November 2010 Preliminary Datasheet
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Silicon Carbide Thyristor = 6500 V
= 80 A
Features Package
Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Conditions Values Unit
Repetitive peak forward voltage 6500 V
Repetitive peak reverse voltage 50 V
Maximum average on-state current 80 A
RMS on-state current 139 A
Non-repetitive peak on-state current tbd A
Power dissipation 1563 W
Operating and storage temperature -55 to 150 °C
Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Conditions Values Unit
min. typ. max.
Maximum peak on state voltage -3.70 V
Anode-cathode threshold voltage -3.0(-2.7) V
Anode-cathode slope resistance 6.0(6.3) mΩ
Leakage current 15 µA
Gate trigger current -100 mA
Holding current tbd mA
Rise time 190 ns
Delay time 50 ns
Reverse recovery charge 4.2
Recovered charge, 50% chord 2.3
Reverse recovery current 20 A
Circuit commutated turn-off time 10.1
Thermal Characteristics
Thermal resistance, junction - case 0.08 °C/W
Mechanical Properties
Mounting torque for base Heat sink surface must be optically flat 1.5 Nm
Mounting torque for top 1.3 Nm
Weight 30 g
Qrr 4.2 µC
• 6500 V Asymmetric SiC NPNP Thyristor
• 150 °C operating temperature
• Robust compact fully soldered package
• SOT-227 (ISOTOP) base plate form factor
• Fast turn on characteristics
• Lowest in class Qr
• Grid Tied Solar Inverters
• Wind Power Inverters
• HVDC Power Conversion
• Utility Scale Power Conversion
• Trigger Circuits/Ignition Circuits
VFBM Tj = 25 °C
VRBM Tj = 25 °C
IT(AVM) TC ≤ 125 °C
IT(RMS) TC ≤ 125 °C
IT,max TC= 25 °C, tp = 2 us, D = 0.1
Ptot TC= 25 °C
Tj, Tstg
IK = -80 A, Tj = 25 °C
IK = -80 A, Tj = 150 °C
VKA(TO) Tj = 25 °C (150 °C)
RAK Tj = 25 °C (150 °C), IK = -80 A
VKA = -6500 V, VGA = 0 V, Tj = 25 °C
VKA = -6500 V, VGA = 0 V, Tj = 150 °C
Tj = 25 °C, tP = 10 µs
IHTj = 25 °C
tRIG = -3 A, VKA = -2200 V
tD IK = -80 A, Tj = 25 °C
Qrr µC
Qra dI/dt = 430 A/us, IK = -70 A, VKA = 20 V µC
Irm dV/dt(re-app) = -460 V/us, Tj = 25 °C
1. Considering worst case Zth conditions