SPECIFICATION CHARACTER TYPE DOT MATRIX LCD MODULE ITEM NUMBER: ESTABLISHED DATE: INITIAL ISSUED DATE: DATASHEET VERSION: FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 1999.06 2005.05 2008 VERSION This item supplied to Farnell by MIDAS COMPONENTS MIDAS COMPONENTS LTD Address: Electra House, 32 Southtown Road, Great yarmouth, Norfolk, England, NR31 ODU Email: sales@midascomponents.co.uk Website: www.midascomponents.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1493 602602 Fax: +44 (0)1493 665111 UV FFF ISSUED BY: COPYRIGHT HC RoHS CHECKED BY: 70 C -20 C 3.0V APPROVED BY: 2000 ~ 2009 FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO., LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA STANDARD DOC. DATASHEET STATEMENT 1. The following icons are absolutely designed by FORDATA independently in 2007-SEP. They are not in common use in the LCD industry yet but just used for marking out FORDATA products' characteristics quickly and simply without any special meaning. FORDATA reserves the composing right and copyright. No one else is allowed to adopt these icons without FORDATA's approval. 2. The ISO9001 logo used in this document is authorized by SGS (www.sgs.com). FORDATA had already successfully passed the strict and professional ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System Certification and got the certificate (No.: CN07/00404) 3. The technologies/techniques/crafts which denoted by the following icons are not exclusively owned by FORDATA, but also shared by FORDATA's LCD strategic cooperators, however all these technologies/techniques/crafts have been finally confirmed by FORDATA's professional engineers and QC department. 4. As the difference in test standard and test conditions, also FORDATA's insufficient familiarity with the actual LCD using environment, all the referred information in this DATASHEET (including the icons) only have two functions: 4.1: providing quick reference when you are judging whether or not the product meets your requirements. 4.2: listing out definitely the tolerance. FORDATA declares seriously: you should first test the corresponding sample(s) before signing the formal FORDATA SAMPLE APPROVAL document rather than consider this DATASHEET as the standard for judging whether or not the LCD meets your requirements. Once you instruct FORDATA to a mass-production without definite demand for providing sample before, FORDATA will disclaim all responsibility if the mass-production is proved not meeting with your requirements. 5. The sequence of the icons is random and doesn't indicate the importance grade. 6. Icons explanation FORDATA's 2006 version logo. FORDATA is an integrated manufacturer of flat panel display (FPD). FORDATA supplies TN, HTN, STN, FSTN monochrome LCD panel; COB, COG, TAB LCD module; and all kinds of LED backlight. FFF HC FAST RESPONSE TIME This icon on the cover indicates the product is with high response speed; Otherwise not. PROTECTION CIRCUIT This icon on the cover indicates the product is with protection circuit; Otherwise not. HIGH CONTRAST This icon on the cover indicates the product is with high contrast; Otherwise not. LONG LIFE VERSION This icon on the cover indicates the product is long life version (over 9K hours guaranteed); Otherwise not. WIDE VIEWING SCOPE This icon on the cover indicates the product is with wide viewing scope; Otherwise not. RoHS 3.0V RoHS COMPLIANCE This icon on the cover indicates the product meets ROHS requirements; Otherwise not. UV YC XC Anti UV VERSION This icon on the cover indicates the product is against UV line. Otherwise not. OPERATION TEMPERATURE RANGE This icon on the cover indicates the operating temperature range (X-Y). 