ProxSense(R) Series IQS231 Datasheet Single Channel Capacitive Proximity/Touch Controller for SAR applications Features RoHS2 Pin compatible with IQS127/128/227/228/211 Replacement solution for the IQS128 to meet SAR regulations (failsafe & long-term activation testing) and improve performance Improved IQS128 DYCALTM operation with quick release detection for improved SAR safety Human detection options for start-up detection and improved user experience (non-default, FCC approval pending) 1.75V to 3.6V Input voltage, trimmed to use proximity detection with 1.8V digital interface External threshold adjustment pin (minimize need for pre-empted OTP adjustments) Minimal external components (direct input strap) Standalone failsafe mode (backwards compatible failsafe output, short pulses on output to indicate operational device) Default OTP options focus on safety and passing SAR lab qualification, OTP changes offer performance advantages Quick release detection - effectively prevent false triggers Compliant 6 pin TSOT23-6 Representations only, not actual markings Quick release sensitivity options Projected capacitive sensing option (selfcapacitance by default) I2C interface option (improved compatibility) Extended controls in I2C mode (setup in I2C, runtime with standalone output) Hand-held power on detection (safety back-off feature using user interaction) Optional input for synchronized implementations (input to instruct IC when to sense) Synchronization output - failsafe pulses may be used by the master to synchronize on. Sensing is done after each pulse Synchronization input - Sensing is only done while Sync input is low Low power sensing: 30Hz (default), 100Hz Constant sampling rates during all power modes with rapidly debounced output changes Applications SAR Sensor Integrated hybrid designs capacitive sensing combined) (RF and Hold detection for screen activation On-ear detection Movement sensing applications (user interaction detection, anti-theft) Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved TA TSOT23-6 -40C to 85C IQS231 IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 1 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series Table of Contents 1 SUMMARY: PACKAGING AND PIN-OUT .............................................................................................................. 4 2 SUMMARY: ONE-TIME-PROGRAMMABLE (OTP) OPTIONS ................................................................................. 5 3 SUMMARY: PROGRAMMING REFERENCE (I C MEMORY MAP) ........................................................................... 6 4 SUMMARY: FEATURES........................................................................................................................................ 7 2 PIN COMPATIBILITY .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 DYCAL / QUICK RELEASE...................................................................................................................................................... 7 USER INTERFACE SELECTION................................................................................................................................................... 7 MOVEMENT DETECTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT...................................................................................................................................................... 8 FAILSAFE HEARTBEAT............................................................................................................................................................ 8 HIGH CONFIGURABILITY ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 2 SWITCH I C TO STANDALONE ................................................................................................................................................. 8 SELF / PROJECTED SENSING ................................................................................................................................................... 9 HAND-HELD DETECTION DURING POWER-ON............................................................................................................................. 9 SYNC INPUT ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 AUTOMATIC TUNING (ATI).................................................................................................................................................... 9 REFERENCE SIGNAL BEHAVIOUR .............................................................................................................................................. 9 2 IMPROVED I C INTERFACE ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 5 FEATURES: EXTENDED DETAILS .........................................................................................................................10 5.1 5.2 6 ATI (AUTOMATIC TUNING IMPLEMENTATION) ........................................................................................................... 10 SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 10 RECOMMENDED SAR CONFIGURATIONS ...........................................................................................................11 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 2 I C PROGRAMMING GUIDE (SUMMARY) ...........................................................................................................14 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8 IQS128 REPLACEMENT CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................. 11 FULL FEATURE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................... 12 SHARED ELECTRODE WITH RF ANTENNA .................................................................................................................... 12 2 I C SETUP WITH STANDALONE OUTPUT IN RUNTIME..................................................................................................... 13 ADD I2C CONNECTION .......................................................................................................................................... 14 I2C COMMAND STRUCTURE.................................................................................................................................... 15 CONTROL BYTE .................................................................................................................................................... 15 TEST MODE (ADDRESS 0X45).................................................................................................................................. 15 I2C TYPICAL SETUP ............................................................................................................................................... 16 I2C READ (EVENT REGISTER)................................................................................................................................... 16 CONFIGURATION OPTIONS................................................................................................................................17 8.1 OTP DETAILS: BANK 0 .......................................................................................................................................... 18 MOVEMENT TIME-OUT ....................................................................................................................................................... 18 MOVEMENT THRESHOLD..................................................................................................................................................... 18 QUICK RELEASE THRESHOLD ................................................................................................................................................. 18 QUICK RELEASE BETA .......................................................................................................................................................... 18 8.2 OTP DETAILS: BANK 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 FILTER HALT THRESHOLD ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 PROXIMITY THRESHOLD (LOW/HIGH) .................................................................................................................................... 19 AC FILTER ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19 HAND-HELD POWER ON DETECTION ...................................................................................................................................... 19 TOUCH THRESHOLD............................................................................................................................................................ 