SPECIFICATION __ Dev ice Name : iGBT Module Type Name 6MBI75S-120-01 zg Spec. No. : MS5F 4847 3 Date Jun.- 02 - 2000 5 Fujt Electric Co.,Ltd. Matsumoto Factory 1 DATE NAME vs : 4 APpRoveo Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. DRAWN) Jun. - 2 -c0| Kbagactn CHECKED! Jae - 2 -c0 |S. Meet MS5F 4847 % OWG.NO_ ee ot HO4-004-05Revised Records Classi- Applied Date fication Ind. Content date Drawn Checked Approved 1 : __ ce issued __ S. betde ju Tu - P- oe tment 8 C \ Tia. 2- enac date , y whatsoever for the use of any 1 the manufacturing purposes without he Information hercin is the property of the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co.. Ltd They shall be neither reproduced, copied Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. MS5F 48470, DWGNO. HO4-004-066MBI75S-120-01 | { { | 1 1. Outline Drawing ( Unit: mm) 122 #1 116 -20.3 94,5203 B-R2..25 40.3 bs i | 13.09 19.05 [ 19.05 19.05 [ 19.05 | 11.9705 +-95,510.3 19 1a ii 18 15 53 62+! 500.3 3.81 at | | fe PS 3 | | HE Te 60 2 tp | | | 39 9120.3 | __f, 1g 4 57 .520.3 | 99 640.3 SEE: | ~#N\_L | ft le) | LOS Zens OE Seas | be 83236 Xf Orfeo: s/@ Ble 5[m es [aa ofa ATi a = 2e2essy . i -? reed | hon | 25s 3 s 20.1 23285 [4.06 15 15.241 | [45.241 | [18.24] | [95.24 92.1 23325 = | ERBREE | . 2} 3 5a32 3 ol nm WBN ein \ 22282 ald 2zRee op & 3 A 26633 -| ta =# SECTION A-A 3 5 Ols| Sto = x oO ne] < ' = 2 spy 2 z hh [| shows theoretical dimension. 2. Equivalent circuit 21(P) 13 (P} o ! oO 1(Gu) KF 5 (Gy) kd 9(Gw) wk 2(Fu) OH 8 (Ev) > + ome o4 | 19(U) 17() 15H) sine IK J 7 (Gy) wk il "ek (Pot 1 8 (Ey) o4 12{Ez)O-~ oO oe O 20 (N) 14(N) Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. DWGNO. | 3 | MSSF 484700 HO04-004-033. Absolute Maximum Ratings (at Tc= 25C unless otherwise specified } Items Symbols Conditions Viaximum | Units Ratings: Collector-Emitter voltage VCES ny, Gate-Emitter voltage VGES +20 | VV ic Continuous | Tc=25C 100 | Tc=80C 75 Collector current Ic pulse ims Tc=25C 200 A Tc=80C 150 -Ic 75 -Ic pulse ims 150 Collector Power Dissipation Pc 1 device 520 WwW Junction temperature Tj 150 Cc Storage temperature Tstg -40~ 4125 C isolation voltage Viso AC : tmin. 2500 V Mounting Screw Torque ? 3.5 Nm (*1) All terminals should be connected together when isolation test will be done. (*2) Recommendable Value: 2.5~3.5 Nm (M5) 38 23 4. Electrical characteristics (at Tj= 25C unless otherwise specified) Bo 32s Characteristics ere items Symbols Conditions min. | typ. | Max. | Units oee ero gate voltage ICES IVGE OV, VCE 1200V 1.0 | mA gsfts Collector current 23 235 Gate-Emitter leakage current IGES {VCE OV, VGE +-20V 200 |; nA Baie: Gate-Emitter VGE(th) |VCE 20 V, Ic= = 75 mAl 5.5 | 7.2 | 85 g5523 threshold voitage eeiss Collector-Emitter VCE(sati | VGE 15V | Tj= 25C 23 1 261 v sesh saturation voltage c= 775A | y= 1256 2.8 2 2 input Capacitance Cies |VGE OV 9000 Z 38 Output capacitance