ESMT M12L32321A SDRAM 512K x 32Bit x 2Banks Synchronous DRAM FEATURES z z z z z z z z z GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M12L32321A is 33,554,432 bits synchronous high data rate Dynamic RAM organized as 2 x 524,288 words by 32 bits, fabricated with high performance CMOS technology. Synchronous design allows precise cycle control with the use of system clock I/O transactions are possible on every clock cycle. Range of operating frequencies, programmable burst length and programmable latencies allow the same device to be useful for a variety of high bandwidth, high performance memory system applications. JEDEC standard 3.3V power supply LVTTL compatible with multiplexed address Dual banks operation MRS cycle with address key programs CAS Latency (2 & 3 ) Burst Length (1, 2, 4, 8 & full page) Burst Type (Sequential & Interleave) All inputs are sampled at the positive going edge of the system clock Burst Read Single-bit Write operation DQM for masking Auto & self refresh 64ms refresh period (4K cycle) ORDERING INFORMATION Product ID Max Freq. Package Comments M12L32321A-5.5BG 183MHz 90 FBGA Pb-free M12L32321A-6BG 166MHz 90 FBGA Pb-free M12L32321A-7BG 143MHz 90 FBGA Pb-free PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) 90 Ball FBGA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A DQ26 DQ24 VSS VDD DQ23 DQ21 B DQ28 VDDQ VSSQ VDDQ VSSQ DQ19 C VSSQ DQ27 DQ25 DQ22 DQ20 VDDQ D VSSQ DQ29 DQ30 DQ17 DQ18 VDDQ E VDDQ DQ31 NC NC DQ16 VSSQ F VSS DQM3 A3 A2 DQM2 VDD G A4 A5 A6 A10 A0 A1 H A7 A8 NC NC NC NC J CLK CKE A9 BA CS RAS K DQM1 NC NC CAS WE DQM0 L VDDQ DQ8 VSS VDD DQ7 VSSQ M VSSQ DQ10 DQ9 DQ6 DQ5 VDDQ N VSSQ DQ12 DQ14 DQ1 DQ3 VDDQ P DQ11 VDDQ VSSQ R DQ13 DQ15 VSS Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. VDDQ VSSQ DQ4 VDD DQ0 DQ2 Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 1/28 ESMT M12L32321A FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM CLK Clock CKE Generator Address Mode Register Row Decoder Bank B Row Address Buffer & Refresh Counter Bank A WE DQM0~3 Column Decoder Data Control Circuit Input & Output Buffer CAS Column Address Buffer & Refresh Counter Latch Circuit RAS Control Logic CS Command Decoder Sense Amplifier DQ PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin Name CLK System Clock CS Chip Select CKE Clock Enable A0 ~ A10 Address BA Bank Select Address RAS Row Address Strobe CAS Column Address Strobe WE Write Enable DQM0~3 Data Input / Output Mask DQ0 ~ 31 VDD/VSS Data Input / Output Power Supply/Ground VDDQ/VSSQ Data Output Power/Ground NC/RFU No Connection/ Reserved for Future Use Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Input Function Active on the positive going edge to sample all inputs. Disables or enables device operation by masking or enabling all inputs except CLK, CKE and DQM. Masks system clock to freeze operation from the next clock cycle. CKE should be enabled at least one cycle prior to new command. Disable input buffers for power down in standby. Row / column addresses are multiplexed on the same pins. Row address : RA0 ~ RA10, column address : CA0 ~ CA7 Selects bank to be activated during row address latch time. Selects bank for read/write during column address latch time. Latches row addresses on the positive going edge of the CLK with RAS low. Enables row access & precharge. Latches column addresses on the positive going edge of the CLK with CAS low. Enables column access. Enables write operation and row precharge. Latches data in starting from CAS , WE active. Makes data output Hi-Z, tSHZ after the clock and masks the output. Blocks data input when DQM active. Data inputs/outputs are multiplexed on the same pins. Power and ground for the input buffers and the core logic. Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffers to provide improved noise immunity. This pin is recommended to be left No Connection on the device. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 2/28 ESMT M12L32321A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Symbol Value Unit Voltage on any pin relative to VSS VIN,VOUT -1.0 ~ 4.6 V Voltage on VDD supply relative to VSS VDD,VDDQ -1.0 ~ 4.6 V TSTG -55 ~ + 150 C Power dissipation PD 0.7 W Short circuit current IOS 50 mA Storage temperature Note: Permanent device damage may occur if ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to recommended operating condition. Exposure to higher than recommended voltage for extended periods of time could affect device reliability. DC OPERATING CONDITIONS Recommended operating conditions (Voltage referenced to VSS = 0V, TA=0 to 70 C ) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VDD,VDDQ 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Input logic high voltage VIH 2.0 3.0 VDD+0.3 V 1 Input logic low voltage VIL -0.3 0 0.8 V 2 Output logic high voltage VOH 2.4 - - V IOH =-2mA Output logic low voltage VOL - - 0.4 V IOL = 2mA Input leakage current IIL -5 - 5 uA 3 Output leakage current IOL -5 - 5 uA 4 Supply voltage Note: Note 1. VIH (max) = 4.6V AC for pulse width 10ns acceptable. 2. VIL (min) = -1.5V AC for pulse width 10ns acceptable. 3. Any input 0V VIN VDD, all other pins are not under test = 0V. 4. Dout is disabled, 0V VOUT VDD. CAPACITANCE (VDD = 3.3V, TA = 25 C , f = 1MHz) Pin Symbol Min Max Unit CLOCK CCLK 2.5 4.0 pF RAS , CAS , WE , CS , CKE, DQM CIN 2.5 5.0 pF ADDRESS CADD 2.5 5.0 pF DQ0 ~DQ31 COUT 4.0 6.5 pF Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 3/28 ESMT M12L32321A DC CHARACTERISTICS (Recommended operating condition unless otherwise noted, TA = 0 to 70 C VIH(min)/VIL(max)=2.0V/0.8V) Parameter Operating Current (One Bank Active) Precharge Standby Current in power-down mode Precharge Standby Current in non power-down mode Active Standby Current in power-down mode Active Standby Current in non power-down mode (One Bank Active) Symbol Test Condition CAS Latency ICC1 Burst Length = 1 tRC tRC (min), tCC tCC (min), IOL= 0mA ICC2P CKE VIL(max), tCC =15ns ICC2PS CKE VIL(max), CLK VIL(max), tCC = ICC2N Version -5.5 -6 -7 160 140 120 CKE VIH(min), CS VIH(min), tCC =15ns Input signals are changed one time during 30ns Unit Note mA 1 2 mA - 2 mA - 25 mA - mA - mA - ICC2NS CKE VIH(min), CLK VIL(max), tCC = Input signals are stable 15 ICC3P CKE VIL(max), tCC =15ns 10 ICC3PS CKE VIL(max), CLK VIL(max), tCC = 10 ICC3N CKE VIH(min), CS VIH(min), tCC=15ns Input signals are changed one time during 2clks 25 mA - 15 mA - All other pins VDD-0.2V or 0.2V ICC3NS CKE VIH (min), CLK VIL(max), tCC= Input signals are stable Operating Current (Burst Mode) ICC4 IOL= 0mA, Page Burst All Band Activated, tCCD = tCCD (min) Refresh Current ICC5 tRFC tRFC(min) Self Refresh Current ICC6 CKE 0.2V 3 160 140 120 mA 1 2 160 140 120 mA 1 160 140 120 mA 2 mA - 1 Note: 1.Measured with outputs open. Addresses are changed only one time during tCC(min). 2.Refresh period is 64ms. Addresses are changed only one time during tCC(min). Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 4/28 ESMT M12L32321A AC OPERATING TEST CONDITIONS (VDD=3.3V 0.3V, TA= 0 to 70 C ) Parameter Input levels (Vih/Vil) Input timing measurement reference level Input rise and fall time Output timing measurement reference level Output load condition Value Unit 2.4 / 0.4 1.4 tr / tf = 1 / 1 1.4 See Fig.2 V V ns V 3.3V Vtt =1.4V 1200 50 Output VOH(DC) = 2.4V, IOH = -2mA VOL(DC) = 0.4V, IOL = 2mA 870 Output Z0=50 30 pF 30 pF (Fig.2) AC Output Load Circuit (Fig.1) DC Output Load circuit OPERATING AC PARAMETER (AC operating conditions unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol -5.5 Version -6 -7 Unit Note Row active to row active delay tRRD(min) 11 12 14 ns 1 RAS to CAS delay tRCD(min) 16.5 18 20 ns 1 Row precharge time tRP(min) 16.5 18 20 ns 1 tRAS(min) 33 36 42 ns 1 us - Row active time tRAS(max) 100 @ Operating tRC(min) 60 60 63 ns 1 @ Auto refresh tRFC(min) 60 60 63 ns 1, 6 Last data in to new col. Address delay tCDL(min) 1 CLK 2 Last data in to row precharge tRDL(min) 2 CLK 2 Last data in to burst stop tBDL(min) 1 CLK 2 Col. Address to col. Address delay tCCD(min) 1 CLK 3 Refresh period (4,096 rows) tREF(max) 64 ms 5 ea 4 Row cycle time Number of valid output data CAS latency=3 2 CAS latency=2 1 Note: 1. The minimum number of clock cycles is determined by dividing the minimum time required with clock cycle time and then rounding off to the next higher integer. 2. Minimum delay is required to complete write. 3. All parts allow every cycle column address change. 4. In case of row precharge interrupt, auto precharge and read burst stop. The earliest a precharge command can be issued after a Read command without the loss of data is CL+BL-2 clocks. 5. A maximum of eight consecutive AUTO REFRESH commands (with tRFCmin) can be posted to any given SDRAM, and the maximum absolute interval between any AUTO REFRESH command and the next AUTO REFRESH command is 8x15.6 s.) 6. A new command may be given tRFC after self refresh exit. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 5/28 ESMT M12L32321A AC CHARACTERISTICS (AC operating conditions unless otherwise noted) Parameter CLK cycle time CLK to valid output delay CAS Latency =3 CAS Latency =2 CAS Latency =3 CAS Latency =2 Symbol tCC tSAC -5.5 Min -6 Max 5.5 1000 10 Min -7 Max 6 1000 10 Min 7 10 Max 1000 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 Unit Note ns 1 ns 1 Output data hold time tOH 2.5 - 2.5 - 2.5 - ns 2 CLK high pulse width tCH 2 - 2 - 2.5 - ns 3 CLK low pulse width tCL 2 - 2 - 2.5 - ns 3 Input setup time tSS 1.8 - 2 - 2 - ns 3 Input hold time tSH 1.2 - 2 - 2 - ns 3 CLK to output in Low-Z tSLZ 0 - 0 - 0 - ns 2 CLK to output in CAS Latency =3 Hi-Z CAS Latency =2 tSHZ - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 ns - *All AC parameters are measured from half to half. Note: 1.Parameters depend on programmed CAS latency. 2.If clock rising time is longer than 1ns,(tr/2-0.5)ns should be added to the parameter. 3.Assumed input rise and fall time (tr & tf)=1ns. If tr & tf is longer than 1ns, transient time compensation should be considered, i.e., [(tr+ tf)/2-1]ns should be added to the parameter. Parameter CLK to valid output delay CAS Latency =3 CAS Latency =2 Symbol tSAC Output data hold time tOH CAS Latency =3 CLK to output in Hi-Z CAS Latency =2 tSHZ -5.5 -6 Min Max Min Max - 5.5 - 5.5 - 5.5 - 5.5 2 - 2 - - 5.5 - 5.5 - 5.5 - 5.5 Unit Note ns 4 ns 4 ns 4 Note: 4. Special condition (Output Load 10 ohm+10 pF) Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 6/28 ESMT M12L32321A MODE REGISTER FIELD TABLE TO PROGRAM MODES Register Programmed with MRS Address BA A10/AP A9 Function RFU RFU W.B.L Test Mode A8 A7 A6 TM CAS Latency A5 A4 A3 CAS Latency A2 BT A1 A0 Burst Length Burst Type Burst Length A8 A7 Type A6 A5 A4 Latency A3 Type A2 A1 A0 BT = 0 BT = 1 0 0 Mode Register Set 0 0 0 Reserved 0 Sequential 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Reserved 0 0 1 Reserved 1 Interleave 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 Reserved 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 4 4 1 1 Reserved 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 8 8 1 0 0 Reserved 1 0 0 Reserved Reserved Write Burst Length A9 Length 1 0 1 Reserved 1 0 1 Reserved Reserved 0 Burst 1 1 0 Reserved 1 1 0 Reserved Reserved 1 Single Bit 1 1 1 Reserved 1 1 1 Full Page Reserved Full Page Length: 256 Note: 1. RFU (Reserved for future use) should stay "0" during MRS cycle. 