ANE Product 108-1507 Specification 23Aug96 Rev A Connector, FSD*, Multimode, Polymer Ferrule, Fiber Optic 1. SCOPE 1.1. Content This specification covers performance, tests and quality requirements for FSD* polymer ferrule multimode connectors. This system consists of an FSD connector and a duplex-to-duplex coupling assembly. 1.2, Qualification When tests are performed on subject product line, procedures specified in ElA-455 shall be used. All inspections shall be performed using applicable inspection plan and product drawing. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, latest edition of the document applies. In the event of conflict between requirements of this specification and product drawing, product drawing shall take precedence. !n the event of conflict between requirements of this specification and referenced documents, this specification shall take precedence. 2.1. AMP Documents A. 102-1099: Quality Specification B. 408-9972: Instruction Sheet Cc. 501-299: Test Report 2.2. Commercial Standard EIA-455: Standard Test Procedures for Fiber Optic Fibers, Cables, Transducers, Connecting and Terminating Devices 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1. Design and Construction Product shall be of design, construction and physical dimensions specified on applicable product drawing. 3.2. Optical Power Source Primary wavelength for optical power source(s) shall be 1310 + 30nm or 850 + 30nm as stated in test report. EC 0A00-0308-96, GGH AMP Incorporated, Harrisburg, PA Trademark This specification Is a controled document. 106 | Indicates change For latest revision call the AMP FAX/Preduct Copyright 1996 by AMP Incorporated. All Info number 1-800-522-6752. rights reserved. LOC B Form 404-38 31Mar95AMP 108-1507 3.3. Ratings Performance Value Units Insertion Loss, typical See Note. 0.5 dB Storage Temperature -40 to 85 C Operating Temperature -40 to 85 S : 267 Newtons Cable Retention (60) (Pounds) Durability 250 Cycles Flex Cyciing 500 Cycles Tyr: See Figure 3 for maximum values. Figure 1 3.4, Performance and Test Description Product is designed to meet mechanical, environmental and optical transmittance performance requirements specified in Figure 2. Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be performed at ambient environmental conditions. 3.5. Test Requirements and Procedures Summary Test Description Requirement Procedure Examination of product. Meets requirements of product EIA-455-13. drawing. Visual, dimensional and functional per applicable quality inspection plan. Insertion loss. See Figure 3. ElA-455-34, See Note. Method C. Launch fiber/cable shall be wrapped 5 times around mandrel so that fiber loop shall be 20mm (.787 inch) for 62.5/125 fiber or 25mm (.98 inch) for 50/125 and 100/140 fiber. Wraps shall be close wound turns on a smooth surface and be secured in such a manner to guarantee integrity for duration of test. See Figure 5 for cable length. Figure 2 (cont) Rev A 206 Form 404-34 23Nov94AVMPF 108-1507 Test Description Requirement Procedure Temperature cycling. Maximum change in optical transmittance during testing is 0.3 dB average and 0.5 dB for any single sample. Maximum change in optical transmittance after testing is 0.2 dB average and 0.4 dB for any single sample. See Note. EIA-455-3, Test Condition C2. Subject mated samples to 5 cycles between -40 and 85C, Measure optical transmittance before and after test with samples in place in test chamber and 5 to 10 minutes before end of each dwell during each cycle. Take final readings after samples have been inspected and cleaned. See Para 5.2. Humidity, steady state. Maximum change in optical ElA-455-5, transmittance during testingis 0.3 | Test Type 1, dB average and 0.5 dB for any Test Condition B. single sample. Maximum change in optical transmittance after testing is 0.2 dB average and 0.4 dB for any single sample. See Note. Subject mated samples to steady state humidity at 90 to 95% RH at 60C for 96 hours. Measure initial optical transmittance at east 1 hour after preconditioning with samples in place in test chamber. Measure optical transmittance once every 24 hours. Measure optical transmittance 1 to 2 hours after humidity exposure with samples in place in test chamber. Take final readings after samples have been inspected and cleaned. See Para 5.2. Cable retention. Maximum change in optical transmittance after testing is 0.2 dB average and 0.4 dB for any single sample. See Note. FIA-455-6, Method 1. While holding behind strain relief nut, apply 267N (60 pound} tensile load to cable of 1 connector of mated test sample for 1 minute. Measure optical transmittance before and after test. Take final readings after samples have been inspected and cleaned. Coupling mechanism strength. Maximum change in optical transmittance during testing is 0.3 dB average and 0.5 dB for any single sample. Maximum change in optical transmittance after testing is 0.2 dB average and 0.4 dB for any single sample. See Note. EIA/TIA-4750000-B, Section 4.5.2. While holding adapter, apply 150N {33.7 pound) tensile toad for 1 minute at maximum rate of 2.54mm (.1 inch} per minute. Measure optical transmittance before, during applied load, and after test. Take final readings after samples have been inspected and cleaned. Figure 2 (cont) Rev A 306 Form 404-34 23Nov94AMP 108-1507 ET Test Description equirement Procedure Cable flexing. Maximum change in optical EIA-455-1, transmittance during/after testing is | Figure 2 apparatus. 