3TIMEs 100% QC EXAMINATION This icon on the cover indicates the product has passed FORDATA's thrice 100% QC. Otherwise not. TWICE SELECTION OF LED MATERIALS This icon on the cover indicates the LED had passed FORDATA's twice strict selection which promises the product's identical color and brightness; Otherwise not. Vlcm = 3.0V This icon on the cover indicates the product can work at 3.0V exactly; otherwise not. N SERIES TECHNOLOGY (2008 developed) FORDATA adopts new structure, new craft, new technology and new materials inside both LCD module and LCD panel to improve the "RainBow" N BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA STANDARD REVISION RECORD DOC. PAGE 1/20 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION ITEM PAGE APPROVED 1 2 3 4 5 2005.05 INITIAL ISSUED ALL ALL LU BOO 2007.04 Added further information of LED backlight 4 4/20 2008.01 Adopt logos on the cover for fast reference Cover 2008.10 Deleted "N = No Ic " from CODE2 - Code System 2008.10 Added CODE "B" for DFSTN version in CODE7 - Code System BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD STANDARD DOC. PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA CODE SYSTEM STANDARD COB PAGE 1/1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FD C C 08 01 A F L Y Y B W 5 2 L E No. REMARKS 1 COMPANY ABBRAVIATED IC packing 2 3 4 LCM type DESCRIPTION FD = FORDATA C = Chip On Board G = Chip On Glass C = Character T = TAB G = Graphic Chyaracter 08, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 40, = Character number Per line Graphic 80, 100, 120, 122, 128, 160 ... ... = Row Dots Quantity 01, 02, 04, = Character Lines 5 Character Graphic 6 Serial Number A~Z Polarizer type R = Positive Reflective F = Positive Transflective M = Positive Transmissive N = Negative Transmissive E = Negative, Transflective B = Negative, Dual optical compensation (for FSTN type only) 8 Backlight type N = No Backlight L = Array Type LED Backlight E = EL backlight without Invertor C = CCFL backlight without Invertor 9 Backlight color N = No Backlight R = Red B = Blue 10 LCD panel type T = TN G = Gray STN 11 Viewing angle 12 Operation temperature range 7 13 Driving Voltage 14 Backlight Connect Method 15 IC Manufacturer 16 Font Set 32, 64, 80, 128, 160 ... ... =Column Dots Quantity S = Edge Type LED Backlight F = EL backlight with Invertor T = CCFL backlight with Invertor Y = Yellow-Green A = Amber G = Green H = HTN B = Blue STN B = Bottom 6:00 T = Top 12:00 W = White C = Blue-Green Y = Yellow-Green STN F = FSTN R = Right 3:00 L = Left 9:00 S = 0 C ~ 50 C (Single Supply Voltage) D = 0 C ~ 50 C (Dual Supply Voltage) W = -20 C ~ 70 C (Single Supply Voltage) H = -20 C ~ 70 C (Dual Supply Voltage) T = -30 C ~ 80 C (Single Supply Voltage) E = -30 C ~ 80 C (Dual Supply Voltage) 1 : Vlcm = 3.0V, No / EL / CCFL Backlight or Vlcm = 3.0V, Vled = LED voltage, (Via AK) 2 : Vlcm = 3.6V, Vled = 5.0V (Not via AK) 3 : Vlcm = 3.6V, Vled = LED voltage, (Not via AK) 4 : Vlcm = 5.0V, Vled = LED voltage, (Not via AK) 5 : Vlcm = 5.0V, Vled = 5.0V (Not via AK) 6 : Vlcm = 5.0V, No / EL / CCFL Backlight or Vlcm = 5.0V, Vled = LED voltage, (Via AK) 7 : Vlcm = 3.6V, No / EL / CCFL Backlight or Vlcm = 3.6V, Vled = LED voltage, (Via AK) 8 : Vlcm = 3.0V, Vled = 5.0V 9 : Vlcm = 3.0V, Vled = LED voltage, (Not via AK) 0 = PIN1 LED-, PIN2 LED+ 1 = PIN15(17/19) LED+, PIN16(18/20) LED2 = PIN15(17/19) LED-, PIN16(18/20) LED+ 3 = PIN15(17/19) LED+, PIN16(18/20) NC 4 = PIN15(17/19) NC, PIN16(18/20) LED+ 5 = PINA LED+, PINK LED6 = No / EL / CCFL Backlight X = SAMSUNG T = TOSHIBA Q = ASLIC L = SUNPLUS E = EPSON N = CIMTEK R = English - Russia U = English - Europe K = English - Europe S = SITRONIX H = HOLTEK P = PRINCETON E = English - Japanese H = English - Hebrew N = NO FONT SET BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA STANDARD DOC. CONTENTS PAGE 3/20 1. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS -------------------------------------------- Page 4 2. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS -------------------------------------- Page 4 3. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS -------------------------------------- Page 4 4. ELECTRONICAL CHARACTERISTIC --------------------------------- Page 4 5. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------ Page 5 6. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS---------------------------------------- Page 6 7. EXTERNAL DIMENSION--------------------------------------------------- Page 8 8. PIN ASSIGNMENT ---------------------------------------------------------- Page 9 9. POWER SUPPLY ------------------------------------------------------------ Page 9 10. REFLECTOR OF SCREEN AND DDRAM ADDRESS -------------- Page 9 11. INSTRUCTION TABLE --------------------------------------------------- Page 10 12. INSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------- Page 11 13. CGRAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 15 14. DDRAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 15 15. INITIALIZATION --------------------------------------------------------------- Page 16 16. INTERFACE TO MPU -------------------------------------------------------- Page 18 17. FONT MAP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 19 18. PACKING DETAIL --------------------------------------------------------- Page 20 BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 4/20 1. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ITEM NOMINAL DIMENSIONS / AVAILABLE OPTIONS DISPLAY FORMAT 8 Characters by 2 Lines LCD PANEL OPTIONS STN (Yellow-green color) POLARIZER OPTIONS Positive, Reflective BACKLIGHT OPTIONS No backlight VIEWING ANGLE OPTIONS 6:00 ( Bottom ) TEMPERATURE RANGE OPTIONS Wide temp. range ( -20 C ~ 70 C ) CONTROLLER IC SUNPLUS DISPLAY DUTY 1/16 1/5 DRIVING BIAS 2. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS mm OVERALL SIZE No backlight version : 40.0 x 35.4 x max 8.5 VIEWING AREA 30.4W x 13.9H mm HOLE-HOLE 36.0W x 30.9H mm CHARACTER SIZE 2.95W x 4.75H mm CHARACTER PITCH 0.40W x 0.40H mm DOT SIZE 0.55W x 0.55H mm DOT PITCH 0.05W x 0.05H mm 3. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ITEM SYMBOL CONDITION MIN MAX UNIT POWER SUPPLY ( LOGIC) Vdd 25 C -0.3 7.0 V POWER SUPPLY (LCD) V0 25 C Vdd -13.5 Vdd +0.3 V Vin Vopr 25 C ___ -0.3 Vdd +0.3 V -20 70 C Vstg ___ -30 80 C INPUT VOLTAGE OPERATING TEMPERATURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE 4. ELECTRONICAL CHARACTERISTIC* ITEM Input voltage Supply current Recommended LCD driving voltage for normal temp. Version module SYMBOL Vdd Idd Vdd - V0 * The above data are for reference only. CONDITION +3.0V Vdd=3.0V -20 C 0C 25 C 50 C 70 C STANDARD MIN TYP MAX 4.5 3.0 2.7 ___ ___ 1.3 ___ 4.85 4.45 ___ 4.75 4.35 4.70 4.30 4.50 ___ 4.20 4.60 ___ 3.90 4.55 UNIT V mA V BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 5/20 5. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTIC FOR TN TYPE LCD MODULE (T A =25 C, Vdd=3.0V ITEM CONDITION SYMBOL 2_ 1 VIEWING ANGLE CONTRAST RATIO RESPONSE TIME(RISE) RESPONSE TIME(FALL) 0.25V) K=4 RESPONSE TIME(RISE) RESPONSE TIME(FALL) DEFINITION OF ANGLE 30 ___ ___ deg 2 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 120 150 TF ___ ___ 120 150 ms ms MIN TYP MAX UNIT 40 ___ ___ deg 6 ___ ___ 0.25V) CONDITION K=4 K TR ___ 60 ___ ___ ___ 150 250 ms TF ___ ___ 150 250 ms DEFINITION OF VIEWING ANGLE & 2 Y ( = 180 ) UNIT 1& 2 Contrast Ratio K CONTRAST RATIO MAX K TR SYMBOL 2_ 1 VIEWING ANGLE TYP 25 ___ FOR STN TYPE LCD MODULE (T A =25 C, Vdd=3.0V ITEM MIN 1 1.4 X X 1 Y( =0 ) Brightness(%) DEFINITION OF CONTRAST RATIO K(=B2/B1) 2 Viewing Angle DEFINITION OF OPTICAL RESPONSE TIME TR & TF B2 Brightness Curve for selected Segment B1 90% Brlghtness(%) Select Signal TR Setpoint Driving Voltage Rise Time Non-Select 10% Non-Select 100% Brightness Curve for Non- selected Segment T F Time(ms) Fall Time BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 6/20 6. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 6.1.1 DC CHARACTERISTICS ( VDD = 2.7V to 4.5V, TA = 25 C ) CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL LIMIT MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT INPUT HIGH VOLTAGE V IH1 0.7Vdd Vdd V INPUT LOW VOLTAGE V IL1 -0.3 0.55 V INPUT HIGH CURRENT I IH -1.0 1.0 A INPUT LOW CURRENT I IL -5.0 -30 A OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE ( TTL ) V OH1 0.75Vdd OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE ( TTL ) V OL1 -15 0.2Vdd TEST CONDITION Pins ( E. RS. R/W. DB0 - DB7 ) Pins ( RS. R/W. DB0 - DB7 ) Vdd = 3.0V V I OH = - 0.1mA Pins: DB0 - DB7 V I OL = 0.1mA Pins: DB0 - DB7 6.1.2 AC CHARACTERISTICS ( VDD = 2.7V to 4.5V, TA = 25 C ) Write mode CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL ENABLE CYCLE TIME LIMIT MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT TEST CONDITION tC 1000 ns Pin E ENABLE PULSE WIDTH t PW 450 ns Pin E ENABLE RISE/ FALL TIME t R, t F ns Pin E ADDRESS SETUP TIME t SP1 60 ns Pins RS, R/W, E ADDRESS HOLD TIME t HD1 20 ns Pins RS, R/W, E DATA SETUP TIME t SP2 195 ns Pins: DB0 - DB7 DATA HOLD TIME t HD2 10 ns Pins: DB0 - DB7 25 Read mode CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL ENABLE CYCLE TIME LIMIT MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT TEST CONDITION tC 1000 ns Pin E ENABLE PULSE WIDTH t PW 450 ns Pin E ENABLE RISE/ FALL TIME t R, t F ns Pin E ADDRESS SETUP TIME t SP1 60 ns Pins RS, R/W, E ADDRESS HOLD TIME t HD1 20 ns Pins RS, R/W, E ns Pins: DB0 - DB7 ns Pins: DB0 - DB7 DATA OUTPUT DELAY TIME DATA HOLD TIME 25 tD t HD2 360 5 BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 6.3.1 WRITE MODE TIMING DIAGRAM RS V IH1 V IL1 V IH1 V IL1 t SP1 R/W t HD1 V IL1 V IL1 t PW V IH1 V IL1 E V IH1 V IL1 t SP2 tR V IH1 V IL1 DB0-DB7 t F t HD1 V IL1 t HD2 V IH1 V IL1 Valid Data tC 6.3.2 READ MODE TIMING DIAGRAM RS V IH1 V IL1 V IH1 V IL1 t SP1 R/W t HD1 V IH1 V IH1 t PW E tR DB0-DB7 V IH1 V IL1 tD V IH1 V IL1 V IH1 V IL1 t F t HD1 V IL1 t HD2 Valid Data tC V IH1 V IL1 7/20 ITEM T1 T2 UNIT LED backlight 9.0 13.0 mm EL or without backlight 3.7 8.5 mm 3.35 2.95 0.55 0.05 T2 T1 1.6 0.05 0.55 4.75 5.15 DB 7 DB 0 E R/W RS Vo Vdd Vss 3.4 6.8 R1.0 2PL 12.38 8 U1 35.4 0.5 O.S. 30.0 0.2 H.H. 23.2 0.2 13.9 V.A. 9.9 COM16 COM1 SEG1 40 SEG40 8 2 LCD PANEL R1.0 2PL 15 1 SEG1--40 COM16 2.54 R2.0 2PL 16 2.13 2 0 2.00 16PL LAND 0 1.00 16PL HOLE 40.0 0.5 O.S. 36.0 0.2 H.H. 30.4 0.2 V.A. 26.4 P2.54 X 7 BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 7. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS 8/20 BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 8.PIN ASSIGNMENT 9/20 9.POWER SUPPLY PIN SYMBOL FUNCTION 1 Vss GND 2 Vdd Power supply for LCM (+3.0V) 3 V0 Contrast Adjust 4 RS Register Select Signal 5 R/W Data Read / Write 6 E Enable Signal DUAL SUPPLY TYPES V SS V0 V DD V DD ~ V 0 R POT V DD -5V 7-14 DB0 - DB7 +3.0V Data bus line 15 NC No Connection 16 NC No connection VDD-VO: LCD DRIVING VOLTAGE RPOT: 10K-20K 10. REFLECTOR OF SCREEN AND DDRAM ADDRESS Display position DDRAM address Display position DDRAM address Display position DDRAM address Display position DDRAM address Display position DDRAM address Display position DDRAM address Display position DDRAM address Display position DDRAM address 1-1 00 1-2 01 1-3 02 1-4 03 1-5 04 1-6 05 1-7 06 1-8 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2-1 40 1F 2-2 41 20 2-3 42 21 2-4 43 22 2-5 44 23 2-6 45 24 2-7 46 25 2-8 47 26 27 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 1-1 means first character of line 1 on screen BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 10/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 11. INSTRUCTION TABLE Instruction Code Instruction Description RS Clear Display Return Home 0 0 R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Write 20H to DDRAM set DDRAM address to 00H from AC 1.52ms - Set DDRAM address to 00H from AC and return cursor to its original position if shifted. The contents of DDRAM are not changed. 1.52ms Entry Mode Set 0 0 Display ON/OFF Control 0 0 Cursor or Display Shift 0 0 0 0 Function Set 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 AC6 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0 0 1 BF AC6 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0 1 0 D7 1 1 Set CGRAM Address Set DDRAM Address Read Busy Flag and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 D C B 0 1 S/C R/L - - 1 DL N F 0 I/D - SH - AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0 Address Write Data to RAM Read data from RAM Execution Time(fosc= 270kHz) Assign cursor moving direction and enable the shift of entire display Set display(D) cursor(C) and blinking of cursor(B) on/off Set cursor moving and display shift control bit, and the direction, without changing DDRAM data Set interface data length(DL:8bit/4bit), number of display line (N:2line/1line) and,display font type F:5X11dots / 5X8dots Set CGRAM address in address counter Set DDRAM address in address counter Whether during internal operation or not can be known by reading BF The contents of address counter can also be read 38 38 38 38 38 