2. If A9 is high during MRS cycle, "Burst Read Single Bit Write" function will be enabled. 3. The full column burst (256 bit) is available only at sequential mode of burst type. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 7/28 ESMT M12L32321A Burst Length and Sequence (Burst of Two) Starting Address (column address A0 binary) Sequential Addressing Sequence (decimal) Interleave Addressing Sequence (decimal) 0 1 0,1 1,0 0,1 1,0 Starting Address (column address A1-A0, binary) Sequential Addressing Sequence (decimal) Interleave Addressing Sequence (decimal) 00 01 10 11 0,1,2,3 1,2,3,0 2,3,0,1 3,0,1,2 0,1,2,3 1,0,3,2 2,3,0,1 3,2,1,0 (Burst of Four) (Burst of Eight) Starting Address (column address A2-A0, binary) Sequential Addressing Sequence (decimal) Interleave Addressing Sequence (decimal) 000 001 010 0 11 100 101 11 0 111 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0 2,3,4,5,6,7,0,1 3,4,5,6,7,0,1,2 4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3 5,6,7,0,1,2,3,4 6,7,0,1,2,3,4,5 7,0,1,2,3,4,5,6 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,0,3,2,5,4,7,6 2,3,0,1,6,7,4,5 3,2,1,0,7,6,5,4 4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3 5,4,7,6,1,0,3,2 6,7,4,5,2,3,0,1 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 Full page burst is an extension of the above tables of Sequential Addressing, with the length being 256 for device. POWER UP SEQUENCE 1.Apply power and start clock, attempt to maintain CKE= "H", DQM = "H" and the other pin are NOP condition at the inputs. 2.Maintain stable power, stable clock and NOP input condition for a minimum of 200us. 3.Issue precharge commands for all banks of the devices. 4.Issue 2 or more auto-refresh commands. 5.Issue mode register set command to initialize the mode register. Cf.)Sequence of 4 & 5 is regardless of the order. The device is now ready for normal operation. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 8/28 ESMT M12L32321A SIMPLIFIED TRUTH TABLE COMMAND Register CKEn-1 CKEn CS Mode Register Set Auto Refresh Entry Refresh Self Refresh H H X H L DQM BA A10/AP A9~A0 Note RAS CAS WE L L L L X OP CODE L L L H X X H X L H X H H X H X V L H H X L H L H X L H L H X V Write & Column Auto Precharge Disable Address Auto Precharge Enable H X L H L L X V Burst Stop H X L H H L X Exit Bank Active & Row Addr. Read & Column Address Auto Precharge Disable Auto Precharge Enable Bank Selection Both Banks Precharge Clock Suspend or Active Power Down H X Entry H L Exit L H Entry H L Exit L H Precharge Power Down Mode DQM No Operation Command H H H X L L H L H L X H L H L X V X X H X V X X H X V X X H X V X V X X H X V X H X H H L X X X 1,2 3 3 3 3 X Row Address Column 4 Address (A0~A7) 4,5 L H Column 4 Address (A0~A7) 4,5 L H X V X L H X 6 4 4 X X X X X V X X X 7 (V= Valid, X= Don't Care, H= Logic High, L = Logic Low) Note: 1. OP Code: Operation Code A0~ A10, BA: Program keys.(@MRS) 2. MRS can be issued only at both banks precharge state. A new command can be issued after 2 clock cycle of MRS. 3. Auto refresh functions are as same as CBR refresh of DRAM. The automatical precharge without row precharge command is meant by "Auto". Auto / self refresh can be issued only at both banks idle state. 4. BA: Bank select address. If "Low": at read, write, row active and precharge, bank A is selected. If "High": at read, write, row active and precharge, bank B is selected. If A10/AP is "High" at row precharge, BA ignored and both banks are selected. 