19 8.3 OTP DETAILS: BANK 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 TARGET ........................................................................................................................................................................... 20 BASE VALUE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20 FAILSAFE.......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 QUICK RELEASE ................................................................................................................................................................. 21 Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 2 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series USER INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................................... 21 8.4 OTP DETAILS: BANK 3 .......................................................................................................................................... 23 PROJECTED SENSING .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 IO2 FUNCTION.................................................................................................................................................................. 23 IC MODE.......................................................................................................................................................................... 23 SAMPLE RATE ................................................................................................................................................................... 23 9 FULL PROGRAMMING REFERENCE .....................................................................................................................24 10 SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................30 10.1 11 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ............................................................................................................................... 30 PACKAGE INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................33 11.1 TSOT23-6 ......................................................................................................................................................... 33 11.2 DEVICE PACKAGING CONVENTION ............................................................................................................................ 34 11.2.1 Top .......................................................................................................................................................... 34 11.2.2 Bottom .................................................................................................................................................... 34 11.3 MSL LEVEL ......................................................................................................................................................... 34 12 ORDERING AND PART-NUMBER INFORMATION ................................................................................................35 12.1 12.2 13 ORDERING INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................... 35 DEVICE NUMBERING CONVENTION .......................................................................................................................... 35 REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................36 APPENDIX A CONTACT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................37 Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 3 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 1 Summary: Packaging and Pin-Out IO1 / SCL 1 6 Cx / Rx IQS 231 VSS 2 5 VDDHI IO2 / SDA / Tx 3 4 VREG Figure 1.1 IQS231 pin-out (TSOT23-6 package) Table 1.1 Pin-out description IQS231 in TSOT23-6 Pin 1 2 Name Type Function Digital Input/Output Signal GND 4 5 PRIMARY I/O VSS SECONDARY I/O / Tx VREG VDDHI 6 Cx Sense electrode 3 Multifunction IO1 / SCL (I2C Clock signal) Multifunction IO2 / SDA (I2C Data output) / Tx Requires external capacitor Supply:1.75V - 3.6V Connect to conductive area intended for sensor Digital Input/Output Regulator output Supply Input Table 1.2 Multifunction pin descriptions Multifunction pin name IO1 IO2 VDDHI Multifunction pin option Proximity output / Proximity output with heartbeat Sensitivity input / Synchronization input / Movement output / Touch output VDDHI VIN U1 5 VDDHI CX/RX IO1/SCL IO2/SDA/TX 2 C3 C4 1uF 100pF VSS VREG R1 6 GND 3 IO2/SDA LK1 IO2/SDA/TX 2W-SLink Open IO1/SCL C5 IO2/SDA/TX 4.7pF 4 IO1/SCL IO1/SCL IQS231 GND GND C1 C2 220nF 100pF GND Configure these resistors for IQS231 I2C operation. PIN3: IQS231 SDA Pull-up Option: Sensitivity input GND for more sensitivity 470R 1 GND GND CX GND Optional: LED and current limiting resistor PIN1: IQS231 SCL Pull-up VDDHI VDDHI R2 R3 4.7K 4.7K GND Component Min Recommended Max PIN1: Output LED and current limiting resistor on primary output VDDHI C1 180nF R4 C5 DNP 1.0K BLUE 220nF 330nF 4.7pF 200pF (Max recommended) 60pF DS1 IO2/SDA/TX IO1/SCL IO1/SCL Figure 1.2 IQS231 reference schematic Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 4 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 2 Summary: One-Time-Programmable (OTP) options OTP bank 0 Bit7 6 IQS231 000000xx TSR 5 4 3 2 1 Bit 0 Movement time-out Movement threshold Quick release threshold Quick release beta Prox no mov UI 00 - 2s 01 - 5s 10 - 10s 11 - Disabled (0s) 00 - 4 counts 01 - 6 10 - 8 11 - 10 00 - moderate 01 - strict 10 - relaxed 11 - very strict 00 - 2 (fast following) 01 - 3 10 - 4 11 - 5 (slow following) 100 counts 150 50 250 Prox&Mov UIs 00 - 10s 01 - 30s 10 - 60s 11 - 10min OTP Bank 1 IQS231 0000xx00 TSR Bit7 6 3 2 1 Filter halt threshold Proximity Threshold (low/high) AC Filter Hand-held power on detection Touch threshold 0 - 3 counts 1-6 Sensitivity input low / Sync input active / Mov output / Touch output 000 - 20 counts 100 - 52 001 - 28 101 - 68 010 - 36 110 - 68 011 - 44 111 - 132 0 - Increased 1 - Normal 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled 00 - 32 counts 01 - 64 10 - 256 11 - 320 Filter halt time-out fixed at 5 seconds 5 4 Bit 0 Sensitivity input high (internal 20k pull-up) 000 - 40 counts 001 - 56 010 - 72 011 - 88 100 - 104 101 - 136 110 - 195 111 - 264 OTP Bank 2 IQS231 00xx0000 TSR Bit7 6 5 3 2 1 Reserved Target Base value Failsafe Quick release User interface n/a 0 = 1200 / 1096 (movement) 1 = 768 00 - 100 counts 01 - 75 10 - 150 11 - 200 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled 00 - Prox / No movement 01 - Prox with movement 10 - Prox with movement / Touch with no movement 11 - Same as '10', touch output forced on IO2 OTP Bank 3 Bit7 6 4 Bit 0 IQS231 xx000000 TSR 5 4 2 1 Bit 0 Reserved Projected sensing IO2 function 3 IC mode Reserved Sample rate n/a 0 - Self capacitance 1 - Projected capacitance 00 - Sensitivity input (proximity threshold adjust) 01 - Sync input 10 - Movement output 11 - Ignore input, no output 0 - Standalone 1 - I2C Sample-to-sample time (Response time) Includes 6 sample debounce burst of 24ms 0 - 30 Hz (57ms) 1 - 100 Hz (34ms) Recommended base configurations: IQS128 replacement: IQS231 00000000 TSR | Full featured: IQS231 000A0600 TSR | Shared electrode: IQS231 08000000 TSR | I2C mode (optional: jump to standalone): IQS231 04000000 TSR Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 5 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 3 Summary: Programming reference (I2C memory map) Address/ Command/ Byte R/W xxH MAIN_EVENTS R 00H 01H 02H PRODUCT_NUMBER SOFTWARE_VERSION DEBUG_EVENTS 03H EVENTS_ENABLED R/W 0x03F 04H COMMANDS R/W 0x00 ATI_CH0 05H OTP Bank 1 R/W 0x00 Filter halt Proximity threshold Read only 06H OTP Bank 2 R/W 0x00 RESERVED Target Base value 07H OTP Bank 3 R/W 0x00 RESERVED RESERVED Projected sensing 08H QUICK RELEASE R/W 0x00 09H MOVEMENT Default Value Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 n/a DEBUG SENSING WARM COLD BOOT RELEASE DISABLED BOOT Each read instruction returns `MAIN_EVENTS' byte as first byte, followed by the data at the specified address R 0x40 0x40 R 0x04 0x04 R n/a RESERVED ATI_ERROR CH0_ATI RESERVED QUICK EXIT MOV RELEASE DETECT R/W 0x30 (2s, 4) 0AH TOUCH THRESHOLD R/W 0BH PROXIMITY THRESHOLD R/W 0x07 (32) 0x00 0CH 0DH RESERVED CH0 Multipliers R/W R/W n/a n/a 0EH CH0 Compensation R/W n/a 0FH CH1 Multipliers R/W n/a 10H 11H CH1 Compensation System flags R/W R n/a n/a 12H UI flags R n/a 13H 14H ATI flags Event flags R R n/a n/a 15H 16H 17H CH0 ACF_H CH0 ACF_L CH0 LTA_H R R R n/a n/a n/a 18H 19H 1AH 1BH 1CH 1DH 1EH 1FH 20H 21H 22H 23H CH0 LTA_L CH0 QRD_H CH0 QRD_L CH1 ACF_H CH1 ACF_L CH1 UMOV_H CH1 UMOV_L CH1 LMOV_H CH1 LMOV_L HALT_TIMER_H HALT_TIMER_L TIMER.ATI_CH0 R R R R R R R R R R R R n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 24H TIMER.ATI_CH1 