2N 3055U SILIGON HOMETAXIAL NPN BDX 60 HIGH CURRENT, HIGH POWER APPLICATIONS The 2N 3055U/BDX 60 is a single diffused hometaxial* silicon NPN transistor in a Jedec TO-3 metal case, with high gain, low saturation voltage at high collector current (up to 15 A) and high breakdown voltage. It is intended for a wide variety of high-power applications. Designed to assure freedom from second breakdown at maximum ratings. * Hometaxial types employ a structure in which the base region has homogeneous resistivity silicon material in the axial direction (emitter-to-collector). ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Vepo Coilector-base voltage (I, = 0) Veev (sus) Collector-emitter voltage (V,- = -1.5 V) > Veer (sus) Collector-emitter voltage (Re, < 100 Q) Veco (sus) Collector-emitter voltage (I, = 0) VeBo Emitter-base voltage (I, = 0) Ic Collector current 1, Base current Pro Total power dissipation at T, < 25C Totg Storage temperature T. Junction temperature 100 90 80 70 7 15 7 150 -65 to 200 200 Srr<<<<< QO C * The emitter current may reach 30 A peak with collector-base junction short-circuited MECHANICAL DATA Coliector connected to case b x 3 wl D3) Ol a | OM) ~. wo 2 26.2" Supersedes issue dated 3/73 151 Dimensions in mm gm 11.7 $1.0 204 1,0 c-o008/t (sim. to TO-3) 3/75 2N 3055U BDX 60 THERMAL DATA R th j- Thermal resistance junction-case max 1.17 C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T, = 25C unless otherwise specified) - Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. |Unit leey Collector cutoff current (Vee = -1.5V)| Veg = 100V 5 | mA leBo Emitter cutoff current (I. = 0) Veg = 7V 1 |mA Veey (susp Collector-emitter voltage (Vp- = -1.5V){; Ie = 100mA 90 V Veer (sus) Collector-emitter voltage (Rez = 1002)) 1. = 200mA 80 V Veeo (sus) Collector-emitter voltage (Il, = 0) Ik = 200mA 70 Vv Vee (sat) Collector-emitter saturation voltage k =4A 1, =04A 0.5 | V I =8A i, =16A 1.5 | V k =15A I, =3A 4| Vv Vee Base-emitter voltage kk =4A Voe=4V 12) V Vee (sat) Base-emitter saturation voltage ll =4A th, =O04A 16 | V Il. =8A lp =16A 3]; V I. =15A |p =3A 5.5 | V Nee* DC current gain k =05A Ve =4V 30 250 | le =5A Vae=4v 20 70 | Ib =8A Vee=4V 10 hee/Meey Matched pair Ic =O5A VQ =4V 16] f; Transition frequency Ile =1A Vee=4V 0.8 MHz heap Second breakdown collector current Veg = 7OV 2.414 A * Pulsed: pulse duration = 300 us, duty factor = 1.5 %/o Pulsed: 1s, non repetitive pulse 152 2N 3055U BDX 60 Safe operating areas G-0717/1 Ic *FOR SINGLE NON REPETITIVE PULSE 2 1I MAX (CONTINUOUS *#PULSE OPERATION 10 8 DC OPERATION 100 ms 1 ms 0.5 ms VCEQ MAX =70V 1 10 Veg (V) 153 2N 3055U BDX 60 Typical DC tran$Sconductance Typical input characteristics G-O71211 v 0 05 1 15 2 Vpe (Vv) ' Nae (W) Typical DC current gain Typical transition frequency f (Maz) 15 1 05 0 10? 10"! 1 10 Ic (A) 10? 10+ 10" 1 Ic (A) 154 2N 3055U BDX 60 Collector-emitter breakdown Reverse-bias second breakdown voltage characteristics Veer INDUCTANCE (L)=200 Ie (Vv) (A) 4 80 a) Wr (Roe? 2 3 75 Ree 2 = 100 70 MIN. (Rgg=!0 1 65 1 10 10? 10? 10 Rega) Vee (WV) -4 -3 2 -1 0 155