38 0 Write data into internal D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D1 D0 RAM (DDRAM/CGRAM) 38 Read data from internal D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 RAM (DDRAM/CGRAM) 38 BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 11/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 12. INSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION A. Clear Display RS 0 R/W DB7 0 0 DB6 0 DB5 0 DB4 0 DB3 0 DB2 0 DB1 0 DB0 1 Clear all the display data by writing 20H (space code) to all DDRAM address, and set DDRAM address to 00H into AC (address counter). Return cursor to the original status, namely, bring the cursor to the left edge on the first line of the display. Make the entry mode increment ( I/D = HIGH ) B. Return Home RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DB1 1 DB0 - Set DDRAM address to 00H into the address counter. Return cursor to its original site and return display to its original status,if shifted. Contents of DDRAM does not change. C. Entry Mode Set RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I/D SH Set the moving direction of cursor and display. I/D:Increment /decrement of DDRAM address(cursor or blink) I/D=High,cursor/blink moves to right and DDRAM address is increased by 1. I/D=low,cursor/blink moves to left and DDRAM address is decreased by 1. *CGRAM operates the same way as DDRAM, when reading from or writing to CGRAM. SH:Shift of entire display When DDRAM read (CGRAM read/write) operation or SH=Low,shifting of entire display is not performed.if SH=High, and DDRAM write operation,shift of entire display is performed according to I/D value(I/D=High,shift left, I/D=Low, shift right). BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 12/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE D. Display ON/OFF Control RS R/W 0 0 DB7 0 DB6 0 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 1 D C B D:Display ON/OFF control bit When D=High, entire display is turned on. When D=Low, display is turned off, but display data remains in DDRAM. C:Cursor ON/OFF control bit When C=High, cursor is turned on. When C=Low, cursor is disappeared in current display ,but I/D register preserves its data. B:Cursor Blink ON/OFF control bit When B=High, cursor blink is on, which performs alternately between all the High data and display characters at the cursor position. When B=Low ,blink is off. E. Cursor or Display Shift RS R/W 0 0 DB7 0 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 1 S/C R/L - - Shifting of right/left cursor position or display without writing or reading of display data. This instruction is used to correct or search display data. nd st th During 2-line mode display, cursor moves to the 2 line after the 40 digit of the 1 line. Note that display shift is performed simultaneously in all the lines. When displayed data is shifted repeatedly, each line is shifted individually. When display shift is performed, the contents of the address counter are not changed. S/C R/L Operation 0 0 Shift cursor to the left, AC is decreased by 1 0 1 Shift cursor to the right, AC is increased by 1 1 0 Shift all the display to the left,cursor moves according to the display 1 1 Shift all the display to the right,cursor moves according to the display BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 13/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE F. Function set RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 0 0 1 DL N F - - DL:Interface data length control bit When DL=High, it means 8-bit bus mode with MPU. When DL=Low, it means 4-bit bus mode with MPU. When 4-bit bus mode, it needs to transfer 4-bit data twice. N:Display line number control bit When N=Low, 1-line display mode is set. When N=High, 2-line display mode is set. F:Display font type control bit When F=Low, 5x8 dots format display mode is set. When F=High, 5x11 dots format display mode. G. Set CGRAM Address RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 0 1 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0 Set CGRAM address to AC. This instruction makes CGRAM data available from MPU. H. Set DDRAM Address RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 1 AC6 