R n/a Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved Bit 7 I2C Communications Layout Bit 6 Bit 5 Register name/s RESERVED DEBUG SENSING DISABLED ENABLE SENSING DISABLE SENSING WARM BOOT TOGGLE AC FILTER COLD BOOT RELEASE TOGGLE MOVEMENT ALGORITHM AC Filter TOGGLE ULP MODE Hand-held power on detection Quick release Failsafe IO2 Function IC mode (Standalone / I2C) Quick release threshold LUT 0xC = 500 0xD = 750 0xE = 850 0xF = 1000 0x8 = 75 0x9 = 200 0xA = 300 0xB = 400 0xC = 10min 0xD = 30min 0xE = 60min 0xF = 90min 0x8 = 30s 0x9 = 1min 0xA = 2min 0xB = 5min Bit 1 TOUCH ENTER MOV DETECT TOUCH Bit 0 PROX MOVEMENT PROX TOGGLE WARM EVENT BOOT MODE Touch threshold Read only User interface selection RESERVED Sample rate Quick release beta 0x4 = 10 0x5 = 20 0x6 = 25 0x7 = 30 0x0 = 100 0x1 = 150 0x2 = 50 0x3 = 250 Filter halt time 0x4 = 4s 0x5 = 5s 0x6 = 10s 0x7 = 20s 0x0 = 0s 0x1 = 0.5s 0x2 = 1s 0x3 = 2s Movement threshold = (Value x 2) + 4 Available range: 4 - 34 Touch threshold = (Value x 4) + 4 Available range: 4 - 1024 Reserved Reserved Proximity threshold = (OTP value +1) x 4 x2 if IO2 is high in standalone Available range: 20 - 132 (IO2 low) Available range: 40 - 264 (IO2 high) n/a Reserved Reserved CH0 Sensitivity Multiplier 0-3 Reserved Reserved CH1 Sensitivity Multiplier 0-3 AC FILTER ACTIVE Reserved CH0 Compensation multiplier 0 - 15 0 - 255 CH1 Compensation multiplier 0 - 15 0 - 255 Reserved CH1_ACTIVE Reserved ULP_MODE Reserved HAND_HELD PWR ON CH0_LTA_HALTED ATI_MODE ZOOM MODE QUICK_RELEASE Reserved OUTPUT ACTIVE CH0 UNDEBOUNCED CH0_ TOUCH CH0_PROX Reserved CH1_ATI ERROR Reserved CH1 MOVEMENT CH0_ATI ERROR Proximity channel: Filtered count value 0 - 2000 Proximity channel: Reference count value (Long term average) 0 - 2000 Proximity channel: Quick release detect reference value 0 - 2000 Movement channel: Filtered count value 0 - 2000 Movement channel: Upper reference count value 0 - 2000 Movement channel: Lower reference count value 0 - 2000 Countdown timer to give active feedback on the time-out. Movement events will reset this timer (0 - 255) x 100ms | Timer range: 0 - 90min Countdown timer to give active feedback on the time until re-calibration is attempted after ATI-error (0 - 255) x 100ms | Timer range: 0 - 25s Countdown timer to give active feedback on the time until re-calibration is attempted after ATI-error (0 - 255) x 100ms | Timer range: 0 - 25s IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 6 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 4 Summary: Features Pin compatibility Many older designs using the IQS128 will benefit from a "drop-in" replacement on a production device for evaluation. A DYCAL-type implementation (referring to dynamic threshold calibration) is recommended as main stability feature for the latest SAR user interface. Passing the device SAR qualification with this type of interface has been proven successful. "Quick release" detection is the improved "DYCAL"-type implementation and focusses on a release characteristic within a time window. Movement features add a second level of protection against stuck conditions with the quick release detection. DYCAL / Quick release The quick release will be detected on the proximity channel (not the secondary movement channel) and the signal slope will be monitored to enable the quick release. A single action from a touch/proximity state will trigger the quick release event and the event will only remain as long the proximity state holds. The device offers 3 main UIs intended for SAR use. These are: UI User interface selection Proximity UI, no continuous movement sensing Proximity UI, continuous movement sensing Proximity & touch UI, continuous movement sensing during proximity, no movement sensing during touch (No time-out during long duration stationary SAR tests) In all cases the use of the quick release feature is recommended to prevent typical non-human activations from remaining. In all cases "no movement" and "movement sensing" refers to the capacitive movement sensing during normal activation. "Hand held detection" and "quick release" features will enable movement sensing with a no-movement time-out, irrespective of which UI is selected. Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 7 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series Summary: Features (Continued 1...) Movement detection is designed to function as human presence detection in a localized area. This device can't be used to fulfil an accelerometer function ("G-sensor" function). Movement detection Human presence detection requires an exception in SAR testing because the qualification testing only uses stationary "phantom bodies". Optimized human detection is offered through an integrated separate channel, dedicated towards human detection. 6 Cx IO1 1 VSS 2 6 Cx LESS IO1 1 2 MORE SENSITIVE IQS 231 SENSITIVE 5 VDDHI 3 IQS 231 IO1 1 VSS 2 5 VDDHI 4 VREG MORE SENSITIVE 3 6 Cx IQS 231 5 VDDHI 4 VREG IO2 IO2 VSS 4 VREG 3 Default input use: internal pull-up (20k) by default, tie directly to GND for more sensitive option. IO2 Sensitivity adjustment Apart from the simple external adjustment, an external capacitor is recommended for sensitivity adjustments. 1pF is considered a small change in sensitivity, while 10pF changes are considered large. A maximum of 60pF load is recommended for effective proximity sensing. A single pulse of 500s is integrated on IO1. This pulse is the failsafe heartbeat, sent on each sensing event. This pulse will be sent during the "stabilize time" as shown in Figure 8.1. Cx IO1 Failsafe heartbeat High configurability The failsafe signal is disabled by default and may be enabled via OTP option or I2C initialize with standalone setup. Through I2C the IQS231 can be used in many different ways and the configuration can be updated during later stages of development than with the OTP route. 2 Configure 6 Cx the device via a dedicated I C type connection and switch to any standalone mode for runtime operation. This minimises the IQS 5 VDDHI 2 processor load and spurious content from communication signals. VDDHI IO1 6 Cx1 SCL 1 2 The failsafe indicator signal will precede the conversions (sampling). The failsafe signal will be repeated during burst mode in order to offer synchronization output to the master, indicating exactly when sensitive measurements are done. Measurement times have a fixed maximum which the user can implement. IQS 231 SDA 3 5 IO2 3 4 VREG Switch I2C to standalone Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved 231 The failsafe 4 VREG heartbeat is integral to detecting an unexpected reset event. When the heartbeat disappears, default state is assumed and the master device should reconfigure the device through I2C. IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 8 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series Summary: Features (Continued 2...) Self / Projected Sensing Hand-held detection during power-on Sync input Projected is offered for future implementations with advantages in proximity detection for SAR and on-ear. Electrode design is a major design element in such application. Projected sensing is permanently disabled when I2C mode is chosen. Movement detection information will be used for power-on safety detection. During the start-up period, the threshold detection cannot be accurately used due to calibration at this time. Human movement characteristics are used as an alternative. A touch event is considered a more substantial indication of actual threshold trigger and therefore this will clear the hand-held detection state when a proximity & touch UI is selected. In order to ensure a stable sensing environment, sensing may be done in strategic time windows controlled by a master device. The Automatic tuning implementation (ATI) ensures optimal sensitivity during runtime for various sensor environments. Automatic tuning (ATI) Reference signal behaviour Two channels are calibrated (proximity channel and movement channel). Both run on the same Cx pin in different time slots. An ATI-block time is defined to prevent re-ATI loops during touch release events. The ATI-block is fixed for the movement channel, and fixed for the standard touch/proximity channel Long-term-average (LTA: signal reference) behavior is optimized for SAR where trigger tests are important in product qualification. The LTA will therefore be slow while still able to prevent typical temperature drift from causing activations. Standard I2C polling for: Improved I2C interface Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved Debugging & normal use Device polling optimized for guaranteed response (within tCLK_stretch - clock stretching will be applied to the bus SCL line) IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 9 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 5 Features: Extended details 5.1 ATI (Automatic Tuning Implementation) External sensor connections are calibrated in the following ways: Power On Reset (proximity channel is calibrated at each POR) Movement channel is only calibrated with POR when hand-held detection is enabled Proximity & movement channel is calibrated when the reference is out of bounds (1/8 of target counts). The reference of the proximity channel is rapidly adapted when capacitance moves away from the trigger threshold OR when an automatic "reseed" is done (Reseed: reference = actual sensor value). The reference of the movement channel is rapidly adapted in any direction of capacitive changes. Redo-ATI of the proximity channel can be initiated by the user in I 2C mode using an I2C command. During each proximity channel ATI event, the proximity output is activated to indicate the event and ensure a safe output during the event and in the case of an ATI-error. Known issues: When 125 kHz charge transfer frequency selected for large capacitive and resistive loads, the calibration has instability around the ATI boundaries. 