The DS1220Y executes a read cycle whenever
(Write Enable) is inactive (high) and
E na b le) a nd
(Output Enable) are act ive ( low). The unique addre ss specified by the 11 address inputs
(A0-A10) defines which of the 2048 bytes of data is to be accessed. Valid data will be available to the
e ig ht dat a out put dr ivers w it hin t ACC (Access T ime) after the la st ad dress input signa l is st able, pr ovid ing
access times are also satisfied. If
and OE access times are not satisfied, then data
access must be measured fro m t he lat er-occu r r ing s ig nal a nd t he limiting para met er is e ither tCO for
tOE for
rather than address acces s.
The DS1220Y executes a write cycle whenever the
signals are active (low) after address
inputs are stable. The later-occurring falling edge of
will determine the start of the write
cycle. T he wr ite c ycle is t erminat ed by the ear lier r ising edge o f
. All address inputs must be
kept valid throughout the write cycle.
must return to the high state for a minimum recovery time
(tWR) before a not her c ycle can be initiated. The
control signal should be kept inact ive (high) during
write cycles to avoid bus contention. However, if the output drivers are enabled (
will disab le the outputs in tODW fro m it s fa lling edge.
The DS1220Y provides fu ll-fu nctio na l c a p a bi lity f o r VCC gr eat er than 4.5 vo lt s and wr ite pr otect s at 4.25
nominal. Data is maintained in the absence of VCC without any additional support circuitry. The
DS1220Y constant ly monit o rs VCC. Sho u ld t he su pp ly vo lt age decay, t he NV SRAM aut o mat ical ly wr it e
protects itself, all inputs become “don’t care,” and all outputs become high-impedance. As VCC falls
below approximately 3.0 volts, a power switching circuit connects the lit hium energy source to RAM to
ret ain dat a. Dur ing po wer-u p, w he n V CC r ises abo ve ap pro ximat ely 3. 0 vo lt s, t he po wer sw it ching circu it
connects external VCC to RAM and disconnects the lithium energy source. Normal RAM operation can
resume a fter V CC exceeds 4.5 volts.