8/26/13 1-1337458-1 Product Details - TE T E C onnec tivity My C art | My Part Lists | Sign In/Register Have a Question? What can we help you find? C hat with a P roduc t I nformation Spec ialis t Products Industries Resources About TE My Account 1-1337458-1 Product Details Compliance) Product Highlights: TE Internal Number: 1-1337458-1 A c tive Print Support Center Email Quick Links Converted to EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of 1-1337458-1 Innovation Share BNC RF Connectors English (C hange) P ric ing & A vailability Searc h for T ooling P roduc t Feature Selec tor C ontac t U s A bout T his P roduc t A dapter Body Style = T ee N ot Surfac e M ountable P rofes s ional G rade C onnec tor I mpedanc e = 7 5 V iew all Features A dd to M y P art L is t Reques t Sample Find Similar P roduc ts Buy P roduc t Documentation & A dditional Inf ormation Product Drawings: BN C T E E A D A P T O R J - P - J 5 0 O H M A N D 7 5 O H M V E RSI O N S (P D F, E nglis h) Related Products: T ooling Catalog Pages/Data Sheets: N one A vailable Product Specif ications: N one A vailable A pplication Specif ications: N one A vailable Instruction Sheets: N one A vailable CA D Files: N one A vailable L is t all D oc uments www.te.com/catalog/pn/en/1-1337458-1?RQPN=1-1337458-1 1/3 8/26/13 1-1337458-1 Product Details - TE Product Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity) Product Type Features: P roduc t T ype = A dapter Contact Features: C enter C ontac t M aterial = Bras s G rade = P rofes s ional C enter C ontac t P lating = G old A dapter T ype = J ac k- P lug- J ac k Industry Standards: G overnment/I ndus try Q ualific ation = N o Sealed = N o I s olated = N o D ielec tric M aterial = P T FE RoH S/E L V C omplianc e = RoH S c ompliant, E L V c ompliant C oupling N ut M aterial = Bras s L ead Free Solder P roc es s es = N ot relevant for lead free proc es s RoH S/E L V C omplianc e H is tory = C onverted to c omply with RoH S direc tive Mechanical A ttachment: Surfac e M ountable = N o P anel M ount Retention = Without Electrical Characteristics: C onnec tor I mpedanc e () = 7 5 Environmental: O perating T emperature (M ax.) (C ) = 1 6 5 Packaging Features: P ac kaging M ethod = I ndividual Frequenc y = D C - 4 G H z P ac kaging Q uantity = 5 0 Body Features: Body Style = T ee Other: Body M aterial = Bras s Brand = G reenpar Body P lating = N ic kel P olarized = N o G as ket M aterial = White Silic one Rubber Corporate Information Quick Links Customer Support A bout T E D is tributor I nventory E mail or C hat With U s I nves tors P roduc t C ros s Referenc e Find a P hone N umber N ews Room D oc uments & D rawings Knowledge Bas e Supplier P ortal P roduc t C omplianc e Support C enter M anage Y our A c c ount C areers Site M ap T erms & C onditions P rivac y P olic y Keep Me Informed Rec eive T E N ews , E vents & T ec hnology U pdates Ente r your e m ail addre ss www.te.com/catalog/pn/en/1-1337458-1?RQPN=1-1337458-1 2/3 8/26/13 1-1337458-1 Product Details - TE (c) 2 0 1 3 T yc o E lec tronic s C orporation, a T E C onnec tivity L td. c ompany. A ll Rights Res erved www.te.com/catalog/pn/en/1-1337458-1?RQPN=1-1337458-1 P rovide Webs ite Feedbac k 3/3