5.2 Sensitivity adjustment Apart from the simple external adjustment, an external capacitor is recommended for sensitivity adjustments. 1pF is considered a small change in sensitivity, while 10pF changes are considered large. A maximum of 60pF load is recommended for effective proximity sensing. Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 10 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 6 Recommended SAR configurations Configuration name Configuration Details IQS128 replacement IQS231 00000000 TSR Backwards compatible / with quick release Full-feature (base) IQS231 000A0600 TSR Touch threshold, Hand-held power on detect, quickrelease, failsafe, prox&touch UI, Full-feature (no failsafe heartbeat) IQS231 00020600 TSR Touch threshold, Hand-held power on detect, quickrelease, prox&touch UI Shared electrode IQS231 08000000 TSR Synchronization input I2C Mode IQS231 04000000 TSR I2C enabled See below sections for details on recommended configurations. 6.1 IQS128 replacement configuration The IQS128 replacement mode is the default OTP configuration: DYCAL release is replaced with the quick release (enabled by default) The available input (IO2) may be used floating (has internal pull-up) o Float / pull high: Less sensitive proximity threshold of 8 counts o Shorting this pin to GND: More sensitive proximity threshold of 4 counts. The default base value of the IQS231 is decreased (100 compared to IQS128 @ 200) to give more sensitivity for a lower target count o add a larger Cx capacitance if this sensitivity boost is applied in an environment with a low signal-to-noise ratio. The default quick release settings make the feature function towards the safe side. A design with 20mm trigger distance should activate the feature if a quick release action is done from a deep touch on the electrode. Reference part number: IQS231 00000000 TSR Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 11 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 6.2 Full feature configuration With the standalone mode using movement, all important features of the IQS231 are recommended to enable: Enable hand held detection: This feature offers improved user protecting when powering up the device in-hand. Enable failsafe output: This feature will place short pulses on the output which can easily be ignored by a debounce algorithm and detected by an interrupt. When failsafe pulses disappear, the output IQS231 output should be ignored and the device should enter a safe state. Enable the proximity & touch UI with movement. This UI will effectively time-out when a proximity state is activated, but with no user interaction (device placed on table / in bag etc.). When in a touch state, no time-out will occur. This time-out blocking is beneficial for the long term SAR qualification testing. When the touch UI is enabled the touch level becomes active. Select a touch threshold Keep quick release enabled. The feature will improve user experience with a quick 2 second no-movement time-out. The time-out is fixed (2 sec) when any proximity & movement UI is chosen. Reference part number: IQS231 000A0600 TSR (or IQS231 00020600 TSR no failsafe heartbeat) 6.3 Shared electrode with RF antenna When using the device in an advanced implementation using the RF antenna as sensing electrode, the following settings are recommended: Enable the synchronization input to take control of when sensing is allowed (pull IO2 low) and when sensing is paused (IO2 high with internal pull-up). This feature may be used to multiplex RF transmit, receive and capacitive sensing. Sensing requires a minimum IO2 low time of 10ms to do a proper charge transfer. The proximity threshold will default to the low option. Use the mode described next: "I2C setup with standalone output in runtime". This mode will ensure full control of settings while offering a connection to the RF module without the frequency harmonics produced by I2C communications. Reference part number: IQS231 08000000 TSR Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 12 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 6.4 I2C setup with standalone output in runtime For full control of the settings, an I2C device may be used (I2C enabled with OTP) to do the IC setup, while runtime offers a standalone output. The advantage is that detailed settings can be flexible and determined separately from the procurement phase (OTPs are required to be fixed early enough to satisfy the lead-time for an OTP-specific solution). Details about this mode are as follows: From about 20ms from power-up, the device may be polled by address. The device will acknowledge the correct address within about 5ms from any R/W event (expect clock stretching during IQS231 wake-up) Send write commands via I2C until all the required settings are written Send the mode switch bit "IC mode" -> "Standalone" only after all settings are written. After writing this setting, the next I2C stop sent will automatically instruct a soft reset to put the IC in standalone mode, keeping all the settings written through I 2C. A soft reset will also ensure that a recalibration is done. Quick reference to switch modes: Clear register 0x07 (OTP Bank 3) bit 2 to enter standalone mode. Reference part number: IQS231 04000000 TSR Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 13 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 7 I2C Programming Guide (Summary) The IQS231 device interfaces to a master controller via a 2-wire (SDA and SCL) serial interface bus that is I2CTM compatible, with a maximum communication speed of 400kbit/s. The protocol acknowledges an address request independently. The I2C hardware module is awake for address recognition while the IQS231 is in sleep mode, giving the ability to wake the device at any time and effectively communicate via serial interface. This is different compared to other ultra-low power Azoteq solutions where the communications module also sleeps during standard IC sleep times. Repeated polling requests where required in such case. 7.1 Add I2C connection When using I2C mode, ensure the connections as shown in Figure 1.1. Internal pull-up resistors are sufficient for communication speeds up to 100kbits/s with low capacitance on the lines (<15pF). For 400kbit/s, be sure to place pull-up resistors (4.7k recommended) Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 14 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 7.2 I2C command structure By writing to address 0x04, commands can be sent to the device. The commands are as follows: 2 Table 7.1 I C command structure Reg 0x04 Bit 0 Name WARM BOOT 1 2 RESERVED ULP MODE 3 4 RESERVED AC FILTER 5 DISABLE SENSING 6 ENABLE SENSING 7 ATI CH0 Description Soft reset, all registers remain as written, UI resets n/a Ultra low power mode enable (512ms) n/a Toggle between option available in OTP Disables all conversions Enable capacitive sensing Perform re-calibration on proximity channel Toggle (yes/no) No n/a Yes n/a Yes No No No 7.3 Control Byte The Control byte indicates the 7-bit device address (44H default) and the Read/Write indicator bit. The structure of the control byte is shown in Figure 7.1. 7 bit address MSB 1 0 0 0 1 I2C Group 0 0 R/W LSB Sub- addresses Figure 7.1 IQS231 control byte 2 The I C device has a 7 bit Slave Address (default 0x44H) in the control byte as shown in Figure 7.1. To confirm the address, the software compares the received address with the device address. Sub-address values can be set by OTP programming options. The IQS231 has no alternate slave address options. 