Micrel Serial Programmer (MICUSB) − User Guide
Some examples of several operating modes are shown in Figure 18. The leftm ost image shows a single re gister
being used to program or read from a single address location. The middle image shows three consecutive
writable registers starting at a non-zero address. The rightmost image shows an example for a device with five
registers, of which only the first three are writeable.
Figure 18. Examples of Register Configuration
Reading and Writing Registers
Again, select the “Registers” tab of the tab list. After configuring the register address and range, pressing the
“Read” button will issue I2C command to read all of the registers that are displayed. Once read, the register
contents are displayed in the associated register “Data” text boxes. Any errors will be reported b y the message
status bar at the bottom of the screen.
Register write can be performed in two ways depending on the mode. For bot h modes, the se lected “Data” text
boxes should be updated with the required data to be written entered in hexadecimal format. In direct access
mode, a register write will be issued immediately following t he editing of the data text box, when the enter ke y is
pressed or focus is moved away from the register. If in Offline Mode, pressing the “Write” button in the “Operation”
pane will iss ue the I2C com m ands to perf orm the write of all of the displa yed regist ers, with the except ion of those
where the “Read Only” check boxes are checked. Note that pressing either the “Read” or “Write” button will
perform the operation on all of the registers displayed.
Figure 19. Manually Reading and Writing Registers
Read and Write Details
When reading or writing the I2C registers using the Read/Write commands, each register will read or write as a
single-byte I2C instruction, from the first register to the last. If a read or write operation fails before the final
address, the operation is aborted immediately, a message is displayed, and unread registers are updated to
display a red “XX” pattern.
June 4, 2014 14 Revision 1.0