5. During burst read or write with auto precharge, new read/write command can not be issued. Another bank read / write command can be issued after the end of burst. New row active of the associated bank can be issued at tRP after the end of burst. 6. Burst stop command is valid at every burst length. 7. DQM sampled at positive going edge of a CLK masks the data-in at the very CLK (Write DQM latency is 0), but makes Hi-Z state the data-out of 2 CLK cycles after. (Read DQM latency is 2). Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 9/28 ESMT M12L32321A Single Bit Read-Write-Read Cycle (Same Page) @ CAS Latency=3, Burst Length=1 tCH 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK tCL tCC HIGH CKE tRAS tRC *Note1 tSH CS tRP tRCD tSS tSH RAS tSS tCCD tSH CAS tSS tSS tSH ADDR Ra Ca Cb *Note2 Rb Cc tSH tSS *Note2,3 BA BS BS A10 /AP Ra *Note 3 *Note2,3 *Note2,3 BS BS *Note 3 *Note 3 *Note4 *Note2 BS BS *Note4 Rb tRAC tSAC tSH DQ tSLZ Qc Db Qa tSS tOH tSH WE tSS tSS tSH DQM Row Active Read W rite Read Row Active Precharge :D on' t Care Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 10/28 ESMT M12L32321A *Note: 1. All inputs expect CKE & DQM can be don't care when CS is high at the CLK high going edge. 2. Bank active & read/write are controlled by BA. BA Active & Read/Write 0 Bank A 1 Bank B 3. Enable and disable auto precharge function are controlled by A10/AP in read/write command. A10/AP 0 1 BA Operation 0 Disable auto precharge, leave bank A active at end of burst. 1 Disable auto precharge, leave bank B active at end of burst. 0 Enable auto precharge, precharge bank A at end of burst. 1 Enable auto precharge, precharge bank B at end of burst. 4. A10/AP and BA control bank precharge when precharge command is asserted. A10/AP BA Precharge 0 0 Bank A 0 1 Bank B 1 X Both Banks Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 11/28 ESMT M12L32321A Power Up Sequence 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK CKE High level is necessary CS tRFC tRFC tRP RAS CAS ADDR RAa Key BA Key A10/AP Key RAa High-Z DQ WE DQM High level is necessary Precharge All Banks Auto Refresh Auto Refresh Mode Register Set (A-Bank) Row Active : Don't care Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 12/28 ESMT M12L32321A Read & Write Cycle at Same Bank @ Burst Length=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK HIGH CKE t RC *Note1 CS tRC D RAS *Note 2 CAS ADDR Ra Rb Ca0 Cb0 BA A10 /AP Ra Rb tOH CL =2 Qa0 t R AC QC Qa2 Qa1 t S AC *Note3 CL =3 t R AC *No te3 Qa3 tO H Qa1 Qa0 Db0 t SH Z Qa2 Db2 Db3 t RDL Qa3 t S AC Db1 *Note4 Db0 t S HZ Db1 *Note4 Db2 Db3 t RDL WE DQM Row Active (A-Ba nk ) Read (A-B ank ) Precharge Row Active (A-Ban k) (A-Ba nk ) W ri te (A-Ban k) Precharge (A-Ban k) : Don't care *Note: 1. Minimum row cycle times is required to complete internal DRAM operation. 2. Row precharge can interrupt burst on any cycle. [CAS Latency-1] number of valid output data is available after Row precharge. Last valid output will be Hi-Z (tSHZ) after the clock. 3. Access time from Row active command. tcc*(tRCD +CAS latency-1)+tSAC 4. Output will be Hi-Z after the end of burst.(1,2,4,8 bit burst) Burst can't end in Full Page Mode. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 13/28 ESMT M12L32321A Page Read & Write Cycle at Same Bank @ Burst Length=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK HIGH CKE CS tRCD RAS *Note2 CAS ADDR Ra Ca0 Cb0 Cc0 Cd0 BA A10/AP Ra tRDL CL=2 Qa0 Qa1 Qb0 Qb1 Qb2 Dc0 Qa0 Qa1 Qb0 Qb1 Dc0 Dc1 Dd0 Dd1 DQ CL=3 Dc1 Dd0 Dd2 tCDL WE *Note3 *Note1 DQM Row Active (A-Bank) Read (A-Bank) Read (A-Bank) Write (A-Bank) Write (A-Bank) Precharge (A-Bank) : Don't care *Note: 1. To write data before burst read ends, DQM should be asserted three cycles prior to write command to avoid bus contention. 