7.4 Test mode (address 0x45) During the power-on period (approx. 20ms), the device will respond to polling requests on address 0x45 (test-mode address). Test-mode is used during IC production and OTP configuration. With another device on the I2C bus with address 0x45, power-up sequence and communication timing should be considered. Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 15 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 7.5 I2C typical setup The typical I2C setup would adjust the following registers: Quick release beta Quick release threshold Movement threshold Touch threshold Proximity threshold Filter halt time User interface IC mode The rest of the settings will only require adjustment with specific requirement. 7.6 I2C read (Event register) Each I2C read will always return the event register as the first byte. When reading from a specific register (write address before read), 2x reads should be done. See memory map first line for detail on the event register. Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 16 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 8 Configuration Options The IQS231 offers various user selectable options. These options may be defined via I2C setup or one-time programmable (OTP) configuration. OTP configured devices may be ordered pre-programmed for bulk orders or in-circuit programming techniques may be implemented during the product testing phase. I2C setup allows access to all device settings while entering direct output mode when selected by the MCU. Azoteq offers a Configuration Tool (CT210 or later) and associated software that can be used to program the OTP user options for prototyping purposes. For further information regarding this subject, please contact your local distributor or submit enquiries to Azoteq at: Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 17 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 8.1 OTP Details: Bank 0 Movement timeout (bit 7:6) Movement threshold (bit 5:4) Quick release threshold (bit 3:2) When no movement is detected within a time period, a movement time-out occurs. The reference is halted until the timer clears. After the timer clears, the reference signal is made equal to the actual signal, nullifying any signal delta that may have caused a proximity or touch event. The timer is reloaded with every movement event detected. A low count threshold region is defined for a movement signal internally stored. Movement characteristics accumulate and triggers as soon as it reaches the threshold. The accumulated effect is nullified and accumulation is restarted in order to detect the next possible movement event. The quick release feature will operate according to the parameters as specified in: DYCAL / Quick release definition Quick release beta Quick release threshold The quick release threshold defines the trigger point for the feature where the counts deviate from a quick release moving average in a certain direction. The direction is determined by the projected sensing enabled/disabled bit: Quick release beta (bit 1:0) With projected disabled (default) the direction is with increasing counts With projected enabled the direction is with decreasing counts The quick release beta forms part of the quick release feature and is the filter intensity of the reference value which follows the actual counts. The quick release is triggered according to the difference between this reference value and the actual counts. When this value is large, the quick release will trigger for a variety of release types from slow to fast releases. When this value is small, the quick release will only trigger for fast releases. Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 18 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 8.2 OTP Details: Bank 1 Filter halt threshold (bit 7) The filter halt is a separate threshold that is intended to be more sensitive than the proximity threshold. While in no proximity detected state, the reference of the IQS231 will follow the actual signal to prevent environmental effects such a temperature drift. A filter halt feature is implemented to "freeze" the reference and allow slow proximity trigger approaches to still be effective without adapting. The time-out is tfilter_halt when a filter halt does not result in a proximity event. Proximity Threshold (low/high) (bit 6:4) By default this is the only trigger threshold in the system (touch also threshold available). The threshold is adjustable in actual counts values (count values can be seen when streaming I2C value through the IQS231 GUI). The threshold is the amount of counts the actual signal falls below (projected disabled) | rises above (projected enabled) the reference signal (long-term average) In the default configuration the input pin IO2 will be active. IO2 = VSS will enable the chosen option in the OTP (20-132 counts) IO2 = VDDHI (40264 counts) The system will default to the IO2 = VSS option when sync input or movement output is enabled. AC Filter (bit 3) Hand-held power on detection (bit 2) Incoming samples are filtered by default. This option gives the ability to significantly decrease the filter strength. Default is an IIR (infinite impulse response) filter of 2 (23). This "increased" option enables an IIR filter of 8 (23). The filter can be changed to 21 by setting this bit. Standalone operation involves the detection of user interaction (movement) during power-on. When enabled, the slightest interaction detected during tpwrcheck will result in a safe output along with resetting the timer that times out at tpwrcheck. This allows for a safe period during power-up before starting with normal threshold based sensing. The "movement" parameters used for this feature will be as follows: Touch threshold tpwrcheck = "Movement time-out" when UI is set to any proximity with movement selection tpwrcheck = 5 seconds when UI is set to proximity with no movement enabled Movement trigger threshold = Movement threshold register Filtering = AC Filter bit Threshold in counts that defines the level below the proximity threshold that cancels a quick release event and disables any active movement detection. (bit 1:0) 8.3 OTP Details: Bank 2 Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 19 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series Target (bit 6) The target count is an offset value of the actual system capacitance. The actual signal (expressed in counts) will be calibrated as close as possible to this value. A larger target optimizes sensitivity at the cost of charge transfer time. A lower target offers more stability, but less sensitivity. Base value (bit 5:4) The base value is a lower target value for the actual signal and implies the system gain. A base value of 100 and target of 1000 implies a x10 gain, while base value of 200 and target of 1000 implies a x5 gain. Failsafe This bit is only has an effect when User interface is set to Standalone. (bit 3) Default is to always have 500us pulses on output, separated by the sampling period. A pulse will be on output every time a capacitive conversion is done. Conversion rate and debounce events may be debugged through this output. Scan time Sample time Stabilize time Crx1 (touch & prox) Crx1 (movement) Sleep time Response (standalone) Figure 8.1 Conversion signal on Cx timing description Normal conversion rate Burst mode to debounce proximity event Cx IO1 No prox Prox detected Figure 8.2 Conversion diagram with failsafe output signal Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 20 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series OTP Details: Bank 2 (...continued) Quick release (bit 2) The quick release feature can be disabled here. It is enabled by default. The quick release feature offers improved user experience and does not influence trigger testing. The feature is mainly directed at SAR applications, but also has significant benefits for on-ear detection applications. The touch depth and speed of release is used to detect the instance where the user interaction implies a release condition. This is required for cases where the normal threshold release is not triggered for any of the following reasons: User interface (bit 1:0) Device placed on table while releasing the hand (the capacitive influence of the table remains) Place device inside a bag while releasing the hand (the capacitive influence of the bag remains) Fit a protective cover during use (the capacitive influence of the cover remains) Extreme temperature (cool down) shift causes a shift in capacitive environment