CER 0.47 F 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 LICELL LICELL bypass capacitor CAP CER 0.1 F 6.3 V 20 % X5R 0201 1 VIN Buck 2 Buck 3 LDO1 LDO2 LDO3 VREFDDR Qty 13.3 PF1510 layout guidelines 13.3.1 General board recommendations * It is recommended to use an eight layer board stack-up arranged as follows: - High current signal - GND - Signal - Power - Power - Signal - GND PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 94 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors * Allocate TOP and BOTTOM PCB layers for POWER ROUTING (high current signals), copper-pour the unused area. * Use internal layers sandwiched between two GND planes for the SIGNAL routing. 13.3.2 Component placement It is desirable to keep all component related to the power stage as close to the PMIC as possible, specially decoupling input and output capacitors. 13.3.3 General routing requirements * Some recommended things to keep in mind for manufacturability: - Via in pads require a 4.5 mil minimum annular ring. Pad must be 9.0 mils larger than the hole - Maximum copper thickness for lines less than 5.0 mils wide is 0.6 oz copper - Minimum allowed spacing between line and hole pad is 3.5 mils - Minimum allowed spacing between line and line is 3.0 mils * Care must be taken with SWxFB pins traces. These signals are susceptible to noise and must be routed far away from power, clock, or high power signals, like the ones on the SWxIN, SWxLX. They could be also shielded. * Shield feedback traces of the regulators and keep them as short as possible (trace them on the bottom so the ground and power planes shield these traces). * Avoid coupling traces between important signal/low noise supplies (like VCORE, VDIG) from any switching node (for example, SW1LX, SW2LX, SW3LX). * Make sure that all components related to a specific block are referenced to the corresponding ground. 13.3.4 Parallel routing requirements 2 * I C signal routing - CLK is the fastest signal of the system, so it must be given special care. - To avoid contamination of these delicate signals by nearby high power or high frequency signals, it is a good practice to shield them with ground planes placed on adjacent layers. Make sure the ground plane is uniform throughout the whole signal trace length. - These signals can be placed on an outer layer of the board to reduce their capacitance with respect to the ground plane. - Care must be taken with these signals not to contaminate analog signals, as they are high frequency signals. Another good practice is to trace them perpendicularly on different layers, so there is a minimum area of proximity between signals. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 95 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors DO Signal DON'T Signal Ground plane Ground planes aaa-023891 Figure 17.Recommended shielding for critical signals 13.3.5 Switching regulator layout recommendations * Per design, the switching regulators in PF1510 are designed to operate with only one input bulk capacitor. However, it is recommended to add a high frequency filter input capacitor (CIN_hf), to filter out any noise at the regulator input. This capacitor should be in the range of 100 nF and should be placed right next to or under the IC, closest to the IC pins. * Make high-current ripple traces low-inductance (short, high W/L ratio). * Make high-current traces wide or copper islands. VIN SWxIN CIN_HF Driver controller CIN SWxLX L COUT Compensation SWxFB aaa-023892 Figure 18.Generic buck regulator architecture PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 96 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Route FB trace on any layer away from noisy nodes VIN GND COUT CIN SWxFB VOUT CIN_HF SWxIN Inductor SWxLX aaa-023893 Figure 19.Layout example for buck regulators 13.4 Thermal information 13.4.1 Rating data The thermal rating data of the packages has been simulated with the results listed in Table 3 . Junction to Ambient Thermal Resistance Nomenclature: the JEDEC specification reserves the symbol RJA or JA (Theta-JA) strictly for junction-to-ambient thermal resistance on a 1s test board in natural convection environment. RJMA or JMA (ThetaJMA) is used for both junction-to-ambient on a 2s2p test board in natural convection and for junction-to-ambient with forced convection on both 1s and 2s2p test boards. It is anticipated that the generic name, Theta-JA, continues to be commonly used. The JEDEC standards can be consulted at 13.4.2 Estimation of junction temperature An estimation of the chip junction temperature TJ can be obtained from the equation: TJ= TA+ (RJA x PD) with: TA = Ambient temperature for the package in C RJA = Junction to ambient thermal resistance in C/W PD= Power dissipation in the package in W The junction to ambient thermal resistance is an industry standard value that provides a quick and easy estimation of thermal performance. Unfortunately, there are two values in common usage: the value determined on a single layer board RJA and the value obtained on a four layer board RJMA. Actual application PCBs show a performance close to the simulated four layer board value although this may be somewhat degraded in case of significant power dissipated by other components placed close to the device. