DSC8101 DSC8121 Programmable Low-Jitter Precision CMOS Oscillator General Description Features The DSC8101 & DSC8121 series of high performance field-programmable oscillators utilizes a proven silicon MEMS technology to provide excellent jitter and stability over a wide range of supply voltages and temperatures. Using the TIMEFLASH programmer, the end user can easily program the oscillators' frequency in the field for immediate testing or use in advance prototype development or production. DSC8101 has a standby feature allowing it to completely power-down when EN pin is pulled low; whereas for DSC8121, only the outputs are disabled when EN is low. Both oscillators are available in industry standard packages, including the small 3.2x2.5 mm2, and are "drop-in" replacement for standard 4-pin CMOS quartz oscillators. Low RMS Phase Jitter: <1 ps (typ) High Stability: 10, 25, 50 ppm Wide Temperature Range o Automotive: -55 to 125 C o Ext. Industrial: -40 to 105 C o Industrial: -40 to 85 C o Ext. commercial: -20 to 70 C High Supply Noise Rejection: -50 dBc Short Lead Time: 2 Weeks Wide Freq. Range: 10 to 170 MHz Small Industry Standard Footprints o 2.5x2.0, 3.2x2.5, 5.0x3.2, & 7.0x5.0 mm Excellent Shock & Vibration Immunity o Qualified to MIL-STD-883 High Reliability o 20x better MTF than quartz oscillators Low Current Consumption Block Diagram Supply Range of 2.25 to 3.6 V Standby & Output Enable Function Lead Free & RoHS Compliant Applications Output Enable Modes EN Pin High NC Low DSC8101 Output Active Output Active Standby DSC8121 Output Active Output Active Output Disabled Storage Area Networks o SATA, SAS, Fibre Channel Passive Optical Networks o EPON, 10G-EPON, GPON, 10G-PON Ethernet o 1G, 10GBASE-T/KR/LR/SR, and FCoE HD/SD/SDI Video & Surveillance PCI Express DisplayPort All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Micrel, Inc. Micrel Inc. may update or make changes to the contents, products, programs or services described at any time without notice. This document neither states nor implies any kind of warranty, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. Page 1 | MK-Q-B-P-D-110410-01-2 DSC8101 Programmable Low-Jitter Precision CMOS Oscillator DSC8112 1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Ordering Code Item Min Max Unit Supply Voltage -0.3 +4.0 V Input Voltage -0.3 VDD+0.3 V Junction Temp - +150 C Storage Temp -55 +150 C Soldering Temp - +260 C ESD HBM MM CDM - Condition Enable Modes 0: Enable/Standby 2: Enable/Disable 40sec max. V 4000 400 1500 Temp Range E: -20 to 70 I: -40 to 85 L: -40 to 105 M: -55 to 125 DSC81 0 1 C I 5 Packing T: Tape & Reel : Tube - Package A: 7.0x5.0mm B: 5.0x3.2mm C: 3.2x2.5mm D: 2.5x2.0mm T Stability 1: 50ppm 2: 25ppm 5: 10ppm Note: 1000+ years of data retention on internal memory Specifications Parameter Supply Voltage 1 Supply Current Condition VDD IDD f Includes frequency variations due to initial tolerance, temp. and power supply voltage f tSU 1 year @25C T=25C VIH VIL Output Disable Time3 tDA Output Enable Time tEN Enable Pull-Up Resistor4 Typ. 2.25 EN pin low - output is disabled DSC8101 DSC8121 Frequency Stability Ext Comm. & Ind. only All temp ranges All temp ranges Aging Startup Time2 Input Logic Levels Input logic high Input logic low Min. 20 Max. Unit 3.6 V 0.095 22 mA 10 25 50 5 5 0.75xVDD - DSC8101 DSC8121 Pull-up resistor exist ppm ppm ms 0.25xVDD V 5 ns 5 20 ms ns 40 k CMOS Output Supply Current4 Output Logic Levels Output logic high Output logic low Output Transition time3 Rise Time Fall Time Frequency IDD VOH VOL tR tF f0 Output Duty Cycle SYM Period Jitter JPER Integrated Phase Noise JPH 1. 2. 3. 4. output is enabled CL=15pF, F0=125 MHz I=6mA 31 0.9xVDD - 20% to 80% CL=15pF All temp range except Auto Auto temp range 1.1 1.3 10 45 35 mA 0.1xVDD V 2 2 170 100 ns 55 Fout=125MHz 3 200kHz to 20MHz @ 125MHz 100kHz to 20MHz @ 125MHz 12kHz to 20MHz @ 125MHz 0.3 0.38 1.7 MHz % psRMS 2 psRMS Pin 6 VDD should be filtered with 0.1uf capacitor. tsu is time to 100PPM of output frequency after VDD is applied and outputs are enabled. Output Waveform and Test Circuit figures below define the parameters. Output is enabled if pad is floated or not connected. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Micrel, Inc. Micrel Inc. may update or make changes to the contents, products, programs or services described at any time without notice. This document neither states nor implies any kind of warranty, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. Page 2 | MK-Q-B-P-D-110410-01-2 DSC8101 Programmable Low-Jitter Precision CMOS Oscillator DSC8112 1 Nominal Performance Parameters (Unless specified otherwise: T=25 C, VDD=3.3 V) 2.5 0 50-mV -10 50MHz-CMOS 2.0 Rejection (dBc) Phase Jitter (ps RMS) 25MHz-CMOS 106MHz-CMOS 1.5 125MHz-CMOS 1.0 100-mV -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 0.5 -70 0.0 -80 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0.1 Low-end of integration BW: x kHz to 20 MHz 1 10 100 1000 10000 Supply Noise Frequency (kHz) Phase jitter (integrated phase noise) Power supply rejection ratio Output Waveform tR tF VOH Output VOL tEN 1/fo tDA VIH Enable VIL Typical Termination Scheme VDD 0.1uF 6 2 5 3 4 Rs 50 Rs = 0 f or test CL CMOS load capacitance Rs serves to match the trace impedances. Depending on board layout, the value may range from 0 to 30 ohms. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Micrel, Inc. Micrel Inc. may update or make changes to the contents, products, programs or services described at any time without notice. This document neither states nor implies any kind of warranty, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. Page 3 | MK-Q-B-P-D-110410-01-2 DSC8101 DSC8112 1 Programmable Low-Jitter Precision CMOS Oscillator Test Circuit IDD VDD 0.1uF 4 6 5 3 4 1 1 2 32 15pF VDA Board Layout (recommended) Solder Reflow Profile . 3C /Se cM ax 20-40 Sec 217C 200C 60-150 Sec S 6C/ ax cM 3C /Se 25C 60-180 Sec Pre heat 8 min max Reflow x. 150C Ma . ec Temperature (C) 260C Cool MSL 1 @ 260C refer to JSTD-020C Ramp-Up Rate (200C to Peak Temp) 3C/Sec Max. Preheat Time 150C to 200C 60-180 Sec Time maintained above 217C 60-150 Sec 255-260C Peak Temperature Time within 5C of actual Peak 20-40 Sec 6C/Sec Max. Ramp-Down Rate Time 25C to Peak Temperature 8 min Max. Time All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Micrel, Inc. Micrel Inc. may update or make changes to the contents, products, programs or services described at any time without notice. This document neither states nor implies any kind of warranty, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. Page 4 | MK-Q-B-P-D-110410-01-2 DSC8101 DSC8112 1 Package Dimensions Programmable Low-Jitter Precision CMOS Oscillator 7.0 x 5.0 mm Plastic Package 5.0 x 3.2 mm Plastic Package All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Micrel, Inc. Micrel Inc. may update or make changes to the contents, products, programs or services described at any time without notice. This document neither states nor implies any kind of warranty, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. Page 5 | MK-Q-B-P-D-110410-01-2 DSC8101 DSC8112 1 Programmable Low-Jitter Precision CMOS Oscillator 3.2 x 2.5 mm Plastic Package 2.5 x 2.0 mm Plastic Package 2.50.05 [0.0980.002] 0.825 [ .032 ] 0.9 [.035] REF 0.70.10 [0.0280.004] 2.00.05 [0.0790.002] 0.1 [.004] REF 0.375 [0.015] 0.650.05 [0.0260.002] 0.250.05 [0.0990.002] 0.85 [0.033] 0.70 [0.028] 0.65 [0.026] 0.25 [0.0098] Disclaimer: Micrel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information furnished in this data sheet. This information is not intended as a warranty and Micrel does not assume responsibility for its use. Micrel reserves the right to change circuitry, specifications and descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Micrel's terms and conditions of sale for such products, Micrel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Micrel disclaims any express or implied warranty relating to the sale and/or use of Micrel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. MICREL, Inc. Phone: +1 (408) 944-0800 2180 Fortune Drive, Fax: +1 (408) 474-1000 San Jose, California 95131 Email: hbwhelp@micrel.com USA www.micrel.com All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Micrel, Inc. Micrel Inc. may update or make changes to the contents, products, programs or services described at any time without notice. This document neither states nor implies any kind of warranty, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. Page 6 | MK-Q-B-P-D-110410-01-2