Capacitance impulse recovery (drop test, transient bursts etc) When movement Uis are enabled, the timeout is only active in the proximity region. When in touch, only quick release can get the IC out of a stuck condition. In such case no movement time-out for quick release is fixed at 2sec and no-movement time-out for proximity is as defined in OTPs POR auto-ATI POR No calibration convergence 10 sec time-out 5sec !Mov calibration complete ATI error Prox active HH detect enabled Reference (LTA) out-of-bounds Redo ATI Prox active Idle Prox clear 2sec !Mov 5sec no prox Normal prox release Quick release active & Proximity Active 5sec !Mov Disable HH detect Hand held detect Mov detect Filter halt Prox detect Proximity Active HH Proximity Active QR detect Figure 8.3 Proximity UI no movement Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 21 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series OTP Details: Bank 2 (...continued) User interface (bit 1:0) POR auto-ATI POR (continued..) No calibration convergence 10 sec time-out 5sec !Mov calibration complete ATI error Prox active HH detect enabled Reference (LTA) out-of-bounds Redo ATI Prox active Idle Prox clear 5sec !Mov Disable HH detect 2sec !Mov 5sec no prox Normal prox release x sec !Mov Quick release active & Proximity Active Hand held detect Mov detect Filter halt Prox detect HH Proximity Active Proximity Active QR detect Figure 8.4 Proximity UI with movement User interface (bit 1:0) POR auto-ATI POR No calibration convergence (continued..) 10 sec time-out ATI error Prox active HH detect enabled Reference (LTA) out-of-bounds Redo ATI Prox active 5sec !Mov calibration complete Idle Prox clear 5sec !Mov Disable HH detect 2sec !Mov 5sec no prox Normal prox release x sec !Mov Quick release active & Proximity Active Hand held detect Mov detect Filter halt Prox detect Proximity Active HH Proximity Active QR detect Touch detect QR cancelled Touch detect Normal touch release Touch detect Disable HH detect Touch Active Figure 8.5 Proximity & touch UI (with movement enabled in proximity & movement disabled in touch) Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 22 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 8.4 OTP Details: Bank 3 Projected sensing (bit 5) IO2 function (bit 4:3) When disabled (default) self-capacitance technology is used. When enabled, projected capacitance technology is used. In this case Input (IO2) becomes a transmit signal and the Cx pin (pin 6) becomes the receive pin. In this mode any other I/O function defined on IO2 will be cancelled automatically. By default IO2 will be a sensitivity adjustment input. An internal pull-up (Rinternal) will by default select a less sensitive option (IO2 = VDDHI). By strapping then pin directly to Vss, a more sensitive option is selected (IO2 = VSS). When the movement output is enabled, the input defaults to the "more sensitive option" as shown with IO2 = VSS With the output enabled the movement events are shown on IO2. The output is in an active low, open drain configuration. The output will remain low for tawake when movement is detected and this will occur during the sample time after the movement trigger occurs (the movement trigger is delayed with the sample rate) Sync input: The input (pin IO2) may be used to detect when to sense and when to halt the sensing. IO1 1 MCU GPIO VSS 2 VDDHI SYNC PULSE SYNC PULSE IO2 3 0V 6 Cx IQS 231 5 VDDHI 4 VREG Startup time SYNC PULSE SYNC PULSE Figure 8.6 Sync input of the IQS231 IC mode Standalone (default), or I2C (bit 2) The advantage of this option is explained in the Switch I2C to standalone section of the features summary. Sample rate The various sample rates offered are mainly given for the user to determine (bit 1:0) Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved an ideal balance between power consumption and response time. Overall response times of the IQS231 are improved with SAR trigger testing in mind. IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 23 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 9 Full programming reference A detailed list of the I2C registers follows and follows the structure of the memory map summary on page 6. ADDR Register name xxH MAIN_EVENTS Bit 7 6 0 n/a Description n/a DEBUG - Debug events are disabled by default. In order to report debug events, enable debug events in register 0x03 and read debug event in register 0x02 when this bit is set. SENSING DISABLED - An indication of forced or implied times when no sensing signals are applied to the sense pin. When this bit is set and bit 2 is cleared, sensing is disabled. When this bit and bit 2 is set, sensing is enabled again. WARM BOOT - A software reset command in register 0x04 will lead to a warm boot. This will imply a reset for the user interface, re-calibration, and hand-held power on detection will be forced if enabled. COLD BOOT - A hard reset (power supply cycle) will cause all registers to return to a default value. This indicator will imply the need to re-initialize the device. RELEASE - A touch, prox or sensing event may be paired with a release indication to show an exit of the flagged event. TOUCH - Disabled by default, this bit will be active when a touch and prox user interface is chosen. PROX - The main feedback bit to indicate an activation The product number is fixed at 0x40 n/a The only software version released is 0x04 5 4 3 2 1 00H 01H 02H PRODUCT_ NUMBER SOFTWARE_ VERSION DEBUG_ EVENTS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved n/a ATI_ERROR - when a recalibration cannot converge, due to external tampering or instability, this bit will indicate the error and implies that the calibration does not offer optimal sensitivity. The PROX event in the main events register will be set along with this bit in such case. CH0_ATI - An indication that a recalibration of the proximity sensing channel has occurred. With calibration, the PROX output in main events will be set and after calibration, the PROX output will release. n/a QUICK RELEASE - The quick release feature is a single event that is indicated here. This event will always imply an "ENTER MOV DETECT", but is not the only event that causes movement detection to be activated. EXIT MOV DETECT - The user interface dictates when the movement channel is deactivated. The deactivation of movement sensing will be reported in this bit. ENTER MOV DETECT - Movement detection is user interface dependant and not continually active. Movement detection implies that a separate movement channel is activated. This activation will be reported in this bit. IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 24 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series ADDR Register name 03H EVENTS_ENAB LED 04H COMMANDS Bit 0 n/a 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 05H OTP Bank 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 06H OTP Bank 2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 07H OTP Bank 3 Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved Description MOVEMENT - Each trigger detected by the movement algorithm is reported as an event that resets along with each read operation. ENABLE (set) or DISABLE (clear) events that are reported in the MAIN_EVENTS register. Each read operation is preceded by the MAIN_EVENTS byte. The bit order from the MAIN_EVENTS register can be used to determine a required event mask ATI_CH0 - Recalibrate the proximity channel. Only after closing the communications window, a recalibration of the proximity sensing electrode will be started. DISABLE SENSING - Sensing can be disabled to save power or synchronize sensing in a more complex system and limit certain signals from affecting the measurement. ENABLE SENSING - Sensing can be enabled at strategic times to limit interference in the sensitive measurement environment. ENABLE / DISABLE sensing will be reflected in the MAIN_EVENTS register. ENABLE sensing will result in a "SENSING DISABLED" and "RELEASE" bit being set simultaneously. TOGGLE AC FILTER - The AC Filter as defined in OTP Bank 1 can be toggled through a command and read in register 0x05 (OTP Bank 1) RESERVED TOGGLE ULP MODE - An ultra low power mode is defined to limit power consumption to a maximum with a 512ms sensing period. The IQS231 debounce will give a sub-550ms response time. RESERVED WARM BOOT - A warm boot implies a user interface restart while keeping all register changes made. Sending the command will execute as soon as the communications window is closed. The event will be flagged in the MAIN_EVENTS register. Filter halt threshold (see OTP bank definition) Proximity Threshold (low/high) read only For reading OTP setting