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 97 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors At a known board temperature, the junction temperature TJ is estimated using the following equation TJ= TB+ (RJBx PD) with TB = Board temperature at the package perimeter in C RJB = Junction to board thermal resistance in C/W PD = Power dissipation in the package in W 14 Packaging information The PF1510 uses a 40 QFN 5.0 mm x 5.0 mm with exposed pad, case number 98ASA00913D. 14.1 Packaging description This drawing is available for download at Consult the most recently issued drawing before initiating or completing a design. PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 98 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 99 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 100 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Figure 20.PF1510 Package dimensions PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 101 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 15 Revision history Table 131.Revision history Document ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes PF1510 v.3.0 20200407 Data sheet: product CIN 202004001I PF1510 v.2.0 Modifications * Table 1: added MC32PF1510A0EP and MC34PF1510A0EP (non-programmed parts) PF1510 v.2.0 20190524 Modifications * Changed data sheet status from advanced information to product * Table 2, pin 38 - Changed Recommended connection from "Bypass with 1.0 capacitor to ground" to "Bypass with 2.2 F capacitor to ground mandatory" - Changed Recommended connection when not used from "Leave floating" to "Bypass with 2.2 F capacitor to ground mandatory" * Section 7.5 - Changed "It derives its power from either VSYS or a coin cell (only if the COIN_CELL bit is set)." to "It derives its power from either VSYS or a coin cell." - Changed "Upon subsequent removal of VSYS, with the coin cell attached and COIN_ CELL set, VSNVS..." to "Upon subsequent removal of VSYS, with the coin cell attached, VSNVS..." * Table 45 - Changed VIL max from "0.2 * VSNVS" to "0.4" - Changed VIH min from "0.8 * VSNVS" to "1.4" * Added Table 46 * Added Table 47 * Table 49 - Changed VIL max from "0.2 * VSYS" to "0.4" - Changed VIH min from "0.8 * VSYS" to "1.4" - Changed "3.6" to "4.8" * Figure 15 - Removed step-down from VSYS and VSNVS lines * Figure 16 - Terminal 38, changed capacitor value from 1.0 F to 2.2 F * Table 125 - Changed USBPHYLDO description from "0 -- Enabled" to "1 -- Enabled" PF1510 v.1.0 20180523 PF1510 Product data sheet Data sheet: product Data sheet: advance information CIN 201904034I -- All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 PF1510 v.1.0 -- (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 102 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors 16 Legal information 16.1 Data sheet status Document status [1][2] Product status [3] Definition Objective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development. Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification. Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specification. [1] [2] [3] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design. The term 'short data sheet' is explained in section "Definitions". The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. 16.2 Definitions Draft -- The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. Short data sheet -- A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local NXP Semiconductors sales office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail. Product specification -- The information and data provided in a Product data sheet shall define the specification of the product as agreed between NXP Semiconductors and its customer, unless NXP Semiconductors and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the NXP Semiconductors product is deemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the Product data sheet. 16.3 Disclaimers Limited warranty and liability -- Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. NXP Semiconductors takes no responsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of NXP Semiconductors. In no event shall NXP Semiconductors be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation - lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory. Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NXP Semiconductors' aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of NXP Semiconductors. Right to make changes -- NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without PF1510 Product data sheet Suitability for use -- NXP Semiconductors products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. NXP Semiconductors and its suppliers accept no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer's own risk. Applications -- Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products, and NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer's sole responsibility to determine whether the NXP Semiconductors product is suitable and fit for the customer's applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer's third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products. NXP Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer's applications or products, or the application or use by customer's third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer's applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer's third party customer(s). NXP does not accept any liability in this respect. Limiting values -- Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper) operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device. Terms and conditions of commercial sale -- NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at, unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. NXP Semiconductors hereby expressly objects to applying the customer's general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of NXP Semiconductors products by customer. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 103 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors No offer to sell or license -- Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Export control -- This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities. Non-automotive qualified products -- Unless this data sheet expressly states that this specific NXP Semiconductors product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of nonautomotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications. In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without NXP Semiconductors' warranty of the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever PF1510 Product data sheet customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors' specifications such use shall be solely at customer's own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies NXP Semiconductors for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors' standard warranty and NXP Semiconductors' product specifications. Translations -- A non-English (translated) version of a document is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions. 16.4 Trademarks Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. NXP -- is a trademark of NXP B.V. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 104 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Tables Tab. 1. Tab. 2. Tab. 3. Tab. 4. Tab. 5. Tab. 6. Tab. 7. Tab. 8. Tab. 9. Tab. 10. Tab. 11. Tab. 12. Tab. 13. Tab. 14. Tab. 15. Tab. 16. Tab. 17. Tab. 18. Tab. 19. Tab. 20. Tab. 21. Tab. 22. Tab. 23. Tab. 24. Tab. 25. Tab. 26. Tab. 27. Tab. 28. Tab. 29. Tab. 30. Tab. 31. Tab. 32. Tab. 33. Tab. 34. Tab. 35. Tab. 36. Tab. 37. Tab. 38. Tab. 39. Tab. 40. Tab. 41. Tab. 42. Tab. 43. Tab. 44. Tab. 45. Tab. 46. Tab. 47. Tab. 48. Tab. 49. Tab. 50. Tab. 51. Tab. 52. Tab. 53. Tab. 54. Orderable part variations ...................................6 Pin description ...................................................8 Thermal ratings ................................................. 9 Maximum ratings ............................................. 10 Front-end LDO ................................................ 12 Input currents .................................................. 12 Switch impedances and leakage currents ....... 13 Watchdog timer ............................................... 13 Internal 2.7 V Regulator (LDO2P7) ................. 13 USBPHY LDO ................................................. 13 SW1 and SW2 electrical characteristics ..........14 SW3 electrical characteristics ......................... 16 LDO1 electrical characteristics ........................17 LDO2 electrical characteristics ........................18 LDO3 electrical characteristics ........................19 VREFDDR electrical characteristics ................ 20 VSNVS electrical characteristics ..................... 20 IC level electrical characteristics ..................... 21 Voltage regulators ........................................... 22 SWx DVS setting selection ............................. 24 Buck regulator operating modes ..................... 25 Buck mode control .......................................... 26 SW1 and SW2 output voltage setting ..............27 Acceptable inductance and capacitance values .............................................................. 29 Example inductor part numbers ...................... 29 Example capacitor part numbers .....................29 SW3 buck regulator operating modes ............. 30 SW3 buck mode control ..................................30 SW3 output voltage setting ............................. 31 Acceptable inductance and capacitance values .............................................................. 32 Example inductor part numbers ...................... 32 Example capacitor part numbers .....................32 LDOy output voltage setting ............................34 LDOy control bits ............................................ 35 LDO2 output voltage setting ............................37 LDO2 control bits ............................................ 38 Front-end regulator register .............................41 VSYSMIN setting ............................................ 