Application Information
Unlike previous 5V Boomer® amplifiers, the LM4951 is de-
signed to operate over a power supply voltages range of 2.7V
to 9V. Operating on a 7.5V power supply, the LM4951 will
deliver 1.8W into an 8Ω BTL load with no more than 1% THD
As shown in Figure 1, the LM4951 consists of two operational
amplifiers that drive a speaker connected between their out-
puts. The value of input and feedback resistors determine the
gain of each amplifier. External resistors Ri and Rf set the
closed-loop gain of AMPA, whereas two 20kΩ internal resis-
tors set AMPB's gain to -1. The LM4951 drives a load, such
as a speaker, connected between the two amplifier outputs,
VO+ and VO -. Figure 1 shows that AMPA's output serves as
AMPB's input. This results in both amplifiers producing signals
identical in magnitude, but 180° out of phase. Taking advan-
tage of this phase difference, a load is placed between
AMPA and AMPB and driven differentially (commonly referred
to as "bridge mode"). This results in a differential, or BTL, gain
AVD = 2(Rf / Ri) (1)
Bridge mode amplifiers are different from single-ended am-
plifiers that drive loads connected between a single amplifier's
output and ground. For a given supply voltage, bridge mode
has a distinct advantage over the single-ended configuration:
its differential output doubles the voltage swing across the
load. Theoretically, this produces four times the output power
when compared to a single-ended amplifier under the same
conditions. This increase in attainable output power assumes
that the amplifier is not current limited and that the output sig-
nal is not clipped. To ensure minimum output signal clipping
when choosing an amplifier's closed-loop gain, refer to the
conditions, with unique combinations of high power supply
voltage and high closed loop gain settings, the LM4951 may
exhibit low frequency oscillations.
Another advantage of the differential bridge output is no net
DC voltage across the load. This is accomplished by biasing
AMP1's and AMP2's outputs at half-supply. This eliminates
the coupling capacitor that single supply, single-ended am-
plifiers require. Eliminating an output coupling capacitor in a
typical single-ended configuration forces a single-supply
amplifier's half-supply bias voltage across the load. This in-
creases internal IC power dissipation and may permanently
damage loads such as speakers.
Power dissipation is a major concern when designing a suc-
cessful bridged amplifier.
The LM4951's dissipation when driving a BTL load is given
by Equation (2). For a 7.5V supply and a single 8Ω BTL load,
the dissipation is 1.42W.
PDMAX-MONOBTL = 4(VDD) 2 / 2π2RL: Bridge Mode (2)
The maximum power dissipation point given by Equation (2)
must not exceed the power dissipation given by Equation (3):
PDMAX' = (TJMAX - TA) / θJA (3)
The LM4951's TJMAX = 150°C. In the SD package, the
LM4951's θJA is 73°C/W when the metal tab is soldered to a
copper plane of at least 1in2. This plane can be split between
the top and bottom layers of a two-sided PCB. Connect the
two layers together under the tab with an array of vias. At any
given ambient temperature TA, use Equation (3) to find the
maximum internal power dissipation supported by the IC
packaging. Rearranging Equation (3) and substituting
PDMAX for PDMAX' results in Equation (4). This equation gives
the maximum ambient temperature that still allows maximum
stereo power dissipation without violating the LM4951's max-
imum junction temperature.
For a typical application with a 7.5V power supply and a BTL
8Ω load, the maximum ambient temperature that allows max-
imum stereo power dissipation without exceeding the maxi-
mum junction temperature is approximately 46°C for the TS
Equation (5) gives the maximum junction temperature
TJMAX. If the result violates the LM4951's 150°C, reduce the
maximum junction temperature by reducing the power supply
voltage or increasing the load resistance. Further allowance
should be made for increased ambient temperatures.
The above examples assume that a device is operating
around the maximum power dissipation point. Since internal
power dissipation is a function of output power, higher ambi-
ent temperatures are allowed as output power or duty cycle
If the result of Equation (2) is greater than that of Equation (3),
then decrease the supply voltage, increase the load
impedance, or reduce the ambient temperature. Further, en-
sure that speakers rated at a nominal 8Ω do not fall below
6Ω. If these measures are insufficient, a heat sink can be
added to reduce θJA. The heat sink can be created using ad-
ditional copper area around the package, with connections to
the ground pins, supply pin and amplifier output pins. Refer
to the Typical Performance Characteristics curves for pow-
er dissipation information at lower output power levels.
Continuous proper operation is ensured by never exceeding
the voltage applied to any pin, with respect to ground, as listed
in the Absolute Maximum Ratings section.
As with any power amplifier, proper supply bypassing is crit-
ical for low noise performance and high power supply rejec-
tion. Applications that employ a voltage regulator typically use
a 10µF in parallel with a 0.1µF filter capacitors to stabilize the
regulator's output, reduce noise on the supply line, and im-
prove the supply's transient response. However, their pres-
ence does not eliminate the need for a local 1.0µF tantalum
bypass capacitance connected between the LM4951's supply
pins and ground. Do not substitute a ceramic capacitor for the
tantalum. Doing so may cause oscillation. Keep the length of
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