only. Note that the actual proximity threshold is defined in register 0x0B. AC Filter (see OTP bank definition) Hand-held power on detection (see OTP bank definition) Touch threshold (read only) For reading OTP setting only. Note that the actual touch threshold is defined in register 0x0A. Reserved Target (see OTP bank definition) Base value (see OTP bank definition) Failsafe (see OTP bank definition) Quick release (see OTP bank definition) User interface (see OTP bank definition) RESERVED IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 25 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series ADDR Register name 08H Bit 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 QUICK RELEASE 3 2 1 0 09H MOVEMENT Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved 7 6 5 4 Description RESERVED Projected sensing (see OTP bank definition) IO2 function (see OTP bank definition) IC mode - I2C or standalone. This powerful feature enables the designer to configure the device in I2C mode and thereafter reduce the I2C overhead and related EMI by switching to standalone for runtime. The actual mode switch occurs as soon as the communications window is closed with a stop command. It is recommended to enable the failsafe heartbeat when going from I2C mode to standalone. The absence of the heartbeat should be used to indicate an unexpected reset event, implying the need for I2C reconfiguration. Sample rate (see OTP bank definition) The OTP options for quick release (see Quick release threshold in OTP Bank 0) is extended in I2C mode to enable a very specific release characteristic. Quick release threshold look-up table: 0x0 = 150 counts 0x1 = 100 0x2 = 50 0x3 = 250 0x4 = 10 0x5 = 20 0x6 = 25 0x7 = 30 0x8 = 75 0x9 = 200 0xA = 300 0xB = 400 0xC = 245 0xD = 230 0xE = 335 0xF = 500 Quick release beta - This beta value is an indication of the filter strength used to track the characteristic of the release signal. The faster the tracking, the less likely the release will be detected (only very quick events will be detected). The slower the tracking, the more likely the quick release occur (quick events and slow events will be detected as a quick release) Practical values for the beta range between: 0 (fast events only) and 4 (fast and slow events) The maximum of 0xF is impractical and high values are not recommended. MOVEMENT TIME-OUT - Depending on the user interface, a movement detection channel may be started along with specific events (proximity / quick release). The timer is set and cleared as mentioned in Movement timeout (OTP Bank 0). IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 26 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series ADDR Register name Bit 3 2 1 0 0AH TOUCH THRESHOLD n/a 0BH PROXIMITY THRESHOLD 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0CH 0DH RESERVED CH0 Multipliers Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved n/a 7 6 5 4 3 Description No movement time-out value: 0x0 = 0s 0x1 = 0.5s 0x2 = 1s 0x3 = 2s 0x4 = 4s 0x5 = 5s 0x6 = 10s 0x7 = 20s 0x8 = 30s 0x9 = 1min 0xA = 2min 0xB = 5min 0xC = 10min 0xD = 30min 0xE = 60min 0xF = 90min MOVEMENT THRESHOLD. Movement threshold = (Value x 2) + 4 Available range: 4 - 34 For description see Movement threshold in OTP Bank 0. Note that the movement threshold in OTP Bank 1 is loaded in this register at start up and the OTP setting becomes read only. All movement threshold adjustments are performed in this register. Touch threshold = (Value x 4) + 4 Available range: 4 - 1024 For details on the touch threshold operation and uses see Touch threshold in OTP Bank 1. Note that the touch threshold in OTP Bank 1 is loaded in this register at start up and the OTP setting becomes read only. All touch threshold adjustments are performed in this register. Reserved Proximity threshold = (OTP value +1) x 4 x2 if IO2 is high in standalone Available range: 20 - 132 (IO2 low) Available range: 40 - 264 (IO2 high) For details on the proximity threshold operation and uses see Proximity Threshold (low/high) in OTP Bank 1. Note that the proximity threshold in OTP Bank 1 is loaded in this register at start up and the OTP setting becomes read only. All proximity threshold adjustments are performed in this register. n/a Reserved CH0 Sensitivity Multiplier (Values: 0 - 3) CH0 Compensation multiplier (Values: 0 - 15) IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 27 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series ADDR Register name 0EH 0FH 10H 11H CH0 Compensation CH1 Multipliers CH1 Compensation System flags Bit 2 1 0 n/a 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n/a 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 12H UI flags 7 6 5 4 3 2 13H 14H ATI flags Event flags 1 0 n/a 7 6 5 Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved Description 0 - 255 Reserved CH1 Sensitivity Multiplier (Values: 0 - 3) CH1 Compensation multiplier (Values: 0 - 15) 0 - 255 AC FILTER ACTIVE - Indicates if the function selected in register 0x05 is currently active. Reserved CH1 ACTIVE - Indicates if the movement channel (CH1) is activated and busy with movement detection Reserved CH0 LTA HALTED - Indicates that some proximity shift has been detected according to the threshold in register 0x05 bit 7. This event automatically clears if a proximity is not detected within tfilter_halt ATI MODE - Indicates that CH0 or CH1 is busy with the recalibration routine. Read the ATI in flags in register 0x13 for more information ZOOM MODE - At each threshold of the proximity channel (proximity & touch threshold), a signal "debounce" is done rapidly. During this rapid event, this bit will be set. Reserved ULP MODE - When ULP mode is entered by the command in register 0x04 bit 2, the power mode will be flagged here. Reserved Hand held power on - Indicates the hand held power on feature is active/inactive after power on or WARM BOOT. Quick release - Indicates when a quick release action has been detected Reserved Output active - Indicates an active proximity detection Reserved CH1_ATI ERROR - This will indicate that the movement channel is not operating under optimal sensitivity and the calibration will automatically be redone in tredoATI. The countdown time until next attempt can be read in register 0x25 and 0x26. Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 28 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series ADDR Register name Bit 4 3 2 1 0 15H 16H CH0 ACF_H CH0 ACF_L n/a 17H 18H 19H 1AH 1BH 1CH 1DH 1EH 1FH 20H 21H CH0 LTA_H CH0 LTA_L CH0 QRD_H CH0 QRD_L CH1 ACF_H CH1 ACF_L CH1 UMOV_H CH1 UMOV_L CH1 LMOV_H CH1 LMOV_L HALT_TIMER_ H HALT_TIMER_ L TIMER.ATI_CH 0 n/a TIMER.ATI_CH 1 n/a 22H 23H 24H Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Description CH1 MOVEMENT CH0_ATI ERROR - Because of external interference, strong EMI or extreme capacitive load conditions the calibration will not be able to reach the target sensitivity (target count - as defined in register 0x06 bit 6). The proximity output will be set in such case in order to fail towards the safe side. The calibration will automatically be redone in tredoATI. The count-down time until next attempt can be read in register 0x23 and 0x24. CH0 UNDEBOUNCED - An indication that a proximity event has been detected before a debounce operation has been done. CH0_ TOUCH - The touch event is flagged here for the duration of the touch CH0_PROX - The proximity event is flagged here for the duration of the proximity Proximity channel: Filtered count value 0 - 2000 This count value is related to an offset actual capacitive load. The offset is done though calibration and ensures system sensitivity. Proximity channel: Reference count value (Long term average) 0 - 2000 Proximity channel: Quick release detect reference value 0 - 2000 Movement channel: Filtered count value 0 - 2000 Movement channel: Upper reference count value 0 - 2000 Movement channel: Lower reference count value 0 - 2000 Countdown timer to give active feedback on the time-out. Movement events will reset this timer (0 - 255) x 100ms | Timer range: 0 - 90min Channel 0 countdown timer to give active feedback on the time until re-calibration is attempted after ATI-error (0 - 255) x 100ms | Timer range: 0 - 25s Channel 1 countdown timer to give active feedback on the time until re-calibration is attempted after ATI-error (0 - 255) x 100ms | Timer range: 0 - 25s IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 29 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 10 Specifications 10.1 Absolute maximum ratings The following absolute maximum parameters are specified for the device: Exceeding these maximum specifications may cause damage to the