Coes |VCE 10 V 1875 pF a : z Reverse transfer capacitance Cres jf= 1 MHz 1650 ton jVec= 600 V 0.35 | 1.2 Turn-on time tr Ic = 75 A 0.25 | 0.6 tty jVGE 4-15 V 0.1 us Turn-off time tof |RG= 16 ohm 0.45 1.0 tf 0.08 | 0.3 Forward on voitage VF IF = TOA Tj= 25C 2.5 3.3 V Tj= 125C 2.0 Reverse recovery time trr IF = 75 A 0.35 | us 5. Thermal resistance characteristics Characteristics Items Symbols Conditions min. | typ. | Max. | Units Thermal resistance Rth-c) | IGBT 0.24 (1 device) FWD 0.50 | CAV Contact Thermal resistance Rth(c-f) | with Thermal Compound 0.05 * This is the value which is defined mounting on the additional cooling fin with thermal compound. Oo | .. . =| 4 L- Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. g MS5F 4847 s H04-004-03Josed in any way whatsoever for the use of any ty.noc used for the manufac turing purposes without ess written consent of Fuji Electric Co. Lid erial and the Information herein ig the property of ac Co.tid They shall be neither mproduced, copied This ma Fut Elec third pa 6. Indication on module Lot No. for Fuji ust =i | GLSareee im hi | og = Hie i al Ue a gq. ult HLL iii ut | Place of manufucturing(code} 7. Applicable category \, Lot No.(FOUR DIGITS) SAP No.{FIVE DIGITS) This specification is applied to IGBT Module named 6MBI75S-120-01. 8. Storage and transportation notes The module should be stored at a standard temperature of 5 to 35> and humidity of 45 to 75% . Store modules in a place with few temperature changes in order to avoid condensation cn the module surface. Avoid exposure to corrosive gases and dust. Avoid excessive external force on the module. Store modules with unprocessed terminals. Do not drop or otherwise shock the modules when tranporting. Please connect adequate fuse or protector of circuit between three-phase line and this product to prevent the equipment from causing secondary destruction. 9. Definitions of switching time oY trr 4... = _| | mt aS ver | - te (i) Fuji Electric Co,Ltd. S| MS5F 4847 H04-004-03This material and the Information herein is the property of Flectac Co Lid They shall be netther reproduced, copied lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third partynor used for the manufac Turing purposes without lectric Co. Ltd the express written consent of Fuji CA] le 2 D be 3 o Collestor current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage Tye 250 (typ. ) 200 + T r T 7 T r ! i i { t 1 j | i | GE= DOV 1SY E2 t ! on . | I | RV | | | | l 2 3 Collector - Emitter vaitage a Collector-Emitter voltage Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter volzage ; Tj= 125C (typ. 7 zou r ; : + 7 1 . | 1 | | { 1 L | i ! | | i ' | i YGE= 20! EY nDY 150 - L < | | w | ' 2 L i d : ov = 100 4 2 | a a | a i L | 4 , 2 1 = 5G : 4 [ ay 4 0 Ct ! i 1. a" Q 1 2 3 4 5 Collestur - Emitter voltage VCE Vj Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage vs. Gate~Emitter voltage VGE=15 (typ. ) m Tj= 25C (typ. ) 200 = 7 t ; r T T T r 19 ator oo an a oe | | i : | | | ; : > 4 i i = 150 + : ; < S L | 4 I : 4 a ! | { 2 | rt ! 