Precision Edge®
Micrel, Inc.
hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690
TA = –40°CT
A = +25°CT
A = +85°C
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VIN Input Voltage Range 0 —2.4 0 —2.4 0 —2.4 V
VID Differential Input Swing 100 ——100 ——100 ——mV
IIL Input Low Current(1) –1.25 ——–1.25 ——–1.25 ——mA
RIN LVDS Differential Input Resistance 80 100 120 80 100 120 80 100 120 Ω
LVDS Input (VCC = 2.37V to 3.6V, GND = 0V)
TA = –40°CT
A = +25°CT
A = +85°C
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VCCI, Power Supply(1) 2.37 —3.6 2.37 —3.8 2.37 —3.6 V
ICC Total Supply Current(2) —100 150 —100 150 —100 150 mA
Power Supply
TA = –40°CT
A = +25°CT
A = +85°C
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit
VIH Input HIGH Voltage VCC – 1.165 VCC – 0.88 VCC – 1.165 VCC – 0.88 VCC – 1.165 VCC – 0.88 V
(Single ended)
VIL Input LOW Voltage VCC – 1.945 VCC – 1.625 VCC – 1.945 VCC – 1.625 VCC – 1.945 VCC – 1.625 V
VPP Minimum Input Swing(1) 600 —600 —600 —mV
VCMR Common Mode Range(2) –1.5 –0.4 –1.5 –0.4 –1.5 –0.4 V
VOH Output HIGH Voltage(3) VCCO – 1.085 VCCO – 0.880 VCCO – 1.025 VCCO – 0.880 VCCO – 1.025 VCCO – 0.880 V
VOL Output LOW Voltage(3) VCCO – 1.830 VCCO – 1.555 VCCO – 1.810 VCCO – 1.620 VCCO – 1.810 VCCO – 1.620 V
IIH Input HIGH Current —150 —150 —150 µA
IIL Input LOW Current 0.5 —0.5 —0.5 —µA
LVPECL Input/Output (VCC = 2.37V to 3.6V, GND = 0V)
1. The VPP (min.) is defined as the minimum input differential voltage which will cause no increase in the propagation delay.
2. VCMR is defined as the range within which the VIH level may vary, with the device still meeting the propagation delay specification. The numbers in the table are
referenced to VCCI. The VIL level must be such that the peak-to-peak voltage is less than 1.0V and greater than or equal to VPP (min.). The lower end of the
CMR range varies 1:1 with VCCI. The VCMR (min) will be fixed at 3.3V – |VCMR (min)|.
3. Outputs loaded with 50Ω to VCC -2V.
1. VCCI and VCCO must be connected together on the PCB such that they remain at the same potential. VCCI and VCCO are not internally connected on the die.
2. No load. Outputs floating.
TA = –40°CT
A = +25°CT
A = +85°C
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 ——2.0 ——2.0 ——V
VIL Input LOW Voltage ——0.8 ——0.8 ——0.8 V
IIH Input HIGH Current +20 —–250 +20 —–250 +20 —–250 µA
IIL Input LOW Current ——–600 ——–600 ——–600 µA
LVCMOS/LVTTL Control Inputs (OE, CLK_SEL) (VCC = 2.37V to 3.6V, GND = 0V)
1. For IIL, both LVDS inputs are grounded.