The CY7C42X5 consists of an arra y of 64 to 4K word s of 18
bits each (implemented by a du al-port ar ray of SRAM cells), a
read pointer, a write pointer, control signals (RCLK, WCLK,
REN, WEN, RS), and flags (EF, PAE, HF, PAF, FF). The
CY7C42X5 also includes the control signals WXI, RXI, WXO,
RXO for depth expansion.
Resetting the FIFO
Upon power-up, the FIFO must be reset with a Reset (RS)
cycle. This causes the FIFO to enter th e Empty conditio n sig-
nified by EF being LOW. All data outputs go LOW after the
falling edge of RS only if OE is asserted. In order for the FIFO
to reset to its default state, a falling edge must occur on RS
and the user must not r ead or write while RS is LOW.
FIFO Operation
When the WEN signal is active (LOW), data present on the
D0–17 pins is writte n into the FIFO on each rising edge of the
WCLK signal. Similarly, when the REN signal is active LOW,
data in the FIFO memor y will be presented on the Q0–17 out-
puts. New data w ill be presented o n each r ising edge of RCLK
while REN is active LOW and OE is LOW. REN must set up
tENS before RCLK for it to be a valid read fun ction . WEN must
occur tENS before WCLK for it to be a valid write function.
An output enable ( OE) pin is prov ided to three-state the Q0–17
outputs when OE is deass e rted. When OE is enabled (LOW),
data in the output register w ill be available to the Q0–17 outputs
after tOE. If devices are cascaded, the OE function will only
output data on the FIFO that is read enabled.
The FIFO contains overflow circuitry to disallow additional
wr ites when the FIFO is full, and unde rflow circuitry to disallow
additional reads when the FIFO is empty. An empty FIFO
maintains th e d ata of the last valid r ead on i ts Q0–17 output s
even after additional re ads occur.
The CY7C42X5 devices contain two 12-bit offset registers.
Data present on D 0–11 dur ing a program write wi ll d etermi ne
the distance from Empty (Full) that the Alm ost Empty (Almost
Full) flags bec ome active. If the user elects not to program the
FIFO’s flags, the defa ult offset values are used (see
Table 2
When the Load LD pin is set LOW and WEN is set LOW, data
on the i nputs D0–11 is written into the Empty offset re gister on
the first LOW-to-HIGH transition of the write clock (WCLK).
When the LD pin and WEN are held LOW then data is wri tten
into the Full offset register o n the second LOW-to-HIGH t ran-
sition of the write clock (WCLK). The third transition of the write
clock (WCLK) again writes to the Empty offset register (see
Table 1
). Writing all offs et registers does not have to occur at
one time. One or two offset registers can be writ ten and then,
by bringing the LD pin HI GH, the FIFO is returned to n ormal
read/write operat ion. W h en the L D pin is set LOW, and WEN
is LOW, the next offset register in sequence is written.
The contents of the offset registers can be rea d on the output
lines when the LD pin is set LOW and REN is set LOW; then,
data ca n be read on the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the read
clock (RCLK).
Flag Operat ion
The CY7C42X5 d evi ces provide five flag pins to indicate the
condition of the FIFO contents. Empty and Full are synchro-
nous. PAE and PAF are synchronous if VCC/SMODE is tied to
Full Flag
The Full Flag (FF) will go LOW when device is Full. Write op-
erations are inhibited whenever FF is LO W regardless of the
state of WEN. FF is s ynch ronized to WCLK , i.e., it is exclusive-
ly updated by each rising edge of WCLK.
Empty Flag
The Empty Flag (EF) will go LOW when the device is empty.
Read operations ar e inhibited whenever EF is LOW, regard-
less of th e state o f REN. EF is sync hroniz ed to RCLK, i.e., i t is
exclusively updated by each rising edge of RCLK.
Programm abl e Almo st Empty/Al most Full Flag
The CY7C42X5 features programmable Almos t Empty an d Al-
most Full Flags. Each flag can be program med (described in
the Programming sectio n) a specific distance from the corre-
spon din g boundary flags (Empty or Full). Whe n the FIFO con-
tains the number of words or fewer for which the flags have
been programmed, the PAF or PAE will be asserted, s ign ifying
that the FIFO is either Almost Full or Almost Empty. See
for a description of programm able flags.
When the SMODE pin is tied LOW, the PAF flag signal t ransi-
tion is caused by the risin g edge of the write clock and the PAE
flag transition is caused by the rising edge of the read clock.
The retransmit feature is beneficial when transferring packets
of data. It enables the receipt of data to be acknowledged by
the receiver and retransmitted if necessary.
The Retransmit (RT) input is active in the standalone and width
expansion modes. The retr ansmi t featur e is intended for use
when a number o f writes equal to or les s than the depth of the
FIFO have occurred since the last RS cycle. A HIGH pulse on
RT resets the internal read po inter to the first physical location
of the FIFO. WCLK and RCLK may be free running but must
be disabled during and tRTR after the retransmit pulse. With
Table 1. Write Offset Register
LD WEN WCLK[36] Selection
0 0 Writing to offset registers:
Empty Offset
Full Offset
0 1 No Operation
1 0 Write Into FIFO
1 1 No Operation
36. The same selection sequence appl ies to reading from the registers. RE N
is enab led and r ead is perf ormed on th e LO W-to- HIGH t ransition of RC LK.