2. Row precharge will interrupt writing. Last data input, tRDL before Row precharge, will be written. 3. DQM should mask invalid input data on precharge command cycle when asserting precharge before end of burst. Input data after Row precharge cycle will be masked internally. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 14/28 ESMT M12L32321A Page Read Cycle at Different Bank @ Burst Length=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK CKE HIGH *Note1 CS RAS *Note2 CAS ADDR RAa CAa CAc CBb RBb CBd CAe BA A10/AP RAa RBb CL=2 QAa0 QAa1 QAa2 QAa3 QBb0 QBb1 QBb2 QBb3 QAc0 QAc1 QBd0 QBd1 QAe0 QAe1 QAa0 QAa1 QAa2 QAa3 QBb0 QBb1 QBb2 QBb3 QAc0 QAc1 QBd0 QBd1 QAe0 DQ CL=3 QAe1 WE DQM Row Active (A-Bank) Read (A-Bank) Read (B-Bank) Read (A-Bank) Read (B-Bank) Read (A-Bank) Precharge (A-Bank) Row Active (B-Bank) : Don't care *Note: 1. CS can be don't cared when RAS , CAS and WE are high at the clock high going edge. 2. To interrupt a burst read by row precharge, both the read and the precharge banks must be the same. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 15/28 ESMT M12L32321A Page Write Cycle at Different Bank @ Burst Length = 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK HIGH CKE CS RAS CAS *Note2 ADDR RAa CAa CBb RBb CAc CBd BA A10/AP RAa DQ RBb DAa0 DAa1 DAa2 DAa3 DBb0 DBb1 DBb2 DBb3 DAc0 DAc1 DBd0 tCDL DBd1 tRDL WE *Note1 DQM Row Active (A-Bank) Row Active (B-Bank) Write (A-Bank) Write (B-Bank) Precharge (Both Banks) Write (A-Bank) Write (B-Bank) : Don't care *Note: 1. To interrupt burst write by Row precharge, DQM should be asserted to mask invalid input data. 2. To interrupt burst write by Row precharge, both the write and the precharge banks must be the same. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 16/28 ESMT M12L32321A Read & Write Cycle at Different Bank @ Burst Length = 4 *Note: 1.tCDL should be met to complete write. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 17/28 ESMT M12L32321A Read & Write Cycle with Auto Precharge @ Burst Length=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK HIGH CKE CS RAS CAS ADDR Ra Rb Ra Rb Cb Ca BA A10 /A P CL= 2 Qa0 Q a1 Qa2 Q a3 Q a1 Qa2 Db0 Db1 Db2 Db3 Db0 Db1 Db2 Db3 DQ CL=3 Q a0 Qa3 WE DQM Row Active ( A - Bank ) Read with Auto Precharge ( A - Bank ) Auto Precharge Start Point ( A - Bank) W rite with Auto Pr echarge ( B- Bank ) Auto Pr echarge Star t Poin t ( B- Bank ) Row Active ( B - Bank ) :D on' t Ca re *Note: 1.tCDL should be controlled to meet minimum tRAS before internal precharge start (In the case of Burst Length=1 & 2 and BRSW mode) Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 18/28 ESMT M12L32321A Clock Suspension & DQM Operation Cycle @CAS Latency=2, Burst Length=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK CKE CS RAS CAS ADDR Ra Ca Cb Cc BA A10 /AP Ra Q a0 DQ Qa1 Q a2 Qb0 Q a3 tSHZ Q b1 Dc2 Dc 0 tSHZ WE *Note1 DQM Row Active Read Clock Suspension Read W rite DQM Read DQM W rite W rite DQM Cloc k Sus pension :Don't Car e *Note: 1. DQM is needed to prevent bus contention. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 19/28 ESMT M12L32321A Read Interrupted by Precharge Command & Read Burst Stop Cycle @ Burst Length=Full page 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK HIGH CKE CS RAS CAS ADDR RAa CAa CAb BA A10 /AP RAa *Note2 1 1 QAa0 QAa1 QAa2 QAa 3 QAa4 CL=2 DQ QAb0 QAb1 QAb 2 QAb3 QAb4 QAb5 2 2 CL=3 QAa0 QAa1 QAa 2 QAa3 QAa4 WE QAb0 QAb1 QAb2 QAb3 QAb4 QAb5 *Note1 DQM Row Active ( A- B an k ) Read (A- Ban k) Burst Stop Read (A- Ban k) Precharge ( A- B an k ) :Don't Care *Note: 1. Burst can't end in full page mode, so auto precharge can't issue. 