0.2 dB average and 0.4 dB for any | Using a 7.6 cm (3 inch) mandrel, single sample. apply 0.5 kg (1.1 pound) tensile See Note. load to cable of mated sample. Flex 1 side +90 per cycle for 500 cycles at maximum rate of 15 cylces per minute. Measure opical transmittance before test and after every 50 cycles with load removed. Twist. Maximum change in optical EIA-455-36. transmittance after testing is 0.2 dB | Apply 4.0kg (8.82 pound) tensile average and 0.4 dB for any single | !oad to cable of mated sample. sample. Twist and return + 90 from center See Note. for 10 cycles at maximum rate of 30 cycles per minute. Measure optical transmittance before and after test with load removed. Durability. Maximum change in optical EIA-455-21. transmittance during/after testing is 0.2 dB average and 0.4 dB for any single sample. See Note. Mate and unmate samples 250 times. Measure optical transmittance every 50 cycles, cleaning optical interface before each measurement. Change in optical transmittance. Maximum of 0.3 dB average and 0.5 dB for any single sample after completion of sequence. E1A-455-20, Measure cptical transmittance after all tests have been performed. Calculate change from last measurement taken for insertion loss test. See Para 5.2. NOTE Shall meet visual requirements, show no physical damage and shall meet requirements of additional tests as specified in Test Sequence in Figure 4. Figure 2 (end) Insertion Loss 50/125 | 62.5/125 | 100/140 Maximum allowed average of all values per test group (dB) 0.7 0.5 0.5 Maximum allowed individual value for any single sample (dB) 1.5 0.9 0.9 Figure 3 RevA 4ot 6 Form 404-34 23Nov04AMP 108-1507 3.6. Product Qualification and Requalification Test Sequence Test Group (a) Test or Examination 1 2 3 4 5 Test Sequence (b) Examination of product 1 1 1 1 1 Insertion loss 2 2 2 2 2 Temperature cycling 3 Humidity, steady state 4 Cable retention 4 3 Coupling mechanism strength 3 Cable flexing 5 Twist 6 5 Durability 7 Change in optical transmittance 5 8 6 NOTE (a) See Para 4.1.A. (b) Numbers indicate sequence in which tests are performed. Figure 4 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1. Qualification Testing A. Sample Selection Samples shall be prepared in accordance with applicable Instruction Sheets and shall be selected at random from current production per Figure 5. Cable used for qualification shall be of type and length specified in Figure 5 and terminated with connectors on each end as required for equipment interfacing. Test cables shall be installed on test equipment and test samples by cutting test cables in center and terminating cut ends with sample connectors. This procedure shall be followed as part of insertion loss measurements at start of each test sequence. RevA 5 of 6 Form 404-34 23Nov94ANF 108-1507 Test Group 1 2 3 4 5 Fiber size (microns/microns) | 62.5/125 62.5/125 62.5/125 50/125 100/140 Cable type LDD{a) LDD(a)} DUALAN(b) | LDD(a) LDOD(a) Cable PN 502086-1 502086-1 501749-1 502085-1 | 502087-1 Connector kit PN 503347-5 503347-5 503347-1 503347-5 | 503347-6 Coupling bushing PN 501926-1 501926-1 501926-1 501926-1 | 501926-1 Test cable length (32.81 feet) (32.81 feet) (32.81 feet) (16.4 feet (1 6.4 feet) Test samples required 5 5 5 5 5 Control cable required 1 0 0 0 0 (a) Light Duty Dual, Zipcord Style, 3.0mm diameter (b) DUALAN, 4.75mm diameter Figure 5 B. Test Sequence Qualification inspection shall be verified by testing samples as specified in Figure 4. 4.2, Requalification Testing If changes significantly affecting form, fit or function are made to product or manufacturing process, product assurance shall coordinate requalification testing, consisting of all or part of original testing sequence as determined by development/product, quality and reliability engineering. 4.3. Acceptance Acceptance is based on verification that product meets requirements of Figure 2. Failures attributed to equipment, test setup or operator deficiencies shall not disqualify product. When product failure occurs, corrective action shall be taken and samples resubmitted for qualification. Testing to confirm corrective action is required before resubmittal. 4.4. Quality Conformance Inspection Applicable AMP quality inspection plan will specify sampling acceptable quality level to be used. Dimensiona! and functional requirements shall be in accordance with applicable product drawing and this specification. 5. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 5.1. Cleaning If at any time, a connector sample is uncoupled during qualification testing, optical interface shall be cleaned according to applicable Instruction Sheet prior to any subsequent optical measurements. 5.2. Control cables Control cables shall be subjected to climatic environmental tests. Transmittance shall be recorded each time a sample transmittance is made. Changes in control cable power of less than 0.05 dB may be neglected in test sample power and loss calculations. If control cable power changes by more than 0.05 dB over test or sequence of tests, change in control cable power shall be included in power and loss calculation per EIA-455-20. Rev A 6o6 Form 404-34 23Nov94