AT88RF001 13.56 MHz 256-bit RFID interface chip A
for large, two-chip tags, dual port
AT88RF256-13 13.56 MHz 320-bit read/write transponder IC A
AT88RF256-12 125 kHz 320-bit read/write transponder IC A
AT24RF08C 125 kHz 8k-bit read/write transponder IC, dual port A
AT88RF020 13.56 MHz 2048-bit read/write transponder IC (Preliminary), A
ISO 14443-2 and -3 compliant
AT90SC0802R 13.56 MHz Contact and contactless Smart Card IC (Preliminary), A
dual port, AVR
e5530 125 kHz 128-bit read-only transponder IC for B
contactless RF identification
TK5530 125 kHz Read-only transponder for contactless B
RF identification, function equal to e5530
e5551 125 kHz 224-bit read/write transponder IC for contactless B
RF identification, multi-tag access by AOR
TK5551 125 kHz Read/write transponder for contactless B
RF identification, function equal to e5551
T5551-PAE 125 kHz Read/write micromodule, function equal to e5551 B
TK5552 125 kHz 1k-bit read/write transponder, Manchester or PSK B
coding, data bit rates RF/16, RF/32, POR delay
T5552-PAE 125 kHz 1k-bit read/write micromodule, Manchester or PSK B
coding, data bit rates RF/16, RF/32, POR delay
T5554 125 kHz 224-bit read/write transponder IC with on-chip 70 or B
200 pF capacitor and megapads, compatible to e5551
T5557 125 kHz 256-bit read/write transponder IC with 330-bit B
EEPROM and on-chip 75-pF capacitor, data bit rates
RF/2 to RF/128, 64-bit unique tag-ID number
T5558 125 kHz 1k-bit read/write transponder IC (Preliminary), B
up to 96-bit tag-ID, Manchester and direct (NRZ) coding,
fast anti-collision, supports AFI
U2270B 125 kHz Read/write base station IC (reader chip) B
U3280M 125 kHz Contactless transponder interface for microcontroller B
U9280M-H 125 kHz Transponder front end plus 4-bit microcontroller B
for combination of remote control and contactless
ID functions (laser-programmable)
October 2001
Part Number Frequency Description Con-
For contact details "A" and "B", please turn over
rfidguid 09.10.2001 10:02 Uhr Seite 1
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© Atmel Corporation 2001
Publisher: Atmel Germany GmbH
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