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0 Set DDRAM address to AC. This instruction makes DDRAM data available from MPU. When 1-line display mode (N=Low), DDRAM address is from 00H to 4FH st In 2-line display mode(N=High),DDRAM address in the 1 line is from 00H to 27H and DDRAM address in the 2nd line is from 40H to 67H BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 14/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE I. Read Busy Flag & Address RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 1 BF AC6 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0 This instruction shows whether IC is in internal operation or not . If BF is High, internal operation is in progress and shall wait until BF is to be Low, which by then the next instruction can be performed. In this instruction you and also read the value of the address counter. J. Write data to RAM RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 1 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Write binary 8-bit data to DDRAM/CGRAM. The selection of RAM from DDRAM,and CGRAM,is set by the previous address set instruction(DDRAM address set,CGRAM address set). RAM set instruction can also determine the AC direction to RAM. After write operation, the address is automatically increased /decreased by 1,according the entry mode. K. Read data from RAM RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 1 1 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Read binary 8-bit data from DDRAM/CGRAM. The selection of RAM is set by the previous address set instruction.If the address set instruction of RAM is not performed before this instruction, the data that has been read first is invalid, as the direction of AC is not yet determined. If RAM data is read several times without RAM address instructions set before read operation,the correct RAM data can be obtained from the second. But the first data would be incorrect,as there is no time margin to transfer RAM data. BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 15/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE In case of DDRAM read operation,cursor shift instruction plays the same role as DDRAM address set instruction,it also transfers RAM data to output data register. After read operation,address counter is automatically increased/decreased by 1 according to the entry mode. After CGRAM read operation,display shift may not be executed correctly. Note:In case of RAM write operation,AC is increased/decreased by 1 as in read operation. At this time,AC indicates the next address position, but only the previous data can be read by the read instruction. 13. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHARACTER CODE AND CGRAM 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 1 1 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 1 1 1 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 0 0 0 Pattern P1 P0 number 1 0 pattern 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Character code CGRAM Address D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 x 1 1 1 CGRAM Data A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 pattern8 14. DISPLAY DATA RAM(DDRAM) DDRAM stores display data of maximum 80x8 bits(80 characters). DDRAM address is set in the address counter(AC) as a hexadecimal number MSB AC6 LSB AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0 BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 16/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 15. INITIALIZATION 15.1 8-bit interface mode (Condition: fosc = 270KHZ) Power On time > 40 ms ( Wait After Vdd > 2.7V ) Wait time > 15 ms after Vdd > 4.5V RS R/W DB7 0 0 0 DB6 DB5 0 1 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 1 X X X X BF cannot be checked before this instruction. Function set ( Interface is 8 bits length. ) Wait time > 4.1 ms RS R/W DB7 0 0 0 DB6 DB5 0 1 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 1 X X X X BF cannot be checked before this instruction. Function set ( Interface is 8 bits length. ) Wait time > 100 s RS R/W DB7 0 0 0 DB6 DB5 0 1 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 1 X X X X BF cannot be checked before this instruction. Function set ( Interface