Type No.
483 single pole, with temperature compensation
Gthreadneck panel mounting, standard
Vthreadneck panel mounting, high vibration performance
Threadneck design
1M12x1x6.4x8.8 dia. with mounting plate (aux. contact version)
215/32-32UNx6.4x7.8 dia. (without aux. contact)
3MJ12x6.4x8.8 dia. (without aux. contact)
4M12x1x6.4x8.8 dia. (without aux. contact)
57/16-32UNx6.4x7.8 dia. (without aux. contact)
6M12x1x9.4x8.8 dia. (without aux. contact)
77/16-32 UNx6.4x7.8 dia.with mounting plate (aux.contact version)
8as 483-G1...but with aluminium threadneck
(only mounting -G and aux. contact versions S1, S5)
Hardware for threadneck (washers)
0without hardware
1wave washer 12/15 - mounted
2mounted washer 12.1/17.2 - mounted
3mounted washer 11.3/14.9 - mounted
(threadneck design 5,7 only)
4mounted washer 12/15 - mounted
5tooth washer 12.1/17.2, bulk shipped
Hardware for threadneck (nuts)
0without hardware
1hex nut M12x1 (threadneck design 1, 4, 6 only)
2hex nut 15/32-32UN (threadneck design 2 only)
3hex nut 7/16-32UN (threadneck design 5, 7 only)
4hex nut M12x1, aluminium, fitted (threadneck design 8 only)
5hex nut MJ12x1 (only with threadneck design 3)
6hex nut M12x1, bulk shipped (threadneck design 1,4,6)
Terminal design (main terminals)
Kscrews terminals with metric thread
1K14 (M4, MJ4)
Jscrew terminals with inch thread
1J14 (8-32UNC-2B)
2J17 (8-32UNC-2B)
3J25 (6-32UNC-2B)
Characteristic curve
M1 thermal, 1.15-1.38 IN
Terminal screws
APhillips screw M4x6
BPhillips screw 8-32UNC-2Ax6 (MS 51957-41)
CPhillips screw 6-32UNC-2Ax6 (MS 51957-26)
Dslotted flat head screw M4x6
Ehex screw with Phillips head 8-32UNC-3A-9.5
Khex screw with Phillips head 8-32UNC-3Ax7.6
LPhillips screw MJ4x6
Mas ”K“ but bulk shipped
Zwithout accessories
Terminal washers
0without lock washer
1lock washer B4
2lock washer 4.3 (MS 35338-137)
3lock washer B4 and washer 4.4/9.5
4lock washer 3.7 (MS 35338-136)
5lock washer 4.3/9
Auxiliary contact
S0 without auxiliary contact
S1 with auxiliary contact (N/C) connector
to EN3155-016M2018, size 20
S5 with polarized auxiliary contact (N/C)
Zwithout barrier (standard)
Colour of the push button
blank: black (standard) (e. g. 7.5)
Agreen (e. g. 7.5)
Ggreen, marking to EN (e. g. 7 1/2)
Nblack, marking to EN (e. g. 7 1/2)
Current ratings
1...35 A
483 - G 4 1 1 - K 1 M1 - A 1 S0 Z . - 5 A ordering example
Ordering information
Metric threadneck M12x1 and terminal design -K14 (M4x6), listed
by the German Materialamt der Bundeswehr to VG 95345 T06.
Metric threadneck M12x1 and terminal design -K14 (M4x6) and
auxiliary contact -Si, listed by the German Materialamt der
Bundeswehr to VG 95345 T06.
483-G533-J1M1-B2S0ZN (MS 3320)
Threadneck size 7/16-32UNSx6.4 and terminal design -J14
(inch thread 8-32), approved to MS 3320.
483-V533-J1M1-B2S0ZN (MS 3320-V)
Threadneck size 7/16-32UNSx6.4 and terminal design -J14
(inch thread 8-32), approved to MS 3320-V.
483-G533-J3M1-C4S0Z (483-TC-G11-J25)
Threadneck size 7/16-32UNSx6.4 and terminal design -J25
(inch thread 6-32), listed by the German Materialamt der
Bundeswehr to VG 95345, part 6.
Aluminium threadneck M12x1x6.4x8.8 dia.