10 = ft | | s f \ | 24 < L | : 4 ot | tes 150A J : 13 | = [ \ ! : ! Tes TBA 2 2 : : : z nnn 5 = ft : { fer 37.54 2 : | | : L : | ' 4 9 i gw bo Pe \ 4 5 10 15 20 25 Colleczer - Emitter voltage , WCE [4] Gate ~ Emitter voltage WOE ] Capacitance vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Dynamic Gate charge (typ.) VGE=OV, f= IMllz, Tjs 250 Yec=600V, Ic=75A, Tj= 25C 29000 1 1 000 + ; + + 25 | | ! 19000 4 | aa Cies 4 > ! L a oe 4 7) 800 R--~ ! 20 ~ _ i | q 7 a 2 \ 4 = r J a ! 4 > : 800 15 a 4 Sh ' 3 a 2 3 3 & - 3 r 1 = $ > 3 2 1900 5 i * 3 Te : j = 409 7 ton { ws o 1 = ~ i 4 g | ote i q o i = | ' ! i : : 2 : ; x re i = i { = = i = ! es 100 = r i i tf 7 = r r 1 2 | , ) 2 ft : i 3 [ | Z L | 50 4 L 4 L 1 50 4 i as 4 a 109 ThA 0 50 190 150 current Ic [A] Collector current Ic fA] oeitching time ys. Gate resistance ct Switching loss vs. Collector current (typ.) << ec=H00V, Ic= VGE=4 AY, Tj= 25C Wee=600Y, YGE=*+ 15V, Rg=16Q 2600 pay ry + 29 : + r } | i 3 2 23 o \ Eon (123 ) sate 3 ! 4 2352 3 BSB 5R - ageoan 2o82 = 1 e550 1000 ~aSay so 2 e S25 3 Foni25T J 7 es SE 3 : peor a ! 2732 35 = AGO _ sgest < 28 3 5 e 52382 = 5 off (250 3 ERZEE ~ ot i ee 25 & = g Bor t{2sc ) _ = go = 3 en RE os \ ! : a Err(i25c ) eau = i x 38253 = 190 : = BV GED = 4 5 { 7 4 B2eg28 : t eee ae 4 = | \ err(gse BES RE # C : 1 3 i eres 3 < x r : : : 1 z 2 50 Lawl 2 oo tt to 0 1 { i 1 esc 5 5 50 1ud 500 o 50 100 150 Gate resistance : Rg [ 2 | Collector current : Ie [A] Switching loss vs. Gate resistance (typ.) Reverse bias safe operating area Vec=600, [c=75A, VGE=+ 15, Tj= 125 +VGE=15, -VGES 15V, Re= 160 , Tj]S 125C 50 ca r nn a 7 r 200 T T ; T i ' Eon | i | . | | | | z | ' 1 = i | | zo : | = | 150 : a L ' : y 4 < | ! = | & i L : i ! i - ! | | 3 4 Zz 100 Z| z 2 & s a uw | 4 3 i a 4 u 2 & = 3 50 =D = o 5 2 [ 4 2 1 1 0 500 0 200 4co 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Collector ~ Emitter voltage : YCE [V ] 1 oO F as 2 = 7 uji Electric Co.Ltd. 2 MS5F 4847 A a) H04-004-03(tym. } Reverse recovery characteristi (typ. } IgE l vrward on volt IT 1 v Oo vc : S ge & x ig a ip r = = = = Ma be L u a it 3 E q 0 ey | ce J ip os tH u w 3 = = 2 3 c al Vv u = > a o { aasu Cv] T r & wey iS D ip a 1 4 . L = 2 S = > 6 5 10 4 ~ = (] al quatina prvaso. 100 IF CA] 50 orward current r cd on voltage Forwa Transient thermal resistance . 4 s q + 2 ir 4 { E = 4 E 1 r ond O91 Pulse width 9. O01 0.41 fa aX) Diy asimys [Sar [RUA /e H04004-03 MS5F 4847 ON ODMO Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. Pry ety 914199(9 Ing JO JUasUOD UAalITIM Sssaldxa aut mnoyM sasodand Bus seyNueW ayy 10) pasn JoU'AUed p Aug ,O asn ay) so) seAaOSIEYM AeM AUR paidoo paanparda saynau oq yeys Ady y 40 Alsgdord aur $) MaIBY VORB ws; OU PUR propecu sayy