42 VIN current limit register ................................. 42 VIN limit settings ............................................. 42 PWRON pin OTP configuration options .......... 43 PWRON pin logic level ....................................43 PWRONDBNC settings ................................... 44 Standby pin polarity control .............................44 STANDBY pin logic level ................................ 44 RESETBMCU pin logic level ........................... 45 INTB pin logic level ......................................... 45 WDI pin logic level .......................................... 46 ONKEY pin logic level .....................................46 ONKEYDBNC settings .................................... 46 State transition table ....................................... 50 A4 startup and power down sequence timing ...53 PF1510 start up configuration ......................... 53 Register DEVICE_ID - ADDR 0x00 .................55 PF1510 Product data sheet Tab. 55. Tab. 56. Tab. 57. Tab. 58. Tab. 59. Tab. 60. Tab. 61. Tab. 62. Tab. 63. Tab. 64. Tab. 65. Tab. 66. Tab. 67. Tab. 68. Tab. 69. Tab. 70. Tab. 71. Tab. 72. Tab. 73. Tab. 74. Tab. 75. Tab. 76. Tab. 77. Tab. 78. Tab. 79. Tab. 80. Tab. 81. Tab. 82. Tab. 83. Tab. 84. Tab. 85. Tab. 86. Tab. 87. Tab. 88. Tab. 89. Tab. 90. Tab. 91. Tab. 92. Tab. 93. Tab. 94. Tab. 95. Tab. 96. Tab. 97. Tab. 98. Tab. 99. Tab. 100. Tab. 101. Tab. 102. Tab. 103. Tab. 104. Tab. 105. Tab. 106. Tab. 107. Register OTP_FLAVOR - ADDR 0x01 ............ 55 Register SILICON_REV - ADDR 0x02 ............ 55 Register INT_CATEGORY - ADDR 0x06 ........ 56 Register SW_INT_STAT0 - ADDR 0x08 ......... 56 Register SW_INT_MASK0 - ADDR 0x09 ........ 57 Register SW_INT_SENSE0 - ADDR 0x0A ...... 57 Register SW_INT_STAT1 - ADDR 0x0B ......... 58 Register SW_INT_MASK1 - ADDR 0x0C ........58 Register SW_INT_SENSE1 - ADDR 0x0D ......58 Register SW_INT_STAT2 - ADDR 0x0E ......... 59 Register SW_INT_MASK2 - ADDR 0x0F ........ 59 Register SW_INT_SENSE2 - ADDR 0x10 ...... 60 Register LDO_INT_STAT0 - ADDR 0x18 ........60 Register LDO_INT_MASK0 - ADDR 0x19 .......60 Register LDO_INT_SENSE0 - ADDR 0x1A .... 61 Register TEMP_INT_STAT0 - ADDR 0x20 ..... 61 Register TEMP_INT_MASK0 - ADDR 0x21 .... 61 Register TEMP_INT_SENSE0 - ADDR 0x22 ...62 Register ONKEY_INT_STAT0 - ADDR 0x24 ... 62 Register ONKEY_INT_MASK0 - ADDR 0x25 .................................................................63 Register ONKEY_INT_SENSE0 - ADDR 0x26 .................................................................63 Register MISC_INT_STAT0 - ADDR 0x28 ...... 64 Register MISC_INT_MASK0- ADDR 0x29 ...... 65 Register MISC_INT_SENSE0 - ADDR 0x2A ... 65 Register COINCELL_CONTROL - ADDR 0x30 .................................................................66 Register SW1_VOLT - ADDR 0x32 .................66 Register SW1_STBY_VOLT - ADDR 0x33 ......66 Register SW1_SLP_VOLT - ADDR 0x34 ........ 67 Register SW1_CTRL - ADDR 0x35 .................67 Register SW1_SLP_VOLT - ADDR 0x36 ........ 68 Register SW2_VOLT - ADDR 0x38 .................68 Register SW2_STBY_VOLT - ADDR 0x39 ......68 Register SW2_SLP_VOLT - ADDR 0x3A ........69 Register SW2_CTRL - ADDR 0x3B ................ 69 Register SW2_CTRL1 - ADDR 0x3C .............. 70 Register SW3_VOLT - ADDR 0x3E ................ 70 Register SW3_STBY_VOLT - ADDR 0x3F ..... 70 Register SW3_SLP_VOLT - ADDR 0x40 ........ 71 Register SW3_CTRL - ADDR 0x41 .................71 Register SW3_CTRL1 - ADDR 0x42 ...............72 Register VSNVS_CTRL - ADDR 0x48 ............ 72 Register VREFDDR_CTRL - ADDR 0x4A ....... 72 Register LDO1_VOLT - ADDR 0x4C .............. 73 Register LDO1_CTRL - ADDR 0x4D .............. 73 Register LDO2_VOLT - ADDR 0x4F ...............73 Register LDO2_CTRL - ADDR 0x50 ............... 73 Register LDO3_VOLT - ADDR 0x52 ............... 74 Register LDO3_CTRL - ADDR 0x53 ............... 74 Register PWRCTRL0 - ADDR 0x58 ................ 75 Register PWRCTRL1 - ADDR 0x59 ................ 75 Register PWRCTRL2 - ADDR 0x5A ................76 Register PWRCTRL3 - ADDR 0x5B ................76 Register SW1_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x5F ... 77 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 105 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Tab. 108. Register SW2_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x60 ... 77 Tab. 109. Register SW2_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x61 ... 78 Tab. 110. Register LDO1_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x62 .................................................................78 Tab. 111. Register LDO2_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x63 .................................................................79 Tab. 112. Register LDO3_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x64 .................................................................79 Tab. 113. Register VREFDDR_PWRDN_SEQ - ADDR 0x65 .................................................................80 Tab. 114. Register STATE_INFO - ADDR 0x67 ..............80 Tab. 115. Register I2C_ADDR - ADDR 0x68 .................. 