ADC088S022 Converter Electrical Characteristics(1) (continued)
The following specifications apply for VA= VD= +2.7V to +5.25V, AGND = DGND = 0V, fSCLK = 0.8 MHz to 3.2 MHz, fSAMPLE =
50 ksps to 200 ksps, and CL= 50pF, unless otherwise noted. Boldface limits apply for TA= TMIN to TMAX: all other limits TA
= 25°C.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical Limits(2) Units
2.7 V (min)
VA, VDAnalog and Digital Supply Voltages VA≥VD5.25 V (max)
VA= VD= +2.7V to +3.6V, 0.3 0.74 mA (max)
fSAMPLE = 200 kSPS, fIN = 40 kHz
Total Supply Current Normal Mode
(CS low) VA= VD= +4.75V to +5.25V, 1.1 1.55 mA (max)
fSAMPLE = 200 kSPS, fIN = 40 kHz
IA+ IDVA= VD= +2.7V to +3.6V, 10 nA
fSCLK = 0 ksps
Total Supply Current Shutdown Mode
(CS high) VA= VD= +4.75V to +5.25V, 30 nA
fSCLK = 0 ksps
VA= VD= +3.0V, fSAMPLE = 200 kSPS, 0.9 2.2 mW (max)
fIN = 40 kHz
Power Consumption Normal Mode
(CS low) VA= VD= +5.0V, fSAMPLE = 200 kSPS, 5.5 7.8 mW (max)
PCfIN = 40 kHz
VA= VD= +3.0V, fSCLK = 0 ksps 0.03 µW
Power Consumption Shutdown Mode
(CS high) VA= VD= +5.0V, fSCLK = 0 ksps 0.15 µW
fSCLKMIN Minimum Clock Frequency 0.8 MHz (min)
fSCLK Maximum Clock Frequency 16 3.2 MHz (max)
50 ksps (min)
Sample Rate
fSContinuous Mode 1000 200 ksps (max)
tCONVERT Conversion (Hold) Time 13 SCLK cycles
30 40 % (min)
DC SCLK Duty Cycle 70 60 % (max)
tACQ Acquisition (Track) Time 3SCLK cycles
Throughput Time Acquisition Time + Conversion Time 16 SCLK cycles
tAD Aperture Delay 4 ns
ADC088S022 Timing Specifications
The following specifications apply for VA= VD= +2.7V to 5.25V, AGND = DGND = 0V, fSCLK = 0.8 MHz to 3.2 MHz, fSAMPLE =
50 ksps to 200 ksps, and CL= 50pF. Boldface limits apply for TA= TMIN to TMAX: all other limits TA= 25°C.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical Limits(1) Units
tCSH CS Hold Time after SCLK Rising Edge 0 10 ns (min)
tCSS CS Setup Time prior to SCLK Rising Edge 5 10 ns (min)
tEN CS Falling Edge to DOUT enabled 5 30 ns (max)
tDACC DOUT Access Time after SCLK Falling Edge 17 27 ns (max)
tDHLD DOUT Hold Time after SCLK Falling Edge 4 ns (typ)
tDS DIN Setup Time prior to SCLK Rising Edge 3 10 ns (min)
tDH DIN Hold Time after SCLK Rising Edge 3 10 ns (min)
tCH SCLK High Time 0.4 x tSCLK ns (min)
tCL SCLK Low Time 0.4 x tSCLK ns (min)
DOUT falling 2.4 20 ns (max)
tDIS CS Rising Edge to DOUT High-Impedance DOUT rising 0.9 20 ns (max)
(1) Tested limits are ensured to AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level).
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