3M™ Heat Shrink Tubing FP-301
Flexible, Polyolefin
Data Sheet July 2010
3M™ Heat Shrink Tubing FP-301 offe rs an outstanding balance of electrical,
physical and chemical properties for a wide variety of industrial and military
applications. Rated for 135°C continuous ope ration, all FP-301 tubing is split
resistant, mechanically tough, easily marke d and resists cold flow.
FP-301 tubing is rated for contin uous operation at -55°C (-67°F ) to 135° C (275°F),
and is designed to withsta nd elevated temperatures to 300°C (57 2°F) for short
periods. Minimum shrin k tempe rature for all FP-3 01 tubing is 100°C (212°F ).
Agency Approvals &
Self Certifications
Meets requirements of:
• SAE-AMS-DTL-23053/5, Class 1, Class 2 (Clear)*
• AMS-3636, AMS-3637
• UL Recognized, File E-39100, at 600 volts maximum @ 125°C
• CSA Certified, CSA LR38227, at 600 volts maximum @ 125°C
*Formerly MIL-I-23053/5 and MIL-DTL-23053/5
FP-301 tubing is typically used as a shrink-fit electri cal insulation over cable splices
and terminations. It is also used fo r lightweight wire harness covering, wire
marking, wire bundling, compone nt packaging and fire-resistant covering.
Shrink Ratio
FP-301 tubing has a 2:1 shrink ratio. When freely recovered, the tubing will shrink
to 50% of its as-supplied internal diameter. The re covered wall thickness is
proportional to the degree of recovery.
Standard Sizes and
Expanded I.D.
In. (mm)
Recovered I.D.
In. (mm)
Recovered Wall
Thickness (Nominal)
In. (mm)
3/64 .046 (1,17) .023 (0,58) .016 (0,41)
1/16 .063 (1,60) .031 (0,79) .017 (0,43)
3/32 .093 2,36) .046 (1,17) .020 (0,51)
1/8 .125 (3,18) .062 (1,57) .020 (0,51)
3/16 .187 (4,75) .093 (2,36) .020 (0,51)
1/4 .250 (6,35) .125 (3,18) .025 (0,64)
3/8 .375 (9,53) .187 (4,75) .025 (0,64)
1/2 .500 (12,70) .250 (6,35) .025 (0,64)
3/4 .750 (19,05) .375 (9,53) .030 (0,76)
1 1.000 (25,40) .500 (12,70) .035 (0,89)
1-1/2 1,500 (38,10) .750 (19,05) .040 (1,02)
2 2.000 (50,80) 1.000 (25,40) .045 (1,14)
3 3.000 (76,20) 1.500 (38,10) .050 (1,27)
4 4.000 (101,60) 2.000 (50,80) .055 (1,40)
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