acam-messelectronic gmbh - Am Hasenbiel 27 - D-76297 Stutensee-Blankenloch - Germany - www.acam.de
The ‘Assembler’ tab page is the main window to open all the source code and include files. It consists of a status
message window at the bottom and buttons to operate the assembler. By clicking the green link labeled ‚Opcode-
Help (F2)‘an integrated online help pops up which provides detailed information about the available op codes.
The controls in detail:
Source code window: This window is used as the source code and include files editor for the assembler
listings (*.asm & *.h files). This is a pure editor window; any number of tabs can be
opened in this window. This page allows the user to display and edit any file. The files
can be manually opened, saved and closed. The location of the file displayed in the
window currently is displayed next to the ‘Compile’ button.
Additional features are line numbering, syntax highlighting and integrated comment
handling. Standard editor tasks like cut, copy & paste or find & replace, etc. can be
performed. You can modify the settings for the editor via the tool settings dialog. To
know more about ‘Include’ files and how to use them, see Section below.
Assembler button: The assembler button to compile the source code along with the respective header
files is: Compile. On pressing the Compile button the source file is compiled to a down-
loadable hex code. If the assembly run was successful a message is displayed accor-
dingly. If the compiling fails, an error message occurs.
If more than one source files are currently open, then the *.asm that will be compiled
on pressing the Compile Button, has the filename in bold letters on the tab. It is the
firstly opened .asm file in the window that is always compiled.
Save Project button: When a source code (*.asm) file and all the respective include (*.h) files are open in
the Assembler tab, then all the files can be combined and saved in a project file (*.prj),
by pressing the Save Project button. The .prj file always takes the name of the *.asm
For e.g. A source code file sample.asm uses ‘include’ files include1.h and include2.h.
Then the corresponding prj file would be saved by the name sample.prj. Once saved,
the *.prj file can be opened from the menu File -> Open project. This automatically
closes all currently open files and opens all the files (*.asm and *.h) belonging to the
project in one go. The *.prj file can also be opened and edited in this Window.
For e.g. A source code file sample.asm uses ‘include’ files include1.h and include2.h.
Then the corresponding prj file would be saved by the name sample.prj. Once saved,
the *.prj file can be opened from the menu File -> Open project. This automatically
closes all currently open files and opens all the files (*.asm and *.h) belonging to the
project in one go. The *.prj file can also be opened and edited in this Window.
Note1: The .asm and .h files can be in different folders or locations. The *.prj file
stores the location of the file while saving the project.