is 8 bits length. ) BF can be checked after the following instructions. Function set ( Interface is 8 bits length. Specify the number of display lines and character font. ) RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 0 0 1 1 N F X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I/ D S The number of display lines and character font cannot be changed afterwards. Display off Display clear Entry mode set Initialization Ends BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 17/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 15.2 4-bit interface mode (Condition: fosc = 270KHZ) Power On time > 40 ms ( Wait After Vdd > 2.7V ) Wait time > 15 ms after Vdd > 4.5V RS R/W DB7 0 0 0 DB6 DB5 0 1 DB4 1 BF cannot be checked before this instruction. Function set ( Interface is 8 bits length. ) Wait time > 4.1 ms RS R/W DB7 0 0 0 DB6 DB5 0 1 DB4 1 BF cannot be checked before this instruction. Function set ( Interface is 8 bits length. ) Wait time > 100 s RS R/W DB7 0 0 0 DB6 DB5 0 1 DB4 1 BF cannot be checked before this instruction. Function set ( Interface is 8 bits length. ) BF can be checked after the following instructions. Function set ( Set interface to be 4 bits length.) Interface is 8 bits length. RS 0 R/W 0 DB7 0 DB6 DB5 0 1 DB4 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 F 1 X 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I/D 0 S Function set ( Interface is 4 bits length. Specify the number of the display lines and character font.) The number of display lines and character font cannot be changed afterwards. Display off Display clear Entry mode set Initialization Ends BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 18/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 16.INTERFACE TO MPU INTERFACE TO 8-BIT MPU INTERFACE TO 4-BIT MPU RS RS R/W R/W E E Internal DB7 Internal Operation Data Instruction Write Busy Busy flag Check Busy Busy flag Check Internal No Busy Busy flag Check DB7 Instruction Write Internal Operation IR7 IR3 Instruction Write Busy Ac3 Busy flag Check Busy Ac3 Busy flag Check D7 D3 Instruction Write Note: IR7,IR3: Instruction 7th bit,3rd bit Ac3: Address Counter 3rd bit DB0-DB7 D0-D7 RS A0 Z80 A4 A5 A6 A7 MI IORQ RD 1K Y1 A 200 B LS 138 C G2A G2B G D15 RS D14 R/W E LCD Unit R10-R13 R/W If Interface Data Is 8-bits Long Data transfer is made through all 8 bus lines from DB0 to DB7 E D13 HMCS43C 4 DB4-DB7 LCD Unit If Interface Data Is 4-bit Long Data transfer is accomplished through 4 bus lines from DB4 to DB7.(while the rest of 4 bus lines from DB0 toDB3 are not used.) Data transfer is completed when 4-bits of data is transferred twice.(upper 4-bits of data, then lower 4-bits of data.) Features 1. Interface to an 8-bit or 4-bit MPU is available. 2. 192 types of alphanumeric, symbols and special characters can be displayed with the built - in character generator (ROM). 3. Other preferred characters can be displayed by character generator (RAM). 4. Various instructions may be programmed. Clear display Cursor at home On/Off cursor Blink character Shift display Shift cursor Read/Write display data .etc. 5. Compact and light weight design which can easily be integrated into end products. 6. Single power supply +5V drive (except for extended temperature type). 7. Low power consumption. BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 19/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 17. STANDARD FONT MAP Upper 4bit Lower 4bit LLLL LLLH LLHL LLHH LHLL LHLH LHHL LHHH HLLL HLLH HLHL HLHH HHLL HHLH HHHL HHHH LLLL CG RAM (1) LLLH (2) LLHL (3) LLHH (4) LHLL (5) LHLH (6) LHHL (7) LHHH (8) HLLL (1) HLLH (2) HLHL (3) HLHH (4) HHLL (5) HHLH (6) HHHL (7) HHHH (8) BOOKBINDING AREA FORDATA ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD MODE NO. PRODUCT PAGE 20/20 PROFESSIONAL LCD SUPPLIER FROM CHINA SPEC. FDCC0802C-RNNYBH-16LE 18. PACKING DETAIL WITH LED BKL WITHOUT LED BKL NOTE 45 PCS/BOX 90 PCS/BOX 1. The weight is estimated for reference only. 10 BOXES/CARTON 10 BOXES/CARTON 2. Packing detail may be changed without notice. 450 PCS/CARTON 900 PCS/CARTON 18.00 KGS/CTN(G.W.) 16.00 KGS/CTN(G.W.) 3 0.07 M /CARTON 0.07 M 3/CARTON Anti - static Bag FORDATA LCD Module BOX CARTON