80 Tab. 116. Register RC_16MHZ - ADDR 0x6B ................ 81 Tab. 117. Register KEY1 - ADDR 0x6B ..........................81 Tab. 118. Register INT - ADDR 0x00 ..............................81 Tab. 119. Tab. 120. Tab. 121. Tab. 122. Tab. 123. Tab. 124. Tab. 125. Tab. 127. Tab. 128. Tab. 129. Tab. 130. Tab. 131. Register INT_MASK - ADDR 0x02 ..................81 Register INT_OK - ADDR 0x04 .......................82 Register VIN_SNS - ADDR 0x06 .................... 82 Register FRONT_END_OPER- ADDR 0x09 ... 83 Register FRONT_END_REG - ADDR 0x0F .... 83 Register VIN_INLIM_CNFG - ADDR 0x14 ...... 83 Register USB_PHY_LDO_CNFG - ADDR 0x16 .................................................................84 Register DBNC_DELAY_TIME - ADDR 0x18 .................................................................85 Register VIN2SYS_CNFG - ADDR 0x1B ........ 85 Register PMIC bitmap ..................................... 86 Additional register bitmap ................................91 Bill of materials ................................................94 Revision history ............................................. 102 Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. Fig. 19. Fig. 20. VSNVS block diagram .....................................39 Startup sequence ............................................ 41 I2C sequence .................................................. 47 PMIC state machine ........................................48 A4 startup and power down sequence ............ 53 Typical schematic ............................................93 Recommended shielding for critical signals .....96 Generic buck regulator architecture ................ 96 Layout example for buck regulators ................ 97 PF1510 Package dimensions ..........................99 Tab. 126. Figures Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Application diagram ...........................................3 Functional block diagram .................................. 4 Internal block diagram .......................................5 Pinout diagram .................................................. 7 SWx DVS transitions .......................................24 SWx DVS and non-DVS selection ...................25 SW3 block diagram .........................................29 LDOy Block Diagram .......................................34 LDO2 block diagram ....................................... 37 VREFDDR block diagram ............................... 39 PF1510 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 106 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Contents 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 3 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 7 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 7.2.7 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 7.3.6 General description ............................................ 1 Features and benefits ........................................1 Applications ........................................................2 Application diagram ............................................3 Functional block diagram ...................................4 Internal block diagram ....................................... 5 Orderable parts ................................................... 5 Pinning information ............................................ 7 Pinning ............................................................... 7 Pin definitions .................................................... 8 General product characteristics ........................ 9 Thermal characteristics ......................................9 Absolute maximum ratings .............................. 10 Electrical characteristics .................................. 12 Electrical characteristics - Front-end LDO .......12 Electrical characteristics - SW1 and SW2 ....... 14 Electrical characteristics - SW3 ...................... 16 Electrical characteristics - LDO1 .....................17 Electrical characteristics - LDO2 .....................18 Electrical characteristics - LDO3 .....................19 Electrical characteristics - VREFDDR ............. 20 Electrical characteristics - VSNVS .................. 20 Electrical characteristics - IC level bias currents ............................................................ 21 Detailed description ..........................................22 Buck regulators ................................................23 SW1 and SW2 detailed description ................. 24 SWx dynamic voltage scaling description ........ 24 SWx DVS and non-DVS operation .................. 25 Regulator control ............................................. 25 Current limit protection .................................... 26 Output voltage setting in SWx ......................... 26 SWx external components ...............................29 SW3 detailed description .................................29 Regulator control ............................................. 30 Current limit protection .................................... 31 Output voltage setting in SW3 ......................... 31 SW3 external components .............................. 