115 MHz Filter 6 MHz Bandwidth Part Number SF0115BA03088S Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE Horizontal: 2.5 MHz/div Vertical (from top): Magnitude Magnitude Group Delay Deviation 10 1 150 dB/div dB/div ns/div SPECIFICATION Parameter Min Typ Max Units All electrical specifications apply over the full -10C to +50C operating range and include allowance for all manufacturing tolerances Center Frequency FC 1 1 dB Bandwidth 2 3 dB Bandwidth 2 40 dB Bandwidth 2 Stopband Rejection, 25 MHz to 100 MHz Stopband Rejection, 130 MHz to 1000 MHz Minimum Insertion Loss Passband Amplitude Variation, FC 2.8 MHz 3 Passband Group Delay Variation, FC 2.8 MHz Absolute Delay Input VSWR, FC 2.8 MHz 4 Output VSWR, FC 2.8 MHz 4 Maximum Input Level Source and Load Impedance Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range 114.88 5.6 6.0 45 45 115 6.08 6.44 7.75 58 53 18.9 0.6 100 2.0 1.55 1.3 115.12 8.2 20 0.8 150 2.1 1.8 1.8 20 50 -10 -45 +50 +85 MHz MHz MHz MHz dB dB dB dB p-p ns p-p s :1 :1 dBm C C Notes: 1. Defined as the mean of the 10dB frequencies. 2. dB levels are taken to be relative to the insertion loss. 3. Excludes final roll-offs to the 1dB points. Note that `Passband Amplitude Variation' includes Ripple (fast variations) and Slope (slow variations). 4. When matched as indicated on Page 3. Rev X6 15-Feb-05 Page 1 of 4 Integrated Circuit Systems * Surface Acoustic Wave Products 324 Clark Street, Worcester, MA 01606, USA * Phone 508-852-5400 * Fax 508-852-8456 www.icst.com QF12/3 115 MHz Filter 6 MHz Bandwidth Part Number SF0115BA03088S Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. PACKAGE AND SUGGESTED PCB FOOTPRINT SUGGESTED PCB FOOTPRINT PACKAGE INFORMATION 10 19.00+0.20 -0.10 9 8 7 8.74 6 ICS 6.50+0.20 -0.10 BA03088S 8.51 2.66 YYJJJM 1 2 3 4 5 1.90 1.12 1.96 MAX 1.91 INDEX MARK 1 10 PIN NO. 10 5 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 2 3 4 5 9 8 7 6 1.59 .61 1.02 DESCRIPTION INPUT OUTPUT GROUND NOTES: DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL IN MILLIMETERS. ALL TOLERANCES ARE 0.15MM EXCEPT OVERALL LENGTH AND WIDTH Package Material: Body: Al2O3 ceramic Lid: Kovar, Ni plated Terminations: Au plating 0.5-1.0 um, over a 2-6 um Ni plating MARKING 10 LOGO MARKING CODE 9 8 7 6 4 5 ICS BA03088S ESD PIN 1 YYJJJM 1 2 3 The date code consists of: YY = last two digits of year; JJJ = Julian day; M = manufacturing site code Rev X6 15-Feb-05 Page 2 of 4 Integrated Circuit Systems * Surface Acoustic Wave Products 324 Clark Street, Worcester, MA 01606, USA * Phone 508-852-5400 * Fax 508-852-8456 www.icst.com QF12/3 115 MHz Filter 6 MHz Bandwidth Part Number SF0115BA03088S Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. MATCHING CIRCUIT Ls1 Ls2 10 Cp1 5 Cp2 Rp2 Rp1 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 Component values in 50: (Minimum inductor Q = 45) Rp1 = 430 Rp2 = 300 Ls1 = 68 nH Ls2 = 68 nH Cp1 = 56 pF Cp2 = 56 pF Notes: 1. Optimum values may differ from these when using a different fixture or board layout. The values shown here are intended as a guide only. 2. Required component tolerances - resistors 5%, inductors 2%, capacitors 5%. MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Input Power Level D. C. Voltage between Each Terminal Min Max -10 -45 +50 +85 20 15 Units C C dBm V Rev X6 15-Feb-05 Page 3 of 4 Integrated Circuit Systems * Surface Acoustic Wave Products 324 Clark Street, Worcester, MA 01606, USA * Phone 508-852-5400 * Fax 508-852-8456 www.icst.com QF12/3 115 MHz Filter 6 MHz Bandwidth Part Number SF0115BA03088S Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Qualification Conditions Life Testing High temperature bake at +85 C for 168 hours. MIL-STD 883, Method 1010: -40 C to +85 C, 10 cycles, 10 minutes dwell at temperature extremes MIL-STD-202, Method 201A: 10 to 55 Hz, double amplitude of 0.06" for 2 hours in each axis. MIL-STD-883, Method 2002, Test Condition B: 1500 g, 3 impacts each axis Peak temperature 240+/-5 C for 10 seconds. Pre-heat: 150-170 C for 60 to 90 seconds. Peak dwell: over 200 C for 23 to 26 seconds. Handling: Class 1 per MIL-STD-1686 Reflow Profile is shown at the bottom of this table. MIL-STD 883 Method 2004, Condition D 8 oz for 30 seconds. MIL-STD-883 Method 2003: 245 C +/-5 C; 95% coverage; no steam aging MIL-STD 883 Method 1014: Condition A2 and Condition C (no bomb) Class I per MIL-STD-883 Method 3015 Do not subject devices to ultrasonic cleaning, which may cause deterioration and destruction of the device. Temperature Cycling Vibration Mechanical Shock Solder Heat Resistance and Reflow Condition Lead Integrity Solderability Hermeticity ESD Classification Precautions Reflow Profile 250 TEMP (deg C) 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 TIME (sec) ISO 9001 Registered Rev X6 15-Feb-05 Page 4 of 4 Integrated Circuit Systems * Surface Acoustic Wave Products 324 Clark Street, Worcester, MA 01606, USA * Phone 508-852-5400 * Fax 508-852-8456 www.icst.com QF12/3