2. About the valid DQs after burst stop, it is same as the case of RAS interrupt. Both cases are illustrated above timing diagram. See the label 1, 2 on them. But at burst write, burst stop and RAS interrupt should be compared carefully. Refer the timing diagram of "Full page write burst stop cycle". 3. Burst stop is valid at every burst length. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 20/28 ESMT M12L32321A Write Interrupted by Precharge Command & Write Burst stop Cycle @ Burst Length=Full page 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK HIGH CKE CS RAS CAS ADDR RAa CAa CAb BA A10 /AP RAa tBDL tRDL *Note2 DQ DAa0 DAa1 DAa2 DAa3 DAa4 DAb0 DAb1 DAb2 DAb3 DAb4 DAb5 WE DQM Row Active ( A- B an k ) W rite (A- Ban k ) Burst Stop W rite (A- Ban k ) Precharge ( A- B an k ) :Don't Care *Note: 1. Burst can't end in full page mode, so auto precharge can't issue. 2. Data-in at the cycle of interrupted by precharge can not be written into the corresponding memory cell. It is defined by AC parameter of tRDL. DQM at write interrupted by precharge command is needed to prevent invalid write. Input data after Row precharge cycle will be masked internally. 3. Burst stop is valid at every burst length. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 21/28 ESMT M12L32321A Burst Read Single bit Write Cycle @ Burst Length=2 CLOCK *Note1 HIGH CKE CS RAS *Note2 CAS RAa ADDR CAa RBb CAb CBc RAc CAd BA A10 /AP RAa RAc RBb CL=2 DAa0 CL= 3 DAa0 QAb0 QAb1 QAd0 QAd1 DBc0 DQ QAb0 QAb1 QAd0 QAd1 DBc0 WE DQM Row Active ( A- B an k ) Row Active (B-Bank) W rite (A- Ban k) Read with Auto Precharge (A-Bank) Read ( A- B an k ) Row Act ive ( A- B an k ) Precharge ( A- B an k ) W rite with Auto Pr echarge ( B- Bank ) :Don't Care *Note: 1. BRSW modes is enabled by setting A9 "High" at MRS (Mode Register Set). At the BRSW Mode, the burst length at write is fixed to "1" regardless of programmed burst length. 2. When BRSW write command with auto precharge is executed, keep it in mind that tRAS should not be violated. Auto precharge is executed at the next cycle of burst-end, so in the case of BRSW write command, the precharge command will be issued after two clock cycles. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 22/28 ESMT M12L32321A Active/Precharge Power Down Mode @CAS Latency=2, Burst Length=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q a0 Qa1 16 17 18 19 CLOCK *Note2 tSS CKE tS S *Note1 tS S *Not e3 CS RAS CAS Ra ADDR Ca BA A10 /A P Ra tSHZ DQ Qa2 WE DQM Pr ech ar ge Pow er - Dow n Entry Row Active Precharge Power-Down Exit Active Power-down Entry Read Precharge Active Power-down Exit : Don't care *Note: 1. Both banks should be in idle state prior to entering precharge power down mode. 2. CKE should be set high at least 1CLK+tss prior to Row active command. 3. Can not violate minimum refresh specification. (64ms) Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 23/28 ESMT M12L32321A Self Refresh Entry & Exit Cycle 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CLOCK *Note2 *Note4 tRFCm in *Note6 *Note1 *Note3 CKE tSS CS *Note5 RAS *Note7 CAS ADDR BA A10/AP Hi-Z DQ Hi-Z WE DQM Self Refresh Entry Self Refresh Exit Auto Refresh : Don't care *Note: TO ENTER SELF REFRESH MODE 1. CS , RAS & CAS with CKE should be low at the same clock cycle. 2. After 1 clock cycle, all the inputs including the system clock can be don't care except for CKE. 3. The device remains in self refresh mode as long as CKE stays "Low". cf.) Once the device enters self refresh mode, minimum tRAS is required before exit from self refresh. TO EXIT SELF REFRESH MODE 4. System clock restart and be stable before returning CKE high. 5. CS Starts from high. 6. Minimum tRFC is required after CKE going high to complete self refresh exit. 7. 