32 Low dropout linear regulators, VREFDDR and VSNVS ........................................................ 33 General description ..........................................33 LDO1 and LDO3 detailed description .............. 33 Features summary ...........................................33 LDOy block diagram ........................................ 34 LDOy external components ............................. 34 LDOy output voltage setting ............................ 34 LDOy low power mode operation .................... 35 LDOy current limit protection ........................... 35 LDOy load switch mode .................................. 36 LDO2 detailed description ............................... 36 LDO2 features summary ................................. 36 LDO2 block diagram ........................................37 LDO2 external components ............................. 37 LDO2 output voltage setting ............................ 37 LDO2 Low-power mode operation ...................38 LDO2 current limit protection ...........................38 PF1510 Product data sheet 7.4 7.5 8 8.1 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.7.1 9.7.2 10 10.1 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.1.3 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 11 11.1 11.2 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.3.1 13.3.2 13.3.3 13.3.4 13.3.5 13.4 13.4.1 13.4.2 14 14.1 15 16 VREFDDR reference ....................................... 38 VSNVS LDO/Switch .........................................39 Front-end LDO description .............................. 40 Operating modes and behavioral description ... 41 Control and interface signals .......................... 43 PWRON ........................................................... 43 STANDBY ........................................................ 44 RESETBMCU .................................................. 45 INTB .................................................................45 WDI .................................................................. 46 ONKEY ............................................................ 46 Control interface I2C block description ............ 47 I2C device ID ...................................................47 I2C operation ................................................... 47 PF1510 state machine ...................................... 48 System ON states ........................................... 48 Run state ......................................................... 48 STANDBY state ............................................... 49 SLEEP state .................................................... 49 System OFF states ..........................................49 REGS_DISABLE ..............................................49 CORE_OFF ..................................................... 50 Turn on events ................................................ 50 Turn off events ................................................ 50 State diagram and transition conditions ...........50 Regulator power-up sequencer ....................... 51 Regulator power-down sequencer ................... 52 Device start up .................................................. 52 Startup timing diagram .................................... 52 Device start up configuration ........................... 53 Register map ..................................................... 55 Specific PMIC Registers (Offset is 0x00) .........55 Specific Registers (Offset is 0x80) ...................81 Register PMIC bitmap ..................................... 86 Additional register bitmap ................................ 91 Application details ............................................ 92 Example schematic ..........................................92 Bill of materials ................................................ 93 PF1510 layout guidelines ................................ 94 General board recommendations .................... 94 Component placement .....................................95 General routing requirements .......................... 95 Parallel routing requirements ...........................95 Switching regulator layout recommendations ...96 Thermal information .........................................97 Rating data ...................................................... 97 Estimation of junction temperature .................. 97 Packaging information ..................................... 98 Packaging description ......................................98 Revision history .............................................. 102 Legal information ............................................ 103 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 3 -- 7 April 2020 (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. 107 / 108 PF1510 NXP Semiconductors Power management integrated circuit (PMIC) for low power application processors Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s) described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'. (c) NXP B.V. 2020. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit: For sales office addresses, please send an email to: Date of release: 7 April 2020 Document identifier: PF1510