ICS853011CM REV. A JULY 28, 2008
Power Considerations
This section provides information on power dissipation and junction temperature for the ICS53011C.
Equations and example calculations are also provided.
1. Power Dissipation.
The total power dissipation for the ICS53011C is the sum of the core power plus the power dissipated in the load(s).
The following is the power dissipation for VCC = 3.8V, which gives worst case results.
NOTE: Please refer to Section 3 for details on calculating power dissipated in the load.
• Power (core)MAX = VCC_MAX * IEE_MAX = 3.8V * 24mA = 91.2mW
• Power (outputs)MAX = 30.94mW/Loaded Output pair
If all outputs are loaded, the total power is 2 * 30.94mW = 61.88mW
Total Power_MAX (3.8V, with all outputs switching) = 91.2mW + 61.88mW = 153.08mW
2. Junction Temperature.
Junction temperature, Tj, is the temperature at the junction of the bond wire and bond pad and directly affects the reliability of the device.
The maximum recommended junction temperature for HiPerClockS devices is 125°C.
The equation for Tj is as follows: Tj = θJA * Pd_total + TA
Tj = Junction Temperature
θJA = Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance
Pd_total = Total Device Power Dissipation (example calculation is in section 1 above)
TA = Ambient Temperature
In order to calculate junction temperature, the appropriate junction-to-ambient thermal resistance θJA must be used. Assuming a moderate
air flow or 200 linear feet per minute and a multi-layer board, the appropriate value is 103.3°C/W per Table 5A below.
Therefore, Tj for an ambient temperature of 85°C with all outputs switching is:
85°C + 0.153W * 103.3°C/W = 100.8°C. This is below the limit of 125°C.
This calculation is only an example. Tj will obviously vary depending on the number of loaded outputs, supply voltage, air flow and the type
of board (single layer or multi-layer).
Table 5A. Thermal Resitance θJA for 8 Lead SOIC, Forced Convection
NOTE: Most modern PCB designs use multi-layered boards. The data in the second row pertains to most designs.
Table 5B. Thermal Resitance θJA for 8 Lead TSSOP, Forced Convection
θJA by Velocity
Linear Feet per Minute 0200500
Single-Layer PCB, JEDEC Standard Test Boards 153.3°C/W 128.5°C/W 115.5°C/W
Multi-Layer PCB, JEDEC Standard Test Boards 112.7°C/W 103.3°C/W 97.1°C/W
θJA by Velocity
Meters Per Second 012
Multi-Layer PCB, JEDEC Standard Test Boards 101.7°C/W 90.5°C/W 89.8°C/W