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Product Feat ures (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)
Product Type Features:
P roduc t T ype = A dapter
Grade = P rofes s ional
A dapter T ype = Jac k-P lug- Jac k
Sealed = N o
I s olated = N o
Dielec tric M aterial = P T FE
C oupling N ut M aterial = Bras s
Mechanical At tachment :
Surfac e M ountable = N o
P anel M ount Retention = Without
Electrical Characteristics:
C onnec tor I mpedanc e (Ω) = 7 5
Frequenc y = DC - 4 G H z
Body Features:
Body Style = T ee
Body M aterial = Bras s
Body P lating = N ic kel
P olarized = N o
Gas ket M aterial = White Silic one Rubber
Contact Features:
C enter C ontac t M aterial = Bras s
C enter C ontac t P lating = Gold
Industry Standards:
Government/I ndus try Q ualific ation = N o
RoH S/E L V C omplianc e = RoH S c ompliant, EL V c ompliant
Lead Free Solder P roc es s es = N ot relevant for lead free
proc es s
RoH S/E L V C omplianc e H is tory = C onverted to c omply
with RoH S direc tive
O perating T emperature (M ax.) (°C ) = 1 6 5
Packaging Features:
P ac kaging M ethod = I ndividual
P ac kaging Q uantity = 5 0
Brand = G reenpar