device. Operating temperature -40C to 85C Supply Voltage (VDDHI - VSS) 3.6V Maximum pin voltage Maximum continuous current (for specific Pins) VDDHI + 0.5V (may not exceed VDDHI max) 10mA Minimum pin voltage VSS - 0.5V Minimum power-on slope 100V/s ESD protection 8kV (Human body model) Package Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) 1 Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 30 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series Table 10.1 IQS231 General Operating Conditions DESCRIPTION Conditions Supply voltage Internal regulator output Default Operating Current PARAME TER VDDHI 1.75 VDDHI VREG 3.6 3.3V, Scan time IIQS231LP30 = 30ms MIN TYP UNIT 1.75 n/a 3.6 V 1.62 1.65 1.72 V 3.3V, Scan time IIQS231FP =9ms Full Power Setting MAX Halt charge 33 A 80 A 1 uA Table 10.2 Start-up and shut-down slope Characteristics DESCRIPTION Power On Reset Brown Out Detect Conditions VDDHI Slope 100V/s @25C VDDHI Slope 100V/s @25C PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT POR 1.2 1.6 V BOD 1.15 1.6 V Table 10.3 Various IQS231 characteristics DESCRIPTION tcomms_timeout tCLK_stretch tfilter_halt tpwrcheck tredoATI tawake Rinternal fsampling Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved MIN - IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet TYP 20 5 5 5 10 9 20 500 MAX - UNIT ms ms s s s ms k kHz Page 31 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series Table 10.4 Digital input trigger levels DESCRIPTION Conditions All digital inputs VDDHI = 3.3V All digital inputs VDDHI = 1.8V All digital inputs VDDHI = 1.8V All digital inputs VDDHI = 3.3V PARAMETER Input low level voltage Input low level voltage Input high level voltage Input high level voltage MIN TYPICAL MAX UNIT 1.19 1.3 1.3 V 0.54 0.6 0.76 V 0.9 1.0 1.2 V 1.90 2.1 2.20 V Table 10.5 Digital output levels DESCRIPTION Output voltage low Output voltage high Conditions VDDHI = 3.3V VDDHI = 3.3V PARAMETER VOL VOH @1mA* 0.01 n/a** @10mA* 0.1 n/a** UNIT V V * Current sinked into output pin ** Only open drain output offered. Pull-up resistor to VDDHI recommended Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 32 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 11 Package information 11.1 TSOT23-6 C A B D E F J G I H Figure 11.1 TSOT23-6 Packaging i Table 11.1 TSOT23-6 Dimensions Dimension A B C D E F G H I J i Min (mm) Max (mm) 2.60 3.00 1.50 1.70 2.80 3.00 0.30 0.50 0.95 Basic 0.84 1.00 0.00 0.10 0.30 0.50 0 8 0.03 0.20 Drawing not on Scale Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 33 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 11.2 Device packaging convention 11.2.1 Top 231 xx IC NAME BATCH CODE IC name 231 Batch xx 11.2.2 Bottom No bottom marking present 11.3 MSL Level Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) relates to the packaging and handling precautions for some semiconductors. The MSL is an electronic standard for the time period in which a moisture sensitive device can be exposed to ambient room conditions (approximately 30C/85%RH see J-STD033C for more info) before reflow occur. Package TSOT23-6 Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved Level (duration) MSL 1 (Unlimited at 30 C/85% RH) Reflow profile peak temperature < 260 C for < 30 seconds IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 34 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 12 Ordering and Part-number Information 12.1 Ordering Information Please check stock availability with your local distributor. CONFIGURATION zzzzzzzz = IC configuration (hexadecimal) Default 00000000 (other configurations available on request) PACKAGE TYPE TS = TSOT23-6 package BULK PACKAGING R = Reel (3000pcs/reel) - MOQ = 3000pcs MOQ = 1 reel (orders shipped as full reels) Example ordering code for default device: IQS231 00000000 TS R 12.2 Device Numbering Convention REVISION x = IC Revision Number TEMPERATURE RANGE t = -40C to 85C (Industrial) DATE CODE P = Internal use WWYY= Batch number Figure 12.1 TSOT23-6 Tape Specification Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 35 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series 13 Revision History Revision Number Description Date of issue v1.0 IC release version 12 August 2015 v1.1 Figure 1.2 updated - load capacitor moved 9 October 2015 AC filter is increased by default Large quick release thresholds adapted Known issues and workarounds: Proximity threshold Low frequency sensing mode omission V1.2 Typing error on proximity threshold OTP in bank1 should be 110 - 195 not 136 V1.3 Device package marking detail added 13 November 2015 V1.4 Output voltage levels added 8 March 2016 V1.5 Example schematic updated with C1 capacitor 4 May 2016 guide added Low power references removed Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 36 of 37 March 2016 ProxSense(R) Series Appendix A Contact Information USA Asia South Africa Physical 6507 Jester Blvd Address Bldg 5, suite 510G Austin TX 78750 USA Rm2125, Glittery City Shennan Rd Futian District Shenzhen, 518033 China 109 Main Street Paarl 7646 South Africa Postal Address 6507 Jester Blvd Bldg 5, suite 510G Austin TX 78750 USA Rm2125, Glittery City Shennan Rd Futian District Shenzhen, 518033 China PO Box 3534 Paarl 7620 South Africa Tel +1 512 538 1995 +86 755 8303 5294 ext 808 +27 21 863 0033 Fax +1 512 672 8442 Email +27 21 863 1512 Please visit for a list of distributors and worldwide representation. The following patents relate to the device or usage of the device: US 6,249,089 B1; US 6,621,225 B2; US 6,650,066 B2; US 6,952,084 B2; US 6,984,900 B1; US 7,084,526 B2; US 7,084,531 B2; US 7,265,494 B2; US 7,291,940 B2; US 7,329,970 B2; US 7,336,037 B2; US 7,443,101 B2; US 7,466,040 B2 ; US 7,498,749 B2; US 7,528,508 B2; US 7,755,219 B2; US 7,772,781 B2; US 7,781,980 B2; US 7,915,765 B2; US 7,994,726 B2; US 8,035,623 B2; US RE43,606 E; US 8,288,952 B2; US 8,395,395 B2; US 8,531,120 B2; US 8,659,306 B2; US 8,823,273 B2; EP 1 120 018 B2; EP 1 206 168 B1; EP 1 308 913 B1; EP 1 530 178 A1; EP 2 351 220 B1; EP 2 559 164 B1; CN 1330853; CN 1783573; AUS 761094; HK 104 1401 (R) (R) TM IQ Switch , SwipeSwitchTM, ProxSense , LightSenseTM, AirButton , ProxFusionTM, Crystal DriverTM and the logo are trademarks of Azoteq. The information in this Datasheet is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. Azoteq uses reasonable effort to maintain the information up-to-date and accurate, but does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained herein. All content and information are provided on an "as is" basis only, without any representations or warranties, express or implied, of any kind, including representations about the suitability of these products or information for any purpose. Azoteq disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to these products and information, including but not limited to all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement of any third party intellectual property rights. Azoteq assumes no liability for any damages or injury arising from any use of the information or the product or caused by, without limitation, failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, even if Azoteq has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The applications mentioned herein are used solely for the purpose of illustration and Azoteq makes no warranty or representation that such applications will be sui table without further modification, nor recommends the use of its products for application that may present a risk to human life due to malfunction or otherwise. Azoteq products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. No licenses to patents are granted, implicitly, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, under any intellectual property ri ghts. In the event that any of the abovementioned limitations or exclusions does not apply, it is agreed that Azoteq's total liability for all losses, damages and causes of action (in contract, tort (including without limitation, negligence) or otherwise) will not exceed the amount already paid by the customer for the products. Azoteq reserves the right to alter its products, to make corrections, deletions, modifications, enhancements, improvements and other changes to the content and information, its products, programs and services at any time or to move or discontinue a ny contents, products, programs or services without prior notification. For the most up-to-date information and binding Terms and Conditions please refer to Copyright (c) Azoteq 2016 All Rights Reserved IQS231 Datasheet v1.5 Check for latest datasheet Page 37 of 37 March 2016 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Azoteq: IQS231-00000000-TSR