SGL160N60UFD Rev. B1
©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
Electrical Characteristics of the IGBT TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted
Electrical Characteristics of DIODE TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Off Characteristics
BVCES Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage VGE = 0V, IC = 250uA 600 -- -- V
Temperature Coefficient of Breakdown
Voltage VGE = 0V, IC = 1mA -- 0.6 -- V/°C
ICES Collector Cut-Off Current VCE = VCES, VGE = 0V -- -- 250 uA
IGES G-E Leakage Current VGE = VGES, VCE = 0V -- -- ± 100 nA
On Characteri st ics
VGE(th) G -E Th reshold Voltage IC = 80mA, VCE = VGE 3.5 4.5 6.5 V
VCE(sat) Collector to Emitter
Saturation V oltage IC = 80A, VGE = 15V -- 2.1 2.6 V
IC = 160A, VGE = 15V -- 2.6 -- V
Dynamic Characteristics
Cies Input Capacitance VCE = 30V, VGE = 0V,
f = 1M H z
-- 5000 -- pF
Coes Output Capacitance -- 600 -- pF
Cres Reverse Transfer Capacitance -- 200 -- pF
Switching Characteristics
td(on) Turn- On Delay Time
VCC = 300 V, IC = 80A,
RG = 3.9Ω, VGE=15V
Inductive Load, TC = 25°C
-- 40 -- ns
trRise Time -- 101 -- ns
td(off) Turn-Off D e l a y Time -- 90 130 n s
tfFall Time -- 75 150 ns
Eon Turn-On Switching Loss -- 2500 -- uJ
Eoff Turn- Off Sw it ching Loss -- 1760 -- uJ
Ets Total Switching Loss -- 4260 5000 uJ
td(on) Turn- On Delay Time
VCC = 300 V, IC = 80A,
RG = 3.9Ω, VGE = 15V
Inductive Load, TC = 125°C
-- 45 -- ns
trRise Time -- 105 -- ns
td(off) Turn-Off D e l a y Time -- 140 200 n s
tfFall Time -- 122 250 ns
Eon Turn-On Switching Loss -- 2785 -- uJ
Eoff Turn- Off Sw it ching Loss -- 3100 -- uJ
Ets Total Switching Loss -- 5885 -- uJ
QgTotal Gate Charge VCE = 300 V, IC = 80A,
VGE = 15V
-- 345 520 nC
Qge Gate-Emitter Charge -- 60 100 nC
Qgc Gate-Collector Charge -- 95 150 nC
LeInternal Emitter Inductance Measured 5mm from PKG -- 18 -- nH
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
VFM Diode Forward V oltage IF = 25A TC = 25°C-- 1.4 1.7 V
TC = 100°C-- 1.3 --
trr Diode Reverse Recovery Time
IF = 25A,
di/ dt = 200 A/us
TC = 25°C-- 50 95 ns
TC = 100°C-- 105 --
Irr Diode Peak Reverse Recovery
Current TC = 25°C-- 4.5 10 A
TC = 100°C-- 8.5 --
Qrr Diode Reverse Recovery Charge TC = 25°C-- 112 375 nC
TC = 100°C-- 420 --