4K cycles of burst auto refresh is required immediately before self refresh entry and immediately after self refresh exit. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 24/28 ESMT M12L32321A Mode Register Set Cycle 0 1 2 3 4 Auto Refresh Cycle 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CLOCK HIGH CKE HIGH CS *Note2 tRC RAS *Note1 CAS *Note3 ADDR Key DQ Ra Hi-Z Hi-Z WE DQM MRS New Command Auto Refresh New Command :Don't Care *Both banks precharge should be completed before Mode Register Set cycle and auto refresh cycle. MODE REGISTER SET CYCLE *Note: 1. CS , RAS , CAS & WE activation at the same clock cycle with address key will set internal mode register. 2.Minimum 2 clock cycles should be met before new RAS activation. 3.Please refer to Mode Register Set table. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 25/28 ESMT PACKING 90-BALL M12L32321A DIMENSIONS SDRAM ( 8x13 mm ) Symbol A A1 A2 ob D E D1 E1 e Dimension in mm Min Norm Max 1.40 0.30 0.40 0.84 0.89 0.94 0.40 0.50 7.90 8.00 8.10 12.90 13.00 13.10 6.40 11.20 0.80 Dimension in inch Min Norm Max 0.055 0.012 0.016 0.033 0.035 0.037 0.016 0.020 0.311 0.315 0.319 0.508 0.512 0.516 0.252 0.441 0.031 Controlling dimension : Millimeter. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 26/28 ESMT M12L32321A Revision History Revision Date 0.1 2006.09.15 Original 0.2 2006.12.05 Add -5.5 & -6BG spec 0.3 2007.03.02 Delete BGA ball name of packing dimensions 0.4 2007.05.03 Modify DC Characteristics 0.5 2007.06.08 Add -5 spec 0.6 2007.07.10 Modify type error 0.7 2007.07.25 Add -5BG part No. into ordering information 0.8 2008.06.27 Modify the value of tSS and tSH 1.0 2008.08.19 1. Revision 1.0 2. Modify the value of tRC 1.1 2008.10.24 1.2 2009.12.04 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Description 1. Modify ICC3N test condition description 2. Add tREF(max) 3. Update tSAC(max), tOH(min) and tSHZ(max) of -5.5 and -6 speed grade 4. Modify the description about self refresh operation 5. Delete -5 spec. 1. Modify the test condition of IIL 2. Add the specification of tRFC Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 27/28 ESMT M12L32321A Important Notice All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means without the prior permission of ESMT. The contents contained in this document are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. ESMT assumes no responsibility for any error in this document, and reserves the right to change the products or specification in this document without notice. The information contained herein is presented only as a guide or examples for the application of our products. No responsibility is assumed by ESMT for any infringement of patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license, either express , implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of ESMT or others. Any semiconductor devices may have inherently a certain rate of failure. To minimize risks associated with customer's application, adequate design and operating safeguards against injury, damage, or loss from such failure, should be provided by the customer when making application designs. ESMT's products are not authorized for use in critical applications such as, but not limited to, life support devices or system, where failure or abnormal operation may directly affect human lives or cause physical injury or property damage. If products described here are to be used for such kinds of application, purchaser must do its own quality assurance testing appropriate to such applications. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Dec. 2009 Revision : 1.2 28/28